Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vacuum as the Precursor of Dark Energy
and Evolution of the Universe
December 20, 2013


Everything we associate with the universe and movement originated by and from absolute vacuum. Movement is nothing more than vibration. There was nothing extant prior to movement and that is what absolute vacuum is, nothing. Today this is referred to as the beyond the beyond state prior to movement as it was not what initially moved and still does not move and will not ever move. This is not a paradox as nothing is outside and prior to the emergence of motion as space/time and time/space. It is really an uncaused, causation. It has been called the WHIM and yet a whim is not necessary.

At this one dimensional most finite point that actually exists outside or beyond our notion of absolute vacuum this vacuum collapsed in upon its own one dimensional point and immediately separated from absolute vacuum. This was the most first motion. At this one dimensional point of collapse, just beyond the absolute vacuum, which actually never moved because it is nothing and exists in the beyond, beyond state, two things occurred simultaneously. The implosion occurred first because there was Nothing for anything to explode outward into as there was no outward beyond the most finite first point which is a one dimensional object. This then is the mystery of creation from nothing without design and prior to any awareness or entanglement.

The first motion was the movement inward, and was grasped by the second thing as the proximity entanglement, I prefer to call, awakening of the infinite intelligence which had not ever existed prior to this most first motion. This state of motion was the beyond state of motion and essentially was two dimensional in scope as the inward collapse from its own one dimensional movement produced two dimensions. This was the first sound produced which you may still hear in your own head which is NAD. The two colors were extant as blue and pink, immediately, from and at the point of most first motion.

This nearly simultaneous first stroke of motion immediately initiated the opposite of the collapse or implosion as the most first explosion as the rebound from the initial collapse inward of the one dimensional point and most first motion. This initial explosion produced the third dimensions and everything else from the pattern established by the first or newly awakened infinite intelligence as awareness of movement and growth in evolution as this mass was no longer motionless.

In other words, the most first movement was spontaneous and without cause as there was no intelligence or awareness prior to this movement and nothing to convey a vibration in. There was no field for entanglement to exist, so no awareness of an infinite intelligence to awaken prior to motion, for everything as potentiality trying to fill nothing had not occurred.

The initiator of the most first explosion was the anti gravity effect of the absolute vacuum of nothing which is beyond and without movement due to its natural state of no movement or null dimensional properties. Thus the vacuum drew motion in upon its nothingness only to repel the movement so as not to disturb its absolute vacuum

because of its very nature of being nothing or absolute vacuum. This is not a paradox but just the properties of what now was aware of movement simply because it was a field which had never existed as illusion.

The absolute vacuum as nothing remains undisturbed as motion, separated from quiescence. The only thing that changed was the creation of the duality of potentiality which is now creating all else by the nature of motion seeking to return to absolute vacuum as nothing. However, should the motion cease entirely, the awareness would remain even without a field to exist in.

Thus, at times the absolute vacuum acts as the initiator of the principles or forces we describe and attribute to gravity and anti gravity. It spawned the evolutionary principle of nothing seeking origin. This ordered evolution is evident throughout the universe by our measurement or study of light and appears to be infinite in scope as our universe is flat by initial Wmap measurements recently conducted and awaiting confirmation.

Physicists have called this repulsive force inherent in vacuum the Dark Energy which appears to expand the universe more rapidly through persistent time which allows us to measure what it is that we empirically think we are observing giving rise to the "spooky at a distance" phenomenon first described by Albert Einstein which states nothing occurs until you observe it and then it is changed by the act of observing giving rise to the epistemological difficulty of pure science which is the Schrodinger’s cat paradox.

This idea sounds a great deal like the awakening of the infinite intelligence which when observing the most first motion created all else but could not exist prior to motion to convey intelligence within. Doctor Einstein postulated that there was a universal intelligence acting upon the cosmos, as well.

Dr. Schrodinger conceptionalized the notion of Verschrnkung or entanglement which experimentally confirms that the cat may be dead and alive and neither one and both all at the same time. I do not think this is a paradox at all but merely the nature of motion or vibration attempting to return to perfect equilibrium as absolute vacuum. Every possibility must be fulfilled to accomplish this feat, however.

My answer to this seeming paradox is: Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; ad infinitum squared. For once the cat was let out of the bag, so to speak, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put the cat back in the bag again. In other words, once motion ensued and the infinite intelligence was born, literally everything that could happen will happen, and is happening, and in one sense has already happened though an infinite eternity to infinitely squared as an instantaneous stroke of awareness, alpha and omega at the speed of thought. This correlates with the first inflationary expansion of the blue white hot bubble of plasma to something the size of a fist, perhaps.

The awareness, I discuss, is the feed back mechanism of motion oriented on keeping track of the connectedness of all the fractal motions released that continue to seek vacuum. This evolution is Pandora’s Box with a purpose.

The first stroke of awareness as infinite intelligence went to the ends of time at the speed of thought, literally driving the expression of persistent time as relativistic experience in everything discreetly to exhaust motion and return to quiescence as absolute vacuum but with one very important difference as the transcendent experience of that entangled consciousness to infinity squared.

I would imagine that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared is the relativistic expression of this underlying expression of infinitely in fininity. Could it be that God actually seeks to transcend God by literally experiencing everything possible in mere relativistic terms? I certainly think this is the case. If the exhaustion of motion could be accomplished in any other manner, this relativistic discussion would never have occurred and persistent time would not be our experience.

The embedded linkage between motion and evolution gave rise to the theory of entanglement which states every field particle in some manner is "aware" of the state of every other field particle across the breadth and depth of the universe instantaneously and spontaneously and automatically in nature as evolving motion. Without this feed back mechanism, knowledge would be impossible at relativistic levels of vibration and at the level of infinity.


I do not think our infinite universe was the first universe or that it is the only universe. I think this process and reality has literally been evolving for trillions of our years. It is more than likely that there are or will be an infinite number of infinite universes which have come from the initial movement and OBJECT thus created. It is more than likely that there are or will be an infinite number of dimensions fractaling in and away from all other discreet movements endlessly and in all dimensions and universes. How the intelligence deals with this evolutionary phenomenon is the likely reason we humans are so curious much like that cat in the box.

For every possible derivation of each discreet moment must find expression to exhaust motion and transcend the imperative to move, for all motion is an elaborate illusion the East has called Maya as a function of the god Shiva, the creator and destroyer. The whole mess is sustained and preserved by God Vishnu or Parvardigar the preserver and protector of all under the influence of the god Brahman which breaths out for one cosmic cycle and breaths in for one cosmic cycle over and over again which in my mind is another way of saying it all ends in frost and to no end or goal. The god Brahma was responsible for the formation of souls and for what end if not to serve the purposes of the illusory cosmos with our curiosity and study of everything.

I am not suggesting we all adopt the ancient philosophies of India, but I suspect they were every bit as far along in their understanding of the cosmos as the physicists of today are and probably further not to disparage the obvious genius of pure science. I am just saying they probably had it figured out thousands of years ago and we have forgotten this knowledge and are reinventing it again in a more precise manner. Hopefully, we are able to advance to a stage two civilization and indefinitely retain this hard won information and knowledge. If so, it is about time.

Physicists and cosmologists are just dead wrong about the theory that our current universe will eventually decay into an ocean of dying photons in a cold dead end to motion in a dead remote future. Dr. Michio Kaku, Father of string theory, I object to your notion of the end of this universe in a cold dark eternal future of frost. You folks do not even know what sustains and refreshes particle waves or fields across the cosmos and base your mathematical conclusions on four percent of what is extant that we are able to observe directly.

You physicists and mathematicians are probably remembering the vibrations of other universes that failed to become infinite as prototypes of the OBJECT, formed from the initial collapse and inflation of the most first motion and universal infinite intelligence created as a result of such motion. If we weren’t conscious or aware of such possibilities, it really wouldn’t matter as there would be nothing to perceive these ideas.

You folks simply can not comprehend what infinity or infinite consciousness is, for trillions of years in the eternal future the infinite number of infinite universes will eventually coalesce into what I have called the infinite dream state where all things are possible relativistically at the level of infinity to the final push to infinitely squared.

The truth be known, individual human beings are capable of becoming infinite universes in this process and that really is our eternal function to serve this God that wishes to transcend all possibilities and transcend its Self or His self. God is neither sex, both sexes and all sexes without sex all the time but does express Himself in the male gender only and only appears on this planet as a male and not a female by His own accord and description as the active principle in nature. Take it up with the Avatar, Meher Baba, if this disturbs the reader.

These folks are, also, mistaken that the universe began as an explosion first, as out of necessity collapse inward into absolute vacuum was the most first motion. Granted, the rebound was an explosion. So why was there an explosion and what was the actual mechanism in nature that caused it to become a most finite point of pure energy with infinite potential that is even now in the process of collapsing and expanding infinitely over persistent finite time through eternity as an organized whole that is studied and conceptualized and comprehended? Only the faculty of consciousness is capable of grasping this infinitely of possibilities and nothing else will suffice.

