Dedicated to
Basil Brave Heart, a Lakota Sioux Mystic and Medicine Man and Warrior Veteran of the Korean War and Author who has brought immense Kindness and Peace to His People and every race of humankind on our planet.
The Public University
for the Synthesis of Knowledge
July 30, 2013
I am a philosopher, actually a dialectician, probably no where near as thorough as Emmanuel Kant. The categorical imperative of Kant is just as true today as it was for the early Gnostic Christians. I am by nature a Humanitarian in the spirit of Dr. Albert Schweitzer. I immensely appreciate, explore and study all that is Zoroaster, Abraham, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohammed and Meher Baba. When I was young, I appreciated the clarity of Doctor T. D. Suzuki who was a great Zen Scholar of the Rinzai Zen sect of Buddhism who I was contemporary with for a wonderful number of years, like Avatar Meher Baba. I was raised an empiricist and study and seek the grand unified field by dialectic science and dialectic philosophy. I am a student of the Mystic, for sure. I do have something to say of import and I will try hard to communicate some difficult concepts in language that is understandable as I am able to provide. What I think I know should be shared as I know we are certain that these ideas have some merit.
The notion that there is something we all can understand and comprehend is essential to unified field theory, or idea theory. Empirical science has no inherent adversity or conflict to or with spirituality and religion. If the unified theory does not include everything we know of and if it is not simple to convey, it is not the correct theory or hypothesis as the tests of science invalidate what the theory states as the unifying principle of knowledge in true synthesis. If it does not solve the epistemological difficulty or problem of the underlying principle of knowledge, it needs be false. This includes the study of all things and how all things are integrated together in reality for us to make sense of in our understanding. I have been working on this notion of synthesis for sixty years.
Because the Public is the whole public, there can be no separation of church and state as the Public is not the Federal government, just coequal. The Federal Government is the tool of the Public to enhance and protect the Public’s life, liberty and happiness without habeas corpuses. The people are the public and we need desperately to wake up. After all, if a grand unified field theory is not comprehensible, it is worthless and merely serves to use paper and confound those who most need to understand what rings true for all of us and in all of us. Death by politics, religion, philosophy and stupidity is not allowed in the world of the New Humanity, only evolution and involution of consciousness are authorized in the great conversation of the collective mind of human kind as the New Humanity.
Each of us in our own way is a separate and complete universe within a grand design of a universe of universes. Our experience of space and time gives us the impression that it is all going somewhere from somewhere. This passage of events is like a fuse burning from moment to moment and with a purpose, which is not easily grasped or appreciated.
We stand on the edge or beginning of a great renaissance of learning and exploration that may have never been possible in by gone ages such as Atlantis, which really may have existed some two hundred and fifty thousand years ago. After all, we have identified a humanoid primate found in Germany that is dated at forty-seven million years old. Meher Baba was asked how old human kind is and He indicated "would you believe eight-four million years." It is stated in Mr. Kulturi’s book that there are seventeen thousand humanoid worlds, as well. But, I do not want to speculate to much on such ideas and theories, all though important for synthesis.
There are an extraordinary number of gifted musicians and authors and artists and scientists from all around this world expressing themselves for some very real purpose. The worlds of science, technology and design and entertainments are becoming ever more rich and varied, but to my mind all these things that are living and growing from us is not more and more disordered and chaotic as in the physics of entropy that predicts an unimaginably long plunge into a sea of photons and cold. I am sure it has happened or will happen somewhere in the universe of universes and any other imaginable endings for universes besides this one that are not countable by the Devine, itself.
This idea of synthesis requires belief and/or the suspension of belief, of course. It seems, humans are uniquely suited to believe this or that including a grand unified field that may be comprehended by one and all in peace. I began thinking in these terms when I was very young, probably three or four. I just could not quite get how to explain these ideas to others in a manner that first could be comprehended and then put into practice by all of us together. Well, after trying to figure out how best to explain my self after some sixty-five years, I have decided I must simply due the best I can and hope for the best.
So, I am not a great scholar nor am I a great mathematician, although, elements of these abilities certainly resonate through my ideas and many others. The amazing thing is the "disordered" universe is producing a whole new human, with new poetry, new art, new war, unfortunately, new science and cell phones. We are all evolving because of the pressure of population growth and our understanding of the cosmos. Good humans are writing and creating the most wonderful poetry and music in the verse. This universe was created for us as we the people. We are not accidents in the way some agnostics believe. Our Home produced a life form who is greater than the sum of all its parts, humanity! The universe did this to see itself to literally look upon itself by a creature that evolved from the infinite universe seeking to see itself. We are ideally suited to study the very small and the very large. The urge is to know and it is expressed by and through us.
Recently Robert Plant was asked what he thought was important, and Mr. Plant said, "to surround ones’ self with kind people." What a wonderful genius expression this is. Well said, Sir Plant. Do you know how difficult that is to do or locate?
We are our own salvation and I truly sense everyone knows that this is true as a human being. We are very close to comprehending space/time and time/space. We are very close too understanding how to transcend the need for money as depicted in Star Trek. We are very close to figuring out what past to future really means for free wells as our destiny and fate. We are very close to compassionate love of our fragile Home and each other. Of course, only the synthesis of knowledge (a process) will evolve us which makes for jobs for all, to study all, to question all and to be all. The only thing that is lacking is a lack of awareness and involution of consciousness and peaceful ways and means to implement synthesis of knowledge as the process it is, in and through the awakened Public.
The following never to end or find completion chapters may demonstrate a very real purpose for us, humanity. We are running into the arms of our mothers or wish we were. We must let democracy ring, for we truly are our own salvation.
Humanity is: Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; through infinity squared (ad infinitum squared). We live in a triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void that created itself from nothing and still is nothing experiencing itself as the Illusion. It is an Object I call the triple tetrahedral triangle that is expressed in space/time and time space. Think of snow flakes as fractal.
It exists outside and/or inside and/or both and/or neither of space/time, time/space; it creates the universe of universes and is the gravity over control of all in this infinite and eternal sea of vapor and smoke burning along like a fuse everywhere toward an eternal absolute future of coalescence. It is infinitely large and small at the same moment. It attracts and repeals at the same moment. It is a nine intersecting planes unified as ten as the tetrahedron. It may be the Higgs Field and much more. It is its own purpose, eternally and infinitely. You can actually see the tetrahedrons in your head in deep meditation. You must have the ability to be conscious of being conscious all the while working and humming in your heart. It takes a while. Our higher nature is calling out to us all to accomplish the evolution and involution of the New Humanity.
We have been given to us from the universe the gift to become and create the most high and loving society with teeth. It can’t be done with rancorous hate and fear, for damn sure. Human cooperation and compromise are the tools of education and enlightenment. Ignorance runs before consciousness and the light of knowledge and does not find a corner to hide in. The head of the eagle on the great seal of the Commander in Chief points away from the arrows toward the fig leaves. NASA and University point the way in our age to enlightenment.
Should we all begin to create a public cooperative university for syntheses of knowledge and harmonious progress? At the least there will be full employment when it becomes fully implemented by all of us working toward our common goals of survival and purpose without inferiority and rancor. Certainly one person is ill equipped to create the conditions which lead us all toward a fact-based consensus of shared truth and mutual cooperation. Obviously, that is the course or path humanity is following though space/time, time/space of our sketchy history. Now is the time to accomplish something meaningful for us all.
Wouldn’t it be great if we took charge of the process as a mutually shared grasping of our understandings of what we are and why we are peacefully with mutual respect and acceptance? All this for the purpose that eventually, everything will know everything as an expression of finite experience. We need help, the help of each other that wish to get it. It’s going to take a great social discussion in the media. If we do not consciously and conscientiously grow into a position of human expression our governments will never be governed by us, the people. Our Federal government is in great need of being intensely scrutinized and reflected by the People our Public, but only as a shared goal of continually perfecting human discourse and respect for all points of view without rancor. President Clinton said many times that we should not practice being cynical and dismissive of one another. Tall order for all of us.
President Obama is in a unique position to give resonances to the ideas of organizing the public to do good works supported by our own governing system. You know, a government of the people and for all the people shall not pass from this earth so that our government is reflected by a non profit or for a profit cooperative university to synthesize knowledge, an eternal process. The campaign of 2012 demonstrates the need to organize our ideas and make them heard throughout the world. Let us, our social consciousness, let freedom ring. It is amazing how many wonderful ideas are out there, needing to find a conduit of expression and growth and purpose. I am suggesting we try. There are no problems, only solutions.
Only an organized and self-directed public awareness will cause making the best choices for us and our future made up of us and our human goals. This is a process and reality made by us for us in accord with a known consent in agreement of fact-based truths and priorities. I am fairly certain that is how people of good will actually impact the conversation and effect real change and growth of civilization. Without fact-based truth, ignorance, hate and fear prevail and are fostered in and on the minds of humanity. We have been talking about this long before Plato, possibly hundreds of thousands of years ago. It is time to awaken.
So now, I am going to finish writing several chapters on looking at life, the cosmos, and everything from our point of view, human. And with a little help from my friends, humanity will win for a very long time. It is a veritable book and cornucopias of life and its purpose and how we all benefit, prosper and find real life meaning in an individual and social reality by simply evolving into the new humanity of our own free well out of a need to cooperate to thieve and grow. What amazes me are the forces availed to prevent the growth of human consciousness and consensus and democracy? This notion of power is irrelevant when the Public has chosen democracy instead as knowledge is power. Let freedom ring!
Chapter 1- Politics, government and jobs 01-10
Chapter 2 - The Charter of the Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge 11-16
Chapter 3 - Cosmogony and Philosophy and Synthesis 17-35
Chapter 4 - Spirituality, Religion and Love and War 36-41
Chapter 5 - The Book of Life and its Purpose and Meaning 42-50
Chapter 6 - Free Enterprise as a Concept of Cooperation 51-
Chapter 1- Politics, government and jobs
Politics, government and jobs and the new Public Union Party
Out of all the dubious problems facing humanity, one happens to be, one we control or may adequately control which are jobs. Literally, billions of jobs need to be created to give folks the opportunity to survive with dignity and health and safety. I say this because if there are no jobs typically people rebel and it gets ugly fast. Entrepreneurs create jobs with proper support, public, private and governmental. You run out of reasons to create jobs and the economy falters and it cycles over and over in despair.
The Science Channel suggests we question everything. I agree, but we should study everything and create and fund jobs, public, private and governmental, for studying everything, actually as world wide university of entrepreneurs well educated and funded for the active and on going synthesis of knowledge. An active organization of this scope and ambition would produce trillions of dollars of capital and revenues and give everyone a good job. Eventually this idea of cooperation and integration of ideas into creating universal employment and synergistic outcomes prevails over all others in a rational world. Peace and thriving growth make for good business and government for all.
Each of us is now able to obtain all the factual knowledge we can personally handle. If we all worked together in university, we would all have a life time job involved in the pursuit of knowledge and learning regardless of the skills sets needed for the immense number of meaningful jobs that exist now and the future. Leadership is required; the social network demonstrates that the people may organize to elect presidents.
What then should we all work on next; ourselves the universe and everything. Online colleges are reinventing educational opportunity for the Public. This is private enterprise upholding the capitalist opportunity to succeed economically for folks that could never obtain this level of education in the traditional sense. The tax payer often pays large sums of money to universities to educate veterans, just as our fathers’ generation did after WW II. Virgin money as a corporation is supporting a startup loan program with the UK in a private governmental partnership. Research and development funded properly produces sustained growth and an educated work force with good paying jobs as a component of life long education affiliation in the university.
The central idea is we empower each other to create solutions. Being fluid and understanding that there are no problems, only solutions provide self discovery and societal evolution. Now if no one trusts anyone else and we don’t trust ourselves, either, we are living in ignorance and pain, fears and hate and hate and fears. Gee, that wears folks out and destroys the Public awareness. The Public is like a person only that person is all of us, all the time.
For the first time in our history we may all know the facts about most anything. The facts say the world is more than six thousand years old, for instance. The world is not flat. We did land on the Moon. Neither women nor men are superior to one another. Every citizen of the United States has the right to vote without obstruction.
The American people are the Government. It is our duty to ensure our representatives are doing our business and if they are not, they are likely told and replaced. If we are about country, honor and the courage of freedom to act, all we need is mutual cooperation to organization through the apparent consensus that seems to come from open discourse in the social network and public. When a political party gerrymanders state districts to deny the one person one vote democratic ideal, democracy is endangered. A party that gerrymanders does not deserve the status of a nationally recognized party, any longer. There were states in the last election of 2012 where representatives were elected with fewer votes than the representatives of the other party due to gerrymandering efforts of certain state legislatures to deny majority rule and to make it more difficult for minority groups to have their voices heard democratically.
No one until President Barrack Obama has been able or really tried to harness the social consciousness to improve and strengthen the Union because the new media is there to use. There are thousands of cynical and skeptical minds about what the actual motives of this new form of governing are and where it might lead all of us. The deal is, it is here and we must use it to communicate really good ideas and methods of implementing sane change and growth and to stop the erosion of democracy. All of us have never had the opportunity to actively participate in all manners of ways both mental and physical with what happens to all of us until now. We need our voices to be heard. Are you a spokesperson? I think we all are, so use your voice in the media and vote.
I saw on the news the studies that have been trying to determine if Greenland and Antarctic are melting more than they are being replenished by snow. They are melting at an increasingly rapid rate, apparently. Greenland is losing more ice than is replaced by snow fall. If it alone were to melt it is estimated to add fifteen feet to the Ocean. Antarctica would add one hundred feet to the Ocean. It is estimated that Miami Beach, Florida, USA will have five feet of water by the end of this Century. This issue was barely addressed in the last election in America. Should we be concerned?
Just before the election, one of the largest storms in known human history occurred along the East coast of North America known as Sandy. A series of amazing storms impacted the North West Coast of North America in the Spring of 2012, one after another beyond anything we know of in the past. The summer of 2012 saw some of the most extensive and damaging floods around the world, ever seen or recorded. Are or representatives in Congress laboring under the false belief it will get better or just go away?
I don’t know, is climate change some problem seeking solutions or not? The Public has an amazing amount to do with this issue if it wishes. The point is, we are the solution by function in consensus. How do we find and track the Public’s consensus? I am sure there is lots of consensus trackers and pole takers, but it is decentralized and hard to locate as the news media follows the bouncing ball and little else, unfortunately. What is significant to the news media one day is rapidly replaced the next.
I think I will create a blog and page and attempt to start a conduit of ideas used to advance what is important, by consensus. Maybe, a book and a Tweet and a Face and a Google, but who knows. All of you can do that too and move the conversation by your facts and opinions and analysis. I suppose this much input could be handled much as S.E.T.I. crunches its numbers or Google Corporation follows our habits and trends down to personalizing their models of us not to mention the National Security Agency (NSA) and its analysis of all of us using electronic devices.
Our future is posed to be a world of ideas, may the best ideas grow and heal and inspire and bless the human effort to successfully survive and thrive in peace. You know it is doable if we do it.
Well, then, we need a discourse and conversation for creating purposeful and meaningful quality jobs based upon a life time affiliation with educational institutions. It literally must come to pass that anyone must have the right to prosper and grow if we all do. Ideas implement actions which produce creativity which produces that which is useful and needed. Computers were an idea, a search engine was an idea, Wikopedia was an idea, tweets was an idea.
A clearing house of ideas is needed with everyone’s input to solve our human issues by consensus that is not forgotten the next day. Let us continue to do it like we have been doing it but with the addition of media, then, and please, show me how. Social media produces outcomes that are greater than the whole network and produce positive synergistic results if applied. What effect would a university that studies everything and does not forget have on the great conversation. It couldn’t hurt if used for transparent purposes.
The problem with all social media is the same problem with the news media. There is no lasting focus or memory component and folks forget what it was that they wished to get behind, such as the environment, or anti-war efforts, or inequality in the work place, housing, citizenship, race, gender, sexual orientation, good jobs with good pay, voting, health care and many other issues that are not the focus of our everyday consciousness. Most of us are just trying to survive as current wages have created a true class society of the rich and those struggling to survive.
If we decide to study everything, there are jobs for anyone who wishes to work, and more. Who pays for the jobs!? We do, just like we pay for everything now, greatly expanded.
A new sense of progressive activism from the conservative and liberal mind set are required. Thomas Jefferson and Adams shared a common zeal for Nation building. You know, that bold experiment called America, the New Atlantis at last. Nothing has changed, Ladies and Gentlemen, we find ourselves on the edge of a dream in the most interesting and challenging times ever. The population bomb, climate change with the very real possibility that there will be five more feet of water in the ocean within twenty years, clean potable water for billions and the food to feed us, with billionaires telling us what to think and do so they may continue to pollute on a grand scale, and tell us we all like it.
Let us have multiple generations of autistic and attention deficit children. It certainly cuts down on competition and equality the very rich apparently wish to curtail and end. I do not suggest all billionaires approach reality in this manner, such as, Richard Branson of Virgin and others who understand the obstacles and issues that confront humankind.
Only personal leadership and cooperation will produce a new result. We have been applying the same old notions to big problems, expecting different results, again and again, and rapidly getting no where except grid lock in government. Congress has a very real role in creating a deadlocked society we are experiencing because no one is able to validate anyone else because our representatives fear they won’t be elected if they do not conform to party dictums. The whole democratic process is based on compromise and cooperation for the common good. We are unable to define what the common good is any longer mainly due to money, vast quantities of money of which a good portion is spent to foster ignorance and disinformation on a global scale.
The ignorant and obstructionists believe the minority must rule and dictate what the majority must accept. We fought the Revolution and the Civil War over this notion of governance. We bow before no king, or politician or billionaire or child tyrant hell bent on returning us to the Middle Ages as neo serfs working for the neo plantation owners. Equality and acceptance under Republican Democracy is the purpose of our Constitution that we are sworn to continue to perfect as activist citizens.
To be a good leader, one must practice being a good follower. Born leaders have a sense of this and tape it to move others to do things that appear to be for some ones’ best interests, but not necessarily the common good. Let us as leaders and followers concentrate on the common good. The interstate highway system refurbished, a new high speed rail system, far fewer gas guzzling aircraft, a university for the synthesis of knowledge are all examples of infrastructures that benefit all of us and cry out for modification and evolution. These large investments in our selves produce jobs and renaissance in thought. Nations, the peoples of the world, filled with the hope for a better tomorrow drive the human race forward, nothing less.
The Concept of Cooperation derives its power from consensuses based on mutual respect and genuine positive regard for ones self and others who demonstrate through their behavior toward your person a propensity to work toward common goals such as a green high speed surface transportation system that uses the renewable resources along its path to power it and the electrical grid. This would upgrade our electrical grid and distribution system with green technologies. Part of such a system could be bored, part elevated, and part, surface tubes. Doing such collective and collaborative feats requires a common vision of growth toward improving the run away melting of the ice fields all over the Earth and good paying jobs far into the future for many generations of Americans to come.
A cooperative university actively seeks Public support to participate openly and freely as the fourth Branch of Government who is the people and all the people. All this to study our Government, reflect our Government and directly influence our Government from the local, to the county or parish, to the states and to the federal Branches of Government. Does public opinion work effectively? Probably, or I won’t make the effort. Let us organize our government to do the will of the Public. This will produce the Great Debate and Discourse in the media and world of ideas with direct consequence for all our Representatives and how they work to benefit the Public. This idea of minority rule must end.
