Friday, October 11, 2013



                                                                   October 24, 2012

In the beginning, long before the big bang, nothing (I. E., space/antimatter) fled from everything (I. E., time/matter) and everything was in hot pursuit as the original first motion or WHIM. The eternal future/time began flowing through the eternal past/space. The filling of the absolute void began ever so slowly and grew through the seven stages of hydrogen. Time passing through space and creating an awareness and memory (I. E., sanskaras or impressions) as in evolution.

Thus the expansion of space began immediately as infinite potential and the movement of everything as time or infinite kinetic force began to fill the infinite void of space. This process was and is Gravity or the attraction of matter to antimatter at the time of the big bang/crunch thirteen point seven two billion years ago for this our local universe that we can detect thus far.

The so called Higgs Field is the expression of the most finite particles of matter and antimatter interacting with one another in the quantum universe since there was movement. The theory goes that there was slightly more matter than antimatter after the bang/crunch. Not so, me thinks.

At the moment of very rapid expansion when the early universe had sufficiently evolved to allow for the great release, antimatter as dark matter and dark energy formed the singularity as the great attracter of matter or time and creating gravity over control everything coming out of the original singularity as the first quasar. Thus, throwing vast chunks of matter as time and antimatter as space out and away into the space of the universe, and the antimatter fled from the matter and became black holes at the centers of galaxies the matter was and is attracted to the antimatter as the stars of the galaxies.

All the while the stew of subatomic particles are coming and going between the original singularity of time/space and space time formed at some point prior to what we think of as our universe. I am sure the singularity or Universal Center makes an infinite number of universes continually like fractals.

What are black holes? They are all directly connected to the original singularity of the bang/crunch and are the method by which this universe evolves in the quantum universe. There is probably a way to directly tape this potential energy of the original singularity and create new energy in our known universe. At any rate, black holes hide from matter at the center of our galaxies as matter grows and evolves by way of orbits (I. E., time pulled into space) from the subatomic Higgs’ bosons to stars orbiting the center of galaxies. Matter as time loves to fill a void as water seeks to find its own level. The more that space contracts as black holes the more it expands matter into the void, potentially infinitely and eternally.

The wave front of what we detect is the ghost projection of the original architecture of the laws that create our space/time. Reality burns like a fuse and is consumed by time flowing into and through space. Space pulls time outward by observation, but I wonder if it is an illusion and the universe is really falling in on itself toward the original big bang/crunch singularity which may be is the gravity over control for all?

Thank you for your time and patience,

Jack Sanders

Orbits, Black Holes and other Epistemological Problems

                                    Orbits, Black Holes and other Epistemological Problems

July 30, 2013


Nearly everything orbits something (1). It appears that orbits are integral to a fundamental universal principles that drive motion, evolution and time itself. If this fundamental physical property of space/time and time/space were to suddenly stop, the infinite universe we occupy would cease to exist. The question is, what powers and sustains motion in general and what appears to be evolutionary change throughout persistent time. The purpose of empirical dialectic philosophy in this context affords insight into propositional analysis.

We now know by empirical observation that the event horizon (2) of so called black holes rotates very quickly, even approaching the speed of light. This established in part by the apparent disappearance of even light once space/time is attracted towards the immense gravity field generated by the largest particle accelerators and electrical generators (dynamos) we know of, the black hole (3). I postulate that not only is this object at the "interior" of a black hole is composed of space/time matter but time/space antimatter or evolved dark matter. Thus, the notion of a unified field singularity, I will call Object unless delineated (4).

The four forces owe their very existence to the harmonious interaction between matter (space/time fabric) and dark matter (time/space fabric) whereby matter is attracted to dark matter and dark matter is repelled by matter, thus producing a gravity/anti-gravity phenomenon both at the macro (Object) and micro quantum (5) states of the field, where particle shell distributions are directly proportional to the amounts of both states of matter when they are in direct interaction. In other words, it isn’t so much how great the attractive and/or repulsive gravitational forces appear to be as we observe space/time, but rather how much dark matter is present to repel matter and, thus, how and why the established distances are defined in the orbits and shells of one state of matter to another (6).

The orbital shells (7) of subatomic particles, such as electrons is directly related to the force or attraction of matter to dark matter and the amount of repulsive or anti gravity force that is exerted by dark matter repelling matter which stabilizes and allows the dynamic shifting of quantum orbital shells when certain energies are applied to the field of interaction such as either or both weak or strong forces interaction. This dual gravitational interaction establishes and sustains the life expectancy of all observed space/time matter which is composed of atoms acting as fields and even allows matter to be recycled through Objects.

The velocity of the orbits of either the subatomic particles revolving around an atoms nucleus or the orbits of these known particles around the singularity at the center of an Object, accounts for the electromagnetic force of electricity in nature as it produces the positive and negative states for the alternating current of electricity, as well, as direct current which is a byproduct of this process of interaction and is much weaker in its properties (8). It is like the strong and weak forces, only inherent in the properties of electricity.