The notion of time travel in our current relativistic state of illusory existence is simply inane, as well. Maybe we are able to send particles backward in time but the time these particles went back to wouldn’t be our actual historical past, and I will tell you why. It is possible in some remote epoch of coalescence of an infinite number of infinite universes to do so, but not here and not now. In order to have one particle wave to travel back in our time to one second ago, every other particle wave would by necessity be required to occupy exactly the same place in space and the same time in our space/time Matter universe and the same time and the same space of the time/space Dark Matter universe, to accomplish this feat. It is just not possible until it becomes possible and reality has not evolved to do this yet.

Possibly the past is observable through some mechanism of mind or tool and more importantly than travel into the past is the fact that there is not a super symmetrical universe traveling backwards in time giving us a window into a future that has never happened but that is certainly evolving and becoming, moment to moment. It is possible that an evolving universal infinite intelligence is aware of the infinite and eternal universe we are evolving and involving through and into, in our relativistic persistent time and this infinite intelligence effects the moment from the perspective of the infinite future.

However, we are not going to travel into this future time because it must first be experienced in our relativistic time scale prior to accomplishing time travel into the future. Again we are likely to achieve an accurate view of the future in super computer simulations just as we might the past for in reality there only exists persistent reality as the burning fuse of the relationship between absolute vacuum as evolved dark matter and our universe of evolved matter. It certainly is within our purview to travel faster than the speed of light with the use of worm holes, maybe sixty-six times, and the speed of thought.

How is it that such a finite creature such as our selves is capable of having any awareness of such vast notions and ideas? What is the outcome or the final coalescence implied by such motion? Is the actual process real or is it all an illusion? Is knowledge of these things possible? There are as many of these questions as there are the potential of humans existing which is an infinite number.

It isn’t that the two standard models of both the very large cosmos and the very small quantum realm are wrong, they are just incomplete. One of the reasons that this is the current state of affairs is the reticence of physicists and cosmologists to acknowledge the role of awareness and consciousness that is in fact what has created the human race and our brain over persistent time whether accidently or by design or both as I am suggesting.

I mean, a mindless universe did not create a mindless beast or creature such as ourselves to build the largest machine ever built by us as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN in Geneva, Switzerland to study this very problem of who or what knew whom or what and when and why. My own empirical senses tell me cosmic consciousness is the result of the most first finite motion to make it possible for my own consciousness to exist and remember the vibrations sent forth by such activity for the human brain is a superb receiver of cosmic thoughts and vibrations even at the level of infinity and beyond.



During the initial collapse and awakening, the principles or axioms of potential force were created from nothing as a reflection of the natural light radiated by or from the reflection of the OBJECT as the infinite Universal Absolute, the infinite Unqualified Absolute and the infinite Qualified Absolute as tetrahedron.

During the initial explosion as the reflected potentialities of the absolute vacuum which by the very nature of these potentialities inherent in the three Absolute’s caused the active principle to come into illusory existence as Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Preserver and Infinite Power as tetrahedron.

The direct interaction between these six principles of potential and active force then produced the Infinite Consciousness, extant Infinite Unconsciousness and the Infinite Pre-personal Mystery.

I call this interlocked and very rapidly rotating OBJECT the Triple Tetrahedral Triangle, Elliptical Cubical Sphere, Double Spiral Void. The force or principle that absolutely unifies these Nine forces and principles of motion is the Infinite Universal Intelligence. Only the combination of these forces and fields of vibration bought about the structure of persistent time as we experience the universe.

All this comes from the natural light reflection of the absolute vacuum as nothing when the most first finite motion occurred naturally without design. Design certainly came later as the imprint of the original movement recorded on the face of the deep. The purpose of this paper is to describe how this operates to help solve or unify the incomplete standard models of quantum physics and the astrophysics of cosmogony as the unified field theory.


Prior to the most first explosion and as the result of the most first one dimensional collapse or slump the immediately extant awareness of the most first movement became infinitely conscious and actually caused the most first explosion and the immediate formation of space/time and time/space expanding and contracting faster than the speed of light at temperatures that where so high we are unable to achieve them in the laboratory of science or exists in any star or singularity. The original OBJECT that formed remains and is extant beyond our infinite universe which was created out of worry as a prototype of the original. Eventually we will locate and measure the direct influence of this OBJECT as the gravity over- control of everything becoming, both physically and spiritually.

The initiation of our singularity occurred at time scales so brief, we are even now struggling to measure, precisely and accurately. The early universe just produced from the collapse or slumping of nothing as absolute vacuum was devoid of particle fields or waves. And yet, there was an immense heat generated seeking to return to absolute vacuum or nothing in equilibrium as undifferentiated plasma being accelerated outward from the singularity, leaving the singularity at the center while still pervading all space and time as the absolute potential of vacuum as time/space which acts upon the matter of space/time as anti matter and dark matter as the scaffolding of space/time matter.

This occurs asymmetrically or out of phase of matter at a particular angle of rotation to avoid complete annihilation completely based on the amount of the mass of dark matter interacting with matter. The more dark matter mass present determines the size of the matter objects that are attracted to vacuum, while vacuum seeks to repel matter to slow annihilation making our persistent time just like the burning wave front of the original explosion like a fuse burning everywhere.

The Object at the center of our infinite universe is a copy of the original OBJECT. It is a singularity because the initial collapse produces an implosion, much like the collapse of a massive star into a black hole or small singularity that still may be billions of times more massive than the massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. It is likely that all the galaxies and stars and dark matter revolve about the Object that formed our universe and we will detect this, too. It hides behind the image of the Wmap and the black holes of this cosmos. Soon, we will see our own galaxies’ black hole while feeding on a massive gas cloud orbiting its event horizon.

This struggle to return to quiescence and a state of undisturbed equilibrium is actually the engine of the infinitely expanding universes of space/time and time/space. The initial fire ball was and is the result of the clash that exists everywhere between competing forces of which one is expansion and the first was contraction.

The initial collapse at the most first finite point ensured the symmetry of the initial explosion as temperatures very slightly across the spectrum of the baby pictures of the universe prior to clarity known as COBE or WMAP images. Apparently, combined light existed first in our cosmos and only after some cooling did light differentiate into the various particle wave phenomena we observe discreetly as the spectrum which holds the entire history of the cosmos within its spectra.

So why the high temperature and lack of spectra at first ignition. I use the word ignition as that is what caused the most first explosion/implosion. The original collapse of nothing into a one dimensional object rebounded causing the so called Big Bang and the beginning of relativistic time and persistent time which is really an expression of the evolutionary process which seeks awareness just as the most first consciousness that was formed by the most first motion of collapse into nothing. You know, it still wants to know what it is or you would not be sitting here wondering who you are and what it is. This is the prime directive of universal evolution, quite outside any attempt to design anything at all.

I am sure there were many attempts to produce a universe unrestrained by design to seek its very ends and means through out an infinite scale through eternal time. This describes our flat universe which is the attainment of such infinite curiosity in action. This is not to say the universal intelligence is totally passive, either. This paper is not directly about the Infinite Intelligence and I would ask the reader to explore this subject in perfect detail in the books readably available as God Speaks by Meher Baba and the Infinite Intelligence attributed to the same author.


The initial implosion produced an Object of immense gravitational and anti gravitational properties. The initial rebound of the collapse and immediate implosion was the initial explosion, thus providing the third dimension in both cases or directions of movement. That which exploded from the rebound of the collapse of absolute vacuum immediately, was and is attracted to that which does not wish to move due to its natural property of seeking or being nothing in absolute vacuum.

Thus, bang. I do not have a name for the implosion, accept crunch, that filled all of time/space as the structure that matter falls towards, even to singularity from collapsed stars where matter is replenished and again radiated into our space/time and time/space in the form of very high speed particle waves such as gamma radiation or light or particle waves of anti matter or evolved dark matter we are seeking to observe at CERN.

I postulate that the number of singularities extant in the space/time universe is directly proportional to the increasing speed of the inflationary process which by definition is infinite to infinity squared. In other words the universe is literally turning its self inside out through persistent evolutionary time. The more newly formed black holes, the faster the acceleration becomes, even approaching the speed of light. For, isn’t matter trying to become pure energy to again return to absolute vacuum? It seems like a contradiction accept it is the nature of matter to exhaust motion in evolution or stars would not collapse into singularities.

The largest concentrations of dark matter apparently exist where we have found galactic black holes billions of times larger than our black hole surrounded by trillions of stars where our meager galaxy possibly has four hundred billion stars. Our singularity pervades the time/space that is the underlying fabric of our matter galaxy. The larger the singularity the larger the galaxy. It seems to me that matter is trying to fill the absolute vacuum and behaves accordingly without any particular design accept natures and the feed back received by nature as evolution.