The last time I suggested that a free institution of citizens reflect and lobby all levels of government, I was staked out and watched and taped for months and monitored for years by the FBI even while serving as a citizen soldier in the United States Army, simply, for writing a short book seeking to awaken the public with the implementation of a university to synthesize knowledge. The Federal Government is much more benign and transparent now than it was in the late sixties and early seventies do in part to citizens rising up and taking their government back fro special interests that sought to fight a medium intensity war far into the future for the benefit of the military industrial complex at the expense of the poor who were the primary cannon fodder used to fight such wars. This included the treasonist war fostered by politicians upon the public for nefarious reasons involving huge profits, such as Haliburton corporation stole from the American tax payer in this and other false wars. These types of folks lobby congress all the time with impunity. We were lied to about Vietnam and we were lied to about Iraq and in part about Afghanistan were we did virtually nothing for eight years after the Taliban Party retreated to Pakistan, while we fought an entirely false war in Iraq
Gee, can’t have those pesky citizens getting too heavily involved in government to actually influence and even direct its course according to the public will with the Authority of the Constitution. I actually believe that now that we all know it works, will efforts to refine the collective consciousness be used to awaken the sleeping giant that is the Public of the United States. Governors and mayors from around the country actually participate in this form of consensus building every year at their conferences. National political parties do this consensus building every four years in their conventions. Corporations seek consensuses from their shareholders in shareholder meetings. The United Nations seeks consensus in any number of ways for the betterment of humanity every day. Clergy do consuls to discuss interfaith programs to feed the poor and bring faith to the masses.
These are all groups that comprise the Public, even the United Nations as the headquarters of this organization is here at the behest of the Public through our elected officials and the gifting of the property that allows a centralized location from a very wealthy private individual. Still, we have no organized effort to focus the efforts of the Public. It is all done willy nilly for short term gains such as elections and support for the environment or something.
Economy is growth and/or contraction, supply/demand and demand/supply; always, a war between Free Enterprise, i.e., cooperatives (cooperation), not to be confused with Private Enterprise, i.e., corporations (control, power and big money). Both work and both require the other to work well for both ideas to thrive. Nineteenth Century into Twentieth Century America grew farmers’ cooperatives and workers’ unions. The twentieth century saw the dramatic decline in this function of government, thus unbalancing the dynamics between the Four and Co-Equal Branches of the Federal Government of the United States of America. The public got the shaft and big business made trillions at the expense of the middle class and poor.
By actively working to end cooperatives and unions and collective bargaining, communication between individuals declines and the democratic function of good republican democracy gives way to conditions that are less than transparent in government and business. You may not create a more perfect union when greed rules without the active voice of the people for the consensus of the public purpose and governance of, by and for the people in an awakened and organized manner that does not go away.
Chapter 2 - The Charter of the University for the Synthesis of Knowledge
The Constitution of the United States of America Preamble:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Charter Preamble
We the people of the United States of America reaffirm and recognize that the Public is the fourth coequal branch of the Federal Government and that the Constitution of the United States is created by the people to sustain and protect and reflect the will of the Public and the Constitution as Republican Democracy in each State and the Union by the exercise of the one person one vote election right we possess as citizens of the Public. This right to vote literally manifests as the Constitution in the coequal branches of the Executive, Representative and Judicial branches of the Federal government. The people create and allow the Public to exist though the exercise of our rights as citizens as determined by Public consensus by voting and the established Constitution. Thus, in order to form a more equal, transparent and responsive union in such a society, public, private and federal, we the people do proclaim and destine this Charter for the acknowledgment and establishment of the University for the Synthesis and Union of Knowledge of and for the Public by the active consensus of whomever elects to freely participate in governing by learning and growth (e. g., study) with empathy, compassion and kindness toward all. I am sure this could be shorter, but it says what it needs to say.
Article One
The university exercises any ideas, concepts and purposes for the peaceful organization and integration of knowledge by all participants that are appropriate under the laws and regulations of the United States of America for the purpose of the evolution by comprehensive and sustained effort which help perfect the Public’s Government by synthesis of knowledge and what this process entails for the benefit of, by and for the people.
Synthesis of knowledge by the university is merely the continuation and expansion and correlations of the studies of epistemological (i.e., knowledge) based science and beliefs and ideas of all types and forms to study and learn (i.e., empiricism) and establish factual consensuses for actions that protect and sustain a free people through the transparent exercise of government and what our discovered truths allows us to act upon by peaceful and constructive consensuses.
This idea of cooperation and collaboration in university involves the willful cooperation of all the institutions and agencies established in the world that embrace such cooperative efforts to obtain knowledge for public, private and government of all nations in a cogent unified manner to evolve the infinite potential of all human beings. This is not meant in any way to challenge or usurp the sovereignty of any world government or existing entity or group. If any institution, government or private or public enterprise or organization and individual, is threatened or debased, then the very purpose of the university is abused and is in error. Working together brings an age of peace and growth in human society to everyone’s advantage. All this, while, preserving the rights of privacy and self determination of those elements of society, economic and political and faith based organizations, that deem secrecy and nonparticipation in university as essential to their ends, as well.
The "control" sought by the university is to permanently establish cooperation among all human beings of a good well without directing any specific outcomes other than the advancement of learning through science and ideas by providing an environment and sustained awareness for open debate, discourse and conversation amongst people of all persuasions and beliefs for consensus as a platform for reform and positive change.
Through this process of study, learning and debate a common consensus of voices becomes the spokesperson of the people, no matter where they live in the world. The university focuses the priorities and purposes of us all by involving everyone participating in the process. Only, with the advent of the new mass media is this synthesis even possible. It now exists and it is evolving, so let us endeavor to integrate, through diversity of speech, a common consensus of action to actually address and solve problems, like the population bomb, the climate change bomb, the food and water bomb, the equality bomb and the energy bomb and many others. Only through vast public cooperation and awareness and collaborations are these issues addressed, focused, integrated and undertaken by and for us all.
The university cooperative concept is a clearing house of ideas for the purposeful evolution of positive change. The news media is evolving to fill this need to communicate and clarify, but it currently focuses on short term news and issues. So how do we evolve beyond where we are by expanding our scope and function? It requires a collective debate for answers. It does not require a static university entity that changes slowly and never seems to get to the fruit of the dilemma. The cooperative university must be fluid, responsive and dynamic and can only be fully defined by all who wish to participate in evolution.
Facebook and Twitter and Google and others moves us toward this new evolution of knowledge and understanding which could focus on solving issues and problems confronting humankind. Thus, the cooperative university only works when it continually grows and changes to adapt to new discoveries and information made available to the people for active discussion and directed communication to the institutions established by and for all of us who are empowered by us to solve problems effectively, factually and fairly.
The support for the Public University is to simply ask individuals, groups, organizations, colleges and universities, public and private institutions and the Federal Government to join the great debate with the unique and specific knowledge base that each of the before mentioned folks and more bring to the public discussion with their advantage of an extant knowledge base in each of their domains. Like a voluntary Greggs list of supporters for the common good, for profit or not depending on each groups or individuals function and expertise and agenda. The University must by necessity act as a clearing house of ideas and information without bias to "bring all sects, cults and creeds together like beads on one string." The method to accomplish this feat is the media.
A great deal of the knowledge and information to solve difficult problems is extant in all the available groups individualists thus far mentioned, but lacks a central focal point to foster conscious human evolution and collaboration through cooperation. We must want to find the ways and means to heal the planet and project our unified voice into a safe future for the preservation of our species. This requires great intelligence and heart and work from us all. After all, the University is a mere idea that must find purchase in the minds of human beings only if the idea is worthy of merit and holds promise and hope in an atmosphere of shared kindnesses.
Mr. Branson could get together with Mr. Ballard, whom argue about exploring the seas or leaving the Earth do all of it and more. Let us actually think and discuss how to do both, all tied into a central hub of knowledge, support and cooperation, and solve a few dozen problems and determine our course, even if the ignorant are kicking and screaming because of the light of knowledge and cooperation. We watched such a collaboration of talented people elect a president. Maybe, I am a fool but it just feels right and exciting and necessary. If we do not come together to tackle the really big issues facing us, then it will look like a train wreck happening in slow motion all over the world. Pretty much like it appears now.
Article II
I could never come to grips with how to leave behind ones ideas without great ambiguity. In other words, I didn’t see how to explain something I feel is significant to us all. I decided finally that I do the best I can. Hence, article two, and how we communicate essential facts that support one another so empirical consensus of opinion through the participation of the majority of all citizens are realized by and through the great debate and conversation leading to consensus.
Any public startup could be for profit or nonprofit depending on the immediate purpose of expansion for the first time. I tried it in the Seventies as a quasi nonprofit and found that startup members are required to be self motivated high information folks interested in transparent participation as self actualized entities. Hard to find such individuals. I suspect since Facebook, Twitter, Google, the blog, instant messaging, Skype, Virgin, SETI, NASA, space X, a smart president, and god knows, these minds are more available.
Probably, a web based startup offering a question and answer board, blog, a social interface and whatever else we can invent and use to synthesize knowledge and communicate it successfully is desirable. I think Google is moving toward an information university model of business. They are trying to scan all the books in the world and locate all of us in space and time. Nothing smart about these guys. Obviously, none of this is possible unless Apple and Microsoft and Sun exist.
I believe it is unwise to compete against anyone for purely personal gain in this endeavor, but it is wise to join and cooperate with other entities for common goals in a transparent manner. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Obviously I wish human kind to evolve of our own volition. It is essential that this concept grows naturally or it simply will not work. Who then is in charge of such an organization? I would say consensus, but there is a lot of work before such evolved consensus. I suggest a committee find a consensus at first opportunity. Many brilliant folks are able to motivate themselves to motivate others to simply begin to realize the long process of synthesis of knowledge. We actually do not know what synthesis is until we actually do it.
The difficult part is interesting individuals, groups, universities, religions’ foundations and everybody and everything to change to a form of self governance that equates the Public with as an active and self-aware branch of government. It takes conservative and liberal minds, it takes spiritual minds, it takes military minds and all minds, working away in a peaceful manner to gain control of our own government, local, state and federal for the good of all by mutual consent as the great debate in the great conversation. Four centuries there is an attempt to keep the people and public asleep, so those with selfish motives can subjugate and manipulate the will of the people for greed and power. This slothful behavior is the definition of ignorance. It was written, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." This is true when Machiavelli said it in the "Prince" and true today.
Article III
The Public Party by its nature is a union made up of the willing to form a national union of workers that represent its members on some level of integration and synthesis which contribute to creation of jobs for all. It seems that there is an attempt afoot which seeks to destroy unions of all types and to hinder collective bargaining between workers and employers whether government or private. Free Enterprise as an economic engine for profit and democracy seeks to establish unions where large groups of workers who work for the common good are given a voice in their own affairs and on their behalf, such as in employee owned businesses. The university to synthesize knowledge empowers workers and employers with transparent information, so the best outcomes for the greatest number of individuals are possible due directly to active participation of individuals in the collecting of information for the mediation process to function fairly. Only when business and workers are united in achieving their mutual goals is progress made in cooperation towards these ends. Capitalism without a purpose creates today’s society which is functionally dead where there is no cooperation between management and workers.
There are now seven billion hungry souls on this planet headed to fifteen billion. The only way to create enough jobs to support humanity in peace is to study everything and employ everyone that wishes to work by integrating education and university to work as discreet jobs where we study everything as our jobs as part of the learning and advancement process. If we do not proceed in a civilized manner chaos will prevail. In the world, diplomacy, cooperation and mutual respect are the only roads forward to achieve such employment and knowledge based focus on solving problems that have plagued humankind for tens of thousands of years
The us and them world we occupy, serve wealth in the hands of the few. There is nothing wrong with this reality as long as the health and welfare of the individuals who actually produce the wealth through their efforts as employees, are not placed in jeopardy by and for the motives of greed. Eventually we will transcend capitalism, socialism, racism, and the distinction of us and them but not without a New Public effort to cooperate on solving the real problems facing human kind efficiently and effectively.
Think of the jobs and knowledge that are created and shared by simply organizing all the existing universities and collages to solve human problems and issues in this open forum of knowledge and debate. When corporations join with institutions of learning and science, we achieve an on going synthesis of purpose and jobs for those who wish to work. We will not know such a new world view until we do it.
Our Federal Government in its capacity to serve the people in an equitable manner could make its efforts more focused on actually ridding the world of poverty and disease and actually recognize that the Public has a new voice that eventually is heard and obtains results through massive cooperation. The population bomb alone will require such feats of cooperation between government agencies and the Public merely to survive as a viable species. I would rather start working on this effort now rather than being forced into cooperation as water and food become less available. There are many private and governmental organizations working this problem every day. It would be great if we could integrate all these efforts together for synergistic results brought about this synthesis .
China has built a high speed rail line across China, and the United States finds ways and means not to follow suit. Transportation in Europe is probably fifty years ahead of the United States. We assumed based on greed again that we needed to fly everywhere and there is no need for high speed rail to move goods because we have an interstate highway system for moving everything around. One flight from Los Angeles to New York uses enough fuel to allow one driver to their gas operated automobile for the rest of their life. It is in the final analysis an amazing amount of waste of fuel for short term profit.
The interstate highway system is expandable by running highspeed rail tubes above, on and below the right of way. Green industries may be created all along the new rail routes to generate the power such an infrastructure requires using the wind, water, and sun that are available to such an enterprise. Great new fortunes and corporations for profit would emerge and benefit just as when rail was originally laid in this country. Free enterprise actually encourages capitalism to grow and flourish when it is not at the material expense of the workers who actually make the profit for private enterprise. Really folks, the idea of slavery must be banished from this earth of we are to succeed as a race of intelligent beings.
We could easily design and build green corridors alone the existing Interstate Highway System, bringing together the knowledge and skills of the twenty first century and completely re-energize America and the World. These corridors would use our best science and organization to rebuild the roads, rails, power grid and total infrastructure to spread these advancements equitably among the States and Protectorates. We should connect the world by spanning the Barring Straits by bridge and tunnel by rail and road from the tip of South America to the bottom of Africa. President John Kennedy was working on this notion when he was interrupted by the forces of utter ignorance.
What prevents America from re-inventing itself is lack of vision and a stomach for creative change. Forces of ignorance and greed fail to grasp any way forward and dwell on the ancient past in dreams of power and control who actually conspire to defeat the very notion of democracy and freedom in dignity and prosperity equitably. These trolls and fools who pray upon the enlightened mind must be met head on and enlightened by the people while they go screaming into the night they would have the masses endure at their whims.
The reason that we currently do not have full employment is purely economic in nature. One large segments of the population view the poor as the new racial slur. That somehow these poor folks are taking from the rest of us and that we do not have an obligation to solve the problem of poverty that somehow by ignoring various untouchable and unspeakable segments of the population that they will just magically go away.
This belief system arises from the perceived need for self preservation. Even if this is a problem of survival, and it is, it will not be solved in a vacuum of denial and moral and ethical retreat from our own humanity by bearing our collective head in the earth and pretending it is not my problem. I would like to see folks ignore this problem when there are fifteen billion of us on this very small planet in the next fifty years, or when four more feet of melt water have raised the oceans five feet in the last hundred years as Greenland and Antarctica are run away melts right now. Fifty years ago we could have prevented this melt and its consequences, but I doubt we have the will to prevent the additional four feet of sea rise in the next fifty years.
We are literally running out of time to organize and meet these threats to all of us with intelligence and monumental cooperation on a global scale. We as a nation and people are the natural leaders for such cooperative efforts and we have a plan, now, for evolving solutions to immense problems that will effect and affect us all and soon. Hopefully, there are many folks who will respond positively to these efforts to prosper, learn and grow and succeed as a species. If we do not learn how to do this, it could become a real waking nightmare on many levels both personal and governmental. We are intelligent enough to accomplish anything we wish to do if we truly learn how to cooperate and focus our collective efforts and will, including climate mediation. I am not hopeful as the reading level of Americans is literally embarrassing to the educated. Again, the forces of ignorance conspire to keep the masses in a state low information and satisfaction, quite asleep and complacent.
Chapter 3 - Cosmogony and Philosophy and Synthesis
I pointed out that I am not a mathematician or cosmologist, just a thinker, a dialectic philosopher. However, the very first thoughts I had were cosmological and geometrical in substance. The geometry was unbidden and would not go away. The cosmology brought pure unbidden pleasure and sense of adventure and creative change. I figured out right away that one could use one’s brain and probably figure out everything to ones satisfaction. One of the first notions I discovered is if you have enough information to ask a question you have enough information to answer it. I learned that after you illuminate all possibilities what remains are the facts or conclusion, and it is always the simplest solution.
As a die-hard dialectician my very simple theory or hypothesis including what we already have discovered since nineteen sixty eight is:
Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; to infinity squared.
The universe of universes is literally turning itself inside out to experience all of the infinity in the finite as infinite universes, worlds and dimensions through live experience to infinity squared through the experience of fininity. We call this time in our space/time experience. It would be experienced as space in the time/space continuum we are in intimate congress with in space/time.
I have found no reason to change or alter in any way my initial sense of things. I worked on that equation about sixteen years before it made me happy. There now is good evidence that space is flat by nature and that our universe is infinite and that there are an infinite number of other infinite verses which can be measured and tested because of the science of studying W-map and Planck images thus far obtained by that science.
Humans exist in a reality between the infinitely large structure of the universe of universes and the equally and infinitely finite structure of the particle wave that unifies the large and small in the very small where the infinite and finite join to produce space/time and time/space in the evolving infinite universe we occupy. We are perfect tools for studying both the very large and the very small by our evolution and/or by design. It would be a mistake to not study both possibilities.
The most important part of my theories and postulations and concepts are that no single person is capable of synthesis with regard to knowledge, unless it is the Avatar whom I do not officially speak of or for. I think I have a few important and fundamental insights into what is actually going down all around that might help the self extant cause of knowledge and verification.
The only ego I have about my ideas is that if they are ones that practically work for our survival and increase our curiosity then they were well worth sharing. I am dead serious that our very survival as a race depends on our working together in a state of cooperative consensuses without rancor.
I also found out that it is possible to think about very small things and if you think small enough, you end up in the very large. They are connected and inseparable as it is two states of the same thing. The key is to see how the very small are or is the very large. Of course, this is the problem Dr. Einstein worked on obsessively until his body died out from under his superb genius. My Dad was tutored at Cal Tech for the Good Doctor to see if a math block was correctable in Dad’s abilities.
My dad told me that Doctor had difficulty counting up his pocket change and when he became angry he cleared whole rooms of people. My Aunty was Doctors personal secretary at the time Doctor was at Cal Tech and was able to have my Father tutored. By the way they couldn’t do anything with Dad’s math block.
