Sustaining Synergist Business Opportunities
in the Compelled Flourishing and
Transfiguring Reality
of the 22nd Century
- a treatise -
November 22, 2013
The models of the 19th and 20th Centuries for generating social change within economic markets or anticipating such markets based on supply and demand and later on, demand and supply, no longer works or is viable to sustain healthy societal outcomes. It works today due mainly to pure genius as expressed as a renaissance of the economic organization for profit, such as Mr. Jeffrey P. Bezos, founder of Amazon Corporation, mastered. It isn’t mercantilism and it isn’t capitalism nor socialism for today corporations have taken on the mantel of personhood. This is brand-new, folks.
The United States is no longer the ship described by the historian and political muse, Alex de Tocqueville’s vision of America as a ship under full sail without an anchor. Economic expansion and stability rely on markets which produce wages and benefits, for workers to buy goods and services that generate profitable returns to the entrepreneur as sustained income which may be reinvested under or within a normative system of proper governance and political balance.
It is the ongoing battle, between profit motive and governance, which leads inevitably to political parties actually going to war against the very government which allows the business for profit to exist and thrive, via the infrastructure created to do so, paid for from revenue streams legislated for normative standards of conduct which uniquely underpin the potential success in business outcomes. President George Washington warned us this could occur and it has to the detriment of all.
Our current form of economic and political science actually causes certain types of markets to thrive while depressing universal growth and access to upward mobility and a secure social outcome into the future. This process works in an inequitable asymmetric fashion and does not sustain balanced growth while enhancing infrastructure and synergistic business realities in search of a market to grow and produce new revenues and taxes to continue and sustain the process.
This is evidenced by a major disconnect between traditional educational results and job performance. America has slept and lost the thread of this essential integration of knowledge and skills. See our math test scores for instance and a real effort to teach creationism in our schools as fact. I mean creationism may be the case, but show me the science, please. I am embarrassed at times at the level of knowledge in common parlance anywhere in America. Did you know that President Barrack Obama was born in outer space where these folk’s minds exist that panders to the public? Did you know that humankind does not effect climate change and those who believe this must move to New Orleans or Death Valley and soon?
Our present economic model is not sustainable as it has no locus of purpose or focus for desired outcomes toward and much like what passes as thriving in the 21st Century. A great deal of genius and little vision drives the world economy today. There is no wind to sail a ship. This is due because such creative vision is overtly suppressed or hijacked for short term gains and does not rely on pragmatic idealism as implied in the notions of normative democracy and liberty hard fought and won in the American Revolutionary War.
A pure consumer oriented society exhausts valuable resources and talent in the pursuit of low pay jobs with meager benefits who must then seek government assistance. This is like giving money to peasants and expecting them to know how to use the tools they need to buy to do their planting when they have always been hunter gathers much like we did with the American Indian Nations. BOO! This is a retrograde and dead end philosophy.
Poverty is a thing no one wishes to pay for, to end by way of education, school nutritional programs and preschool, even pre-kindergarden, and associated with carrier and life long studies around job selection as the new student worker by choice and design within a university affiliation and association. Japan and Europe are set up much like this model minus the function of synthesis.
Where are the Daughters and Sons of the Revolution, even now as it was in the days of reckoning? Pragmatic idealism presupposes that if something does not work, don’t use it and don’t do it. Little in this constitution does not make sense and does not work as a normative process and reality. Child tyrants love to pick at it. “You will have to pull my gun from my cold dead hands,” makes sense if someone shots you and killed you because no one wants your weapons, you sots.
This problem of an unsustainable economic and political world view will either be solved by actively engaging in sustaining the circumstances to produce a world economy that does not just flourish but thrives in an environment of cooperative and collaborative achievement as an advanced culture or civilization that may be addressed consciously in rational discourse; or ultimately compelled or forced by the shear weight of population growth with chaotic outcomes and poor economic commerce as marked and demonstrated by the lack of current leadership from this planet to adequately address jobs, wages, poverty, governance, immigration, climate, food, energy, housing, transportation, education, science and technology, religion and safety from violence and war. We must all be thankful that the binary nerve agents are being burned in the Middle East and Iran doesn’t wish to starve to death from purposeful sanctions. A “nuclear trigger” any where, is rejected by rational minds.
One does not need to be a genius to sense or feel or understand we are at some significant cross roads of potentialities and kinetic events, natural and human made, while moving from two centuries of war and prejudice toward a new definition of a new human attitude focused on solving centuries old human problems by behaving as agents of a civilized race of enlightened and educated servants for the benefit of humanity such as the great humanitarian, philosopher and medical doctor, Albert Schweitzer, envisioned for the restoration of civilization in “The Philosophy of Civilization” comprehended and written long ago. For what does entrepreneurs do best but service an identified need, quite apart from fashion and taste which are in flux and pass for desirers.