The greater the mass of dark matter over matter and vice versa were the velocity of matter that is really orbiting dark matter determines the positive and negative charges associated with the electromagnetic force and quantum shell distributions which, after all, is the periodic table of elements in space/time. In an Object this oscillation or fluctuation of charges probably accounts for the stripping of particles (electrons and protons) (9) from matter at very high energy, leaving the constituents of neutrons and accelerates these stripped matter particles, as quarks and liptons influenced directly by fermions and bosons or even smaller partial/wave interactions, we are unaware of, which particle states experience all four force interactions and are fundamental to matter (space/time) as byproducts of their amplitude spins (10), beyond the speed of light returning matter to space/time as neutrinos and gamma ray bursts or cosmic rays as nuclei stripped of their electron shells or high energy x-ray photons (11) where these high energy particles begin to interact with the Higgs Field (12), first in deep expanding space where they first emerge due to dark energy expansion/inflation as the space of our space/time continuum (13), thus regaining mass and/or losing energies by interaction with more massive and slower particles by transmutation in the Higgs Field. This field is actually the boundary field between space/time and time/space at the macro and micro states of matter/anti matter that exists everywhere and is burning like a fuse as persistent time.

In other words a particle wave of neutrinos comes out of Objects as deep space as the artifact of time of matter as space/time whereby matter, stripped of its particle shells, is attracted to dark matter at singularity within an Object, accelerated back to the speed of light and very possibly beyond as a byproduct of the attraction of matter to dark matter and as the mass of the Object increases, space/time under goes expansion and/or inflation, were dark matter is really just a competent of the purposeful creative nature of Objects. We should be able to detect this neutrino particle wave if it is there. Both the expansion of space/time and the production of neutrinos happens simultaneously where our space becomes the particle storm of neutrinos and our time as quantum particles becomes our space at singularity. Maybe this particle wave serves the function as the so called graviton particle or negative vacuum we have labeled dark energy.

The mechanism that allows matter to be accelerated briefly beyond the speed of light to escape the immense gravity/anti gravity Object, is achieved by stripped matter as quarks or bosons or fermions orbiting dark matter at the singularity and then being flung into deep space as a particle wave of neutrinos as space/time by this singularity or Object acting as dark energy due to the gravity/anti gravity assist (sling shot effect) used by NASA to send spacecraft to remote destinations by using the gravity of planets to increase there velocities, whereby, both states of matter are spinning in opposite directions, asymmetrically and matter is repelled and thrown out of the Object before annihilation occurs or possibly because some annihilation does occur.

Although exceeding the speed of light is highly unlikely, this is the only special condition were the ingested matter could be returned to space/time as neutrinos. I mean, something extremely energetic is creating these nearly massless particles. So what is it and where is it. If you say exploding hyper novi when in the process of collapse creates the production of neutrinos then how does this occur and at what stage prior to singularity or at singularity?

This is the only place matter could be accelerated beyond the speed of light due directly to the immense forces of gravity/anti gravity at the singularity. I am just postulating that this is the mechanism of expansion and the production of neutrinos where light may exceed the speed of light. Dr. Alan Guth’s equations indicate that the first inflationary event was faster than the speed of light prior to the COBE or W Map images from 300,000 thousand years after the so called Big Bang event. This anti gravity effect of time/space, expands our space and re-energizes and conditions our space/time matter and possibly converts dark matter into matter, thus increasing the total mass of space/time. This effect could be measured if it is there.

The so called dark energy effect responsible for the expansion of space/time comes about by the conversion of space of space/time into the time of time/space; and the conversion of time of space/time into the space of time/space at singularity and hence the dark energy effect on space/time as expansion and at times, very rapid inflation that has occurred at least twice in the evolution of this universe and is occurring even now. The second inflation began with the production of a sufficient number of Objects to drive the inflation when the mass of the space/time was over come by the mysterious dark energy which I think are really singularities as Objects.

Thus, the arrangement of matter to antimatter by first spinning in the opposite direction from one another and the skewed angle of that opposite spin due to differing masses, moves and expands the universe along a persistent time line we experience as our space/time reality because of the underlying ratios between matter and dark matter. Our becoming infinite universe is unique among trillions just like snow flakes. It would seem that space/time is dynamic and kinetic and time/space is potentiality and the potential through time is converted to the impulsive imagination of this persistent reality that seeks to know itself consciously in our space/time. This is why you are here.

The greater the number and mass of Objects which continually increase in number over time, determine expansion/inflation of space/time at specific times beginning shortly after the initial annihilation of matter/antimatter even prior to the condensation of particle waves. In other words, Objects were extant from near the point of genesis from and as a prototype from the unitary fluctuations of the nine dimensions of the original Object as the tenth dimension. We are literally inside a singularity as one of trillions of becoming infinite universes which will eventually combine and coalesce due to the gravity over control of the original singularity, sometimes referred to as the universe of universes or super universe.

Maybe, our own universe has a super massive and hidden Object as well; hidden by a multitude of less massive Objects. We should be able to test this idea and find out. The very Objects that inhabit and formed galaxies may be the Objects that conceal our universes prototypical Object singularity within time/space as dark matter. I suspect the age of our universe is in the trillions of years and a great deal went on prior to clarity as the Planck Map suggests.

This idea that gravity is the weakest of the four forces is only true until you approach a singularity. Here the gravity is strong enough to capture light, any and all light. The reason gravity appears weak is due to the antithetical force of anti gravity. This is probably why Objects aren’t out hunting matter to eat, as well, because they are in equilibrium when not feeding. Feeding occurs when the ratio of matter to antimatter drops below a certain amount of mass.