Nearly all my thoughts were directed toward geometry from the time I was three until 1970 when I was able to draw an acceptable version of what I saw in my head one night when I was thinking of really, really small things when I was twelve. I ended up calling it, the Object:
The triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void:
I have reduced the size and included the drawing here in an appendix by the same name. The logo on the Science Channel is actually a very good representation of the actual universe in form only as a Klein bottle. The universe is a Klein bottle in ten dimensions with the narrow passage representing black holes and the rest as deep space, turning its self inside out on an infinite and eternal stage, as it were. The universe really has no inside or outside, but both simultaneously and neither. The Universe we experience is infinite impulsive imagination existing as pure Illusion that has been named Maya in the East. This Illusion is actually evolving a unified consciousness as described by the principle of entanglement in physics.
Again, a very simple name and graphical hypothesis. The only thing that I would change about the drawing after all these years is, anything curved that is currently blue is or should be pink to denote the female aspect of creation in our space/time. The black and blue lines are good enough symbolically as aspects of the Father (Knowledge) and Son (Power), Qualified and Unqualified Absolutes in Union with the Infinite Spirit (Loving Bliss) and the Universal Absolute. This union between aspects or principles of trinity find their union from the principle of Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Unconscious and the Infinite Pre-personal Mystery. I don’t need to point out to die hard scientists that some Devine principle is extant, but amounts to a’ priori knowledge based on empirical observation, never the less.
Hence, Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; to infinity squared or as I originally wrote ad infinitum squared some forty-four years ago as of this writing.
The center area of the drawing represents:
A triple tetrahedral triangle in appendix of the same name.
This is representing an extant feature of the entire universe universes which provides the gravity over control for our infinite universe and the infinite number of all universes now and to become.
It is an Object made up of three separate tetrahedrons which all intersect and don’t intersect without touching one another, formed by or from a totally unified field or state that has never moved, beyond space/time and time/space, which you can see in deep meditation and it is extant everywhere, not large and not small but both or neither. Bless M. C. Esher and all he thought and created.
It was this Beyond, Beyond state that came from the Infinite Pre-personal Mystery that suddenly awoke sending a flash of consciousness to the ends of Eternity. Sting theory and the Zionist tetragrammaton refer to this initial inflation faster than the speed of light as the speed of thought or Infinite Intelligence. This original awakening gave us change within change as motion or persistent reality which is the Illusion in the sense it is a by-product of the Infinite Intelligence.
This unity of the nine tetrahedrons and unified as the tenth as Object or triple tetrahedral triangles may be thought of as very intricate snow flakes, interlocked and moving with few collisions. The collisions between the fields or fabrics is the burning fuse of our reality. The ten dimensions or the ten Gods is an Object which eventually is detectable. It exists beyond our space/time, time/space and all others and yet is intimately connected directly to everything at all times, just like you feel your own body. The Urantia Book claims it is invisible to us in the macro universe as it is surrounded with dark gravity objects. Is it possible that some of these objects are, in fact, super massive black holes at the centers of galaxies and the non-transparent early universe is actually hidden by these objects? This object is responsible for gravity over-control of the infinite universes of space/time and time/space which was the out come of the illusory duality of movement.
The other simple notion I like and makes me happy is to realize that there are two ways to view the cosmos. Pure science has found no proof of n-dimensional objects that exist nowhere and everywhere but never have moved. However, the Large Hadron Accelerator at the CERN has physicists talking about a field that is everywhere known as The Higgs Field possibly made up of five Boson particles, one of which may not move, or smaller particles such as the theoretical Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) which gives mass to matter. It all came from a really, really finite and amazingly hot region or source to create through string vibrations as growth through inflationary evolutions to produce what we observe from 13.72 billion years ago. I believe pure science devoid of personal empirical truth will establish a better standard model of quantum physics over time.
The area around the central symbol within the elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void that could have a circle/sphere and a square/cube around it is a representation of this Object and is what creates space/time and time/space but is invisible to us thus far, though the CERN may have found something.
Pure science should never be confused with the belief in a personal god or universal intelligence or supreme being. For instance the Good Doctor felt there was a universal intelligence "that would not play dice with the universe." Harking back to the early debate between the steady state theory of Edmund Hubble and the experimental proof of a big bang event, I have always contended that both and more are true and measurable. I mean, exactly what is so-called dark energy that is accelerating the expansion of space/time. I have always thought that it is created by an extant steady state gravity object which has not yet been directly detected other than direct observation that something is accelerating the expansion of space, and the evidence from the CERN, Fermilab and other sophisticated measurement devices.
I am unable to explain my thoughts without from time to time referencing a personal experiencing of universal intelligence by stating that the Universe is a living consciousness with a purpose and goal. It is this underlying belief and apparent empirical experience that motivates me to find a formula forward for the free and available synthesis of ideas leading to our enlightenment and survival as a race of individual potentially infinite universes. I have found nothing in my studies of pure science that lead me to believe I am delusional or misguided. So you must forgive me for any lack of objectivity. I told you I was a humanist and philosopher, after all.
I wrote a twenty-page discourse to Stephen Hawking about my theoretical views in the early nineties describing some of what I think I have glimpsed and experience. Doctor Hawking never responded of course but, he did shortly there after retreat from his notion that information is lost in black holes and could not be retrieved and is lost for good. Pure science is always looking to find that entropy of all particles has no actual purpose or evolutionary goal in it all, the natural creation. Cold and inevitable demise. Burr! Well, again, bear with me and I will do the best I can explain what I sense.
A very long while ago, perhaps trillions of years as we recognize years, something very strange took place for the first time. It moved for the first time because of a WHIM and it said NAD/OM and was both blue and pink (i.e., red) when everything tried to immediately fill nothing at all with the infinite potential of everything. It is orbiting still. This most first movement created the conditions of space/time we experience and time/space which we have labeled as dark matter and dark energy and have not detected directly accept as the Higgs Field which is probably made of a blizzard of particles on a subatomic level we as yet cannot detect directly, rather like a fractal universe that communicates directly with time/space. Thus, our reality is directly dependent upon a nearly undetectable part of our universe. For the purposes of understanding, I conceptualize the space/time as matter and time/space as antimatter.
Everything chases nothing and nothing flees everything in actual fact. This most first movement produced a duality of fields that really are the same thing but don’t know this. One side of the dual field is attracted to the other field and the other field is repulsed and runs and hides from the field that is attracted. The first movement was the first age of seven stages of hydrogen. Science tells us thus far that there was a great annihilation of matter and antimatter leaving a small residue of matter predominating in the universe as the galaxies and stars, the jetsam and flotsam of space/time. Well, I have always disagreed with this notion as it simply is not complete enough to explain what is before us on the very large scale of things or the incredibly small scale, either, and how they must be unified while not in balance with each other in the form of matter/anti matter interaction from the most first movement.
The Standard Model and quantum theory still does not unify the very small with the very large under this perspective of symmetry or lack there of. During this most first movement time/space retreated so rapidly from space/time that the initial reaction between matter and antimatter produced a singularity that is beyond and is all dimensional and gives the impetus to it all. Space expanded very rapidly and time contracted into dark gravity objects called quasars in the early universe after the big bang. The big bang did not occur until much later in the growth of the living universe.
Another notion of science is that matter and energy cannot be created in a larger abundance than occurred during the so called big bang. This measurement will eventually be found to be in error as the universe in and around stars and galaxies are still growing and will for a very long time due to the massive black holes at their centers and scattered throughout space /time in great abundance as our direct evidence of the antimatter universe and central singularity or a nuclear isle of gravity over-control.
Many trillions of years ago the original big bang/crunch and first stages of hydrogen produced a big bang/crunch at the very same time allowing a singularity or Object to manifest for the first time. At this remote stage of creation, folks who have a personal sense of the natural world as living, giving rise to the notion of divine beings coming into existence as the intelligence that literally grows and tends the garden of the infinite Universe of Universes. You know, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Dark matter is antimatter that is used by massive black holes to grow galaxies from the inside out especially when they are in a quasar state but always by mining the very space they are moving through. The more gravitational control over matter that more and more of these black objects create is the expansion of space/time. The more matter that goes into the worm hole (a black hole) is or becomes the increasing expansion of space/time. These forces are directly linked by the Object. I predict that galaxies will grow larger over time from processes involving the interface of matter and black holes from within separate galaxies based on the amount of gravitational fluctuations that the Object expends for its purposes. I am just stating that I think interaction between matter and antimatter is used to grow galaxies, by the WHIM. The subatomic and macro universe is constantly growing and becoming more complex. Some refer to this as entropy, but I prefer to see it as growth and life.
We do not yet see or sense this Singularity as it is on the other side of the COBE or W-map images of the infant universe after our known and established big bang event. Doctor Higgs knows it is there. It is beyond our current abilities to see or sense on the very small subatomic scale, too. We will locate this Object eventually. I am sure. This nuclear isle is infinite and eternal and is always extant and does not move directly and actually never did or will move. Yes, it is the mystery that confounds us all.
I still think that the mystery of mysticism is that there is no mystery, really, just more or less consciousness. Hence, the imperative to evolve is calling. " There are more things in heaven and earth Horacio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy." So, many trillions of years before our big bang the universal mind began to evolve along with rudimentary gross matter in space time as the seven stages of matter and one must assume that something equivalent or corresponding or mutual was occurring in the antimatter universe both firmly residing within the Object without touching. It, most of the time! And that there are an infinite number of these universes that are, also, infinite. Too infinitely squared.
As a complete aside, if the word fininity does not exist, it should, sorry.
All this has come to us recently as hard data from our big bang event from a majestic evaluation of the original background spectrum of radiation from the beginning of our infinite universe, just like each of us is a unique and potentially infinite and eternal being in the image of our own infinite universes we each are in even as we are within each others. If this series of ideas is not at all what is really going on, then I pray someone gets a net over me at once.
How can the very small see and understand the very large? Obviously, it wishes to know its self and through the evolution of the mental, subtle and gross spheres of consciousness during the evolution of each of the seven stages of hydrogen, the DEVINE mind was at work preparing this infinite universe for us, so we could discover and come to know what are real purpose and goal is throughout eternity. This is not religion, it merely is fact, and what is actually going on in this DEVINE being’s Consciousness at all times and places, for ever.
If this is difficult to understand and appreciate in a personal way, just think of everything you would do if you could or would, and think about that going on forever, in peace. Will that is essentially why we are here and were formed to readily appreciate the wonderful information we are receiving from the Being, while hoping to see ones self, and the Being. WHIM, turned to Curiosity.
You know, there must have been seven generations of proto star formation, prior to our big bang when too much matter chased and caught too much antimatter, leading to a hyper inflation of infinite harmonics as the first sound, NAD/OM. It would seem that each of the stages of evolutionary hydrogen would have created their own big band/crunch. Maybe the measurements of the background will reveal older stages of our universes with evidence of proto stars, galaxies and universes. Wow, are we good at measuring things. The teleological argument is certainly strengthened by current evidence of ordered discovery of the very being created by the stars to look at and study what gave rise to the need to know and become and grow in peace as potentially infinite beings. Nothing is more curious than humans, nothing.
I theorized in my paper to Doctor Hawking that when our flat universe formed in our big bang that at the same instant but directly related to the immediate big crunch, four outer space globes were created as tars in the fabric of space/time, time/space releasing immense amounts of energy and star forming material which is part of the gravity that is expanding our space/time now. Anyway, the light from these outer space levels has not even arrived here yet.
We, are experiencing the golden age of the first stage of infinite universe building. We are the children of the fruit of the supreme being as universal intelligence. The director of the Baba Trust in Ahmenedgar, India, has written that there are seventeen thousand humanoid type worlds, of which we are the fifty, fifty-planet of heart and intellect possessed of the unique ability of all space/time too directly become aware of the Divinity. Baba says this is his personal home, our planet.
I think we made a fundamental error in modeling the big bang theories. That is when there is an explosion, there is an implosion no matter how much less energetic than was the explosion. We assumed that matter and antimatter nearly annihilated one another leaving a jetsam and flotsam of space/time which was possibility expanding to infinity and accelerating, while never answering the question of where does all this gravity to do this come from and where does it go to. Where, then, is the balance struck in nature we all observe in nature itself?
Another error in thinking is looking at the universe as something that runs down and ends in some entropy cold way. Most of us missed that it all is alive on some scale. If photons of different energies travel at different speeds, then Doctor’s theory is in revision. One thing we know for sure is that it takes thousands of minds working on this fundamental epistemological problem of knowledge, which is, is knowledge even possible, to allow us to even glimpse the parameters of what answers we seek. Sounds like cooperation and synthesis of knowledge is the end result of questioning everything.
I think we labor under the assumption that there is a certain amount of energy and matter in the universe and though they change states (i.e., E=MC2) new stuff cannot be created or destroyed as there is an undefined steady state of space/time created in the big bang just to ultimately run down.
I attempt to define my view with definitions of my model not to offend but to prompt new mathematical and cosmological quantum thought.
Honestly, no amount of searching will locate an actual first most finite motion other than as a WHIM. When everything tried to fill nothing, an Eternal and Infinite WHIM caused this to occur. Well, I am sorry this doesn’t sound like science, but I am a philosopher, subject to describing consciousness and causation in human terms, almost mythological in form and function, scope and scale.
The original duality created space/time, time/space at once as the original big bang/big crunch which is still occurring, now. Space/time and time/space are asymmetrical, yet, balanced and evolving as we perceive the actual direction of the flow of reality. We do not experience the flow of reality in the time/space universe as it is the dark matter or antimatter universe. We identify dark matter with the existence of black holes or dark gravity objects in the center of most galaxies, along with a storm of smaller dark objects created from exploding stars. Through this mechanism is the balance in nature experienced. I actually think there is evidence that our own solar system may have been created in part by the near approach of one of these objects to our early solar system formation. Our moon may have been a captured planet orbiting this dark object, stolen by the gravitation of our sun and planet. This may be the very reason the core of our planet is still as hot as it is. We will discuss this some more.
So, what is dark energy as a component of time/space. Dark energy it turns out is our space/time universe’s, deep space and expanding, due to the interaction of dark gravity objects and our space/time. I think there is a lot more of these objects now than in earlier periods of cosmic formation. Galaxies actually grow because of the friction between space/time, time/space from the grandest scales to the Higgs Field. I think it is accurate to think that there is a subatomic interaction between matter and antimatter all the time just as there is on the macro level as dark gravity objects at the centers of galaxies and which probably surround the first source and center of the Object that exercises gravity over control of infinite universes evolving as the W Map or COBE images that represent our universe as measurable data.
The universe is a field that appears as particles on the peaks of the field waves that emanate from the Higgs Field that gives form and structure to space/time. It is around for trillions of years, American not English trillions and evolved through seven stages of hydrogen, prior to our Big Bang event. Avatar Meher Baba said that "he could not count the number of universes coming out of himself, not galaxies mind you, universes." It is old and big and small and without attributes. It exists for its own benefit outside or beyond space/time, time/space. It will eventually experience everything in the finite would. It is why we exist and is what we have to do for a really long time in our space/time experience of the five percent of stuff we actually detect in space/time, as the wave front of the ongoing macro and micro interaction of matter and antimatter in and around black holes and the Higgs Field.
Let’s see, the date is January 5, 2013 and the Cosmological community is bloging that there are at least one hundred billion galaxies we can see optically and three hundred billion galaxies such as our own that we haven’t detected yet, as they are to dark to see. I recall a galaxy the cosmologists found ten years ago that was dark, one hundred times larger than the Milky Way galaxy. It’s really big out there folks. New information indicates that there is 250 times more to see than the Hubble does. It is really small at our feet and in our brains. The cosmologists believe there are seven trillion dwarf galaxies such as the two or three that our galaxy has picked up.
The templates for all the infinite universes are stamped upon them as to their properties as they are ejected from the Higgs field. That original relationship struck upon on each infinite universe is directly reflected by proportion of antimatter and matter that interact in the here and now as the wave front of the Big Bang event we experience as this particular space/time. I actually do not know how much antimatter was mixed with matter in or during the big bang/big crunch. At some point the dark universe of dark matter and dark energy slow or stop the influence over galaxy building in our early universe. I think this may have been calculated. Where is the rest of the antimatter? That really is the question, isn’t it!?
The reason it appears that time pass and what is going on around us is actually real, albeit an electron ghost is what occurs only occurs once as a universal consensus of form. Certainly, copies are made of each real moment, but the actual moment is complete and a real electron ghost. The creation is actually exhausting all of its impressions for that purpose. From the very first motion in our infinite universe the proportion of matter to anti matter is established by the Higgs Field or membrane where our reality becomes the continuous interaction and asymmetrical mirroring that occur between space/time, time/space all the time. The consensus of form is achieved by the immediate and universal feed back space/time provides time/space and vice versa. This intimate connection between the portion of the universe we readily experience and the dark portion of the universe we see with great difficulty at present, creates a fractal template for the finite expression of all possible parallel and infinite dimensions from moment to moment for a really long time. It burns through reality like a fuze. We are just now beginning to detect this asymmetrical mirror image at the CERN, but I bet it is there and will be seen as a membrane that passes vast amounts of information back and forth between the original states of motion.
Really immense gravity is a byproduct of time/space which attempts to escape the active pursuit of space/time creating the Higgs Field or membrane that produced our infinite universe. This infinite membrane keeps dark matter from destroying the purposeful growth of this universe. This membrane exists at the subatomic level and provides the mechanism of the creation of each moment due to the instantaneous feed back all along and through the Field. The reason we can "create" antimatter is because we cause this state of matter to reveal its self to us from time/space. Gravity is weak due to its strength is determined by dark gravity objects created at the beginning or most first motion as the first stage of hydrogen. The more influence immense gravity exerts over space/time the faster space expands. In other words the more black holes that are created as the universe ages the faster space will expand. Black holes are the portals on the macro level of things between space/time, time/space. I would imagine there are tiny black holes that come and go in space time on the micro level at the CERN as an expression of this intimate relationship and fundamental process that literally creates each moment to moment. Our universe is like a note on a string that has an infinite number of notes along its infinite length.
Our strings look like tear drops and arrange into mandola and/or fractal formations, jumping between the states of the field produced by the two field states of potential or everything and rest or nothing. Our universe works because it is driven by an asymmetrical dual atomic field state composed of space/time, time/space in tension. It is said a Sadguru is capable of dissolving this tension and ending the universe. That is a lot of responsibility in the hands of the one. Reality as we experience it is the jetsam and flotsam of the outcome or by product of the continuous atomic interaction of the dual states of the field wave or membrane.
The big bang is the other end of the big crunch and the other way around. Both bang and crunch must occur at once, or annihilation ensues. It is steady state as it grows rationally. It is possibly that the wave patterns that communicate between each field state may be manipulated to some degree and manifest as time travel, intra dimensional travels and wormhole travel, possibly even the release of quantities of the forty per cent of the universe we do not see by reflected like, dark matter. I think of this dark state of matter is time/space as antimatter, and clumps and hide from space/time and matter as we experience the world.
Any grand unified field theory must encompass the empirical universe, the spiritual universe and all of man. If this is the design, one may not speak of the objectively apparent universe as ten dimensional realities if it is not in the context of the seven involutionary planes of human consciousness dating back in religious thought for tens of thousands of years, literally. One must and does have to do with one another.