If we are not united in building and sustaining the conditions for synergistic events and equitable growth with outcomes based in education and study and normative governance that actually transparently benefits all human beings, then economic adaptation is forced upon us without design or conscious knowledge by population expansion and its demands, all willy nilly. This describes the current state of affairs on the planet.
Lack of transparency and power-based greed advocates, consciously and willfully seek to spend enormous amounts of capital to disrupt and obstruct normative governance which is recognized by the new entrepreneur as an utter waste of time that needlessly interrupts the sustained flow of capital and revenue streams. The French philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau, said, “Man is born free and is everywhere in chains.” The admiral, Sir John Acton, stated, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The politician and philosopher, Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli wrote a gem “The Prince” about the abuses of power in 1532. He said of entrepreneurs, “Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.” Are we so inferior, we are unable to throw off such imbedded tyranny after all these centuries of ignorance and despair or are we imbued with newly found abilities to turn disadvantage to advantage and advance purposeful healthy change in the marketplace and life?
Personally, I do not wish to live in a world of constant insurrection producing the circumstances for low to mid intensity war that never ends. How pleasant such an outcome would be for all of us. It makes you wanna just get up and party down for that future that holds so much hope and sense of rational consistency as unwilling members of the military-industrial complex, we all seem to be part of as the tax payers who may not be properly represented in Washington, D.C. or anywhere else.
The Ship of State of the United States could be coaxed back into the out fitter’s shop and put back under sail even beyond its current 21st Century capacities but for lack of vision and meaningful purposes directed at the worker for enhancing wages in the form of high quality jobs, for educated high quality minds, to study everything discreetly and generally, seeking those synergistic eruptions of talent and epiphany solutions for healthy outcomes which pay for the societies that actually are inspired to accomplish sustainability of culture.
NASA inspired several generations and thrived on the principles of education and balanced growth inherent in democratic organizations arranged for the benefit of all. I believe we have attempts of the private enterprise sector to mirror or mimic the tremendous success of a government agency run properly for such universal benefit. The science of NASA has produced untold synergistic occurrences as revealed by the number of spin offs and uses of data that transpire daily. NASA is the process of combining study with the job description needed to accomplish a most complex task, universally. Certain folks just hate NASA and its functions. You mean the world is not flat?
Mr. Elon Musk is a perfect example of the neo renaissance human focused on sustainable synergistic outcomes beyond the motive of personal wealth as an end in itself. Mr. Musk recently designed and offered up the design components to anyone free gratis for a highspeed tube travel concept with plans. He indicated he was too preoccupied with his current projects such as Space X and going to Mars to work on high speed ground travel in tubes at very high speeds.
Synergism is not simply a buzz word for the pseudo intellectuals to bandy about to impress. Synergism is actually a sought and designed outcome of integrated collaborative efforts which seek the formulas or axioms that create the circumstances for sustained normative equitable economic and social growth.
Sustained healthy growth prevails when ten or twenty of these entrepreneur folks decide to get together and shake up the models and trends of inflexible business giants who gave us a disastrous world recession by allowing egocentric and pridefull greed to flourish. By cooperating with our governments to act like we are a species of unlimited potential, talent and resources, civilized enough to work out our diverse beliefs and tendencies in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and shared advanced dynamics in study and discovery, we do not retreat from the ethical responsibility of acting morally to achieve and sustain equitable growth by mutual shared effort and transparent consent.
This construct or process when adopted bares synergistic results not visualized until revealed by results obtained from such collaborations undertaken by government and the private sector. This is evidenced by Sir Richard Branson’s efforts to find healthy economic and social accord between business and governance with the British government. President Obama recognizes universal preschool fosters the advancement of sustainable rational realities.
The United States, Canada and Mexico must partner to build green and high technology corridors all along their major roads and rails, East to West and North to South across the continent. We need to connect the world with road and rail from the tip of Tierra del Fuego to the tip of South Africa across the Bearing Strait and the Strait of Gibraltar just as President John F. Kennedy suggested.
We require advanced aircraft to fly economically around the world as envisioned by NASA and other agencies. We need an airplane capable of flying high and fast enough to orbit in a single stage. I surmise the military may do this routinely. Maybe we need a carbon fiber tether to orbit and to the deep trenches of the oceans.