If one of these Objects swung through our solar system four billion years ago, it may have given us a moon and a collision with Earth that was orbiting this possible rough Object and depending on the course it took through the solar system it gave the planets, a nearly circular orbit by attracting the large gas giants which are usually close to solar system stars, a gravitational assist to the orbits they now occupy as well as the asteroid and comet bombardment that in two or three phases gave Earth its water as there are three different isotopes in Earth water. Without, of which, our life form would not have evolved on this planet; coincidence or engineered, who knows. Avatar, Meher Baba, has stated that there is another earth under construction for us even now (14).

A similar process is at work at the subatomic quantum level of energies only much more slowly with much lower energy values within the nuclei of atoms and probable dark atoms. The Large Hadron Collider at the CERN will sort this out in a few years, it is hoped. This, then, is the mechanism that produces expansion including very fast inflation of the early universe. The amount of expansion or inflation of the universe is directly proportional to the size and number of Objects that were and are the original quasars of the early universe and are created by the collapse of massive and super-massive stars as the implosion/explosions which are the site of the production of gamma rays, neutrinos and x-rays and other very high energy or energetic particle waves such as the graviton that is sought.

It will need to be sorted out in the evolution of the star into an Object which states produce which particle waves and exactly when they are produced in the life cycle of these stars. We will eventually measure these macro shells and what is created or recycled in time. I mean, there are likely strange collapsed stars composed of quarks or bosons where the annihilation battle all the way to the production of a super massive Object, is still being played out in an evolving space/time, time/space of the infinite universe we occupy. Is it possible that there is an exchange of energies between space/time and time/space, and the actual mass of our visible universe is increasing and is greater now than it was shortly after clarity?

It appears to me that there are more galaxies and stars, now, than during the quasar stage of evolution. Were these galaxies and stars created from gas that had not yet condensed that was always there or did quasars spew vast amounts of space/time mass into the universe by the production of matter from anti matter as streams of electrons and positrons using smaller amounts of matter and/or both? Is dark matter attracting this material from deep space while galaxies feed on high energy particle waves that gradually condense into gas to become stars? May we test these and other suppositions and find out? Sure, we can.

It is likely that Objects are doorways to other dimensions and other universes as all universes are the product of the original singularity (OBJECT). Somewhere and some when the original singularity does not move and never has and never will as nothing. What came from the Whim of this original nothing is literally Everything as the Nothing (Illusion) expressed as the illusion of motion acting as space/time, time/space. This original movement may have rushed out and in faster than the speed of light as the big bang/crunch. My mind rebels against the notion of an explosion without an implosion. It just didn’t happen in one direction from this relativity as an explosion. It would be like a fart in a high wind. Our space/time is like smoke ghosting over, in, and around a dark mass that we barely detect much like Everything ghosting over, in, and around nothing which is the gravity over control of the Nothing of the illusion of motion. Everything will exist in its own infinity by literally, impulsively imagining everything in time.

Earth is a soul building academy for the perfection of human consciousness to allow our souls to participate in this real illusion consciously far into the coalescence of eternity as infinite beings much like and in the image of what created us originally near the point of transition between infinity that was unaware of itself and suddenly woke up trillions and trillions of years ago as infinite consciousness (knowledge), power (atom) and bliss (presence and/or entanglement); universal absolute, qualified absolute and unqualified absolute; in a dynamic/potential union as Whim. Even war serves this purpose of soul building.

Now that I have all you mathematicians and physicists and dialecticians running around in tight little circles (orbits), I will simply say everything that moves is really just different states of consciousness produced by the outcome of motion because the infinite consciousness wishes to experience its self and exhaust all possibilities infinitely in the finite through eternity to return to the original state of quiescence, completed. All this to find or locate something beyond itself which is only possible by literally creating this possibility in the exhaustion of motion in the infinite eternity. Like climbing a big hill and arriving. The Sufi mystics express this notion in terms of God loving Himself and expecting His creation of humans to realize who they are by loving God to the exclusion of all else.

I am sure there are nine dimensions driving this place and an infinite number of prototype infinite universes, for the original Object is composed of nine forces and/or dimensions in unity of the Ten States of God and the Tree of Life (14) and the ten dimensions or forces which when expressed together as I have, just curtails the milk of physicists, oh well. The space/time (male expression) universe uses three of these dimensions we normally experience to create matter. The time/space (female expression) universe uses three dimensions described as universal absolutes of potential to create anti matter as dark matter which may not be experienced as we experience space/time but which gives rise to the intricate perfection we observe in nature. These dimensions interact at the Higgs Field or mechanism by the breaking of asymmetrical symmetry to gain mass from dark matter potentiality through a usually neutral interface at the Higgs Field boundary. How this occurs is yet to be described empirically with science. There are a lot of folks working on this epistemological problem.

One state of matter may not exist without the other state. The very nature of matter as orbital motion is driven by this interaction of dimensions and/or forces from a certain unified state, both physically and consciously. We will eventually understand the process and control certain aspects of it such as the possibility of creating wormholes and faster than light travel. If this were to occur, the Avatar would needs be allow for travel between the stars which He rejects as being to far to accomplish. For those of you who reject the notion of a Devine being please do not give up on the idea of faster than light travel as it is supported by Doctor Einstein’s equations in the special case of the wormhole.