In the early universe which was the original bang/crunch of everything rushing into nothing, the first epic or stage of hydrogen was created. Gross matter did not exist as there where no generational stars to make heavy elements in this particular infinite universe. What did occur in this first material structure was for the dive WHIM to create spiritual being of immense cosmological powers of creation as first MIND, then the Subtle or Power, and matter/antimatter as the seven stages of hydrogen evolved to create the event that occurred thirteen point seven one billion years ago. There are ten dimensions of space, and eleven if you count the membrane, I don’t. There are seven planes of human consciousness in the three worlds made up of the gross world, subtle world and mental world. Human beings are the unifying principle that may by will alone, stand in the center of this Reality and experience enlightenment.
The Universe of Universes ascends by creating humankind through a mostly invisible process of evolution brought about by Devine beings and the human spirit returns from whence it came by ascending through the planes of consciousness in the reverse order in which that human spirit was formed. If you do not believe me read the Avatar, he was really smart. The arch angles and angles and spirits and creatures where created long before humans. They at times have envied humankind, as it is said humans have a direct circuit or wave to the divine. When power is abused at any level of growth, natural selection seems to prevail, doesn’t it.
So, at the finite plane of reality is this fuse that was lit trillions of years ago and it began to grow. It grows as hydrogen. It grows as consciousness. It grows as the interaction of matter and antimatter in the subatomic world. It slowly grew into proto galaxies where nothing as black holes was orbited by everything, or the finite interaction of matter/antimatter as our observable universe. The outer regions of galaxies gather material from the interaction of space/time, time/space. This material created by friction slowly falls toward the center of the galaxy creating more and more black holes from huge stars which in turn accelerate the expansion of space/time, while the volume of dark matter is slowly converted into our space/time by their subatomic interaction. The so-called dark energy is the attractive (gravity), repulsive (space) time/space force of black holes, which are directly connected to the membrane at the macro level inside black holes and as fleeting black holes at the subatomic level as Higgs field, where reality is created, moment to moment. Space/time, time/space are the function of the immense gravity created by the original singularity or triple tetrahedral triangles. The reality you and I share is real for the first time, which makes our universe very interesting in an eternal sense. The tetrahedron actually contains the ten space/time dimensions, much like snow flakes or fractals appears to us.
Galaxies literally grow by mining the space around each galaxy black hole that began as a quasar and made space/time, time/space, just as solar systems form from clouds of shocked gas clouds. Quasars formed the early seventh stage of hydrogen evolution in our big bang/crunch. Quasars where the areas in the soup of our verse where matter/antimatter interaction formed the note or tone of this flat and therefore, infinite universe. The singularities began to turn in on their selves when space be gas to expand into deep space created by the very existence of the singularity. So what is actually inside a singularity? I am fairly sure it is deep space as resting potential controlled by its direct contact with the universal membrane. A good deal of the dark mater came out of the portal of singularities as quasars we can still see optically, certainly before clarity and after the soup of the bang/crunch. The immense inhalation of matter and antimatter in the early verse directly taped the dark matter stored as potential (I. E., deep space) inside black holes. The original Object is a singularity which we are literally in. It exists beyond space/time, /time/space and is intimate with all and everything without movement. This singularity is producing a storm, a cloud and flood of infinite universes based on each infinite universe’s tone, wave, field or membrane which are all directly connected to that which assigned the tones. This being appears to be consciousness beyond all symbol and meaning as the IS State.
Human beings are capable of being this fana. Apparently, most of these folks tend to drop their bodies fairly soon after awakening to this consciousness and knowledge. Not even arch angles are capable of this state of consciousness. Actually, the jealousy and envy of the angels created our mythology of good and evil in all its forms. Hate and fear drove ignorance and enlightenment. This jealousy of the spiritual world creatures of and for womenkind/mankind made war and peace a reality. On a subatomic level, this is the ongoing war between matter/antimatter which produced the most first motion. It is time to choose enlightenment, study everything as our jobs and become what our potential indicates we are, tiny conscious reflections of the membrane of our universe as infinite universes in making.
Again, I point out that no single mind is capable of comprehending the grand unified field except the Avatar, and he indicated that he could not count all the universes coming from him. That is why we need a New Humanity of individuals and groups and minds that over turns the world with a future that seeks to use the very best of our human talents to seek to synthesize knowledge for the evolution and involution of humankind to actually make the world a safe and flourishing democracy and culture of all. The age of tyrants is passing, and we must work every second to ensure the rational mind prevails in its struggle with ignorance, hate and fear. Learning, kindness and compassion bridge all gaps when applied by evolved beings. The university strives to educate us all by consciously involving us all with one another in a democratic government learning in knowledge.
If our thesis ever gathers traction, the human race will reinvent itself as the New Humanity, made up of the Public. This new awareness is the inevitable outcome of a universe that is alive, aware and evolving. What, then, is it evolving into and why? In a very real sense, the efforts of Charles Darwin have allowed new evolution to occur in consciousness, or that which makes we all equal in potential and purpose. We are the infinite universes of some remote age of growth of this infinite universe as well as the infinite universes created moment to moment by the fact of our very existence. Once it moved, everything else will follow to exhaust infinity through eternity in fininity.
That is why our universe is such a gift to everything as all other infinite universes will coalesce into one Object that will eventually in some remote eternity from now actually exhaust the infinity of everything in the finite like we do or experience, where everything knows everything and no longer needs to move. The universe literally moves to exhaust movement through the actual experience of everything in the finite world. The amount of space and time, time and space this will take, we call eternity. It is our eternal purpose and work. It is why we are here. It is why we are so fond of ourselves without even realizing everything, everything we do exhausts one more motion, so all things continually change to experience and exhaust each motion or vibration, based on our universes tone, as a growing living being connected to all its motions continually.
Humans store these experiences as impressions from the time we were rock conscious till we begin to unwind these tonal experiences stored as impressions to return to the consciousness that does not move which originally created everything/nothing (I. E., duality). Synthesis integrates opposites and diverse ideas to achieve harmony free of hate and fear, in peace and safety by near universal consensus. You know, life, liberty and the exercise of happiness, just like the Obama Family after the second election. God bless America, home of the free and land of the brave, from the range to the mountains to the shores. Let Democracy Reign.
I actually believe that there is no real distinction between science and spirituality. They are tools for growing humankind to do specific and eternal works, to exhaust motion, permanently. Folks wonder if they mean anything at all or what’s it all about Alfy. Human beings have infinite worth and purpose and meaning as long as they choose to grow to receive grace from the immaculate and Devine universe we live in. The gross world evolved us to return to the Devine unity that moved and sought to grow and determine our purpose which is to serve our fellow beings. I am your fellow servant. This may be religion to some, but to me it is obvious and we need to get with it and give each other permission to evolve into the Devine beings even the angles jealously laments that we are. This profound awakening will inevitably come from the pressure and forces of nature and reality. That’s fine, but I would rather we did it knowing we are evolving as we will make better decisions based on knowledge and experience. If the "bombs" of population, food and water, power and energy and the universe finally wake us up to our responsibilities toward the creation, it won’t be as pretty if we don’t do most of it by exercising our own free wills’ to do what is good, honorable, just, right, kind and compassionate and smart in liberty and freedom because we took the time to do it for the benefit of all, selflessly.
We are a new species who has recently chosen too not to destroy the world with nuclear weapons. We still are in a position to succeed through ignorance and hate to pull it off. We need to evolve now not tomorrow or next year, but now. If we all take each others backs and stop killing one another, a great peace will come over us and we will become human people who travel the oceans and the stars forever. That is not a dream to me, as we are well on our way if we put our shoulders and backs into the long haul of becoming the New Humanity made of the Public of the individual people of the human race and maybe others. Good luck, my friends and enemies.
There is a very difficult task ahead for each one of us now and here on. We all must evolve and involve our consciousness to become conscious of being conscious all the time. Being here now and knowing it all the time. This state of mind is literally the purpose of education and isn’t some state that only some of us may achieve. If you do not lie to yourself, you are self aware all the time as your conscience is clear. This state of selflessness and personal responsibility develop into lives of service to groups, sects, cults in politics and religion which could function as a smoothly running super computer as a world university extant as the Public Union Party of consensuses of and by the New Humanity who have finally decided to evolve into the species of Peace with teeth for freedom and liberty and growth.
Without cooperation on all levels of consciousness we will be the victims of change, not a fir bearing creature adapting to a new and infinitely complex present world with all those skills we evolved with to survive all kinds of desperate situations. We need a new tool. We all know what that tool is and we always have, each other. Trust is always the issue. A world University for the Synthesis of Knowledge, by studying everything for everyone is required. The Union is the responsibility of the citizens of the United States of America. I do not think for one moment, that the second election of President Barrack Obama will allow us four years of peace, unless attacked, to do overdue public repair to the Union and seek out the root causes of tyranny, and change the causes of suffering for better outcomes that benefit all.
In spite of war we must persevere to bring balance to a tough room, through mutual cooperation in a state of democracy. I think the very survival of human kind depends on it. Those who appose democracy are said to be lacking in intellectual maturity at the least, especially if you consider yourself a citizen. In the United States we tend to think all men are created equal, and I guarantee if our republican democracy did not exist and flourish white, ignorant, pasty, fat, selfish white folk would rule and no one is safe. Just because the white race truly established democracy for all doesn’t mean they do not have to allow all others to benefit from this great insight. Those among you who wish to denigrate the progress we have made in growing democracy and thwart democracy’s efforts to govern effectively, probably missed the point of the constitution and bill of rights and really are not citizens; you are more like Benedict Arnold.
Synthesis of field theory, macro cosmogony and human function must integrate with the spiritual mind and the empirical sciences to achieve synthesis as an evolving dynamic world view. This integration represents a grand unified theory of everything when all elements are intimately connected which establishes the reliability and validity of the ideas that create the synthesis of knowledge. Folks will immediately question the reliability and validity of spiritual thought and direct experience. In no way shape or form do I suggest that this type of synthesis requires any investment in religion. Many religious ideas in the past were merely constructs for discussing a really deep mystery, The Universe.
In order for me to explain how I have integrated seemingly unreconcilable ideas with dialectic philosophy and for a lack of a better way to illustrate how the whole thing works together in a wonderful cosmic perfection which is around and in us all the time, I must allude to spiritual mysticism. Maybe when we understand and appreciate our purpose in all this, better ways of describing the actual physical and mental existence we all share will evolve.
The Object that has never moved had attributes as potentialities until a WHIM caused the most first motion. The truly great Sadguru, Lao Tzu, who was a Taoist and is referred to as one of "the Three Pure Ones," was able to illustrate a fundamental Truth in his descriptions. "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things." So this Tao or way in this description of an invisible and Devine being Yuanshi Tianzun known as the Heavenly King of the Void and Chaotic Primordial Beginning" is much like what I refer to as the OBJECT. If you wish to study Taoism, I would begin by going to Wikopedia.
Anyway, I find much of this interpretation of reality in the Ranzi sect of Zen Buddhism and the mysticism of Sufi poets who are Islamic Sadgurus. Physics contemplates an immensely hot, dense and small beginning to our universe which was the first motion for our universe and all others that may or may not exist or will exist. The Mystic defines this most first and most finite event or movement as the outcome of whatever preceded the most first motion. In other words there was something that caused movement initially. It was a WHIM from an OBJECT that has
Never moved, has no color or form, exists beyond space/time, time/space and is the source of the gravity over control of this and a potentially infinite number of universes. The Sufi refers to this as the IS state and in consciousness as the final fana. Buddha did not directly refer to this state of consciousness, so, lets begin by stating Buddhism was not a religion. The Tibetan gurus and Ranzi sect masters perfected Buddhism.
The IMMACULATE MIND is this IS state in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. In Zen it is the No Mind attainment that is so perfect. Obeisance to all gurus. This OBJECT has no attributes and is all attributes for to speak of the HOLY DIVINITY misses the point of immediacy. You know, like "what is the sound of one hand clapping?", as a koan or parable. A koan is a statement about reality that amounts to a natural law in Western thinking but far more revealing. A koan is a mathematical statement or it is utter nonsense. Buddha simply did not mention the IS state directly.
This conscious and attainable IS state is not the so-called Higgs field or more recently the Higgs ocean as this refers to a study of motion which is observable and hints by experimentation at a state prior to motion or no motion. The triple tetrahedral triangle that does move basks in the natural light of that IS state as the Tetragrammaton of no motion which at some point awoke and inflated to the ends of infinite eternity giving rise to first motion as the Whim.
This particle field must by actual design whether natural or conscious be composed of the Dark Matter fabric of time/space associated directly to the tetrahedron of absolute potentialities which vibrates to create time/space and dark gravity Objects we refer to as black holes including the Object at the center of our infinite universe born of worry. In addition to the fabric of time/space is that portion of the fabric we know as space/time where by these two intimate and complimentary fields are the so called, Higgs Field It’s kind of like Aristotle’s unstoppable force (infinite and not yet manifest potential as everything) meeting or touching the immovable Object as literally nothing.
The space/time fabric or particle field is that portion of the triple tetrahedral triangle which either by conscious design or from the perfection of natural pattern becoming conscious makes no difference. Truth be known both states of Reality are real. Yet, only that which does not move is the IS reality turning itself inside out with the finite, infinitely and eternally expanding triple tetrahedral triangle of self sustaining and preserving impulsive and imaginative creation, simply to experience that IS state that is the infinite eternal in the finite world of you and I to transcend to completion. This is the impetus of nature, always becoming ever more complex to exhaust all motion again.
The Christian mystics refer to this process of creation as the Father, the Son and omniscience or infinite knowledge and the Holy Spirit manifest as Holy Ghost of the Christi consciousness (infinite intelligence), or Dr. Einstein’s electron ghost where we know that the universe is mostly empty space, hence the term ghost. The Father’s main attribute is equated to Infinite Power (omnipotent), but theologians do not equate this power as not being manifested, but rather like an active and dynamic principle. I am sure there are theologists who would say there is this inactive potential within the attribute of infinite power and it was this potential that moved, originally.
The Christians never fully sorted out the attributes of God because they cut off their nose in spite of their face when they murdered my Gnostic’s. This theology was very good but incomplete and still is as the underlying principles or notions of knowledge and power, entangled does not describe a triple tetrahedral triangle of unified, un-unified forces or attributes extant in our very nature.
The Essenes and Kabbalists through their understanding and immediate experience of the Devine in the study of tetragrammaton in the Zohar and other grammatical mystery books like the Sefer Yetzirah, gave rise to the Christian faith of Saint John the Baptist who was the Qutub as defined by Sufism Reoriented who removed the veil from the eyes of Christi to begin His Ministry when He was baptized.
Meher Baba was kissed on the forehead by a female Sadguru for the same purposes. I believe that Bhau Kulchuri coined the new name of Sufism Reoriented. By the way, Disciple Kulchuri has written a marvelous book, about Nothing and Everything which I found to be very readable and one of my favorite books. The Great thing is, all this knowledge both scientific and spiritual is now available to all; bless you, Baba Google.
One of the Wise men at Christi’s birth was a Zoroastrian from Persia where Sufism originally originated prior to Krishna and Rama, way back in history. This early Church lost its battle with the priests, just like Christi, which was designed by the Master. It is common newspaper article knowledge in India that Christi arose, got on a mule along with disciples and went back to India where He Ministered in Kashmir where he died or dropped his form and is entombed. I often wonder how the West lost its way so completely for so long and why it is necessary. This is one of those mysteries that will dawn on me eventually. It was an evolutionary thing or lack thereof, most likely.
The main attribute of the Infinite Son is much like the expression of yin and yang embedded in and as the second attribute of the Tao, Infinite Knowledge (omniscience) and its dual nature, as well as the fact that this refers directly to human abilities, latent and otherwise, in consciousness. The Christians tend to down play this direct relationship between the individual and the Son of God as an advent of the Avatar because they covet their priest hood to minister to the poor and ignorant masses for less than Devine motives. It’s a miracle that they did not murder Copernicus and Galileo. This profound state of ignorance on behalf of these religionists was to remove God from the individual as a personal living experience and assign the interpretation of Divinity to priests who change money. This is the most profound error in thinking and doing the Western World ever made. God, what ignorance and abuse we all have suffered at their greedy hands. The Catholic Church continues to pursue spiritual ignorance just as many of the other faiths that embrace the concealment of knowledge for purposes of manipulation. Don’t worry, many but not all politicians are experts at deception for selfish motives, just the same.
When Baba was asked when He was visiting the Sistine Chapel why he did not go and tell the church officials who He was, He indicated that they would not believe Him. Similarly, when He was asked why he did not tell the sufi he was God during His advent as the Holy Prophet of Islam, He said he did not wish to be killed for being a heretic. Herein, is described the problem with knowledge or the lack thereof. I am sure there will be folks who will believe this narrative is merely a fairy tail of an unbalanced religionist. I personally have an abhorrence of blind dogma in religion and theology which generally produces war. I suppose ,God could punish humankind, but why when we do such a masterful job all by ourselves. When I appear ignorant, I am. When I appear foolish, I am. When I appear to be asleep, I am. Appearances often fool one.
The Infinite Spirit is the attribute of being everywhere present or omnipresent which is demonstrated by the recurring advent of the Avatar as Christi consciousness for Christians who refer to this as the Holy Ghost. As far as I can tell, this consciousness is available to anyone who wishes to do the inner work to attain to the seven planes of consciousness to pass away in the final fana in the Beyond, Beyond State of God. The Sufi say there are five of these folks alive and on earth all the time and one of them in the absence of the Avatar or when the Avatar is not directing His own creation acts as the hub of this five pointed star. Some of these Masters will have a nasty disposition due to there lack of patience with those who choose to remain asleep and are missing the Devine play. Christian gnostics have a better attitude about the individual humans immediate access to their creator Son.
So, when our universe manifested as a most finite white hot point, two Devine Trilogies and their Union actually was and still is this most dense point of light Devine. The Sufi refer to this as God in the Beyond State and what has never moved as God in the Beyond, Beyond or IS State. The other Devine Trinity that I have mentioned in passing was created simultaneously with all three of the Devine Trinities, which is accounted for by the Union of any two of the Trinities. This second Trinity of the Three is referred to in the Urantia Book, which has many errors, as the Universal Absolute, Qualified Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute in time/space reflected in Unity with The Father principle, Son principle and the ministry of the of the Infinite spirit as space/time.
This triple unity is a triple tetrahedral triangle that is of the MIND, directly, and in our special infinite universe is actually hidden from our view as a nuclear isle, probably surrounded by singularities, and may be detectable. As a function of the Higgs Ocean, these six Devine attributes are absolutely unified to create nine dimensions and when in UNION are the Ten Gods and the ten dimensions. This ten dimensional object is not to confused with the, so called, membrane or eleventh dimension which is correctly the scaffolding our universe hangs upon or swims within as the Beyond, Beyond ocean. Certain portions of this Devine Object may eventually be detected and observed by humans as a nuclear isle. I am sure folks may elect to see this object after they die and get acclimated to university on the other side of life.