We actually possess the ability and assets to do all these things except the leadership and vision are not manifest nor up to the task, due in great part, to many who are obstructive nihilistic political hacks incapable of advancing rational ideas and solutions in legislation. Short-sighted recessionists and secessionists, devoid of ethics, behave as if they were bigoted racists and child tyrants, interested in profit and treasure, at the expense of workers and public. They are proud of their conscious willful ignorance and what they represent while hiding who they are by engendering hate speech to generate false fear and lies to control those incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction due to mental laziness.
I am sure there is disagreement with my sentiments which I speak often and loudly in protest of irrational behavior perpetrated upon us by segments of the powerful and wealthy and those who overtly and unconsciously support such behavior. Many of us have witnessed the results of this irrational world view by giving freely of our blood in contrived wars while we all watch in dismay as the capital of the free world burns against this midnight sky of disorder and utter folly brought about and engineered by defective minds.
There are going to be very soon, nine billion souls living and competing on this planet. Where are high quality purposeful and meaningful jobs going to come from for at least half that number of folks to avoid absurd conflicts and unharmonious economic outcomes that do not sustain a balanced economy and social reality beyond strife and petulance and perpetual contrived warfare?
I have proposed the notion of developing a universal priority to locally provide methods of developing a Public university for the synthesis of knowledge, quite apart from a business or concept that disrupts private enterprise. Rather, this idea seeks to share a focus to bring an advanced civilization too bare, to study most everything which profits from the discoveries forthcoming from such collaboration and the science, technology, art and design, derived from such jobs’ in related study all around the globe.
Integrations of shared efforts congeal as collaborative efforts to solve problems and advance the principles of sufficient and significant work for sufficient and significant pay. If those among you who do not believe this motivates achievement, why are you interested in business?
Mr. Bill Gates, philanthroper and software genius, donated computers to a public at kiosks all around India, among many other efforts, to educate. This allows individuals to use and have access to vast amounts of information to foster evolution within these societies. Warren Buffet, sage economist and billionaire, is bullish on rail and its promised benefits for commerce and travel in the West, while fostering small business growth and sustained success, philanthropically. President Bill Clinton is erupting with world wide initiatives for the advancement of third world societies and America. We have a new Pope who actually behaves and preaches the Life of Christ in word and deed and lives with the Vatican priests as a priest or monk amongst them and the masses love him for this action from authority.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN is engaged in the effort to combine the standard models of the quantum realm with the cosmological realm for a unified field standard model which could bring plasma fusion to the problem of providing nearly free and abundant non polluting energy. Solar panel technologies and wind generators hopefully will clean the air of China so folks may breathe again, much as Los Angeles improves their air quality.
The LHC is the most expensive and largest collaboration amongst genuses since the Manhattan Project around the largest and amazingly complex scientific instrument ever engineered. The internet was a creation of a genius from the CERN, Mr. Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Was this a sustained synergistic development and is it paying us back? Wow! Thank you, Doctor Higgs and more geniuses.
Greenland is literally melting, providing access to minerals and real estate not seen in human history and crying out for ecological protection and study. This phenomenon of meltdown adds three feet to the ocean by 2100 A. D. Turkey has a new tunnel to Europe expanding commerce and is building a decade long hydroelectric networks. Tunnels through the Alps and under the Channel were visionary projects and are just beginning to advance advanced civilization. Dubia is building to the sky.
The second largest oil field in the world is in the Gulf of Mexico and a trillion barrels of shale oil reserves are locked up in the Rocky Mountains. There is enough natural gas to run the world for a hundred years and more. Large solar collectors in the dessert Southwest and Africa would produce electrification for the planet. Wind driven evaporators will make sufficient amounts of water while remaining a problem in search of synergistic solutions.
Europe has filling stations for hydrogen fuel that is made on the site at the stations and the method is proprietary. Brazil runs on alcohol made from switch grass and sugar cane. The United States exported more oil last year than was imported. Vast quantities of heavy tar sand oil, we don’t know how to clean up, are ready for a Keystone pipeline to move the oil to market. Personally, I do not believe this would be a good direction to take as it is short sighted and does not profit humanity for the carbon released by such endeavors. What could climate change have to do with anything?
Anyway, there is lots of money to be made in Canada and North Dakota and parts of South Dakota in the form of oil and gas waiting for development. There is still more than a hundred years of coal left in American coal mines which are producing less, due to the boom in fracking, I. E., hydraulic fracturing, for natural gas and decades old oil fields regeneration.
Corn is a huge cash crop from the heart land for alcohol production while still feeding the world. It is a far better alternative to the transport of tar sand oil through the prairie lands of America, but who can say as capitalism reigns, often without regard to the environment or social justice or local economies. Capitalism, unregulated, is like the blind leading the blind.