This phenomenon of merely seeking equilibrium in vacuum is responsible for space/time as the initial explosion and time/space as the initial implosion all from a most hot and finite point of the collapse of nothing. Eventually this stew of plasma cooled enough to produce the first generation or proto generation of matter included in the quantum standard model prior to the collapse of matter into stars.

This makes perfect sense because it took three generations of stars in three epochs in seven generations to forge the heavy elements that allow the human body to evolve so we can be conscious of this fact. I have referred to this element building process as the seven stages of hydrogen and the three worlds that evolved from the three stages of matter thus formed by these epochs of evolution.

The first epoch was likely wispy and transparent like a veil just prior or soon after clarity. The second epoch was the age of power in the form of quasars. The third age was the epoch of the stars finally making the heavy elements such as gold that establish the gross material world we now occupy. All three ages concurrently exist and will continue to do so indefinitely.

Apparently, the universe really went to town spewing vast quantities of matter out into the cosmos from the quasar singularities that mimics the Object at the center of the universe only on a much smaller scale just as stars do when they collapse into singularities only on a much smaller scale than quasars or our universal Object does or the original OBJECT of the Universe of Universes does in a fractaling way all in ten dimensions.


Well, apparently this occurred in what I refer as to time/space as well, as anti matter. More specifically, as the most first movement separated from absolute vacuum as the point of ignition, the tetrahedron of space/time and matter came into being. At the same extremis of time, the time/space tetrahedron of the absolutes were extant and formed dark matter and anti matter particles. Until both fields were combined by the third tetrahedron of the awareness of consciousness as intimate entanglement of force states, the two dimensional nature of the triple tetrahedron did provide the actual initial explosion into the three dimensional universe we experience.

Even so, the plasma state that formed did not find clarity until some three hundred thousand years after ignition. Never the less, the non differentiated states of the force carriers of the space/time tetrahedron and the tetrahedron of the potentialities of the absolutes as force carriers, immediately began to orbit one another in elliptical orbits precipitating the plasma storm. It was the intimate interaction of these forces that produced the initial explosion and produced the evolutionary principle that is extant throughout the cosmos, even now. The cosmos is a living conscious being even apart from the first awakening at the instant of most first movement as collapse and separation from the absolute vacuum of nothingness. In other words, the three dimensional expression of evolution mirrored the original awareness in the illusion of space/time and time/space which merely reflects the outcome of motion in evolution.

None of it was designed in the sense there was an extant awareness prior to the most first movement that engineered a "creation", nor does it preclude an extant awareness permeating everything as a direct result of motion. Science will soon make this determination due to the concept of entanglement in experimental observations of the interactions of particle waves from the combined light of the original plasma state of the universe. Even though the universe is a living self aware organism does not mean motion is not an illusory state, for it is an illusion. Only That which does not move is real.

We actually evolved to appreciate this distinction. If human beings do not awaken soon to our potentialities will have lost the opportunity to truly excel and the universe will replace us with a creature less hell bent on self destruction and more conducive to the support and maintenance of life in the cosmos we fleetingly inhabit. In more common vernacular, human beings tend to exhibit utter stupidity in the face of facts and science and awareness of self.


It is entirely possible that there is no super symmetry between the matter and anti matter universes because the time/space universe of dark matter only produces antiparticles when matter actually encounters dark matter and a mirror image of matter is produced including opposite spin and charge since dark matter is really just pure potential seeking release into a matter state due to the interaction of gravity and anti gravity which are the first force produced from matter trying to return to equilibrium in absolute vacuum.

We may actually be able to split atoms into an infinity of subatomic particles in this manner by colliding particles into dark matter particles that only exist when we succeed in achieving collisions with dark matter which appears as anti matter particles to balance matter and expel dark energy into the space/time universe of matter as kinetic energy rather than pure potentiality in the time/space continuum.

We know with certainty by observation that lightening entering the upper atmosphere of Earth releases a spray of anti matter positrons as observed by NASA recently. What we need to find out is how to release these particles in a controlled manner and harness the immense energy available as potentiality as dark matter. Obviously, this process happens naturally at singularity in black holes.

The method for doing this in a controlled manner revolves around the second force or electromagnetic force in combination with the first force of gravity/anti gravity. Gravity appears to be weak, so weak we may jump off the ground under our feet. Yet, a electromagnetic device can be so powerful that magnets may not be separated except with extreme force far greater than mere gravity. That remains true until a singularity orbiting a companion star pulls all of the matter of the star into the black hole and spews it back into space/time as neutrinos which then must interact with the Higgs Field reconditioned to regain mass again as a matter particle wave even to gross matter through the three generations of particle states.

So why does gravity appear weak in one instance and in another state it forms a singularity that only light may escape from as the speed of light squared which occurs

at singularity as matter seeks to return to vacuum and equilibrium and is accelerated to twice the speed of light becoming pure energy as a neutrino field or wave front. This must be occurring at singularity for the matter universe appears to be much larger than it was near first clarity and the age of quasars.

Something is growing the universe or it would not be expanding faster and faster to accommodate this force. Dark Energy is the force carrier of dark matter as potential and space/time matter is the result of the production of singularities which drive the entire process of the recirculation of matter and the release of potential as new matter at singularity. If we haven’t detected this process, we soon will, as the entire universe must be awash with this particle wave or field.

This process occurs at the quantum level when the anti gravity effect of absolute vacuum repels electrons orbiting nuclei. The electron particle field is held in a certain orbit due to the repulsive or anti gravity force that the atom is attracted to beneath the nucleus of the atom all based on the vibration of the attracted particle to the vibration of that dark matter that is repelled and repels the efforts of matter to annihilate itself to return to absolute vacuum. This accounts for the strong and weak forces based on the arrangement of the subatomic particles as strings or different frequencies of vibrations of elements and the arrangement of their electron shells and the amount or mass of dark matter present to attract the electron particle wave which in turn is repelled by dark matter to prevent annihilations from occurring.

The four forces are all based on one factor which is the apparent orbits of the particles that are attracted to dark matter or singularity, macro and micro. The more gravity that matter encounters or is attracted to, the faster the orbit around this gravity well is even approaching the speed of light at the event horizon and attaining the speed of light at or near singularity due to the anti gravity force of dark matter as the remnant of absolute vacuum or the repulsive force of Dark Energy.

The force pf electromagnetism is really a function or attribute of the nature of gravity. As matter is attracted to dark matter or vacuum it is actually repelled by the mass of dark matter present from the macro scale of singularities to the micro scale of quantum particle fields.

Quantum gravity is expressed or functions as the weak and strong forces. The same singularity that creates huge electromagnetic fields is the same singularity that operates at the quantum level. All the forces were derived from gravity/anti gravity prior to clarity in the plasma state of super heated matter/antimatter annihilation which goes on to this moment, everywhere macro and micro. If it were not for the anti gravity attribute of dark matter there would be evolution or persistent reality to study anything. As the plasma cooled and matter and anti matter found equilibrium, the other three forces differentiated from gravity/anti gravity which continues to dominate the space/time and time/space fabrics or fields in the function of orbits. Orbits are all elliptical, period, because the relationship between space/time and time/space are asymmetrical due to differences in mass.

The magnetron star, a special form of neutron star, is probably the best visual example of the immense electromagnetic force a space/time object may exhibit without becoming a singularity. The magnetism of this star would pull our entire solar system apart and this object is the size of Manhattan. It is balanced by the other half of the electromagnetic force by the electric charge that prevents this star from tearing its self apart by continuing to collapse towards absolute vacuum which the repulsive force of dark matter prevents as Dark Energy which acts to repeal matter from annihilating antimatter.

Dark Energy is the force carrier of Dark Matter as anti gravity in time/space, where gravity in space/time attracts matter to Dark Matter for matter seeks to fill the vacuum and dark matter seeks to remain in vacuum. Hence, the greater the number of singularities, the greater the repulsive force becomes. Singularities are the outcome of this natural process from alpha to omega and drives the process of evolution in persistent reality in a unified field of vibrational tones that combine in peaks and valleys that is persistent reality due directly to the nature of gravity. If there were no gravity, nothing as absolute vacuum results. The universe tricks itself into sustaining and preserving motion by producing the condition of attraction and repulsion out of nothing or zero or void where one is the illusion.

Occasionally the balance fails to prevent annihilation at the macro/micro level and vast amounts of newly produced and liberated matter and recycled matter are sent into space/time as gamma radiation and other high energy fields as discrete tones. I assume it is possible for a magnetron star to implode into a singularity while liberating vast amounts of high energy radiation as neutrinos. Neutrinos collide with heavier particles which grows space/time by adding to the total mass of matter, slowly, over time.

Quasars are the perfect example of runaway annihilation. Quasars built the galaxies from the inside out and provided the matter that the galaxies feed upon while moving through relativistic vacuum in an ocean of neutrinos. Possibly we will detect the source of neutrinos from the new detector array at the South Pole using this array as a telescope.