It is fairly obvious that this really ancient place we live in, must by its very nature have produced tens of trillions of sentient beings who do not for the most part inhabit the gross world and most especially the gross plane which you and I inhabit. The seventh plain of consciousness always exists apart yet containing the three worlds and six plains of consciousness. All this in a universe that evolved first from gossamer like transparent curtains of the sixth plane with those associated beings of light and life as Omar Khayyam describes in his poetry as a seventh plane master and Khalil Gibran describes as a sixth plain master, to the realm of infinite power which is pretty much in play with human gurus stationed on the third and forth planes of consciousness in the subtle world and trillions of sentient beings created during the evolution of the universe prior to the organization of matter as the space and time we experience, where giant stars synthesize the heavy elements which produce the gross world, which contains countless beings, as well. Even beings that give rise to human fables and myths about fairies and giants and the gods. All this history is lost in the ancient past of humankind. I think it would be useful for the race to store and synthesize what ever knowledge we quantify and qualify, deduce and induce through integration as a all human world university dedicated to learning in peace and harmony, as the New Humanity, and finally mature as a race. William Blake was a fifth plain master, describing that plain in the third world in his drawings and writings.
In our space/time universe we experience directly and interact with directly, the space/time Trinity which evolved and is evolving, which created or produced a desire to see its self in all of nature, sustains the urge to see its self consciously as the Supreme Being whereby the universe monitors itself everywhere and at once to evolve conscious beings, including humans, which over many ages will produce the Supreme God. These Devine Beings are and will be the outcome of evolution of the universe in the remote future and are created as an evolutionary product of the evolving Creation as Illusion.
The Illusory Universe will grow and expand to become the Ultimate God of evolution which is the cauldron of order from chaos to support the next stage of growth and expansion which is the goal of this particular universe, as the active Absolute God or God the Absolute which will merge the finite with the infinite as a dear embrace where the rest of infinity is more or less contemplated as the really huge movie that finite reality is, and all this on an infinite experiential scale through eternity, until everything knows everything and all things are actually experienced by this living being that was simply looking for something beyond itself as the WHIM. This being is the personal God and is not indifferent to anyone, including Bill Meher. We are all part of this eternal being, literally.
At one point humankind actually had and understood most of this world view in an advanced culture that was destroyed like the library of Alexandria was only on a larger scale. It was so long ago, little remains of its passing. This occurred in the age of Van and Nod some 300,000 years ago. There are human beings stationed on the fourth plane of consciousness in the subtle world that still live from this ancient time period according to Paramahansa Yogananda who was a fifth plane master.
Apparently, we still had not evolved sufficiently to accept the life of the eternal road before us. Frankly, it would be a damn shame if we walked away from this enlightenment again when we are so very near accepting our eternal place in the verse for the first time. The last advent of the Avatar said when He returned in 700 years that this would be the first time that all of humankind expected and awaited the advent of the next appearance of the Being amongst us as the perfect human He is. Please, realize, I speak of the Avatar in the male gender as this is the only form he takes when the five perfect masters bring Him back to us, here.
If we sit around and dream about how any of this must come to be, we will not get there dreaming. Only by doing what is right, and just and free to all, will knowledge be preserved that benefits all. This involves the conscious evolution of humankind on a renaissance scale. I suggest the University for the Synthesis of knowledge as a tool to our eternal future as a mature race of beings, the New Humanity, less subject to violence and war, removed from hate and thus willful ignorance and dedicated to the proposition of becoming more conscious of our evolution and the individual’s personal involution that brings enlightenment. The universe is the active principle and only willful ignorance produces periods of what appears to be utter stagnation as a purpose and goal to retain limited power over others out of greed and thought of superiority the rich indulge themselves with to my great irritation and disappointment. It is what it is until you study it. Rational Consciousness really changes the status quo, such as implementing rational gun safety laws or feeding hungry children and adults, and giving small loans to entrepreneurship, or studying everything.
The main problem with meaning and purpose is that the ideas which accurately describe such things, although very simple, are not easily grasped and implemented for any ones’ benefit. It really takes an amazing amount of work, both inner and outer, to realize you realize. The process once the bull is mastered is fun and adventuresome and at times very painful. We are so fortunate that we are able to experience bliss, that enduring immense pain is not so bad, because it is necessary for those pilgrims advancement along the path or way. The personal ego is really the only impediment to starting the inner path. It requires the humility of the gnostic Christians and others of like mind to begin involution of consciousness. Usually, reoccurring life becomes so painful that it drives the individual soul to surrender and renounce the outer world while living in it and being reborn in it.
When the aspirant becomes conscious of being conscious at all times when awake and yes even in sleep the effacement of the impressions gathered from evolution are superseded by the experience of bliss eternal and for all practical purposes the individual ego is extinguished in this Ocean of bliss, either retaining infinite conscious individuality or absorption back into the devine from whence we originally were born from as the souls slated to serve the Lord. The Lord found after creating all things He still had souls left over after all other souls were assigned to other duties and said to humanity, "O souls, what was the purpose of your creation" and the soul’s of humankind responded by saying in unison, "to serve only you Lord." This is a simple axiom and resonates with meaning for those that hear the spiritual call.
One of the few memories I have of past life frustration was a deep and abiding desire to get out of reincarnating over and over in India, a long time ago. Strange as this is, India is where most of the Avatars manifest as the most spiritual area on Earth and certainly the center to which all human souls in the Universe of Universes incarnate towards, especially around the advent of the Avatar. All this to be near the Christi and to perfect ones self through 8,400,000 rebirths to experience and be one with the Devine Love that flows from and to the Avatar as His and This splendid creation. I guarantee to you all, without the love of mothers, we would be naught. We are an angry bunch of "fur" bearing creatures because we so resist waking up due to protecting our personal egos and defending our personal beliefs which may or may not have a basis in objective reality. Human liberation to enter into the forth age of light and life is really up to those who realize communication with each other is more than a tweet, folks.
The chakra that attach to our spine and above our heads are the seven planes of consciousness. Only human beings are capable of activating all seven chakra. Eastern tradition cautions the pilgrim to not be involved in the exterior world in order to facilitate the process of enlightenment. Let me tell you all that when a soul desires union with its essence, absolutely nothing stops this from occurring, and quite naturally.
When a soul is ready, the universe sends invisible gurus to educate that soul. Some souls seek out and find living masters, and get beat a lot. Enlightenment is not possible without a guru which the aspirant totally surrenders to inwardly. Amazingly, the Avatar actually physically hurt some disciples, especially early in His advent. My method is to consciously be conscious of being conscious in all circumstances, places and times, eventually including sleep and to concentrate and meditate in this state of self reflected consciousness all the time when mastered. I have had gurus that I loved as much as God, one in particular where I still miss their immediate presence. It was like a warm blanket of love from your mother as a child. This invisible master taught me to have this inner presence of mind which located what the Zen Buddhists call the doctrine of "no mind," from the Sutra of Hui-Neng as described by Daisetz T. Suzuki’s book on the subject.
Many mountains like Mount Mu to climb, many planes to cross, many valleys to descend into and yet another Mountain to climb, on and on with a burning desire to know and never giving up in fear and/or hate. It really does not make any difference if the mind is focused a posteriori or a priori. Eventually, the mind turns inward of its own natural accord no matter which methods are employed, all the while fulfilling the function of the finite worlds by experiencing and doing what ever one does for the sake of the evolution of the supreme being. Then when Mount Mu is mastered and the Bull is tamed and the pilgrim sits as a wall for at least 8 years, the pilgrim realizes they are not anymore worthy than a pebble on the trail, nor does their personal enlightenment have meaning, as only nothing remains. The few who attain to this nothingness in the final fana and retain infinite power, infinite knowledge and infinite bliss go to their eternal work with a smile and a deep appreciation and admiration and love for the Avatar. After the soul becomes a Perfect Master they often appear ornery in affect and behavior. I think it is a frustration impulse barely contained, aside from being a tool to enlighten.
The left leg of the human is the involutionary leg and the right leg is the evolutionary leg. Our feet are clay and the head is gold. I truly love genius no matter how it is applied. Sooner or later goodness comes to and from us all. No one experience is more significant than another. All experience is important, even if you are unaware of having experience. It all bears fruit and the Wine of Rumi, the Persian poet, original Dervish and Sadguru who is said to have physically communed with beings not of this realm, in his home long ago. What an amazing poet Devine. Mr. Barkley has done unrivaled translations of Rumi’s poems. What genius they both are and exhibit.
One must realize that if one misuses their new found abilities, in certain advanced stages of the subtle world on the path, it is literally possible to be returned to stone consciousness to begin the process again or maybe as a dog or snake, etc. Higher consciousness is no game and may not be taken lightly. If one begins with respect towards all, one will resinate with this respect for all to see, throughout the climb to perfection and beyond. I find respect to be lacking in todays world and this is most unfortunate and an utter waste of infinite eternal time, or more likely my patients.
There are plenty of willfully ignorant souls who have brought the respect of their offices to utter disrepair due to their barely concealed behavior of greed and hate which they daily spew upon the public they represent. There are individuals of various religions who conceal their true motives of tyranny and control and have no respect for the humanity they supposedly wish to help and they personally know this while concealing it from those they supposedly serve and they ultimately harm the true purposes of the religions they are represent. They do not escape the truth by their actions for they are the true hypocrites of the World and the World notices their behaviors. If sin exists it is perfectly exemplified by personal malignant hypocrisy and conscious denial of the truth of mutual respect for these hypocrites no longer respect their very selves.
Man is born between the very large and the vary small to study and appreciate both and discover the union between them. If there were an easy way to enlighten, I wouldn’t write this book of life. I believe the best way and perfected way is the immediate method which can not be described it happens so fast. Rumi, raking his garden with a bamboo rack and a pebble flies up and strikes the handle. One of the most profound satori experiences ever recorded occurred at the speed of thought. Some folks have had so many lives that they are born in a state of satori, actually enter the womb in deep satori, to be disturbed by cold and too much light and noise suddenly. WOW! What a rush. Living as a baby with full awareness unfettered by past impressions picked up by attachment to the illusion and not having a clue, how come, is interesting.
Probably the most important thing a pilgrim in this age should concentrate on is loving God, getting lost in this love of God while living peacefully in the world around you. God loves humankind even if we do not know He does. Nothing pleases God more than to be loved and adored as God is LOVE. Loving is not a competition amongst lovers of God. Love evolves the universe and decreases impressions left upon our finite mind from the creation itself. Impressions unwind in a backward fashion from the gathering of them by each finite mind all the way back to the impressions left when we were rock consciousness and before.
The fear of lose of identity prevents many from entering the path, especially in the West where it is believed a priest is needed to facilitate this love of God for a mere penance. It looks like the West is crawling out from under the burden of the priest hood, while still loving God. I have very little patience with religion as it is dogma and natural love of Divinity no longer lives in the breast of the pilgrim. The new Pope seems to be getting after this problem of dogma in the West.
Still any pilgrim that loves God is doing what God intended us to do, Love God. The love of God is not an incumbrance or impression as love frees us from impressions. Each pilgrim is responsible for their own salvation, and there is no permanent place that is either heaven or hell. These terms are illusory and are often delusional mental impressions and do not exist in Love as Reality.
When folks die they often go through bardo states that appear to be heaven or hell. Ignore these states and move on, crisply. My Grandmother, bless her heart, hung around for years until I read the Tibetan Book of the Dead aloud to her and she was gone. Decide if you wish to come back to Earth or move on up through the planes and worlds. I recommend reincarnation until done. The reward of Love is samadhi or bliss consciousness. There are various forms of samadhi or bliss consciousness. Basically, the human organism that has transcended duality is naturally in a state of bliss. After all, God is One. It is not nearly as hard to love God as it is to love ones neighbor for God loves you prior to your birth. What is your face now, even as it was before you were born (a Zen Koan or axiom)?
Little will change with humankind until we embrace each other as the mutual creation of the Love of God. I actually think personal embarrassment and shyness due to feelings of inferiority prevents pilgrims from openly admiring one another. Music and pictures seem good ways for real human communion to succeed. I think mutual unconditional regard for others is what the Universe has in mind for us in many personal forms and expressions. If you truly respect your self, you respect others who see and return your respect for them much as described in Kant’s Categorical Imperative in the book, "Critique of Pure Reason."
Chapter 4 - Spirituality, Religion and Love and War
I am a Westerner born and breed in the old west of America when there were still a few dozen living authentic cowboys. You know, ‘home, home on the range where the deer and antelope roam" life forming experience on a working dude ranch. I was raised in an environment much as the Buddha lived in his early years. Death and dying were not relevant and the world was my oyster. In the Summer I lived in a natural paradise for four months of the year along the creek in very ancient Mountains known as paha sapa or Black Hills. In the Fall, back to the Ranch a mile away in a pure and silent forested pasture land surrounded by mountains.
Officially the School of Mines and Technology have established dates for the rocks in the Hills at 3.8 billion years. Prior to the Rocky Mountains coming up, a laccolith hot spot moved horizontally to the East and North and vertically pushed up a huge dike creating the laccolith which formed the Black Hills as a mountain nearly as high as the peaks of the Rockies today. A smaller example of a dike is Devil’s Tower in Wyoming. I have often thought that just possibly this mountain building occurred due to an ancient impact during the late and great bombardment period of the early Earth some four point five billion years ago, making the eventual rise of the Black Hills of Dakota occur just where it did. The shape of the Black Hills from space looks like a giant impact crater one hundred miles across.
Anyway, this ancient peace from the Black Hills was most beneficial for deep meditation and concentration at a very young age. I was fascinated by both the empirical and the theological and still am, and I still don’t know much. I do know that the most difficult problem in the world is the epistemological difficulty. The problem of knowledge in science and religion and psychology. What exactly do we know, how do we know it for sure, is it even possible to know anything at all. Quantum physics points out to us very clearly that if we observe an event, the mere fact we observed it, changes what it is we were attempting to measure, thus making knowledge impossible in some sense. This is the uncertainty principle and provides the foundation of knowledge giving rise to the epistemological difficulty in science and all disciplines of the inquiry into knowledge.
All this stuff really absorbs a lot of great and powerful minds activities everyday and has for centuries. I thought I would try and get support for the establishment of a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge from the Office of the President, so I e-mailed the following:
Dear Mr. President:
Please indulge me for a moment. Rarely does one have the opportunity to address a superlative humbly divinely inspired, allegorically transcendental genius mind, grounded in pragmatic empiricism, with a kind and compassionate heart and a wry sense of humor, tempered with a profound insight into the fragility of the Union as only an Abraham Lincoln or a Thomas Jefferson possesses. These are times that truly tests all of our souls. As a veteran and a citizen I really appreciate and thank your Office for this supreme effort of will to accomplish the healing of the Union despite the forces marshaled against you, Sir. You define and represent the word Patriot. I hope your burden continues to be bearable.
That said, We need a nonprofit cooperative university for the synthesis of knowledge. Our universities and NASA have a great start in that direction in focusing all of our efforts toward education, evolution and involution of human consciousness with a consciously directed effort toward this dark cloud of ignorance that seeks to destroy the Union, so, most of us can go back to being really good surfs for truly ignorant corporate masters. Not as long as I draw a free breath, thank you.
This idea or concept of synthesis is not new, just extraordinarily difficult to accomplish. I discovered after writing a short book on the subject that sir Francis Bacon, 1561-1626, described this concept in his short books, "Advancement of Learning," "Novum Organum" and "New Atlantis." The ancient Greeks nearly succeeded and were well on their way except for war. Our Constitution is the latest directed effort. You see, Sir, I am driven to make the effort.
We, the people have it before us to do, with more tools and knowledge at our beck and call than man has ever possessed in our known history. Hopefully, when the dust clears after January some thought might be given to this unwavering call to self enlightenment. You are the Education President!
"Mastery in servitude," Sir,
Jack L. Sanders
Of course, I never received a reply. When I made an attempt to do this in the seventies, the Weathermen were running through South Dakota to the West coast from Nixon’s goons and the Vietnam War was a National disaster of unmitigated proportions for the whole world. I do not know anywhere it says in the Constitution that a perpetual state of war is the most desirable preoccupation from the greatest democracy the world has produced thus far. The only thing that is worse than the Vietnam War was the two ignorant wars started under false pretenses in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq, because there was no hard proof or evidence, just like in the Bay of Tonkin for justification for Vietnam incursions, and Afghanistan because it never was managed properly or responsibly until recently, and now it is ending in a year or so.
War must not be the preoccupation of human kind. We have a sacred duty to those who have so valiantly given the last full measure of devotion to God and country from all of our veterans. If a war is unjust and illegal, this does not lessen the value of service given by those who have willingly given their service to what ever country they shed their blood protecting. It is the corruption in the governments that spawn false wars and conflicts which must bear the weight of karmic failure on the grand scale which increase the suffering of all concerned without law and justice prevailing to mend the immense wounds inflicted by false war on the minds of the innocent, children and infirm who always suffer the most due to others ignorance and greed. Very few wars are justifiable and we must guard against starting another false fiasco without end. A permanently awakened Public will not allow this to occur again, nor should we. War for the sake of war is and comes from the rhetoric of ignorant babble liars are capable of in sighting usually using patriotism to appeal to those who seek guidance from false authorities.
What really amazes me is what the Avatar, Meher Baba signed to His disciples that God often uses war to teach or move human kind along for spiritual growth of those involved in the war, directly or indirectly. To me, war is just another name for tyranny, despite the relevance of the necessity for improving consciousness and folks ethics and morality. Death like life are illusions and are only significant because of change for the sake of change and the benefits of placing individuals under immense strain to achieve higher states of consciousness leading to God consciousness as a Man God, Sadguru or Perfect Master. Why the Lord finds it indispensable to place us mere and helpless humans in such predicaments as war to enlighten us individually and collectively to certain spiritual truths is really a statement about how morbidly unenlightened some folks are to place them in the path of war to have them realize the errors of their ways.
Learning by consciously studying everything is our forte and our eternal purpose. We are profoundly good at measuring what we observe in nature. The difference between the two approaches of war and study is one is peaceful in nature and generally constructive and the other is not typically peaceful or creative as it kills folks for that purpose. I will leave it to you to determine which is which. However, we must always be prepared for the eventuality of war for what ever purpose including none at all. Ask your self who benefits most from the exercise of war? Right now we have many really messed up veterans returning from their war who wonder the same thing on a daily basis as they suffer their wounds and injuries on our behalf.
As near as I have been able to determine, empirically, the Universe is self aware and alive as we are and much more, obviously. Morgan Freeman said, on the Worm Hole, that "the universe was more alive than the life within it.’ It is something I have been aware of since I was three or younger. I have always proceeded under this assumption, much as the plains Indians, I grew up around, practice in thought and deed in a normal, natural way. It occurred to me recently that most folks are not properly aware of this reality.
I grew up contemplating the Lakota spiritual legacy of Tunkasila (I. E., Grandfather), Woken Tonka (I. E., Great Spirit), and the four winds or, maybe, the four forces of physics. These beliefs although, never truly codified by any one, although there are some good attempts, are not dissimilar to the Christian trinity of the Father, Son, and Infinite Spirit manifested as the holy ghost of Christi like as the four winds, or literally as the electron ghost of empirical science. The Hindu Brahman (I. E., creator), Vishnu (I. E., sustainer) and Shiva (I. E., destroyer) though thousands of years old probably do not predate the Lakota pantheon as the Red man came from India up through China and across the Bearing Strait or boats along coasts, long, long ago and their cultures actually share words in common with Sanskrit. There is a language found in India that is so old it has not been unlocked or translated as a key is missing.