Walmart Corporation is the largest retailer in the world and they ask their employees to give food supplies to poor Walmart employees at Thanks Giving and Christmas. Why don’t they just pay their workers a living wage, duh? This attitude of business just does not play out well with the public. Could it be profit motive devoid of concern for those who actually make billions for Walmart? Gee, I wonder. I could make Walmart much more revenue if consulted.
When democratic opportunities to thrive en masse advance themselves such as the dream act, the obstructionists decide that their treasures will not be shared even though the public has developed and provided such personal wealth for private enterprise by making and buying their goods and services which were made on the roads provided by government-provided infrastructure. You may not have it both ways for if you do, you seek neo slavery as neo plantation owners based upon an irrational unattainable goal of control, rather than sustainment and diversify by equitable means.
What utter and complete nonsense is derived from this false norm, whereby, these folks so revere what and who they are they deem themselves entitled by displaying haughty superiority and feel above reproach while often lacking in conscience. This crap is practiced all around the globe by mentally defective brains lusting for that feeling of hideous strength derived from power and greed as described accurately in C. S. Lewis’ “Space Trilogy.” I should counsel my self, seeking compassion for those who exhibit these behaviors, yet, I will not apologize for being the purveyor of democratic principles in word and deed and simply calling out stupidity in action.
Free enterprise defines itself when each person enterprises for their own personal well being and everyone else in an equitable manner allowing just or fair social and economic circumstances for those who create the profit by spending their wages on services and products developed by the advanced intellect of the entrepreneur and student worker set on sustainability and healthy outcomes. Early American cooperatives are examples of Free Enterprise often associates with Unions for the economic protection of the working class. Cooperatives and unions have really taken a beating and not because these organizations don’t work while remaining necessary.
I do not describe or advocate a classless social contract or envision an ideal world. On the contrary, we have not exhausted the need or purpose of profit and sustaining a natural civilization where responsibility for the use of power does not break the social contract of mutual support and effort, and continues to produce personal profits in an unending compelled expansion of population. There is no utopia but there are university and humanitarian goals to foster and achieve, such as every household needs a house.
Folks placed in poverty and treated as neo serfs, will eventually rise up and throw down those who greatly abuse their powers and ignore the principle of equitably shared benefits; just ask the British. This may refer to tea in the harbor or something else congealed in willful ignorance with something to do with tea.
The old order is thrown down just from the weight of inertia from the demands of population and dark malignant thinking, magnitudes of order too small and short sighted. Just because the “takers” seem barely under control now, belies the truth of fifteen billion folks on the planet coming soon to a neighborhood near you and our human rights fulfilled.
My idea is so simple and straight forward as it only calls upon the effort of learning and cooperating so it may catch on locally where the individual lives and studies and must work. That place of the genius creative ideas is where the opportunities of the universe revolve around the personal efforts of the worker/student integrated into the economic fabric of all societies and cultures, locally.
I would love to take our talking heads to a remote bar and grub in Letcher, South Dakota to observe and partake of the agricultural culture of America. I would love to take our politicians to the homes of 11 million undocumented families living in terror of deportation. The “elite” must soon wake up and smell the reality they have forged while ignoring the plight of those affected by their failed policies all around the world. The Americans are coming to enlighten and if there is no awakening, then solicit support for rational ideas all around us, believe me.
A public university for the synthesis of knowledge for study, does not require a headquarters and staff but it wouldn’t hurt either. It does require leadership and enhanced vision to know where and what tends and social context is going on based in the opportunities found where the individual lives, works and studies. Real entrepreneurs find or create opportunities and are definitely motivated by obtainable profit. Knowledge and its practical application is the keystone of advanced culture and not a pipeline of the same name.
We have seen this principle of economic growth and social change work all over the world by allowing societies and individuals to develop themselves locally with small loans from banks and advanced technologies such as compact solar power and information sharing devices and compact water purification systems and advanced farming techniques and robotic manufacturing devices and fluid strategies, augmented, supervised and developed by human beings working together for themselves and everyone else equally based on each individuals’ means, whether material or mental. If no one profits then no one would work and neither would the ideas.
My ideas are not dissimilar from any billionaire seeking profit. If billionaires wish to advance their ability to make more billions and sustain this endeavor indefinitely, they must develop a shared plan or vision or purpose beyond their own mortality. For instance, President Obama has addressed the possibility of collaboration for exploring and exploiting the resources found in abundance as asteroids and comets which mankind will mine. Mining the Moon for profit is a very bad idea and must never occur. Having a Lunar colony is a very good idea. This certainly will make humans a space fairing society with endless horizons for advanced study and learning outcomes. This type of impetus is what allows synergistic revelations and insights to occur.