Now, obviously, I have no direct proof regarding my notions of space/time and time/space. I am free to speculate and push the notions of the physics community to imagine a more fundamental view of the cosmos which combines awareness with science in such a way that attempts to unify the two standard models into a unified whole. Personally, I think I am on to something very fundamental about the nature of reality and what it is here to do and what our role is. That is the prerogative of the dialectic mind of the empirical philosopher and I make no apologies for my curiosity and insights into the nature of motion.

At least my ideas are consistently consistent and do not seek to explain reality beyond the notions of fact and science. Every single day, I see more evidence of what I suggest is really going on. I haven’t seen, heard or read anything that directly contradicts my view of unification, but rather what I study merely contributes to my central hypothesis:

Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; ad infinitum squared.

Existing as the illusion:

Triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void.

My theory or hypothesis does not appear to question or over turn any particular notion of reality other than those notions that limit infinity such as our plunge into a cold dark universe trillions of years from now. This is a limiting view of things and I believe there is evidence all around that does not support endings other than what naturally occurs in the course of natural evolution. I do not believe evolution exists and evolves to end evolution. To me that is utter nonsense based upon inadequate facts and incorrect postulations based on the lack of adequate knowledge which is extant to the open mind without resorting to fantasy, magic or complete stupidity and wishful thinking including any reference to a God.

My theory does not depend upon there being a God or Supreme Being. If there is such a thing that is a bonus, maybe. However, I do not doubt there is a universal intelligence that is immediately aware of its movement, growth and evolution across the infinite universe of space/time as described by the theory of entanglement as proposed by Dr. Einstein and other mathematicians and physicists of that period as there is no inherent conflict between the idea that both evolution and universal intelligence are in harmony with one another. Off my soap box again.

Jack Sanders

Thursday, December 19, 2013


and Its Economic, Social and Political Implications
December 18, 2013


This discourse is about how the United States Government allowed the demise of the Public and Its economic well being and what must be done to preserve the Union, and no less. Let me be most clear when I say that pure capitalism in practice is exactly like the blind leading the blind; no offense to the blind.

Granted, there were numerous economic models, all based on Mercantilism and Capitalism, that nearly unhinged Our Constitution prior to the Twentieth Century, including the Civil War.

This paper is not about the recessions and depressions and wars that occurred prior to the last century. It is about those contrived and nefarious circumstances which have created the demise of the American middle class and the possible outcomes for all of us, good and not so good.

A society based on consumerism alone for shear profit functions but must ultimately fail due to a lack of a goal especially when there is no longer any upward mobility for those who are expected to consume because they have low paying crap jobs to pay for the crap that is shoved down our throats every time we turn on an electronic device. This condition is like leadership by threat and intimidation that works for awhile but poorly and then fails of its own inertia as there is no vision or purpose because fear is a the main by-product of those who foster hate to consolidate their power.

We end up with a culture of folks addicted to adrenalin due to the lies and obscuration that is constantly shoved down the throats of the mentally lazy who wish to believe in fairy tails not founded in facts and science. This condition mostly affects the so called white race who in great numbers decided learning and growth come from the rich and powerful as they suckle this teat of willful ignorance. I am white and know exactly what I am implying for if you turn your will over to hate and fear you end up with a large bag of meaningless crap, pretty much what we receive and endure from our Congress on a daily basis.

We have a new Pope who is a Franciscan priest that actually practices what Lord Christi taught. Pope Francis recently proclaimed that capitalism and trickle down economics were false and do not work. Of course, the willfully ignorant hate machine went into action and proclaimed the Pope a Marxist to which he replied by saying Marxism doesn’t work either or words to that effect. Why in the world would a bunch of ignorant so called white Christians verbally attack one of the few enlightened Popes the Catholic faith has ever produced? Couldn’t have anything to do with greed, now could it.

It is important to point out that Saint Francis of Assisi was a God Realized Perfect Master who knew the suffering of the poor and diseased and infirm and worked to alleviate such unwarranted misery every moment of his enlightened life. Yes, these individuals actually live and exist and work tirelessly for the less fortunate, exactly how the very wealthy are expected to behave if they have a clue.

I am mortified to be a member of a race that set foot on te moon that wrote the Constitution that saved the World from tyranny and allowed democracy as free enterprise to flourish and in one generation to turn from the enlightenment to utter madness and racial hatred. The so called takers in this unfortunate scenario are those that have greatly prospered at the demise of the middle class who produce he wealth sought by those who wish to enslave most of us again. If I am wrong then exactly where is the proof that I am wrong in my assessment of a failed mentality of bankrupt ethics and morality expressed in a desire to create the conditions for perpetual low to mid intensity warfare, never ending with our blood.

The scourge is the willful economic unhinging of the American middle class which is so very obvious when 80% of all the wealth invested in the stock market has little or nothing to do with the success of the middle class. The wealthy among us actually seek to create endless low paying service jobs so the Ultra Rich may have all the neo serfs they wish, to do their bidding while posing no threat to their treasure.

The mental illness that has en masse gripped the American Republican Party needs to find a new sense of compromise and governance for a balanced, equitable and rational world view for this Party is at war with its own government and nothing less. If any of you out there are responsible for this state of affairs you should hang your heads in shame and seek redemption of your soul’s from your materialistic castles you have built in your delusional minds. If this does not apply to you then have no shame.

I call for the establishment of a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge. Various forms of this idea must go forward or there will not be anything to go forward as process and reality as we will all be living in a new "Middle Ages."

Out of deference to the extremely wealthy for they knew not what they were contriving, little is lost by exposing the utter folly of the folks who own and operate the corporations of the World and especially the United States. The conservative movement in America has delivered one of the most inane ideas ever postulated and effected by our Supreme Court, who had the audacity, greed and temerity to attribute individuality to corporations. What utter and complete nonsense this unfortunate decision enshrined as the motives and aspirations of the most wealthy.

What this decision actually produced was a Coup D’etat that usurped the power of the Public to govern equitably and transparently in the three branches of Government as the Constitution envisioned. This is not the only poor outcome of the use of wealth to obtain power and influence over the Public. This decision is the actual evidence that a Coup has occurred.

The first World War was a war the United States needed to end and we did. The Public wanted none of it and wished to remain an isolationistic society in word and deed. President Woodrow Wilson objected to this philosophy when he said about the Senate,

"A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible." The Senate voted to end filibusters at his bequest by a two thirds vote which stayed in effect until 1975 when the senate rules changed allowing cloture by a 60 member vote. The down side is this curtails debate. However, when pure obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism abounds, such a rule is required. The rule was again modified by Senator Harry Reed, recently, to do just that, end obstructionism in many instances on the floor of the senate.

Coming out of that world war, emboldened the Military Industrial Complex to seek immense political power and destabilize the banking system in the country in such a way that the very rich would get much richer at the expense of free enterprise in the market place by driving entrepreneurs out of competition with the very powerful interests of those industries that profit greatly from supplying and creating circumstances that create war.

It wasn’t long and a truly mad tyrant and masterful organizer decided that the German military industrial complex could buy him world domination at the Worlds’ expense. Of course, this pleased the folks who own the Military Industrial Complex in America very happy as we kicked the snot out of the fascists. That felt so good and was so important to the bottom line that by falsely installing a new President that would give them the authority and means to do it again, they succeeded in duping President Lyndon Johnson into directly misleading the Congress and American Public that we had been attacked by the Vietnamese in the Bay of Tolkien and the resolution that followed from congress by the same name.

Frankly, if it had not been for the efforts of President Johnson to get civil rights for minorities, I do not know what I would think about him today as many of my friend’s died in Vietnam and are still dying of their wounds to this very day. Hallowed may the names of our veterans be, always. The folks that authorized this police action and those who sought to involve us in this war of folly are tantamount to war criminals just as the then Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara stated publicly many years after the war.

President and actor Ronald Reagan and his cronies dismantled the checks and balances put in place to limit the abuses of the banking industry and nearly bankrupted the country by spending us out of the "Cold War." Like Richard Nixon, President Reagan joined the ranks of the presidential criminals when the Iran-Contra affair was exposed. In America such things are just politics and apparently count for little because we just keep doing it again and again.

Then along comes George W. Bush who contrived a false war in Iraq while ignoring the real problem in Afghanistan, precipitating the worst recession in history do to the vast amount of money that was stolen by the banking system and military contractors making the wealthiest tyrants the world has ever seen or experienced. Pure unadulterated capitalism as profit motive is the direct result of all these efforts over the past one hundred years to undue government and the notion of equitable governance.

What happens if the ultra rich decide they do not want any competition or transparency in their affairs? Eventually there will be revolution and it won’t be pretty for the masses, while the very rich retire to their islands and mountain tops to observe the chaos, waiting for the majority of us to just die out, so they may have the correct number of neo serfs and neo slaves to do their bidding and yard work. I do not think books like "Soylent Green" or the recent movie "Elysium" are far from what could or is actually occurring.