Faster than light travel is highly unlikely as it appears that even at the LHC particles may not be accelerated even to the speed of light. I suggest Objects routinely accomplish this miracle of physics due to the relative size of these stellar objects and how the particle wave states are conditioned by these objects. As a thought experiment one could visualize a light bulb emitting light at 186,000 miles per second as photons relative to us. If a person could pass through a theoretical Object intact or in a special capsule and attain light speed relative to the photons from the light bulb, could this person then turn on a light bulb in the relativity the person is now experiencing and see light radiating out as photons at the speed of light? In other words if one may attain the speed of light relativistically, is it then possible to experience light as we do in that relativistic experience? If so, how many times could this initial experience of light speed apparently doubled, be accomplished by passing through another singularity and so on and so forth, like sixty-six times, I once calculated.

Possibly, the Higgs boson is really composed of five bosons of which one does not spin, but, I postulate three dimensions of matter are interacting with three dimensions of dark matter and thus create and share in three dimensions in and as nine dimensional reality. The unity of these dimensions or the tenth dimension is the unified field or force of the original singularity that spawns the production of an infinite number of infinite prototype universes of which humans may become through persistent evolutionary time and that probably flows in opposite directions, asymmetrically. Physical time travel is not yet possible and won’t be for a very long time.

In earlier renditions of string theory, an eleventh dimension was postulated. I thought it was not correct due to what I had realized in my own studies back to1969. There is no need or call for this extra eleventh dimension. There are even theories with thirteen dimensions. The Hebrews or Jews and Sufis have known this fact that there are ten dimensions for literally thousands of years as described by the study of tetragrammaton Kabalistic and Sufic traditions (14). It would seem the deep study of the underlying nature of numbers and letters produces perfected souls such as Abraham who was a manifestation of the Avatar.

It would be great for physicists if antimatter were repelled by matter in a symmetrical manner. This could not be the case as the mass of dark matter will generally always be greater than matter, simply because there appears to be more dark matter mass than matter mass in a ratio of 35% for dark matter to less than 5 % (7 to 1) for matter thus far established by deduction and induction of and by quantitative and qualitative analytical empirical observations and measurements, whether in a collider or by the light or lack of light in the heavens as seen by a wide variety light measuring devices like Hubble or radio telescopes. Hence, dark matter behaving as antimatter is divergent from matter according to the ratio of one substance in reaction with the other everywhere all the time in both the weak force interaction and the strong force interaction, gravity/anti gravity interaction, and electromagnetism of the positive and negative charged interactions by ratio (15).

I once stood in the doorway of an old garage in a tremendous electrical storm down pour and observed dark bolts coming out of the ground and ascending into the heavens. Maybe these dark bolts were step leaders going up to attract lightening and maybe it was dark lightening. It was amazing to watch feet away from me.

If we can detect and measure, extrapolate or ascertain mathematically the ratio of one form of matter to the other, we are able to determine the asymmetrical divergence and thus the angle of divergence of the field and it would not be 180 degrees. The other interesting property that "antimatter" exhibits is the direction of the orbits of theoretical dark matter particles, which must for stability, to avoid immediate annihilation, orbit in the opposite direction of the particles associated with matter in an askew angle of incidence, thus, avoiding collisions of the particle wave states .

This result is observed in the cameras (Atlas detector) at very high energies near the speed of light that record collisions and the spin of the matter/anti matter products in accelerator/colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN (16). The byproducts of these collisions spin off in opposite directions relative to our observations.

The more we study Objects, the more likely we can measure this phenomenon on the macro level. Thus, dark matter hides from matter by occupying dimensions that matter is incapable of occupying unless certain energies are applied to the mix, like a matter/antimatter bomb, whereby the two states of matter annihilate one another. Matter may not occupy these dimensions typically because of its very construction and properties and just as dark matter can not.

The forces one field cancels out and/or employs of the forces of the other field gives rise to persistent time and its vector from past to future exactly like a burning fuse, everywhere. This idea that one may travel in time other than observing the Akashic records (17) is nonsense. In order to travel in time and arrive at a future or past event would require having the universe reassemble exactly the same field and particles that were present or would be present dependent upon the direction of travel in the time stream everywhere. This requires the entire energies of the whole universe to pull off.

Returning to a past time or visiting a future time would mean each moment of either state of time exists all the time and may be accessed by some mechanism like intra dimensional travel. The problem with this is, even if at each moment an alternate moment of infinite proportions is spawned all these alternate paths are just that, alternate paths. Maybe this could occur in the remote future when the infinite number of infinite universes and infinite evolved/involved beings are coalescing in Eternity.

It is the same problem involved in accelerating a material object to the speed of light which requires an infinite amount of energies. Interestingly, this happens rather well when matter is nearly instantaneously accelerated to twice the speed of light to pure energy. This most famous equation states that the only way this is possible is to accelerate matter to the speed of light squared, as it were (E = mc^2). Sorry, I don’t have a mathematical symbol key board. Can you imagine a matter/anti matter bomb; my, my. Oh, we will do it, I suppose. They (DOE and DOD) are attempting to build vessels to hold anti matter in stasis.