The Vikings thought to be so primitive and war like probably were, but they came from the steps of Russia and evolved their religion from the influences of Buddhism from India in the time of the Buddha. We know that there was trade from Europe to Asia far back into prehistory. Buddha did not establish a religion: religion began with codification of Buddhist texts that came long after the Buddha. As far as we know, the Buddha transmitted the lamp directly and is per usual for the Avatar to do anyway. Our rich fabric of history is interwoven with all the great traditions of faith
It is hard to say if some form of Judaism and the Pharisees did not predate the Zoroastrian Farsees but the mysticism of the Three Wise Men, the Pharisees and the Farsees are all intertwined and referenced by one another in their history. Interestingly, Sufism of the Persians may predate all spiritual knowledge long before Zoroaster and Abraham far into the ancient and remote history of India.
It appears the esoteric disciplines of all the great faiths and religions have common roots in a deeper principle of mind and enlightenment in the mystical thought of the Kabbalah as expressed by Judaism in the book of Zohar, the philosopher Nietzsche wrote the book Thus Spake Zarathustra about the superman aspects of the teachings of Zoroaster seven thousand years ago , then the Supreme Being Rama in the Ramayana, then Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, then the Buddha and Buddhism which is not a religion and was perfected in Zen Buddhism, Ranzi sect many centuries later in Japan, then Christi and the Gnostic and Christian mystics and the Bible old and new, then the Profit Mohammad and Koran through the mystic Sufi traditions that date back into the ancient past, and finally the Avatar Meher Baba and God Speaks which also is not a religion as He stated, "I have come not to teach but to awaken."
That is the task, isn’t it. How do we awaken ourselves and humankind? That is the issue, isn’t it? Every one of the last seven Avatars in this cycle of time have common beliefs and positive mystical outcomes, if war is not involved or sought, except in the case where the Avatar used war for His purposes. The evolution of the New Humanity and its’ expression would be responsible for such things as the awakening of humanity. So are you a member of the new humanity where you state to others that "I am your fellow servant.’ ‘How may I serve you." Of course this is no small thing to accomplish individually or collectively. A university for the synthesis of knowledge wouldn’t hurt by way of accomplishing this lofty goal.
Spirituality is a very personal experience just like politics and they go hand in hand. Each of us is responsible for their own salvation, and everyone senses or knows this fact. Folks believe they may have been here in past lives and spend their time looking for evidence of this phenomenon. It is probably more important to focus on this life, just as it is rather than concentrating on whether there are worlds with giants that we come from while ignoring and focusing on the here and now of this world. The Dali Lama has talked a lot about this duty or discipline of personal focus. "Obeisance to all Gurus." The problems here on this planet are solved through governance based on mutual respect. Politics is often the tool of corruption used to destroy respectful and selfless governance.
The human perspective is that we are material beings that seek to become spiritual beings. In both reality and Reality we humans are spiritual beings above the Arch Angels trying to come to grips with a material body in the gross sphere of the universe. We are all ready born into the material world as spiritual beings without any need to become spiritual in anyway other than simply allowing ourselves to be honest with our inner life as it applies to how we are treated and how we treat each other.
We are born knowing that the experience we are having as a new born is a fundamental awareness of our own mind as a free agent simply because of how we learn to ask or give. I suppose this experience of birth into a material body limits how our souls were living prior to entering the womb leading eventually to feelings of inferiority and fear of dying and separation after birth. Folks, we are all spiritual beings learning how to perfect ourselves, some actively and most inactively because they think they are gross material beings like a rabbit or something. Rejoice, you are an ancient splendid being of light and life.
All the religions of the world all share the value or principle of love. That was mainly the focus of the advent of each of the last seven manifestations of the Avatar. Apparently, the Earth is a special creation of the Universe whether empirical or spiritual or both and neither. We are the expression of a Devine love and our solar system is a special creation made especially for the home of the Avatar who actually walks among us every 700 to 1400 hundred years. Here we are looking for aliens while the strangest creature or being one may conceive of comes here even in lesser degrees of manifestation than the Avatar to do His work while remaining the same Being throughout such occurrences. So how ancient is God. He refers to Himself as the Ancient of Days just like the mystic traditions of the Jews and Persians.
The Universe formed from precipitation and distillation. I mean by that, amazing amounts of water must have been produced when ever the Universe was able to form oxygen, and in my minds eye this is an alchemical distillation precipitation process of the stars, while looking for the next pure and perfect advancement towards primal consciousness in the gross worlds of space/time we experience directly. Our solar system is evolved through all seven stages of the evolution of hydrogen formation whereby the elements that allow us to exist were forged in the furnaces of that hydrogen gas and allows for a being of full consciousness to evolve and involve returning consciously from whence we were derived.
Today, folks seem to be distracted and even obsessed by the macob and bazaar focused mostly on death and dying. Vampires and the undead are everywhere and seem to make little girls panties wet which is a perversion of the life and death process known to our ancestors since before history. This preoccupation with death is whipped up by greedy producers of false reality by tickling the expression of the vanity of fear to make money. This utter stupidity will pass, it is hoped.
Anyway, the living desire to communicate with the dead and swear the dead try and communicate with the living. The fear of death engenders all sorts of distortions and dead ends composed of pure fantasy which of mislead folks into believing sex and reproduction are based upon this pseudo reality. What a waste of time for the living, it would seem for the wasted life is not worth living. I suppose the reason communication between the living and dead is difficult or nearly impossible is that the dead souls move much faster and in the subtle world of energies associated with the 2nd plane of consciousness and this is lost on the realm of the gross world we see and touch even though it be known this gross experience is of the electron ghost produced by the fields of particles in the quantum realm of the very small. I think sometimes the departed manufacture load bangs shortly after they die to try and communicate to the still living. It’s just a curtain, you know, and our souls actually reincarnated from whence the dead go.
The grist mill of the world produces new or inexperienced souls attracted by our World who determine to figure out what the hell is really going on. Many life times are spent getting oriented to the rules of life as ethics and morality on our Mystic planet. The truth of this reality is so fabulous, one wonders why we need to dwell on the absurd and false fantasies foisted upon us by Hollywood and the media at every turn of the dial. Nothing is ever wasted so some of us must endure this waste of time in the sense it does little for the awakening of humanity generally.
It is catharthis and extant as compelled by demand and appetite.
The entry to the path comes when one surrenders their ego to there higher nature and plunges directly into love and consciousness until, after many lifetimes, this inner work yields to union with that which is without attributes and does not move and will not move in a state of pure bliss. This bliss is the only reality that exists as it is not an illusory experience and is beyond duality. The early Christian, and more specifically, Gnostic heart is the direct path to higher consciousness and union with the Devine mind. All faiths have these traditions of service.
We are about 70 to 90 percent water and with age, distill very nicely. In the Indian tradition one must renounce the transient nature of the world and then surrender to the world as its servant and arrive in that state of forgetfulness where one is neither observer or percipient while remaining a participator, now in the service of others who need such ministrations as may be provided by such loving kindness exhibited by these advanced souls. There was a nun in Calcutta who understood this perfectly.
In the spiritual realm, what human beings do not know or realize, according to the Avatar, is this is the only world where human souls reincarnate towards from all the humanoid worlds in this infinite universe and millions of other infinite universes. Why?
Say, you are an agnostic or atheist and don’t want none of that old time religion. This belief system does not constrain in any way the evolution and involution of the Universe and all sentient beings in it. I actually believe not believing is a form of spirituality. There just aren’t any rights and wrongs when it comes to creation because it isn’t something that happened as much as it is always and forever happening, NOW!
We are the stewards of our creation. How do you wish to make it go? You know, I don’t recommend the dark side of hate and fear due to the poor out comes that come from embracing that hideous strength of self righteous rapture engendered by total participation in pure ignorance. Not only is the whole creation an illusion but the exercise of conscious willful ignorance as practiced by our tyrants and nihilists just adds another layer of illusion to ultimately wade through by involution of consciousness on our journey back to from whence we evolved.
The wonderful thing about humans is how plastic our brains are. How well we accomplish objective science and the lofty pinnacles of our philosophies laced with poetry and subjective experiences far from the objective. Spirituality is an art form and a central part of the growth of our sole and involution of our consciousness through the seven planes of consciousness and the three worlds (I. E., gross, subtle and mental), created by and during the evolution of the seven stages of hydrogen in reverse order from our perspective of the flow of time.
Kant’s categorical imperative is true and it works. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Do unto others as you would have them due unto you. Kant perfected the dialectic method and the resulting mind of pure reason, a priori. It took centuries to perfect reason and the race that evolved to do it. If anything we have retreated from the work involved to have first class minds, partially due to the amount of information that overwhelms us all the time, for no particular purpose other than to increase our confusion and lack of focus on what is really important to humans, safety and home and family and that lost sense of community we all hunger to experience.
The actual universe operates in a dialectic fashion of differentiation, integration and synthesis or thesis and antithesis and synthesis. It appears the dialectic reason and fractal math really help us describe the universe we apparently experience. This makes for a full spiritual life when exercised and used by the pilgrim seeking the experience of union with the Devine as Bliss.
The purpose of religion is to give rise to the love in our hearts for one another as human beings. If religionists aren’t involved in growing this universal sentiment of human personhood then they are not seeking or serving our best interests. The current Pope of the Christians practices this faith continuously for all to see and join not as a religion or a dogma of precepts and rhetoric but as living Devine truth inherent in the foundations of all faiths.
Zoroaster (Zarathustra), Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad and Meher Baba (Merwan Sheriar Irani) were the last seven personifications of the Avatar it would seem. Obviously, religion and spirituality surround this being. Much war has come from the interaction of these faiths and may be the actual outcomes that the Avatar creates.
War is justified if attacked. War is justified to protect the innocent. War for the sake of war is the military industrial complex. Human kind will not evolve as long as war is our preoccupation. More guns do not make our children and/or us safer. There are folks who would have the United States of America involved in an eternal low to mid intensity conflict forever. These forces of perpetual warfare due everything within their powers to accomplish without regard to the health and welfare of the citizens of any country involved in such madness. World War II was a necessary war. The first Gulf War was a necessary war. The war in the Balkans was a necessary war. I am hard pressed to find any other wars necessary, such as World War I, which was certainly contrived by the military industrial complex of long ago. The War of 1812 got us a burned out White House.
The American Civil War goes to the heart of this discussion. This war was and is unavoidable and speaks directly to what the real issues of evolution and involution are. Unfortunately, we are still fighting this war and every day in each state and the Congress and Supreme Court of the land as evidences by the racial hatred and bigoted views directed at the first Black President Lincoln fought so hard to provide to this struggling nation to attempt to bring its warring factions together again in a shared unity of prosperity and positive growth based in education and the ability to find high quality work in such an equitable society which provides for its citizens by ensuring safety, upward mobility and synthesis of knowledge giving all of us the benefits of synergistic discoveries.
Unfortunately, there are large numbers of folks who have decided to continue with the destruction of normative governance which totally undermines the ability of the Public to awaken to the absurdity of pursuing the nonsense of hate and fear out of that hideous strength that comes from the desire to control others and have power over all facets of the weak and poor and ill of their neo surfs lives. This urge to control is a deep sickness of the mind and heart of those foisting this upon the many by the few. It remains the desire of these souls to possess neo slaves and control every facet of their economic and social and sexual reproductive lives, especially women.
They really, really liked this life style before the Civil War and they hunger to return to this life style as evidenced by the secession movement of Texas and others, and the destruction of the two party system in state legislative systems where one party controls both houses and the governorship and gerrymandering of districts to disallow two party governance in the Federal Congress.
Say, we hadn’t fought the British for the right to self governance. Would Britain look the same today and operate the same way as it currently dose? Of course it would not exist as it does today. The reason is the establishment of the constitution which really set the bar for the rest of the governments of the planet for it established a method for perfecting government that has not existed. This idea of perfecting union is the heart of the American experience. If anyone wishes to live here as a new citizen according to our laws, they must be prepared for a never ending diatribe of political wrangling and rhetoric that often becomes quite unpleasant, though most necessary.
Currently there is a great debate about who people may choose to love and marry and raise a family. It always fascinates me that certain interests wish to severely control and constrain the natural rights of folks to love who they wish. Ah, religion all tied up in politics again. This is based on our collective views of liberty, equality and acceptance of one another and the beliefs we hold about civility and respect. Hopefully we shall become a more tolerant society with regard to love and much less accepting society about going to war at the drop of a hat, like the second iteration of the Iraq War which was based upon complete lies and the misdirection of that administration.
If folks do not believe the manipulation of our ability to elect whom we choose to legislate these difficult issues over time, isn’t a issue or problem, they do not understand or properly appreciate that this is an emanate threat to republican democracy, equality, equity, justice and freedom in general across the whole of society for the pleasure of the few. It is a tragedy when these assembled forces of tyranny and ignorance actually subvert the practitioners of the life of Christi as a servant of the poor and weak and ill and into a kind of disregard of their needs and look upon these folks as takers not worthy of charity or equality by those who have enshrined their own relevance as masters of the needy and oppressed and poor by their own design because they love their treasures and corrupt selves more than the humanity that allowed there rise to these lofty heights of pure vanity and hubris while raveling in the experience of that hideous strength engendered by power, control and self worship.
There are many fine examples of these tyrannical folks I could mention but they will just eventually die and be replaced by other debased charlatans of equal or greater ignorance. I actually feel compassion for these folks because of their worship of power and greed which are false statues of the Devine much as craven ideal worship of the troglodytes or heathens who lived in dark caves in ancient times while not demeaning Neanderthals or other races of evolving souls. There is nothing evolving or involving about these folks accept to find new ways to lie and control with hate and fear because they are incapable of conceiving of their own ideas of light and life or anything that serves the Public equally and fairly with justice and liberty for all.
I know God does not constrain our choices about love anymore than our choices and beliefs about war. However, the Avatar has indicated that if we have homosexual feelings, we should for our own spiritual well beings, not act upon such feelings. Well, we all know how human beings do what is best for them individually and collectively, now don’t we. The point is God gives us the choice and the child tyrants would deny us that choice. I do not wish to be responsible for anyone’s actions or beliefs about who we choose to love, period. These choices are and remain between the individual and their higher nature and how they approach there own soul building and spiritual beliefs. No one may tell us to love God or not to love God. God loves unconditionally and that is the central reason folks can not quite locate Him after church dogmas thoroughly confuse the issue and the person looking for this union with the Devine.
I know God does not constrain our choices about love anymore than our choices and beliefs about war. However, the Avatar has indicated that if we have homosexual feelings, we should for our own spiritual well beings, not act upon such feelings. Well, we all know how human beings do what is best for them individually and collectively, now don’t we. The point is God gives us the choice and the child tyrants would deny us that choice.
I do not wish to be responsible for anyone’s actions or beliefs about who we choose to love, period. These choices are and remain between the individual and their higher nature and how they approach there own soul building and spiritual beliefs. No one may tell us to love God or not to love God. God loves unconditionally and that is the central reason folks can not quite locate Him after church dogmas thoroughly confuse the issue and the person looking for this union with the Devine.
In the case of war, being able and prepared to fight all kinds of battles and enemies and not use this ability, is wisdom. Unless we are defending our selves or those who are unable to defend themselves when attacked, we are misusing our superlative military. "America is a ship under full sail without an anchor." An awakened and empowered Public is or becomes the anchor, Mister Alexis de Tocqueville.
Spirituality, religion and war produce or give rise to one another primarily due to greed. The only time religion and spirituality and war aren’t balanced by consensus is when politics is allowed to run wild without transparency in and for the affairs of the Public and you and I. The people are now able to provide solutions to problems from the micro to the macro. I actually believe my effort to synthesize knowledge is a spiritual quest or adventure of infinite proportions to redress the lack of transparency and fairness in society for those willing to work for themselves and the common good for all.
Now, we face our imminent withdrawal from Afghanistan while knowing full well the issues in the region, especially the tensions between the two local nuclear powers will not anytime soon go away. It is not likely that we shall entirely withdraw our forces from Afghanistan for this reason alone and there are plenty of other reasons that are based in our views of humanity and democracy that will constrain us from such withdrawal.
I haven’t talked to any women from the region but I would bet a majority of these females would like to go to school and enjoy the fruits of democracy in their own lives which ignorant men wish to curtail and utterly prevent all across this area of the world. It appears that we are the default peace keeper of the world because of our perspectives on universal justice for all.
The Soul of our universe is hell bent on self discovery in order to transcend its self. We stand on the threshold of a vast library that we are compelled to keep discovering portions of, to see what we may discover because each human being is amazingly curious. We are a major feature of this drive to change and grow and see, inherent in and by, nature. You may change the universe for the betterment of all without being selfish and greedy or tyrannical in your beliefs and practices. We are ethical and moral spiritual beings in the process of becoming something most marvelous.
If We could get several millions of citizens focused on improving their lives and our lives and all life, the Public would rule and the World would change for the betterment of all. We must embrace the Twenty First Century, and thrive. If someone wishes to end this view of our purpose, they know the will of the Public will not allow there greedy plans to stay hidden. So, they will continue to work and finance multiple efforts to keep us from awakening and questioning and writing and talking and debating and finding purposeful growth in activating consensus and knowledge, and using it.
Leadership is accomplished by all of us that take the time to work consciously towards that humanity of cooperation and shared purpose and goals for all to see by consensus and activism and clear communication without rancor or cynicism. I am not afraid of democracy. Tyranny makes me cold. Finding a place with acceptance and a meaningful purpose is what each human strives to achieve and become. All of us together are able to set this view as a goal and helping each other and our selves to accomplish. Education was invented to accelerate this evolutionary process of becoming more. Synthesis is accomplished when we cooperate to form consensus and expand knowledge and its benefits.
All religions are governed by fear of death and avoiding feelings of inferiority, or as religionists call it: sin. Fear of death creates false wars, or wars for greed. President Obama kills Ben Laden and suddenly a whole bunch of angry white men suddenly manifest their closet racism because the president isn’t John Wayne and they feel inferior and afraid. Why? I have no idea. I don’t know if anyone feels like that. I just suspect, I guess. We all know such things, don’t we?
I do not want to be ruled by anything but an aware active Public and responsive republican democracy in all of the other three branches of government. Billionaire child tyrants want to take us back to some feudal lord/serf class society. Lots of work ahead to learn how to turn our personal genius and powers over to the Public and trust each other enough to do this. If we do not evolve somehow personally, socially and politically, more centuries of utter ignorance in perpetual war stupidity will reign, while wondering what science was and yearning for safety in freedom.
To forget we are creatures of love and war, politics and religion and ignorance and enlightenment is unwise for those who do forget who and what we are and represent, we are doomed to repeat our misfortunes over and over, pretty much like we have been doing for the past two hundred thousand years. Obviously we have no collective memory of these things or we would not fail to hide our inner knowledge again and again, even in my life time.
What ever you believe and where ever you are, you are the Public in your person, and it is people who take control of their own lives and their government where all of us live, not on some web site or in some an abstract philosophy. We make the difference by simply taking action with our God given common sense and a desire not to be enslaved by ignorance and its forces. It is difficult to begin activism but it gets easier with use and collective focus. Each of us is a potential college of a university to synthesize knowledge.