By the way, I do not believe this conscious willful ignorant world view is a conspiracy. I do believe this condition of the destruction of the middle class and poor is derived from stupidity and willful ignorance gone array and not by actual design. This in no way dismisses these folks from their responsibilities towards the survival, thriving and flourishing of the masses. If you folks, acting as child tyrants, had not hired a lot of thugs to do your bidding, you would not have folks like me criticizing your intellect, ethical and moral values which lead directly to the demise of the human race if followed to there conclusion. No, it is just lack of education, empathy that has lead you to stupidity.

Granted there are numerous billionaires such as Sir Richard Branson who do not subscribe to the tyranny of wealth and seek to find equitable means for advancing culture and learning. Warren Buffett is another such entrepreneur who actively seeks to expand the middle class. I think Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google, may be engaged directly in the solution to jobs and safety in the middle class economy as they are actively engaged in the synthesis of knowledge whether they are aware of this or not.

There are many other very successful individuals and corporations that seek to be responsible for their actions. Mr. Rupert Merdock, owner of Fox News, is not one of these folks and yet he is welcome to his philosophy and free speech which is guaranteed in America but not in Britain. Personally, I think he is a misguided puke full of himself.

I have a very simple and elegant solution to the problem of quality jobs and wages for anyone wishing to work and succeed. Those with the billions need to find ways and means working in collaboration with other billionaires, entrepreneurs, governments and universities to create quality jobs based in education for the study of most everything. I call for the establishment of a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge.

If we were to simply tailor jobs and education in university to the study of knowledge and its acquisition we would immediately establish a meaningful purpose and future for the billions of folks needing a stable economic, social an political existence in safety with mutual respect. An immense amount of revenues would be generated from the discoveries found from such study that should make any billionaire happy, especially when they pay the folks doing the discovering a living wage.

Seeking a way forward for a thriving middle class that benefits all is the only rational world view possible for anything less wil produce more war and more poverty as we approach nine billion soul’s. President Barrack Obama has indicated that this is the challenge of the 21st Century. I entirely agree with his assessment of the situation. If we shirk this obvious duty our spirit is diminished and this civilization will collapse under the weight of its own greed. If you do not believe me then wait a generation and see.

The underlying problem of the human race is, we fail to understand how to survive and preserve a racial memory over thousands of years as the Egyptians were able to accomplish and we still are not sure how they built the pyramids. Maybe we need to study more. I dismount the soap box again.

Jack Sanders

Friday, November 29, 2013

Sustaining Synergist Business Opportunities as a Neo Renaissance Entrepreneur

Sustaining Synergist Business Opportunities
in the Compelled Flourishing and Transfiguring Reality
of the 22nd Century
- a treatise -
November 22, 2013

The models of the 19th and 20th Centuries for generating social change within economic markets or anticipating such markets based on supply and demand and later on, demand and supply, no longer works or is viable to sustain healthy societal outcomes. It works today due mainly to pure genius as expressed as a renaissance of the economic organization for profit, such as Mr. Jeffrey P. Bezos, founder of Amazon Corporation, mastered. It isn’t mercantilism and it isn’t capitalism nor socialism for today corporations have taken on the mantel of personhood. This is brand-new, folks.

The United States is no longer the ship described by the historian and political muse, Alex de Tocqueville’s vision of America as a ship under full sail without an anchor. Economic expansion and stability rely on markets which produce wages and benefits, for workers to buy goods and services that generate profitable returns to the entrepreneur as sustained income which may be reinvested under or within a normative system of proper governance and political balance.

It is the ongoing battle, between profit motive and governance, which leads inevitably to political parties actually going to war against the very government which allows the business for profit to exist and thrive, via the infrastructure created to do so, paid for from revenue streams legislated for normative standards of conduct which uniquely underpin the potential success in business outcomes. President George Washington warned us this could occur and it has to the detriment of all.

Our current form of economic and political science actually causes certain types of markets to thrive while depressing universal growth and access to upward mobility and a secure social outcome into the future. This process works in an inequitable asymmetric fashion and does not sustain balanced growth while enhancing infrastructure and synergistic business realities in search of a market to grow and produce new revenues and taxes to continue and sustain the process.

This is evidenced by a major disconnect between traditional educational results and job performance. America has slept and lost the thread of this essential integration of knowledge and skills. See our math test scores for instance and a real effort to teach creationism in our schools as fact. I mean creationism may be the case, but show me the science, please. I am embarrassed at times at the level of knowledge in common parlance anywhere in America. Did you know that President Barrack Obama was born in outer space where these folk’s minds exist that panders to the public? Did you know that humankind does not effect climate change and those who believe this must move to New Orleans or Death Valley and soon?

Our present economic model is not sustainable as it has no locus of purpose or focus for desired outcomes toward and much like what passes as thriving in the 21st Century. A great deal of genius and little vision drives the world economy today. There is no wind to sail a ship. This is due because such creative vision is overtly suppressed or hijacked for short term gains and does not rely on pragmatic idealism as implied in the notions of normative democracy and liberty hard fought and won in the American Revolutionary War.

A pure consumer oriented society exhausts valuable resources and talent in the pursuit of low pay jobs with meager benefits who must then seek government assistance. This is like giving money to peasants and expecting them to know how to use the tools they need to buy to do their planting when they have always been hunter gathers much like we did with the American Indian Nations. BOO! This is a retrograde and dead end philosophy.

Poverty is a thing no one wishes to pay for, to end by way of education, school nutritional programs and preschool, even pre-kindergarden, and associated with carrier and life long studies around job selection as the new student worker by choice and design within a university affiliation and association. Japan and Europe are set up much like this model minus the function of synthesis.

Where are the Daughters and Sons of the Revolution, even now as it was in the days of reckoning? Pragmatic idealism presupposes that if something does not work, don’t use it and don’t do it. Little in this constitution does not make sense and does not work as a normative process and reality. Child tyrants love to pick at it. “You will have to pull my gun from my cold dead hands,” makes sense if someone shots you and killed you because no one wants your weapons, you sots.

This problem of an unsustainable economic and political world view will either be solved by actively engaging in sustaining the circumstances to produce a world economy that does not just flourish but thrives in an environment of cooperative and collaborative achievement as an advanced culture or civilization that may be addressed consciously in rational discourse; or ultimately compelled or forced by the shear weight of population growth with chaotic outcomes and poor economic commerce as marked and demonstrated by the lack of current leadership from this planet to adequately address jobs, wages, poverty, governance, immigration, climate, food, energy, housing, transportation, education, science and technology, religion and safety from violence and war. We must all be thankful that the binary nerve agents are being burned in the Middle East and Iran doesn’t wish to starve to death from purposeful sanctions. A “nuclear trigger” any where, is rejected by rational minds.

One does not need to be a genius to sense or feel or understand we are at some significant cross roads of potentialities and kinetic events, natural and human made, while moving from two centuries of war and prejudice toward a new definition of a new human attitude focused on solving centuries old human problems by behaving as agents of a civilized race of enlightened and educated servants for the benefit of humanity such as the great humanitarian, philosopher and medical doctor, Albert Schweitzer, envisioned for the restoration of civilization in “The Philosophy of Civilization” comprehended and written long ago. For what does entrepreneurs do best but service an identified need, quite apart from fashion and taste which are in flux and pass for desirers.

If we are not united in building and sustaining the conditions for synergistic events and equitable growth with outcomes based in education and study and normative governance that actually transparently benefits all human beings, then economic adaptation is forced upon us without design or conscious knowledge by population expansion and its demands, all willy nilly. This describes the current state of affairs on the planet.

Lack of transparency and power-based greed advocates, consciously and willfully seek to spend enormous amounts of capital to disrupt and obstruct normative governance which is recognized by the new entrepreneur as an utter waste of time that needlessly interrupts the sustained flow of capital and revenue streams. The French philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau, said, “Man is born free and is everywhere in chains.” The admiral, Sir John Acton, stated, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The politician and philosopher, Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli wrote a gem “The Prince” about the abuses of power in 1532. He said of entrepreneurs, “Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage.” Are we so inferior, we are unable to throw off such imbedded tyranny after all these centuries of ignorance and despair or are we imbued with newly found abilities to turn disadvantage to advantage and advance purposeful healthy change in the marketplace and life?

Personally, I do not wish to live in a world of constant insurrection producing the circumstances for low to mid intensity war that never ends. How pleasant such an outcome would be for all of us. It makes you wanna just get up and party down for that future that holds so much hope and sense of rational consistency as unwilling members of the military-industrial complex, we all seem to be part of as the tax payers who may not be properly represented in Washington, D.C. or anywhere else.

The Ship of State of the United States could be coaxed back into the out fitter’s shop and put back under sail even beyond its current 21st Century capacities but for lack of vision and meaningful purposes directed at the worker for enhancing wages in the form of high quality jobs, for educated high quality minds, to study everything discreetly and generally, seeking those synergistic eruptions of talent and epiphany solutions for healthy outcomes which pay for the societies that actually are inspired to accomplish sustainability of culture.