This asymmetry of forces determines what the weak and strong forces are and what they influence in the quantum world, again, determined by the ratios of mass between the dual field states and the relative velocity and direction or angle of spin of both states of matter. This process evolved slowly over time due to the mass of stars and the by products produced by nova explosions/implosions. Rocks finally evolved into gold from within the cores of massive stars.

Radioactivity decays at a predictable rate into lead depending on the field strength of matter/antimatter proportions where in one circumstance matter exhibits the weak force interaction due to the lack of dark matter mass and conversely dark matter causes matter to exhibit the strong force in space/time quantum matter all due to the shell orbits of micro gravity/anti gravity when energies are applied or not applied due to the greater mass or presence of dark matter. The problem here requires a method to measure the mass of dark matter at the quantum level of interactions.

I suppose this could give rise to spontaneous low yield nuclear explosions such as what occurred in the Ural Mountains of Russia during the Cold War from the dumping of nuclear waste into abandoned mine shafts. The area around is still quite dead. It is like a form of spontaneous combustion, just like the big bang/crunch only far less energetic.

This, then, gives rise to the idea that dark matter is composed of dark atoms. I think we already are aware this is true as we are capable of creating antimatter particles in our space/time continuum and colliding them with matter particles are very high energies while seeking the Higgs boson and the Higgs Field that gives rise to mass in matter. The cameras indicate matter spirals away in one direction of spin and anti matter spirals away in the opposite direction of spin. We see with the Fermi Lab Telescope the magnetic field around the Earth ejecting streams of positrons out into space and measurements made on board the ISS in orbit.

I postulate this phenomena occurs at or near the center of a singularity (Object). As matter approaches and is accelerated into the center of an Object, depending on mass and ratio of dual field states, the subatomic particles are stripped off their nuclei as they approach and attain the speed of light, and possibly beyond, due to the total mass of the Object and the repulsive gravitational force that, in turn, returns these stripped atoms to space/time as neutrinos, cosmic rays, gamma rays and other exotic light emissions of very high energies, and deep space expansion, which then through collisions with matter/antimatter as the Higgs field acquire mass and slow down slowly or quickly producing our periodic table of elements. We have made the assumption that this very high energy particles are produced in the center of stars in the troughs of hyper nova or similar events as gamma rays and x-rays appear to come from these novi.

This, in part, is probably observable and measurable but I am suggesting that the singularity is active during the event of implosion and uses vast amounts of normal matter as a miniature quasar event where nuclei are stripped of their subatomic particles and re-emitted as gamma rays nearly instantaneously. Really, a hyper nova is a matter/antimatter bomb and a quasar is a continuously occurring phenomenon like a huge nuclear reactor with jets of much greater mass than a hyper nova event.

Gradually the initial quantity or mass of antimatter is diminished by seeking equilibrium to the point that the Object left from the quasar becomes a supper massive black hole which contain billions of solar masses and occupies the centers of space/time galaxies. Objects form and control the gravity of all the associated matter in the galaxy because matter is attracted to dark matter. Precession of the galaxy stars occurs due to the repulsive anti gravity force associated with the door to the dark matter universe at the center of the Object that matter wishes to annihilate and thus orbits.

The larger the Object in total mass and the greater the number of such objects whether from quasars or hyper novi, repels space/time and accelerates the expansion of space and is responsible for inflation. Space is filled with the remnants of these events as high energy particles and the galaxies actually mine deep space by encountering these particle waves and by collisions at or in the Higgs Field slow down and increase the total mass of extant space/time matter as evolutionary persistent time.

I mean there is more crap as light emitting materials out there now than there was shortly after clarity for sure and there after until galaxies formed. Objects by there nature would not be observable until star building occured. The universe is actually growing not to mention evolving. A possible indication of this growth due directly to anti matter as a byproduct of dark matter is the Fermi Lab Telescope which has detected a condensed stream of positrons or anti matter electrons streaming into space due to possible dark lightening. If this interaction occurs in Objects then it must happen in the quantum world as well. The CERN LHC discovered evidence that the Higgs boson exists. I hope they identify the Higgs Field and then Mechanism when it starts up again in 2015.

This inflationary process that is driven and caused by the creation of more and more Objects that I postulate is likely the dark energy that powers inflation. So called dark energy is really the conversion of dark matter into matter. I do not know, but someday the 1 to 7 ratio between matter and dark matter may be 3 to 5 or if the missing dark energy is just more dark matter then the original ratio is incorrect and the actual ratio is around 1 to 19 and that is a lot of dark matter to convert into matter as 5% matter and 95% dark matter would indicate. I think the dark energy is right under our noses as negative or dark vacuum which literally expands our space due to novi.

The original singularity or Object was the ten dimensions or forces that produced all else. This most finite hot point was assembled and exhibited infinite power (omnipotence), infinite knowledge (omniscience) and was everywhere present as omnipresence (entanglement and spooky at a distance phenomena) and manifests in this infinite universe among trillions as space/time fabric in the proportions we observe unique to our universe.

The time/space fabric is manifest through the forces inherent in the Universal Absolute, Qualified Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute as potentialities of the becoming universe. These forces are essential to allow infinite expansion and finite expression of relativistic imagination. The continuos interaction of these two fabrics is stabilized as the burning fuse of persistent time in their interaction and unification of the forces as described above, making the nine dimensions unified as a steady state where creative interaction is possible without utter annihilation as the tenth dimension or force. This unitary force represents the Higgs Field or Membrane formed by gravity/anti gravity, macro and micro.