If you do not like your personal circumstances then change them, just like people have been doing in their communities to increase the minimum wage locally or advocating an increase in social security retirement benefits on a national scale. Government works the same whether local, state or national when we are the are the shakers and movers and do not let anyone tell you differently or to the contrary.
The value of genuine humor can not be over estimated when used appropriately. If you laugh Daily young will feel much improved as it is directly connected to our health. It is interesting that an abstract appreciation of humor is contained in the constituent elements of nature. What could possibly account for human humor? I have no idea. There are many anomalies and humor is one of them. What would we do without humor? Life would be bleak house without it. I really appreciated Sam Kinison and Bill Maher.
It is important to have heros no matter whom. I really admired Gene Autry because I was raised as a young cowboy, slapping leather and acting honorably. But really and truly my heros were Dr. Sigmund Freud, first psychiatrist; William James, father of American psychology and the philosophy of pragmatism; Dr. Albert Einstein, relativity; Dr. Robert H. Goddard, cosmologist and father of American space program; and Dr. Richard Feynman, Nobel quantum physicist, but years later. I was strongly attracted to the humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer and his book, "The Philosophy of Civilization" for I saw some hope. Then there is M. C. Esher who really allowed me to have insights into the tetrahedron; and the Socratic Method. If you are reading this, do your self a favor and read Avatar Meher Baba’s books, by Him and about Him. There are more but these folks shaped my thinking and philosophy.
Meaning is hard won if you are a true student of knowledge. My Mother was a natural wonder who allowed me to see meaning as a by-product of selfless motherly love. Meaning is a rare experience and not easily found. If you experience true meaning in anything you do, don’t worry and be happy. "Mastery in Servitude."
Chapter 5 - The Book of Life and its Purpose and Meaning
Our purpose, very simply, is to study everything. Meaning is derived individually and collectively from the process of study. Our universe, either by nature or design or both evolves from the simple to the complex. Physicists refer to this process as entropic as in the case of thermodynamics and defined by Wikipedia where systems tend towards disorder or a measure of progressing towards thermodynamic equilibrium. Actually, the universe tends towards iron (Fe) in the center of stars actually causing the stars that transmute there elements into iron to implode and explode as novi.
It is not necessary that there be a Divinity. If there isn’t, the very nature of time seems to come from an underlying order or union, and that order seems to produce consciousness and order from out of chaos. It isn’t important if you are a believer or an atheist or an empirical scientist seeking to prove all educated guesses as theory and hypothesis. If you locate purpose and meaning, more power to you.
So, from disorder or chaos is order born, where by, gas makes rock or stone, evolves into gold, metals give rise to vegetables, vegetables allow worms, insects and reptiles to evolve, from reptile forms the fish are born, from fish come the birds and from the birds come all manner of animals and eventually from primates come human beings. All this through epochs of evolution in time to involve our consciousness as God’s realization of Himself as infinite.
This is the first advent of the Avatar where He defines and discusses these changes in terms of impressions or Sanskaras. Through our evolution to human form, impressions a winding up or accumulating and after involution of consciousness these accumulated impressions are unwound through the realization of seven stages or plains of consciousness in the gross, subtle and mental worlds until realization and the return to the Beyond God free of Sanskaras and ready for work. It is within each souls potential to become an infinite universe if one would so desire and much more. This may have very little meaning for most human beings. I am just pointing out that this meaningful experience is available to each and every one of us and is our purpose.
The single organizing factor in our universe is to know through growth as change within change.
This universal principle creates life (us) in a living universe. All things that move are extant and thus leave an impression on the past change, current change and future change at the same time. All things come to be because of all other things conditioning the change of all other things that are extant and what will become extant. This reality supports the ability to know Reality directly. This intrinsic principle to know seeks to see its self, much like we humans. This organizing principle is what we humans have called the Supreme being, Mother Nature, Gaya, Maya, the Moon goddess and many other names as concepts and truths. It is just the evolution of consciousness that comes from this organizing principle and, in fact, is omnipresent throughout our universe.
The unifying principle of the results of humans synthesizing knowledge as a racial goal will allow the evolving universe of change to become the Supreme God or God the Supreme as a new awakening in our current reality and actually provide enough factual and truthful knowledge to bring mankind together to become what our potential is for the eternal work ahead for all of us. This result of the new awakening is referred to as the New Humanity and the New Life as described in detail by Avatar Meher Baba.
The Book of Life and its Purpose as the essence of this chapter is really the most important chapter from the perspective of producing a meaningful and fulfilling culture in peace and loving kindness, while remaining ever vigilant and prepared in a dynamic universe of very rapid change. The Avatar points out to us that it is God’s formless and colorless Impulsive Imagination to know Himself as Omnipresent, Infinite and Eternal. For those who wish a highly detailed explanation of the creation, I direct your attention to "God Speaks," as dictated by Meher Baba.
The universe actually grew from unifying principles or extant patterns in the very nature of things into union to allow its self to evolve consciousness to be discovered and known. We may call this fundamental organizing principle the Infinite Intelligence. I do not think that there was ever a chaotic principle in our universe that is not for the organization that we experience moment to moment. That would lead one to think that there was an inherent intelligence and consciousness prior to creation that is the WHIM in the IS state. I do not use the word design because nothing was designed, it just is nothing or emptiness or absolute vacuum. Some physicists believe this vacuum is the force the standard model labels as Dark Energy which is expanding our universe in a second inflationary period of universal growth.
I have suggested that as the universe made stars that eventually burn out and collapse upon themselves trying to annihilate the antimatter at their core and form black holes, that the more of these objects that form, is directly proportional to the expansion of the universe. As the number of these super massive objects increased to a certain number, a second inflationary period of expansion began which we appear to experience, now.
The procession of the stars around the galaxies is due directly to the mass of the singularity at there centers. The observed precession of the all the universes galaxies is the same processionary process the stars of the galaxy follow only due to an Object at the center of our universe, hidden from our view behind the COBE, W-Map and Planck images.
The underlying principle compels the universe to create the conditions to know itself as you and I. To me this is the poetry and music and thrill and joy and love of the universe. The infinite pre-personal Mystery gave rise to its movement from out of the condition of motionlessness as absolute vacuum. Nothing else is going on except this urge to know. To know actually, until infinity squared. Even the Infinite Intelligence that comes from nothing, orders everything, while still Illusionary as it moves. Only that which does not move is reality and is not an illusion. In humans this state of knowledge or evolutionary involution is contained within each and everyone to know the nothing in the gross, subtle and mental worlds in seven states or stages of this involved consciousness, thus returning from whence we came. Those of us that learn the lessons of the ethically motivated moral being we are in nature has the potential of becoming infinitely evolving universes, just like ours but different like snow flakes.
The IMMACULATE MIND as the infinite intelligence of nature, seeks not to destroy its self in some chaotic nihilism even as stars explode and implode. In the Vedic pantheon of Gods, the creator, sustainer and destroyer, the universe has went through many bounces of expansion and contraction, like bang then crunch then bang again. Our universe now, grew from these really ancient runs at producing universes sustaining infinity in growth. I suppose the Avatar or random Sadguru could end the universe and probably has in some remote past because it was not growth that was infinitely, infinite. This universe does not have this finite problem and will find coalescence with an infinite number of infinite universes trillions of years from now. You may actually be one of these infinite number of infinite universes all in the pure joy of loving bliss.
Human beings need to realize that they are most significant as their experience of knowing really has no end. Our souls exist from near the first motion. It took 13.72 billion years for the universe to evolve a body to house our soul as a living conscious spiritual being. This place we are all in, actually intended to produce a creature with a brain just exactly like you, and you and you, folks. How we have managed not to have come to this collective understanding and knowledge until now has to do with our direct curiosity to know and god forbid, to think about where we are. That too evolved. Anyway, all this is That.
The Avatar has pointed out humankind is helpless and susceptible to great calamity. We apparently do not have a very long racial memory as we are unable to remember how we built the great Pyramid at Gaza and many other ancient works of antiquity. Some advance the ancient astronaut theory where extra terrestrials came to our planet and showed us how to built nearly perfect stone structures both in South America and the Eastern world and to measure time. Signs of a superior technology do not seem to be evident in North America except in the teachings of Native Americans and there ancestors advanced knowledge of astronomy as evidenced by exceptional observatories such as what the Anasazi Indian civilization built.
It is unlikely extra terrestrials have come to Earth as the distances between the stars is simply to vast. It is possible that these beings come here from other dimensions and have interacted with human beings in our forgotten ancient past and may be doing so now. It is very likely what we refer to as UFO’s or unidentified flying objects is our tax dollars at work in black projects such as single stage to orbit were we simply fly very high, very fast and simply fly into space. I suspect this is a routine business for the military and intelligence agencies of the United States and possibly other governments. It is also possible that our government is aware of extra dimensional beings. The Avatar indicated there are 17,000 humanoid planets out there and in the scheme of things these beings incarnate towards Earth as this is the home of Master
Humans are reborn and die until the soul in each of us is perfected in such a way that we become infinite. This round of births and deaths really takes a long time. This time is irrelevant because we have an endless amount of time to get it right, so to speak. When Dr. Einstein said that God would not play dice with the universe, and the whole controversy of the "chaotic" ocean in the quantum realm of sub atomic particles, gave the good doctor a lot of sleepless nights. If there were truly a disorganized principle in our verse, it simply could not exist, at least not into the infinite eternal. Chaos is simply order seeking unlimited change and growth with the organizing principle of Infinite Consciousness as Intelligence that has been since and before the first most finite movement. Any potentially infinite universe that becomes chaotic , dissolves of its own entropy. A fine balance between mass and rest is achieved if a universe is capable of infinite growth. We must come to realize that the universe is alive just as we are and tends to evolve in such a way that it is benign and conducive to life. This is not to say great calamity is not an ever present threat that humankind fails to realize at all as a collective body of awareness.
Science is in despair or glee depending on one’s beliefs because the quantification and qualification of consciousness is illusive just like God. Until science comes to grips with consciousness, which actually allows them to be disconcerted, nothing much will change. If Bill Meher says God is nothing, I couldn’t agree more. If Bill Meher, consummate genius comedian says that the consciousness that allows him to be an atheist is not potentially infinite within him, then the boy has missed the whole exercise.
The most immediate concern of a newly born human being is survival. As soon as we determine things are going to be warm, dry and safe, we begin to become people pleasers because it is natural to seek, receive and cultivate love from one’s parents and ultimately from one’s self and we need to be feed.
We all have a warm and fuzzy place that says to us we are valuable, needed and wanted. When this inner intimacy within us all does not grow and thrive, it has everything to do with fear of death, manifest as sexuality and reproductive urges, and feelings of inferiority, for we are somehow flawed and unworthy of feeling and accepting love. A lot of this capacity is genetic or evolutionary and some of this capacity is either encouraged by life experiences or is interrupted and distorted by fear, hate, rage and war. I suspect it is the role of government to provide the circumstances which allow us to thrive or wither depending on its conduct as prescribed by our mutual actions. We probably need to provide housing, jobs, education and a secure environment to all as a birth right. This will become increasingly obvious as we approach seven billion souls and many more, but what do I know.
I think it is safe to say and report that the whole of the universes of universes wishes to experience, know and participate in the on going bang/crunch. The very nature of the universe is to provide preservation and sustenance in and for the creation, or we would not be here now. Once there was movement there began a road of infinite and eternal finite experience in this flat universe we are in. We are here to perceive this phenomenon and study it all endlessly throughout our life experience. When our study becomes our job and our job is study, mankind will have arrived at a workable and lasting cultural experience of renaissance for the New Humanity to enjoy and attend to much as a lovely garden with some thorns, I am sure.
In a thousand years or so, we may actually have a war with extra dimensional beings. For the purposes of soul building war exists based upon humans innate sense of right and wrong and good and bad and how it influences our decision making especially when it comes to protecting the weak, the sick, the young, the old and the helpless much like the Avatar appears to be concerned for our well being as a special creation of this mysterious personality that states He was Zoroaster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Christ, Mohamad and Meher Baba. If so, He was kind enough to have thoroughly documented His life in all manner of methods, including cinema where He has said that watching His image on film may enlighten some to the Infinite Intelligence.
For those of us that realize we all must work together and progress towards common human goals, the idea of purpose and meaning become self evident. When we actively reach out to all and accept everyone’s right to communicate, we all affirm one another’s sense of self and community. I can not see a downside to promoting each others efforts and our own as a free enterprise affirmation of mutual support and reinforcement of the basic human core. When we no longer support each other then we believe we are independently important as a collective farce and we approach a new feudalism of values and more darkness.
Were the Public to awaken, all of us would be amazed at the positive growth of us all. Power, greed, self righteousness, selfish behavior and threats are the work of child tyrants. It is truly amazing how many of these closed minded individuals exist. I believe it is the very essence of evolution and natural selection to put the two belief systems at odds with one another as a component of experiencing everything in fininity.
What generally comes from such historical friction is strides in human learning and evolution towards a more enlightened and educated reality protecting itself by learning and perfecting education. Eventually the forces of ignorance will ultimately be obliterated in the light of knowledge and common agreement of all. If this does not occur or if we gain this ability and loose it again our racial memory will remain truncated and lost in the sands of time, much as we are now.
People will say, why are you creating a duality between belief systems and fostering the possibility of discord and civil war? It isn’t what any one is doing, it is simply the case that nature is providing both human perspectives and realities and which one of these behaviors we choose to embrace and live. Any time obscuring is the norm, I feel from deep within a need to find the truth and expose it for what it is. Humans are curious, aren’t they?
Those who seek and embrace conscious willful ignorance by promoting lies and hate based on manufactured fear as a by product of hate speech and deception are doomed to the prospect of returning themselves to rock consciousness by their very deeds and beliefs. These folks are often referred to as tyrants. Personally I am most tired of these individuals as I have known their elk for longer than most of you would believe. These folks are nearly impossible to awaken or enlighten for they are drive by their fear of death and feelings of inferiority to control by dominance and against the will of the majority. They are the primary threat to democracy and civilization. Those who seek out these individuals are deceived and at risk of becoming lost souls just like their mentors they often worship. These seekers enjoy being lied to even when they know they are being lied to, openly. Hence, conscious willful ignorance is the outcome.
The underlying prerogative and purpose of the Public is to embrace the constitutional mandate to grow democracy. Why? To ensure the common good where all may speak freely. Even our child tyrants are encouraged to speak freely and openly in the sun shine of the day. I am sure we will all learn a lot!
Here in is the central issue or problem or disagreement that seems to underlie the human condition. There are and currently exist a whole range of folks, who rather seek to find out what is important and meaningful from being told by a trusted source with the exclusion of any other source of information that does not conform to the consensus of the folks who are asking to be told what to think and believe even if this information is contrary to experience and objective science. This human enjoys being frightened by made up hate, which they promptly turn into fear and then anger and aggression, thinking they are in some way protecting themselves from something that only exists in imagination and dream with no acknowledgment of the possibility of ignorance or error in thought and action. It’s more important to these humans to be accepted and told what is meaningful than to actually go out and empirically determine what is fact from pure fantasy. Sometimes, those who perpetrate this construct on others often end up believing this lack of actual reality as a tri - dimensional occurrence in time and space. They begin to believe their own lies and false mental constructs. This human mind will revert to nihilistic or tyrannical behavior when pressed by factual truths.
No better example of this disparity between fact based humans and story based humans is the election of 2012. I, actually know a low information human who, I call a friend that was unable to get out of bed after the 2012 election for two days because his candidate lost the election. This perfect illustration of the epistemological difficulty, presents fact based minds a morale dilemma. Should a mind that develops less error and less ignorance use this natural born power of mind to overcome and eradicate a so called inferior mind set or work strictly to redeem and evolve our fellow humans regardless of the implications of a consciously error based mind set on obscuration, disinformation, misinformation and concealed tyrannical purpose and intent in conscious concealment?
The task is actually bringing all of us along with such a good and true story without hate and anger being associated with the story, based in fact and science with a great outcome for all, that even low information folks will appreciate and find meaningful and learn to embrace. The New Humanity is not possible without an evolution of that human spirit and revolutionary fervor we had as a young nation. If the purpose of America is to bring the fruits and perils of democracy to everyone who wishes to grow, then it may be said that attempts to suppress democratic exercise and growth are actually un - American and devious and counter to the Constitution of the Union simply due to personal greed and lust for power and its exercise in the hands of the few, not the many.
The dilemma is whether to magnanimously overlook this diseased and unconscious behavior or find ways and means to enlighten this dark point of view without rancor and physical force often called for in defending the basic principles established and protected by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights without another protracted Civil War. The fact based mind is hated by the storied mind because of this constricted point of view which is unable to comprehend what facts actually mean with regard to economic and scientific and political development and the common good and purpose of the laws of nature that all may Devine for themselves. Therefore, I say, grow the Public and its collective awareness and the issues of self induced ignorance will gradually fade into the clouds of Maya, from whence they come manifesting as Kali.
Nature did not purposely create ignorance, it simply is the outcome of creation as evolutionary growth and change, leading to a more perfect form of self awareness through that process of trial and error seeking self awareness inherent in everything becoming conscious and self aware from the individual and the atom to the infinite cosmos and beyond, even ignorance. Personally, I think of it as the eternal adventure and purpose of life. It actually is the impetuousness of life itself. The New Humanity is the open acknowledgment and practice of this fundamental spirit of life force. When we identify with ignorance as lying to ones self and others for selfish, greedy and tyrannical ends we defeat our higher calling. Literally, all things come to pass despite the effort to control the material world.
An awakened Public knows no bounds or limits when energized and functioning as a democratic self correcting process, wherein, we discover our own ignorance and enlighten ourselves collectively and in peace. Just ask our enemies of the past century who failed to appreciate the collective, shared and expressed will of the people to over come darkness, ignorance and hate. Only a people that dare to become more than they are and expand the frontiers of knowledge will ultimately survive and grow in this naturally hostile world environment. When many or most of the people realize they are the part of the public that is aware, and that they are reenforced and supported by many others of like mind, does democracy and its principles shine. The way forward is civility and patience with concerted will and good will towards those who return it, unless attacked for being and demanding transparency in government, whereby democracy fails to function. I say bring on the attacks of the most ignorant and let them through themselvesa against the walls of knowledge and freedom and democracy.
The spirit of democracy is the free social exchange of ideas that find consensus and direction of purpose. This is not accomplished when trust of one another fails and displaced by the rhetoric of hate speech as the perpetually angry and suspicious person problem because someone told them to be hostile and apposed to logic and reason and facts. It doesn’t work for me, but it plays out before us everyday in so many ignorant behavioral ways in all of us. It is just that I do not consciously choose to be willfully ignorant and like it.
Bullying is a prime example of thoughtless ignorance for the purpose of social climbing and to avoid the fears of feeling and being inferior and death. Folks play all kinds of these games, without even knowing they are doing it even after they become old enough to know better. When we allow our selves to become vulnerable to our selves and then others, we grow and learn to lead our own destinies and cooperate with others to secure our shared destiny, then we bring out the best qualities in human nature, and ignorance is diminished.