NASA inspired several generations and thrived on the principles of education and balanced growth inherent in democratic organizations arranged for the benefit of all. I believe we have attempts of the private enterprise sector to mirror or mimic the tremendous success of a government agency run properly for such universal benefit. The science of NASA has produced untold synergistic occurrences as revealed by the number of spin offs and uses of data that transpire daily. NASA is the process of combining study with the job description needed to accomplish a most complex task, universally. Certain folks just hate NASA and its functions. You mean the world is not flat?

Mr. Elon Musk is a perfect example of the neo renaissance human focused on sustainable synergistic outcomes beyond the motive of personal wealth as an end in itself. Mr. Musk recently designed and offered up the design components to anyone free gratis for a highspeed tube travel concept with plans. He indicated he was too preoccupied with his current projects such as Space X and going to Mars to work on high speed ground travel in tubes at very high speeds.

Synergism is not simply a buzz word for the pseudo intellectuals to bandy about to impress. Synergism is actually a sought and designed outcome of integrated collaborative efforts which seek the formulas or axioms that create the circumstances for sustained normative equitable economic and social growth.

Sustained healthy growth prevails when ten or twenty of these entrepreneur folks decide to get together and shake up the models and trends of inflexible business giants who gave us a disastrous world recession by allowing egocentric and pridefull greed to flourish. By cooperating with our governments to act like we are a species of unlimited potential, talent and resources, civilized enough to work out our diverse beliefs and tendencies in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and shared advanced dynamics in study and discovery, we do not retreat from the ethical responsibility of acting morally to achieve and sustain equitable growth by mutual shared effort and transparent consent.

This construct or process when adopted bares synergistic results not visualized until revealed by results obtained from such collaborations undertaken by government and the private sector. This is evidenced by Sir Richard Branson’s efforts to find healthy economic and social accord between business and governance with the British government. President Obama recognizes universal preschool fosters the advancement of sustainable rational realities.

The United States, Canada and Mexico must partner to build green and high technology corridors all along their major roads and rails, East to West and North to South across the continent. We need to connect the world with road and rail from the tip of Tierra del Fuego to the tip of South Africa across the Bearing Strait and the Strait of Gibraltar just as President John F. Kennedy suggested.

We require advanced aircraft to fly economically around the world as envisioned by NASA and other agencies. We need an airplane capable of flying high and fast enough to orbit in a single stage. I surmise the military may do this routinely. Maybe we need a carbon fiber tether to orbit and to the deep trenches of the oceans.

We actually possess the ability and assets to do all these things except the leadership and vision are not manifest nor up to the task, due in great part, to many who are obstructive nihilistic political hacks incapable of advancing rational ideas and solutions in legislation. Short-sighted recessionists and secessionists, devoid of ethics, behave as if they were bigoted racists and child tyrants, interested in profit and treasure, at the expense of workers and public. They are proud of their conscious willful ignorance and what they represent while hiding who they are by engendering hate speech to generate false fear and lies to control those incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction due to mental laziness.

I am sure there is disagreement with my sentiments which I speak often and loudly in protest of irrational behavior perpetrated upon us by segments of the powerful and wealthy and those who overtly and unconsciously support such behavior. Many of us have witnessed the results of this irrational world view by giving freely of our blood in contrived wars while we all watch in dismay as the capital of the free world burns against this midnight sky of disorder and utter folly brought about and engineered by defective minds.

There are going to be very soon, nine billion souls living and competing on this planet. Where are high quality purposeful and meaningful jobs going to come from for at least half that number of folks to avoid absurd conflicts and unharmonious economic outcomes that do not sustain a balanced economy and social reality beyond strife and petulance and perpetual contrived warfare?

I have proposed the notion of developing a universal priority to locally provide methods of developing a Public university for the synthesis of knowledge, quite apart from a business or concept that disrupts private enterprise. Rather, this idea seeks to share a focus to bring an advanced civilization too bare, to study most everything which profits from the discoveries forthcoming from such collaboration and the science, technology, art and design, derived from such jobs’ in related study all around the globe.

Integrations of shared efforts congeal as collaborative efforts to solve problems and advance the principles of sufficient and significant work for sufficient and significant pay. If those among you who do not believe this motivates achievement, why are you interested in business?

Mr. Bill Gates, philanthroper and software genius, donated computers to a public at kiosks all around India, among many other efforts, to educate. This allows individuals to use and have access to vast amounts of information to foster evolution within these societies. Warren Buffet, sage economist and billionaire, is bullish on rail and its promised benefits for commerce and travel in the West, while fostering small business growth and sustained success, philanthropically. President Bill Clinton is erupting with world wide initiatives for the advancement of third world societies and America. We have a new Pope who actually behaves and preaches the Life of Christ in word and deed and lives with the Vatican priests as a priest or monk amongst them and the masses love him for this action from authority.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN is engaged in the effort to combine the standard models of the quantum realm with the cosmological realm for a unified field standard model which could bring plasma fusion to the problem of providing nearly free and abundant non polluting energy. Solar panel technologies and wind generators hopefully will clean the air of China so folks may breathe again, much as Los Angeles improves their air quality.

The LHC is the most expensive and largest collaboration amongst genuses since the Manhattan Project around the largest and amazingly complex scientific instrument ever engineered. The internet was a creation of a genius from the CERN, Mr. Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. Was this a sustained synergistic development and is it paying us back? Wow! Thank you, Doctor Higgs and more geniuses.

Greenland is literally melting, providing access to minerals and real estate not seen in human history and crying out for ecological protection and study. This phenomenon of meltdown adds three feet to the ocean by 2100 A. D. Turkey has a new tunnel to Europe expanding commerce and is building a decade long hydroelectric networks. Tunnels through the Alps and under the Channel were visionary projects and are just beginning to advance advanced civilization. Dubia is building to the sky.

The second largest oil field in the world is in the Gulf of Mexico and a trillion barrels of shale oil reserves are locked up in the Rocky Mountains. There is enough natural gas to run the world for a hundred years and more. Large solar collectors in the dessert Southwest and Africa would produce electrification for the planet. Wind driven evaporators will make sufficient amounts of water while remaining a problem in search of synergistic solutions.

Europe has filling stations for hydrogen fuel that is made on the site at the stations and the method is proprietary. Brazil runs on alcohol made from switch grass and sugar cane. The United States exported more oil last year than was imported. Vast quantities of heavy tar sand oil, we don’t know how to clean up, are ready for a Keystone pipeline to move the oil to market. Personally, I do not believe this would be a good direction to take as it is short sighted and does not profit humanity for the carbon released by such endeavors. What could climate change have to do with anything?

Anyway, there is lots of money to be made in Canada and North Dakota and parts of South Dakota in the form of oil and gas waiting for development. There is still more than a hundred years of coal left in American coal mines which are producing less, due to the boom in fracking, I. E., hydraulic fracturing, for natural gas and decades old oil fields regeneration.

Corn is a huge cash crop from the heart land for alcohol production while still feeding the world. It is a far better alternative to the transport of tar sand oil through the prairie lands of America, but who can say as capitalism reigns, often without regard to the environment or social justice or local economies. Capitalism, unregulated, is like the blind leading the blind.

Walmart Corporation is the largest retailer in the world and they ask their employees to give food supplies to poor Walmart employees at Thanks Giving and Christmas. Why don’t they just pay their workers a living wage, duh? This attitude of business just does not play out well with the public. Could it be profit motive devoid of concern for those who actually make billions for Walmart? Gee, I wonder. I could make Walmart much more revenue if consulted.

When democratic opportunities to thrive en masse advance themselves such as the dream act, the obstructionists decide that their treasures will not be shared even though the public has developed and provided such personal wealth for private enterprise by making and buying their goods and services which were made on the roads provided by government-provided infrastructure. You may not have it both ways for if you do, you seek neo slavery as neo plantation owners based upon an irrational unattainable goal of control, rather than sustainment and diversify by equitable means.

What utter and complete nonsense is derived from this false norm, whereby, these folks so revere what and who they are they deem themselves entitled by displaying haughty superiority and feel above reproach while often lacking in conscience. This crap is practiced all around the globe by mentally defective brains lusting for that feeling of hideous strength derived from power and greed as described accurately in C. S. Lewis’ “Space Trilogy.” I should counsel my self, seeking compassion for those who exhibit these behaviors, yet, I will not apologize for being the purveyor of democratic principles in word and deed and simply calling out stupidity in action.

Free enterprise defines itself when each person enterprises for their own personal well being and everyone else in an equitable manner allowing just or fair social and economic circumstances for those who create the profit by spending their wages on services and products developed by the advanced intellect of the entrepreneur and student worker set on sustainability and healthy outcomes. Early American cooperatives are examples of Free Enterprise often associates with Unions for the economic protection of the working class. Cooperatives and unions have really taken a beating and not because these organizations don’t work while remaining necessary.