I have no problem entertaining the notion of an eleventh dimensional string or brane as the original Object which is producing a prototypical assemblage of infinite universes, some of which are viable and others that fail or end abruptly due to ratio and proportion issues. This Object is intimate with our universe but is outside and/or inside our space/time and time/space and acts as the gravity over control of the universe of universes. There is evidence that all the galaxies in our universe are being attracted towards the cold spot in the W map which would be indicative of the eleventh dimension string theory seems to demand. I agree with this assessment, but it doesn’t require eleven dimensions.

During the quasar epoch in the early universe vast quantities of space/time material was ejected from the objects that ultimately formed our galaxies, black holes. The explanation of this event is described by one or more streams of matter being ejected due to the size of the black hole and its ability to accept matter. What isn’t ingested is jetted away in many light year long jets of high speed particles deadly to any thing in the path of the jets possibly hundreds of light years away.


I prefer to visualize these Objects as black holes and/or dark gravity objects composed of different amounts of matter and dark matter. These quasars where the remains of the annihilation of matter and antimatter in the first moments of the very hot and rapidly expanding space/time that we readily observe from clarity or beyond the Planck or W Maps and the equally rapidly contracting time/space of the dark matter universe that was more predominate in the quasar epoch within these Objects (18).

Once particles and latter atoms formed, the particle stew we observe in instruments such as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN and numerous other and earlier instruments such as the one at Fermi Lab measure and observe that the particles that orbit about the nucleus of atoms appear to orbit about one another as well in different directions. It appears that the nucleus of atoms is not stationary either and they too are orbiting something.

It has been postulated recently that the Higgs boson may really be five separate particles of which one does not rotate. If so this could account for the interface of the space/time universe with the time/space universe we have great difficulty detecting and is the Higgs Field which gives mass to particles and atoms by allowing atoms to regain particles that were stripped from their nuclei in and during the formation of Objects as or by star novi.

It is possible that the early massive stars that formed to produce Objects and matter galaxies may have really been massive dark stars composed mostly of dark matter acting as antimatter which came into equilibrium with matter by the creation of matter which actually formed from the cooling of the undifferentiated subatomic particle stew where atoms could not exist but latter condensed and precipitated into space/time matter as we see it. This early process is unclear to me and requires much more data from the early universe.

A physicist in an article in Scientific American suggests that the peaks and troughs of the vibrational waves of all forms of light are or act as particles. I really like this imagery and it makes sense. We believe this haze of particle waves comprises the quantum subatomic world that Doctor Einstein and others referred to as the electron ghost which is the world we observe with our empirical senses.

In order to resolve the unification of the standard model of quantum physics as the very small and finite with the standard model of the very large as our universe filled with black/dark holes, we must demonstrate the underlying physics that occur at both scales in a consistently consistent manner. If this is not accomplished then the epistemological problem of the Unified Field Theory or a theory of everything , will continue to allude us and our knowledge of these underlying principles will continue to be incomplete.

After at least sixty years of unwavering study and concentration, I believe, I am on to something. I do not propose my ideas are completely accurate or complete, but I have found nothing in my studies that suggests my original theory of everything is incorrect. On the contrary, I feel more satisfied with my theory the more I study.

I am fairly certain that motion and orbits was the result of the extant formation of the original Object, I call, the triple tetrahedral triangle as the symbolic and mathematical representation of this Object we are all inside of, so to speak. The elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void is my symbolic representation of space/time and time/space and describes the intimate association of these separate fabrics from the invisible tetrahedron through seven stages of hydrogen producing the infinitely expanding universe.

The universe will never run out of gas due to the very nature of its formation from the original singularity from which it draws its dual essence and nature. Obviously, there is something going on behind the W Map and other scans and before our so called big bang. This process of conversion of dark matter into evolving matter and the reprocessing of matter for inflative expansion will continue indefinitely, so, I hypothesize that everything is separate and or opposite, but the same; ad infinitum squared.

It really makes very little difference if it is from a Divinity that has never moved, one that is becoming, or none at all. It is going on and we need to study all of it to the best of our limited abilities. I do actually believe knowledge of such things is possible and verifiable scientifically. My head hurts and I end this rant. July 13, 201310:07 PM














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Tetrahedron as the Epistemology of Tetragrammaton

                                     Tetrahedron as the Epistemology of Tetragrammaton

                                                                 October 2, 2013                   

It is essential to describe what it is, that is knowledge. Currently, it is an a’ priori empirical notion of persistent reality. I am hopeful we will Devine the underlying truth by our improving most precise measurements and calculations over persistent time.

The first impediment to knowledge is properly directed causality. All of these arguments are a’ priori. The world either makes sense or it does not. This is due to the simple truth we are empirical creatures by nature with no direct contact with the a’ posteriori world other than study. We believe we have attained knowledge. It appears that consciousness is the unifying force or unitary principle of the nine dimensions which is the underlying theme of this discourse.