When we the Public allow special interests to bully us into believing falsehood after falsehood our personhood is diminished and it causes us to literally become inferior due to embracing utter ignorance. When hate speech becomes the new sport, little wonder people become afraid.
The difficulty in accomplishing all this purposeful and meaningful behavior and experience is each individual is responsible and aware of being aware. If we do not practice the properties of consciousness the axioms of our consciousness rarely manifest spontaneously without self nurturing and inner work. The more we accept our differences, the more we nurture and are nurtured, and the more aware we allow our selves to become. It is in the final analysis, a personal choice, made for the sake of self preservation. You may not succeed in this endeavor if you live in a bubble of false premisses.
A new humanity is the same old humanity, but awakened. Everything conspires to awaken us all. The more the universe evolves the better it becomes at being aware. It is the same for us all. It really amounts to becoming personally responsible for our thoughts and actions and owning it.
I find it most interesting that when I was very young, something or another indicated to me that I must right a book and that the name of the book was to be, The Book of Life and Its Purpose. This was a very strong urge and compulsion and went on and on for years. It did produce the concept and Charter of the university to synthesize knowledge and my drawings and general theory that everything is separate and or opposite, but the same to infinity squared. And then nothing for forty-three years.
Now, this same urge or nudge compels me to write a book about life and its purpose as the tools are available to reach more folks. The reason that I did not entitle this work in this manner is the Avatar wrote God Speaks, The Book of Life and its Purpose which I became aware of in 1966 due to two really great hippies and friends I ran into who told me He was here and that they had walked through auras of bliss while approaching Him for darshan or spiritual blessing of the Master. I knew He was here shortly after I was born and knew I would be told. After reading God Speaks, I just sat on my ideas and did nothing as instructed until the last solstice on 12/21/2012. There was a huge spiritual shift around this time and I was compelled to write again.
I am getting old and feel fortunate to be able to express what I feel is the most meaningful and purposeful reasons for which we exist, albeit not as well or perfectly as the Avatar does and many other very sharp people. The New Humanity is us and there is no turning back. I am no way an advocate of any form of belief. I can only speak for myself. I hope some of what I have written will resinate in the minds of others to quest, to study and to learn what is actually going on and why. The Chinese skeptics believed knowledge to be impossible, much like the Creek skeptics. There is an error in their epistemology. If knowledge were impossible, the whole thing would again dissolve back into the dust of space and begin again, I am that sure of what I know. We are all important and can help ourselves and others selflessly without any damage to anything, including the waning ego.
So, what is the problem or issue with knowledge? The individual is responsible for obtaining knowledge. No two persons understand the knowledge they have obtained in the same way. For instance, what is knowledge? Again, we come back to consensus as the central contributing factor that establishes what a tri-dimensional occurrence in space and time is; a fact. Albert Einstein referred to this morass of conflicting information as the epistemological difficulty. Really, this is the central concern in science and it should be the central concern. It is essential we pursue the facts.
I could have written this entire narrative like a die hard scholar of pure science. I could have described a good deal of what I have written in terms of describing the four forces which are gravity that seems to be the weakest force compared to the other forces, the electro magnetic force that we have demonstrated causes micro dust to clump and form solar systems, and the strong and weak fields that seem to govern the world of subatomic waves/particles in a Higgs ocean whereby all matter seems to obtain its mass. I could have explained that the trinity of ten Gods could be explained as the ten dimensions that mathematics seems to demand purely as a function of space/time, and time/space. I must point out that pure science has not yet come to the conclusion that time/space exists as such even tough science has postulated and detected the presence of dark matter and a mysterious force labeled as dark energy that is apparently accelerating the expansions of space as inflations over time in our space. I have theorized plausible explanation of what exactly produced a universe that exists because of its dual nature which is asymmetrical in design and function.
The difficulty is, even if we could convince ourselves that there is a perfectly rational and objectively demonstrateable explanation for the existence of it all, how does one, then, synthesize all of knowledge which really is the goal that I have set for this over simplified explanation of everything and nothing. There have been lots of folks who over the millenniums introduced that pesky spiritual experience most humans have from time to time.
I have a good friend who whole heartedly embraces the mystical beliefs and experiences of the Lakota Sioux Nation which was never qualified or quantified like Christian mystics have attempted to do with their spiritual traditions. While on a vision quest this friend told me that they saw a old women come out of the full moon. They qualified what they had seen was not so much a real women emerging from the moon, but there was the mystical awareness of what was being witnessed. I think this individual saw exactly what their spiritual nature and experience said they had seen. I have heard many of these stories throughout my lifetime while only experiencing this mysticism as pure delight. I actually know what the Great Spirit or Wakan Tonka is. Russell Means said the Great Spirit is better understood as the Great Mystery, which I support. Lakota spirituality is not a monotheistic tradition. One could say that it is a form of nature worship. There is no sense that this spiritual experience is not a unifying or fulfilling experience for the pilgrim. Actually, Lakota mysticism is not dissimilar to Tibetan mysticism.
The point is with my little aside is no matter how wonderful and perfect and documented a narrative based on the facts, just the facts, is, synthesis of knowledge by this definition is unable to appreciate human spiritual experience. No matter how consistently consistent and fact based we are and become, there is that spooky interaction of wave/particles which produce the most profound inner experiences anyone ever has. We are designed by nature at least to empirically experience life and the universe. The empirical method existed long before the scientific method, although they must by human design amount to the same thing as we empirically witness any experiment we design or just measure. We are always reduced to empirical experience. This is why when one has spiritual experiences it is not possible to disprove or dismiss or denigrate these experiences simply because we are unable to prove something other than an electro-chemical cocktail did not produce a spiritual reality for that pilgrim.
Science is having great difficulty in describing human consciousness. Spiritual masters have been doing so for hundreds of thousands of years. So what is the problem? I could not discuss or foster or suggest the synthesis of knowledge and not include everything which includes a vast amount of systematically and empirically organized spiritual knowledge, albeit, most of which is reduced to an a priori knowing. The point is the only way to synthesize knowledge is to include all knowledge and to represent such knowledge as a viable construct that is not inconsistent with our experience so consensus becomes the rule rather than ignorance as an outcome of such knowledge.
Some spiritual masters get excited about thinking as it does not directly lend itself to achieving enlightenment as it muddles up the brain with impressions and images that the pilgrims often renounces to enter the path. So what? We really must follow our own nature. You have got to be your own guide. When you are ready for a master or guru, they show up whether from the inner worlds or the outer worlds and often without the pilgrims awareness, at least to begin with. The main thing for the pilgrim is to give themselves permission to expand their consciousness of their own free will. One of the gifts of the Universe is the free will. God would not have it any other way because this is actually how the universe works for Humans.
Please, remember, I am not a religious person. Spirituality is another matter and what I choose to embrace. We all have are own beliefs and methods of worship. To me, all this is That simply because we are spiritual beings first and scientists, latter. Most of what I have described will be found to have a basis in hard science. It is just that we have not evolved long enough to permanently separate fact from fiction, myth and belief in a consistently consistent, reliable and valid scientific method that accurately describers Divinity and those things that are truly mystically mysterious. The experience of the mystic is the Wine of and for my soul that briefly sustains this body. I would not have it any other way.
Thus, it is not possible to synthesize knowledge by leaving out seemingly inconvenient portions of the knowledge we already have amassed while still finding such knowledge lacking integration and synthesis. I hope this second attempt I have made to get the idea of synthesis connected to active cooperation and renaissance gains some traction because it is a completely transparent and harmless method to bring humanity together so that in 700 years the people of our world actually do await the advent of our Avatar for what He actually represents and IS.
Just because Baba has indicated that this phenomenon will occur doesn’t mean we should all stick our heads in the sands of the immense amount of knowledge he left to us this time and expect this whole process to happen by magic or all by itself because the Avatar took care of it and he was completely satisfied with his Work. I guarantee that this pilgrim is not satisfied by such a status quo of inactivity that is implied by denying that this is a problem we mere mortals must endeavor to solve on our own, with the sure knowledge that it is possible and doable due to the Work accomplished to awaken us to our purpose which is active work in cooperation with one another on a really major scale of organization in learning and doing for the common good and Love of the Master. Spiritual, I am. Religious, I am not.
My favorite poem is O, Parvardigar from the Avatar, Meher Baba. I refer you to Lord Meher on line to read and enjoy.
Chapter 6 - Free Enterprise as a Concept of Cooperation
Again, I point out that no single mind is capable of comprehending the grand unified field except the Avatar, and He indicated that he could not count all the universes coming from Him. That is why we need a New Humanity of individuals and groups and minds that over turn the world with a future that seeks to use the very best of our human talents to seek to synthesize knowledge for the evolution and involution of humankind to actually make the world a safe and flourishing democracy and cultures for all. Tyrants often call this tyranny. The age of tyrants is passing, and we must work every second to ensure the rational mind prevails in its struggle with ignorance, hate and fear.
We live under a system of Capitalism dominating all politics and forms of government whether democratic or tyrannical in nature. The very notion that a form of economics dictates our day to day lives is simply unacceptable to me. Politics is the lowest form of science known to man and you will not likely see any advent of the Avatar engaged in politics. Politicians murdered Jesus Christ out of their economic and political greed. We currently have a whole Congress in the United States that has totally forgotten how to govern without ignorant politics foisting its greedy and utterly ignorant views upon the People as the Public.
Free Enterprise was an evolution of Mercantilism brought about by the first Republican Democracy based on the notion of normative governance. Free Enterprise is a political and economic philosophy where the individual business entrepreneur engages in capitalism or non-profit business organizations that supports the tenant or principle of enterprising for ones self and everyone else equally or at least equitably. A modern day example of this philosophy in practice is the Costco corporation. There are many others and Walmart corporation is not a good example.
Free enterprise must not be confused with private enterprise or capitalism due to its underlying philosophy of fairness and cooperation among the workers and administrators of any organization engaged in capitalism or communism as an economic well spring of advanced social and economic growth. This form of enterprise gave rise to cooperatives, communal farms and all manner of economic organization. This form of governance and economic focus was so successful, especially as economic cooperatives such as rural electrification associations, that large corporations engaged in capitalism for the sole purpose of profit has tried to destroy workers unions and viable cooperatives simply because many folks with the money do not wish to share their wealth gained by the efforts of their workers and without regard to equity or just governance leading to equality of all and acceptance of all in a safe and trusting manner.
The reason free enterprise has failed or only partially achieved its goal of equity and sustained economic and social growth is education. Nothing is more important in a democracy than education of the People to very high standards. Education was the vehicle that propelled the United States on to the World Stage as the only super power on the planet. Now, the tyrants are doing everything in their power to dumb down the population. Nothing demonstrates this objective more than the formation of the Tea Party from within the bowels of the Republican Party without conscience purely for the purposes of greed based on hate speech and fear and conscious willful ignorance.
The perpetrators of this tyrannical view of the world are selfish, greedy soots. If true evil exists in the cosmos, these folks exemplify and model this profound ignorance of greedy purpose in their active willingness to destroy our educational system to the point hundreds of thousands of people believe the world is only six to nine thousand years old and that climate change is a myth and a million other false premises contrived by liars telling lies to under educated willing subjects of neo hate and fear based on bigotry and racism. The White race and the White man are most responsible for this ignorance or purpose. They are the destroyers of personal meaning and hope and still the ignorant flock to this alter of utter stupidity based on selfishness and greed.
I have proposed a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge to eradicate this disease of willful ignorance from the collective mind of humankind.
Learning, kindness and compassion bridge all gaps when applied by evolved beings. The university strives to educate us all by consciously involving us all with one another in a democratic government of learning in knowledge. To join this university, all one need do is leave the idealistic vision of the idea of such a university and join it consciously. We are all integral parts of a vast library and university. All meaning and purpose is derived from this notion of cooperative enlightenment. It is now possible to make this idea real by practicing cooperation of any kind for any outcome that does not produce war and harm to ourselves and other human beings. The more considerate individuals are of others the greater the union of democracy becomes where by safety and trust of one another are the norm.
Congressional Representative John Lewis who is still living and Martin Luther King are two examples of a truly enlightened men who by practicing non-violent change, succeeded in changing the world with and by their personal examples humanity, kindness and love of their fellow human beings who so bitterly opposed and still oppose their efforts to achieve peace, safety, true social and racial acceptance in equality and economic security for all. Some of the truly wealthy believe that only certain folks may partake of the benefits of democracy and attempt to prevent those who the wealthy believe to be takers such as other ethnic races and socioeconomic groups may not participate in such a world order other than as serfs, slaves and chattel for the benefit of the rich to use as they feel fit.
If our thesis ever gathers traction, the human race will reinvent itself as the New Humanity, made up of the world Public. This new awareness is the inevitable outcome of a universe that is alive, aware and evolving. What, then, is it evolving into and why? In a very real sense, the efforts and insights of Charles Darwin has allowed new evolution to occur in full consciousness, or that which makes us all equal in potential and purpose. We are the infinite universes of some remote age of growth of this infinite universe as well as the infinite universes created moment to moment by the fact of our very existence. Once it moved, everything else will follow to exhaust infinity through eternity in fininity. It will take a very long time to experience everything in fininity.
That is why our universe is such a gift to everything as all other infinite universes will coalesce into one Object that will eventually in some remote eternity from now actually exhaust the infinity of everything in the finite like we do now, where everything knows everything and is no longer compelled to move. The universe literally moves to exhaust movement through the actual experience of everything in the finite world. The amount of space and time, time and space this will take, we call eternity. It is our eternal purpose and work. It is why we are here. It is why we are so fond of ourselves without even realizing are part in everything. Everything we do exhausts one more motion, so all things continually change to experience and exhaust each motion or vibration, based on our universes tone or wave, as a growing living being connected to all its motions continually and inherently as entanglement.
Humans store these experiences as impressions from the time we were rock conscious and before till we begin to unwind these tonal experiences stored as impressions to return to the consciousness that does not move which originally created everything/nothing (I. E., duality). Synthesis integrates opposites and diverse ideas to achieve harmony free of hate and fear, in peace and safety by near universal consensus. You know, life, liberty and the exercise of happiness, just like the Obama Family after the second inauguration. God bless America, home of the free and land of the brave, from the range to the mountains to the shores. Let Democracy reign.
I actually believe that there is no real distinction between science and spirituality. They are tools for growing humankind to do specific and eternal works, to exhaust motion, permanently. Folks wonder if they mean anything at all or what’s it all about Alfie. Human beings have infinite worth and purpose and meaning as long as they choose to grow to receive grace from the Immaculate and Devine universe we live in. The gross world evolved us to return to the Devine unity that moved and sought to grow and determine our purpose which is to serve our fellow beings. I am your fellow servant. This may be religion to some, but to me it is obvious and we need to get with it and give each other permission to evolve into the Devine beings even the angles jealously lament that we are. This profound awakening will inevitably come from the pressure and forces of nature and reality. That’s fine, but I would rather we did it knowing we are evolving as we will make better decisions based on knowledge and experience. If the "bombs" of population, food and water, power and energy and the universe finally wake us up to our responsibilities towards the creation, it won’t be as pretty if we don’t do most of it by exercising our own free wills’ to do what is good, honorable, just, right, kind and compassionate and smart in liberty and freedom because we took the time to do it for the benefit of all, selflessly.
We are a new species who have recently chosen to not to destroy the world with nuclear weapons. We still are in a position to succeed through ignorance and hate to pull it off. We need to evolve now not tomorrow or next year, but now. If we all take each others backs and stop killing one another, a great peace will come over us and we will become human people who travel the oceans and the stars forever. That is not a dream to me, as we are well on our way if we put our shoulders and backs into the long haul of becoming the New Humanity made of the Public of the individual people of the human race and maybe others. Good luck, my friends and enemies.
There is a very difficult task ahead for each one of us now and here on. We all must evolve and involve our consciousness to become conscious of being conscious all the time. Being here now and knowing it all the time. This state of mind is literally the purpose of education and isn’t some state that only some of us may achieve. If you do not lie to yourself, you are self aware all the time as your conscience is clear. This state of selflessness and personal responsibility develop into lives of service to groups, sects, cults in politics and religion which could function as a smoothly running super computer as a world university extant as the Public Union Party of consensus of and by the New Humanity who have finally decided to evolve into the species of Peace with teeth for freedom and liberty.
Without cooperation on all levels of consciousness we will be the victims of change, not a fir bearing creature adapting to a new and infinitely complex present world with all those skills we evolved with to survive all kinds of desperate situations. We need a new tool. We all know what that tool is and we always have, each other. Trust is always the issue. A world University for the Synthesis of Knowledge, by studying everything for everyone is required. Our Union is the responsibility of the citizens of the United States of America. I do not think for one moment, that the second election of President Barrack Obama will allow us four years of peace, unless attacked, to do overdue public repair to the Union and seek out the root causes of tyranny, and change the causes of suffering for better outcomes that benefit all. The United States place in the world is learn how to cooperate with the rest of the world to seek ways and means for improving the lot of humanity.
President Clinton has a foundation expanding on the principle of lending small amounts of capitol to foster entrepreneurship and collaboration for helping folks help themselves. Bill Gates has a educational foundation to allow more and more folks to have access to learning to progress and improve their standard of living. The University to Synthesize Knowledge function is to suggest that collaboration between such entrepreneurs in the hundreds and thousands would have a truly profound effect on the evolution of the species, us. Using or creating such a clearing house allows for many more ideas and solutions to problems than each standing alone who would never see or even have access to the information a clearing hose, and more, provides. Real intelligence and monumental cooperation among the truly influential leads to a golden age of humankind when most of the genius on the planet must learn how to work with one another leading to the emancipation of humans from the bonds of ignorance for the common good. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French philosopher of the Enlightenment said "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains." It is probably is not necessary to live in chains anymore.
Again, I state: The Concept of Cooperation derives its power from consensus based on mutual respect and genuine positive regard for ones self and others who demonstrate through their behavior towards your person a propensity to work towards common goals such as a green high speed surface transportation system that uses the renewable resources along its path to power it and the electrical grid. Part could be bored, part elevated, and part surface tubes. Doing such collective and collaborative feats requires a common vision of growth towards helping the run away melting of the ice fields all over the Earth.
Further, the Keystone Pipeline proposal is a symbol for doing something about global warming and climate change and the obvious short term concerns about new jobs, as well. So who is right. I do not know, but if we created a public university to synthesize knowledge, we would figure it out, plus creating many more quality jobs than this pipeline project will produce. The problem is, is it easier to simply stop the project and the jobs associated with it, or to go ahead and create very few high quality jobs and a lot of new green house gases. Usually, history demonstrates money and power win out. If you do not like this normal result, do something about it in a conceptual framework and environment that does not go away when this particular issue is resolved or settled, whether the Public is happy or big money gets its way, again. Public poles are great, the internet is a great tool, peoples shared ideas are most beneficial and people work very hard on all sides of the argument, while establishing nothing on the Public side to sustain the Public compass or to truly study and synthesize lasting Public policy or direction.
These are just a few examples of how such a university could benefit all of us, all the time, for a very great purpose which is the eradication of profound ignorance that we all flirt with periodically.