I do not describe or advocate a classless social contract or envision an ideal world. On the contrary, we have not exhausted the need or purpose of profit and sustaining a natural civilization where responsibility for the use of power does not break the social contract of mutual support and effort, and continues to produce personal profits in an unending compelled expansion of population. There is no utopia but there are university and humanitarian goals to foster and achieve, such as every household needs a house.

Folks placed in poverty and treated as neo serfs, will eventually rise up and throw down those who greatly abuse their powers and ignore the principle of equitably shared benefits; just ask the British. This may refer to tea in the harbor or something else congealed in willful ignorance with something to do with tea.

The old order is thrown down just from the weight of inertia from the demands of population and dark malignant thinking, magnitudes of order too small and short sighted. Just because the “takers” seem barely under control now, belies the truth of fifteen billion folks on the planet coming soon to a neighborhood near you and our human rights fulfilled.

My idea is so simple and straight forward as it only calls upon the effort of learning and cooperating so it may catch on locally where the individual lives and studies and must work. That place of the genius creative ideas is where the opportunities of the universe revolve around the personal efforts of the worker/student integrated into the economic fabric of all societies and cultures, locally.

I would love to take our talking heads to a remote bar and grub in Letcher, South Dakota to observe and partake of the agricultural culture of America. I would love to take our politicians to the homes of 11 million undocumented families living in terror of deportation. The “elite” must soon wake up and smell the reality they have forged while ignoring the plight of those affected by their failed policies all around the world. The Americans are coming to enlighten and if there is no awakening, then solicit support for rational ideas all around us, believe me.

A public university for the synthesis of knowledge for study, does not require a headquarters and staff but it wouldn’t hurt either. It does require leadership and enhanced vision to know where and what tends and social context is going on based in the opportunities found where the individual lives, works and studies. Real entrepreneurs find or create opportunities and are definitely motivated by obtainable profit. Knowledge and its practical application is the keystone of advanced culture and not a pipeline of the same name.

We have seen this principle of economic growth and social change work all over the world by allowing societies and individuals to develop themselves locally with small loans from banks and advanced technologies such as compact solar power and information sharing devices and compact water purification systems and advanced farming techniques and robotic manufacturing devices and fluid strategies, augmented, supervised and developed by human beings working together for themselves and everyone else equally based on each individuals’ means, whether material or mental. If no one profits then no one would work and neither would the ideas.

My ideas are not dissimilar from any billionaire seeking profit. If billionaires wish to advance their ability to make more billions and sustain this endeavor indefinitely, they must develop a shared plan or vision or purpose beyond their own mortality. For instance, President Obama has addressed the possibility of collaboration for exploring and exploiting the resources found in abundance as asteroids and comets which mankind will mine. Mining the Moon for profit is a very bad idea and must never occur. Having a Lunar colony is a very good idea. This certainly will make humans a space fairing society with endless horizons for advanced study and learning outcomes. This type of impetus is what allows synergistic revelations and insights to occur.

Mr. Robert Ballard, American oceanographer and professor, has strongly suggested we explore our oceans with the same fervor of effort and for potential rewards without damaging the ecosystem beyond repair as we are currently behaving today, and unnecessarily. We, virtually know next to nothing about our oceans and many, many more things on this planet. This seems like an opportunity to study and discover vast and discernable rewards of knowledge and utility associated with technological advancement from such study.

Hay, if I had a billion dollars, I would spend every cent on developing a cooperative effort to synthesize knowledge everywhere I could integrate such study of our environment into producing more profit from discovery for the ultimate purpose of creating and sustaining higher paying and productive jobs. This generous outlook infuses a spirit of dynamism into the life blood of humanity that engenders the love of mutual prosperity, knowledge and societal harmony devoid of needy child tyrants. This is free enterprise in practice and design and it establishes a thriving middle class. Maybe I needed to become a billionaire to move my agenda. I hope this isn’t the case.

If anyone or any group or any collaborative entity produces large profits from the study of knowledge, such as Google Corporation is up too, with digitizing all the books, lots of folks are employed while generating these sustainable profits. Sir Richard Branson, creative genius of Virgin Group and consummate entrepreneur, also, wishes to go to space and is prepared to establish for profit tourism which has employed large numbers of folks in study as their job to advance space exploration, most equitably. Mr. Musk and Mr. Branson have much in common. So do Mr. James Cameron, director, and Mr. Ballard have much in common.

No single person, party or group is capable of igniting a world economy and society that advances into the 22nd Century with new found humanity at the helm with regard to our survival as a race. A new sense of a new humanity of cooperation and collaboration in local efforts and universal opportunities produce sustainment of focused growth as an educated and free world order.

Such a society will not flourish and thrive without incorporating democratic principles and equitable outcomes for mutual prosperity into the work/study place. This is not idealism as it has been validated and found to be reliable across wide vistas of cultures individuals and businesses. Grant, it is a workable idea in practice, that requires expression and expansion as delivered by opportunities developed by entrepreneurs.

Our best ideas and insights are yet to come, according to the potential available from the study of everything. It is great to question everything, but we learn more when we study everything, and it makes for an endless number of jobs for those who whish to work and thrive in that new found knowledge. How to do this effectively and efficiently describes the epistemological difficulty of actually discovering knowledge as an end in itself for profit.

Human beings do not know or realize how intelligent they are due to the philosophy and practice of inferiority. When we are allowed to flourish, such notions of inequality will become irrelevant to blossoming minds. Give your self permission to thrive. The great character actor and sage, Morgan Freeman said recently on the program, Through the Wormhole ‘that the universe may be more alive than life.” This exquisite epiphany is central to the issue of sustainability and balanced growth in “politonomic” science when fully appreciated. The implications are astounding if true. What do you think?

Purpose and meaning must be sought and obtained where the individual is, not where folks often think we are or imagine us to be in relativity. Celebrity must become a diversified function of equitable culture as the decisions made for us by pundits are often erroneous because of centralized views of reality that fail to inspire excellence from where people live and work for they are made to believe their stars can never burn as brightly as celebrity. John Lennon, supper star, advanced this idea of shared celebrity.

We are capable of a planet under full sail with an anchor if we so choose. This is the first opportunity for such a principle of unity and order, now available to all. Such order advanced by the anchor of a world university to synthesize knowledge is so much more attractive than chaos without control, purpose or meaning for millions without hope or jobs or security. The infrastructure is extant and only lacks participants and most important, leadership.

The last time the American Public ever had or appreciated a leader who was not murdered was the political satirist, social commentator and real cowboy and actor, Will Rogers. Will was not afraid of fear mongers and supported the New Deal because he believed in the American Public to act in their own interests while he artfully encouraged us to do so. Now we need a whole civilization of leaders, willing to lead in the face of enormous impediments to equality and fairness and its liberties. Often entrepreneurs are the real leaders and shakers struggling to move a local public to achieve beyond their perceived abilities. Even world leaders strive to uplift humanity, such as Sir Branson and others of like mindfulness. Even those born as natural leaders does not guarantee success. Real leadership is learned by doing and is applied from wisdom in cooperation with others.

I vote for the advancement of balanced order as Process and Reality, Alfred North Whitehead suggested in the book of the same name. He has said, “Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.” What would happen if we were able to actually create and use important studies and there derivatives and/or operations consciously and collaboratively? Could it portend a society under full study, rhetorically speaking? The superlative musical genius and singer, Sir Robert Plant says, he “likes to surround himself with kind people.” That is hard to do. I dismount my soap box and relinquish the stage.

I wish us all well,
Jack Sanders

Friday, October 11, 2013



                                                                   October 24, 2012

In the beginning, long before the big bang, nothing (I. E., space/antimatter) fled from everything (I. E., time/matter) and everything was in hot pursuit as the original first motion or WHIM. The eternal future/time began flowing through the eternal past/space. The filling of the absolute void began ever so slowly and grew through the seven stages of hydrogen. Time passing through space and creating an awareness and memory (I. E., sanskaras or impressions) as in evolution.

Thus the expansion of space began immediately as infinite potential and the movement of everything as time or infinite kinetic force began to fill the infinite void of space. This process was and is Gravity or the attraction of matter to antimatter at the time of the big bang/crunch thirteen point seven two billion years ago for this our local universe that we can detect thus far.

The so called Higgs Field is the expression of the most finite particles of matter and antimatter interacting with one another in the quantum universe since there was movement. The theory goes that there was slightly more matter than antimatter after the bang/crunch. Not so, me thinks.

At the moment of very rapid expansion when the early universe had sufficiently evolved to allow for the great release, antimatter as dark matter and dark energy formed the singularity as the great attracter of matter or time and creating gravity over control everything coming out of the original singularity as the first quasar. Thus, throwing vast chunks of matter as time and antimatter as space out and away into the space of the universe, and the antimatter fled from the matter and became black holes at the centers of galaxies the matter was and is attracted to the antimatter as the stars of the galaxies.