There are a lot of people who have written and created with kindness towards all that have made the transmission of knowledge to continue to occur indefinitely. Most all of this vast quantity and quality of empirical wisdom depends on the third principle or the principle of three dimensions as space/time. This occurs only when three none parallel planes, intersect. Time/space is asymmetrical to our frame of reference, yet clearly exists and interacts with space/time matter as a spray of positrons is released into space from high voltage releases into the electro magnetic shield around Earth as lightening, see NASA.

Here is where I sing the praises and elevate the author of the wood cut describing three intersecting planes of the same name, M. C. Escher, geometric genius extraordinaire who is one of those many superb minds that helps establish knowledge as an objective fact everywhere.

Copernicus stress that in order to have a theory of the cosmos, you must first have a good geometrical drawing of what it is that is being expressed. The wood cut of three intersecting planes does not describe a tetrahedron but does describe actual space/time, visually. The three intersecting planes is one member of three which comprise a tetrahedron in this tertiary math. This math is directly related to quantum computing or our brain as: yes, no, maybe. A.I., fuzzy logic and holographic quantum storage in diamond computing on two dimensional surfaces. and the four sided dialectic, perfected by Kant and Hegel.

Originally there was no consciousness of anything, anywhere. There had never been any movement at all. There had never been a here and there Aristotle refers to as an unmoved mover and the old analogy of the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object, I know not from where, but true. There was no cause and effect. There was never a big bang/crunch. There were no laws of nature. There was no prior information. There had never been space/time, time/space unified as a conscious living universal organism as the universe of universes literally turning itself inside out through eternity to infinity squared in fininity through eternity while staring into the natural light of the Tetragrammatons', unmoving.

When the Devine consciousness awoke in sublime bliss, everything else was put into motion as orbits. Many universal phenomena occurred at once. Everything filled nothing. The kinetic mass struck the potential emptiness. Infinite consciousness filled the infinite unconsciousness. Two neutrons touched each other.

The most first motion produced a most amazing Object, I refer to as the triple tetrahedral triangle as three separate integrated universal attributes force vectors of the natural occurring nine dimensions. This most first consciousness instantaneously expanded to infinity squared at the speed of thought more as a stroke of power, knowledge, bliss embedded within the infinite potential of nature or Maya as unified with the infinity of the universal absolute, qualified absolute and the unqualified absolute which produce time/space. This was the first inflation of Dr. Guth and what is understood as the Tetragrammatons' in Zion where the universe expanded faster than the speed of light keeping the expansion smooth over time which contributes to growth.

Everything filled nothing and realized that to exhaust and transcend movement again as in the primal state every single thing will occur in fininity just like Pandora's box. The underlying unity of all things is loving bliss consciousness whether extant or evolving and involving. Bliss is the preserver and protector and sustainer of all, Parvardigar. The suffering turn inward towards the reality, bliss, and the story flows.

The trinity of forces that fully expresses the tetrahedron was the WHIM and all things flow from and are gravitationally attached to this Object as the original singularity which is giving rise to an infinite number of infinite universes to eventually coalesce in infinity squared trillions and more years from now, even though it has all already occurred at the speed of thought as infinite consciousness and unified as infinite intelligence.

The Tetragrammaton does not move nor will it ever move and is the only real Divinity there is. It is the only real thing there is, period. It is loving bliss eternal, now awakened to infinite consciousness by Self, expressed as NAD and OM in sound and blue and pink in color. Devine Love flows from and returns to this invisible entity to and from the growing eternal state of nature slowly evolving the supreme being, supreme God, ultimate God and absolute God which is all the impulsive and infinite imagination of the illusion Maya. All embedded in the three worlds, gross, subtle, mental and seven planes of consciousness that evolved into the three worlds.

The Tetragrammaton Divinity creates the singular Object which is the engine of the tetrahedron and is nothing but all movement in orbits. I would imagine that all the current infinite universes literally orbit this Object as its prototypes. All of our galaxies are likely orbiting our singularity behind the COBE, W Map or Planck images. Duality creates all motion. It is the nature of this tetrahedral duality that creates our persistent reality. The seven stages of hydrogen come from the moving tetrahedron from the Bliss of Divine Tetragrammatons' which does not move or orbit anything and exists beyond the beyond God.

The three principles of infinite knowledge, power and bliss in union, spin around one another and the three universal absolutes spin in an asymmetrical fashion avoiding the annihilation of matter and anti matter usually unifying these six forces in consciousness or entanglement whereby all matter and dark matter are engaged in intimate contact to determine what is to come next everywhere in persistent reality. The points of the six intersecting planes of force and potential vibrate laterally and create space/time as a sphere and a cube, and time/space representative of a cube and sphere and organized by the inherent infinite intelligence as an aspect of infinite consciousness, unconsciousness and pre-personal mystic.

The three unifying principles as the third triangle of unified consciousness as tetrahedron is shared by the dark matter and both matter fabrics everywhere all the time and are shared between both states of matter as nine dimensional persistent illusionary reality. The entire creation is unified by the infinite consciousness, infinite unconsciousness and the infinite pre-personal Mystic as the over watch of the two fabrics of matter and their production. Without the component of consciousness persistent reality would not naturally occur and entropy as the current standard model predicts, would reign.

Imagine three triangles made up of these principles of movement, were knowledge, power and spirit (bliss) are represented on a two dimensional surface and are one triangle of three. The second two dimensional triangle is represented by the universal, qualified and unqualified absolutes. Infinite consciousness, unconsciousness and the pre-personal is the third two dimensional triangle where all the planes of vectored force are either intersecting or not intersecting.