Mr. Robert Ballard, American oceanographer and professor, has strongly suggested we explore our oceans with the same fervor of effort and for potential rewards without damaging the ecosystem beyond repair as we are currently behaving today, and unnecessarily. We, virtually know next to nothing about our oceans and many, many more things on this planet. This seems like an opportunity to study and discover vast and discernable rewards of knowledge and utility associated with technological advancement from such study.
Hay, if I had a billion dollars, I would spend every cent on developing a cooperative effort to synthesize knowledge everywhere I could integrate such study of our environment into producing more profit from discovery for the ultimate purpose of creating and sustaining higher paying and productive jobs. This generous outlook infuses a spirit of dynamism into the life blood of humanity that engenders the love of mutual prosperity, knowledge and societal harmony devoid of needy child tyrants. This is free enterprise in practice and design and it establishes a thriving middle class. Maybe I needed to become a billionaire to move my agenda. I hope this isn’t the case.
If anyone or any group or any collaborative entity produces large profits from the study of knowledge, such as Google Corporation is up too, with digitizing all the books, lots of folks are employed while generating these sustainable profits. Sir Richard Branson, creative genius of Virgin Group and consummate entrepreneur, also, wishes to go to space and is prepared to establish for profit tourism which has employed large numbers of folks in study as their job to advance space exploration, most equitably. Mr. Musk and Mr. Branson have much in common. So do Mr. James Cameron, director, and Mr. Ballard have much in common.
No single person, party or group is capable of igniting a world economy and society that advances into the 22nd Century with new found humanity at the helm with regard to our survival as a race. A new sense of a new humanity of cooperation and collaboration in local efforts and universal opportunities produce sustainment of focused growth as an educated and free world order.
Such a society will not flourish and thrive without incorporating democratic principles and equitable outcomes for mutual prosperity into the work/study place. This is not idealism as it has been validated and found to be reliable across wide vistas of cultures individuals and businesses. Grant, it is a workable idea in practice, that requires expression and expansion as delivered by opportunities developed by entrepreneurs.
Our best ideas and insights are yet to come, according to the potential available from the study of everything. It is great to question everything, but we learn more when we study everything, and it makes for an endless number of jobs for those who whish to work and thrive in that new found knowledge. How to do this effectively and efficiently describes the epistemological difficulty of actually discovering knowledge as an end in itself for profit.
Human beings do not know or realize how intelligent they are due to the philosophy and practice of inferiority. When we are allowed to flourish, such notions of inequality will become irrelevant to blossoming minds. Give your self permission to thrive. The great character actor and sage, Morgan Freeman said recently on the program, Through the Wormhole ‘that the universe may be more alive than life.” This exquisite epiphany is central to the issue of sustainability and balanced growth in “politonomic” science when fully appreciated. The implications are astounding if true. What do you think?
Purpose and meaning must be sought and obtained where the individual is, not where folks often think we are or imagine us to be in relativity. Celebrity must become a diversified function of equitable culture as the decisions made for us by pundits are often erroneous because of centralized views of reality that fail to inspire excellence from where people live and work for they are made to believe their stars can never burn as brightly as celebrity. John Lennon, supper star, advanced this idea of shared celebrity.
We are capable of a planet under full sail with an anchor if we so choose. This is the first opportunity for such a principle of unity and order, now available to all. Such order advanced by the anchor of a world university to synthesize knowledge is so much more attractive than chaos without control, purpose or meaning for millions without hope or jobs or security. The infrastructure is extant and only lacks participants and most important, leadership.
The last time the American Public ever had or appreciated a leader who was not murdered was the political satirist, social commentator and real cowboy and actor, Will Rogers. Will was not afraid of fear mongers and supported the New Deal because he believed in the American Public to act in their own interests while he artfully encouraged us to do so. Now we need a whole civilization of leaders, willing to lead in the face of enormous impediments to equality and fairness and its liberties. Often entrepreneurs are the real leaders and shakers struggling to move a local public to achieve beyond their perceived abilities. Even world leaders strive to uplift humanity, such as Sir Branson and others of like mindfulness. Even those born as natural leaders does not guarantee success. Real leadership is learned by doing and is applied from wisdom in cooperation with others.
I vote for the advancement of balanced order as Process and Reality, Alfred North Whitehead suggested in the book of the same name. He has said, “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.” What would happen if we were able to actually create and use important studies and there derivatives and/or operations consciously and collaboratively? Could it portend a society under full study, rhetorically speaking? The superlative musical genius and singer, Sir Robert Plant says, he “likes to surround himself with kind people.” That is hard to do. I dismount my soap box and relinquish the stage.
I wish us all well,
Jack Sanders