When these three objects are spun up where the product of the first triangle is space/time, the second triangle is an evolved anti matter or dark matter principle and produces time/space which are balanced by the third triangle of infinite consciousness, unconsciousness and mystic as the infinite intelligence, from the largest singularity to the smallest interactions the tetrahedron is born complete and infinite. Just within their shared centers of three triangles all the rotating points describes the primal sphere or space and the vibration of the legs of these three triangles describes a cube or time.

The interaction in shared consciousness or entanglement is the vector that the initial stroke of awareness sent to the ends of time, is the echo the phenomenal world follows in the actual experience of that most first stroke faster than light and since resides with the Tetragrammaton as that initial aspect of the tetrahedron. This was and is the WHIM.

If the aspirant wishes to concentrate and meditate on the form of the tetrahedron in motion, I would imagine that the Tetragrammaton spells the name of God on the surface of the spherical/cube, Y. H. W. H. in perfect script, but you had better work.

It is somewhat reassuring to speculate that the illusory world of movement was imprinted with a perfect infinite Devine Intelligence that allows for good out comes for meager humans in nature. The triple tetrahedral triangle in nine dimensions unified in intelligence as the ten Gods labors under the illusion that it is real. The evolution of the supreme being, supreme God, ultimate and absolute God will require eons of time. One must be cognizant of the probable infinite numbers of infinite universes and dimensions diverging from our time line endlessly allowing for an infinite number of infinite out comes.

If it is essential to make all of these outcomes extant then this amazing endeavor would occur when the great coalescent occurs trillions of eons from now as well as time travel which would then be feasible. God is complete, the shadow of God, the tetrahedron is the outcome of waking up for the only time and shouldering the responsibility inherent in awareness much as we are ethical and moral beings seeking our own salvation.

Dark energy is the extant balance between space/time as matter and time/space as anti matter. Our space/time is the persistent reality we experience where our space is the time/space, time, and our time is the time/space, space, and visa versa. The universe of universes actually wobbles.

This natural balance is in constant motion as the balance between the space/time fabric and the time/space fabric are always interacting on the macro level around Objects and at the quantum level around the Higgs Field. As more and more massive sixth and seventh generation stars attempt to fill the dark matter at their core, the more singularities push back with anti gravity forming the mutually agreeable black hole and/or dark gravity object and exerts the gravity over-control exhibited by procession in galaxies.

When the actual number of black holes increases the more that time of time/space expands as our deep space. If this phenomenon were to occur at the quantum level, the universe would fly a part. The expansion of our space is administered by natural mechanisms inherent in the balance between matter and dark matter where micro gravity is expressed as the electro magnetic force and the weak and strong forces at the atomic level of particle fields and prevents breaking the field balance between states of micro matter when our macro space expands. We are apparently experiencing an inflationary period due to the production of singularities and the increase of mass of existing singularities where some galaxies have a singularity a billion times the mass of the Milky Way Object.

Are these Objects connected in some way and the simple answer is yes as door ways into and out of the dark matter universe of time/space we do not experience as directly as space/time. The notion that these objects are somehow passive or remote from our world must be complete nonsense unless sucked into one of these objects.

The Dr. Susskind physics notice of the information of matter being copied to the two dimensional surface of the singularity when inhaled helps demonstrate the retention of knowledge between matter states at the macro level. This then would strengthen the case for entanglement at the micro level of persistent reality. If reality records information from one state to another, is it reciprocal? Is the net mass of the space/time universe steadily increasing and is the net mass of the time/space universe steadily decreasing? Does the micro world respond to the inhalation of matter into a singularity far from the ingestion point that could be measured in real time as so called gravity waves? If I step on a flower here does it upset a star there. Are there WIMPS or weakly interacting massive particles even more fundamental than bosons and fermions? We are so cleaver with measuring and detecting and testing our empiricism with science devoid of spooky from a distance where possible, we will know whatever we study.

Reality as we experience it is a conscious continuous universal consensus for the good of all nature. When we believe we are able to fathom this intimate discourse, nature engages in, we are leaving out much more than half of the equation. Entanglement and two dimensional information storage on singularities must be occurring everywhere all the time in every space to explain persistent reality as a fact. Doctor Hawking was simply wrong about singularities utterly destroying information.

For us to truly build the best machines and discover the essence of the mystery of nature, we must entertain the idea that we integrate the notion of a predominant dark matter universe with everything we think we know about space/time. Our whole ancient conceptualizations of reality are obviously very good and work based on the physics of space/time and the two standard models. The models are incomplete mainly because the community did not understand what Fritz Zwicky, a Swiss genius, was at times jumping up and down about, his name of dark matter and evidence of such mass, invisible to us. We probably should have been much more interested in Tesla with his views of electromagnetism.

I am just saying that my current model of reality is consistently consistent while not substantially disagreeing with the standard models. There will never be a time that there is not more to study, but like our current models, a new model of everything is required to move forward in the quest for knowledge. Of course, as our instruments and observations refine we will have a more complete model of the unified field theory. The idea that we will explain everything without integrating consciousness into the schema defeats the very notion of a unified theory. The subject of another paper, perhaps. End rant.

Jack Sanders