All the while the stew of subatomic particles are coming and going between the original singularity of time/space and space time formed at some point prior to what we think of as our universe. I am sure the singularity or Universal Center makes an infinite number of universes continually like fractals.

What are black holes? They are all directly connected to the original singularity of the bang/crunch and are the method by which this universe evolves in the quantum universe. There is probably a way to directly tape this potential energy of the original singularity and create new energy in our known universe. At any rate, black holes hide from matter at the center of our galaxies as matter grows and evolves by way of orbits (I. E., time pulled into space) from the subatomic Higgs’ bosons to stars orbiting the center of galaxies. Matter as time loves to fill a void as water seeks to find its own level. The more that space contracts as black holes the more it expands matter into the void, potentially infinitely and eternally.

The wave front of what we detect is the ghost projection of the original architecture of the laws that create our space/time. Reality burns like a fuse and is consumed by time flowing into and through space. Space pulls time outward by observation, but I wonder if it is an illusion and the universe is really falling in on itself toward the original big bang/crunch singularity which may be is the gravity over control for all?

Thank you for your time and patience,

Jack Sanders

Orbits, Black Holes and other Epistemological Problems

                                    Orbits, Black Holes and other Epistemological Problems

July 30, 2013


Nearly everything orbits something (1). It appears that orbits are integral to a fundamental universal principles that drive motion, evolution and time itself. If this fundamental physical property of space/time and time/space were to suddenly stop, the infinite universe we occupy would cease to exist. The question is, what powers and sustains motion in general and what appears to be evolutionary change throughout persistent time. The purpose of empirical dialectic philosophy in this context affords insight into propositional analysis.

We now know by empirical observation that the event horizon (2) of so called black holes rotates very quickly, even approaching the speed of light. This established in part by the apparent disappearance of even light once space/time is attracted towards the immense gravity field generated by the largest particle accelerators and electrical generators (dynamos) we know of, the black hole (3). I postulate that not only is this object at the "interior" of a black hole is composed of space/time matter but time/space antimatter or evolved dark matter. Thus, the notion of a unified field singularity, I will call Object unless delineated (4).

The four forces owe their very existence to the harmonious interaction between matter (space/time fabric) and dark matter (time/space fabric) whereby matter is attracted to dark matter and dark matter is repelled by matter, thus producing a gravity/anti-gravity phenomenon both at the macro (Object) and micro quantum (5) states of the field, where particle shell distributions are directly proportional to the amounts of both states of matter when they are in direct interaction. In other words, it isn’t so much how great the attractive and/or repulsive gravitational forces appear to be as we observe space/time, but rather how much dark matter is present to repel matter and, thus, how and why the established distances are defined in the orbits and shells of one state of matter to another (6).

The orbital shells (7) of subatomic particles, such as electrons is directly related to the force or attraction of matter to dark matter and the amount of repulsive or anti gravity force that is exerted by dark matter repelling matter which stabilizes and allows the dynamic shifting of quantum orbital shells when certain energies are applied to the field of interaction such as either or both weak or strong forces interaction. This dual gravitational interaction establishes and sustains the life expectancy of all observed space/time matter which is composed of atoms acting as fields and even allows matter to be recycled through Objects.

The velocity of the orbits of either the subatomic particles revolving around an atoms nucleus or the orbits of these known particles around the singularity at the center of an Object, accounts for the electromagnetic force of electricity in nature as it produces the positive and negative states for the alternating current of electricity, as well, as direct current which is a byproduct of this process of interaction and is much weaker in its properties (8). It is like the strong and weak forces, only inherent in the properties of electricity.

The greater the mass of dark matter over matter and vice versa were the velocity of matter that is really orbiting dark matter determines the positive and negative charges associated with the electromagnetic force and quantum shell distributions which, after all, is the periodic table of elements in space/time. In an Object this oscillation or fluctuation of charges probably accounts for the stripping of particles (electrons and protons) (9) from matter at very high energy, leaving the constituents of neutrons and accelerates these stripped matter particles, as quarks and liptons influenced directly by fermions and bosons or even smaller partial/wave interactions, we are unaware of, which particle states experience all four force interactions and are fundamental to matter (space/time) as byproducts of their amplitude spins (10), beyond the speed of light returning matter to space/time as neutrinos and gamma ray bursts or cosmic rays as nuclei stripped of their electron shells or high energy x-ray photons (11) where these high energy particles begin to interact with the Higgs Field (12), first in deep expanding space where they first emerge due to dark energy expansion/inflation as the space of our space/time continuum (13), thus regaining mass and/or losing energies by interaction with more massive and slower particles by transmutation in the Higgs Field. This field is actually the boundary field between space/time and time/space at the macro and micro states of matter/anti matter that exists everywhere and is burning like a fuse as persistent time.

In other words a particle wave of neutrinos comes out of Objects as deep space as the artifact of time of matter as space/time whereby matter, stripped of its particle shells, is attracted to dark matter at singularity within an Object, accelerated back to the speed of light and very possibly beyond as a byproduct of the attraction of matter to dark matter and as the mass of the Object increases, space/time under goes expansion and/or inflation, were dark matter is really just a competent of the purposeful creative nature of Objects. We should be able to detect this neutrino particle wave if it is there. Both the expansion of space/time and the production of neutrinos happens simultaneously where our space becomes the particle storm of neutrinos and our time as quantum particles becomes our space at singularity. Maybe this particle wave serves the function as the so called graviton particle or negative vacuum we have labeled dark energy.

The mechanism that allows matter to be accelerated briefly beyond the speed of light to escape the immense gravity/anti gravity Object, is achieved by stripped matter as quarks or bosons or fermions orbiting dark matter at the singularity and then being flung into deep space as a particle wave of neutrinos as space/time by this singularity or Object acting as dark energy due to the gravity/anti gravity assist (sling shot effect) used by NASA to send spacecraft to remote destinations by using the gravity of planets to increase there velocities, whereby, both states of matter are spinning in opposite directions, asymmetrically and matter is repelled and thrown out of the Object before annihilation occurs or possibly because some annihilation does occur.

Although exceeding the speed of light is highly unlikely, this is the only special condition were the ingested matter could be returned to space/time as neutrinos. I mean, something extremely energetic is creating these nearly massless particles. So what is it and where is it. If you say exploding hyper novi when in the process of collapse creates the production of neutrinos then how does this occur and at what stage prior to singularity or at singularity?

This is the only place matter could be accelerated beyond the speed of light due directly to the immense forces of gravity/anti gravity at the singularity. I am just postulating that this is the mechanism of expansion and the production of neutrinos where light may exceed the speed of light. Dr. Alan Guth’s equations indicate that the first inflationary event was faster than the speed of light prior to the COBE or W Map images from 300,000 thousand years after the so called Big Bang event. This anti gravity effect of time/space, expands our space and re-energizes and conditions our space/time matter and possibly converts dark matter into matter, thus increasing the total mass of space/time. This effect could be measured if it is there.

The so called dark energy effect responsible for the expansion of space/time comes about by the conversion of space of space/time into the time of time/space; and the conversion of time of space/time into the space of time/space at singularity and hence the dark energy effect on space/time as expansion and at times, very rapid inflation that has occurred at least twice in the evolution of this universe and is occurring even now. The second inflation began with the production of a sufficient number of Objects to drive the inflation when the mass of the space/time was over come by the mysterious dark energy which I think are really singularities as Objects.

Thus, the arrangement of matter to antimatter by first spinning in the opposite direction from one another and the skewed angle of that opposite spin due to differing masses, moves and expands the universe along a persistent time line we experience as our space/time reality because of the underlying ratios between matter and dark matter. Our becoming infinite universe is unique among trillions just like snow flakes. It would seem that space/time is dynamic and kinetic and time/space is potentiality and the potential through time is converted to the impulsive imagination of this persistent reality that seeks to know itself consciously in our space/time. This is why you are here.

The greater the number and mass of Objects which continually increase in number over time, determine expansion/inflation of space/time at specific times beginning shortly after the initial annihilation of matter/antimatter even prior to the condensation of particle waves. In other words, Objects were extant from near the point of genesis from and as a prototype from the unitary fluctuations of the nine dimensions of the original Object as the tenth dimension. We are literally inside a singularity as one of trillions of becoming infinite universes which will eventually combine and coalesce due to the gravity over control of the original singularity, sometimes referred to as the universe of universes or super universe.

Maybe, our own universe has a super massive and hidden Object as well; hidden by a multitude of less massive Objects. We should be able to test this idea and find out. The very Objects that inhabit and formed galaxies may be the Objects that conceal our universes prototypical Object singularity within time/space as dark matter. I suspect the age of our universe is in the trillions of years and a great deal went on prior to clarity as the Planck Map suggests.

This idea that gravity is the weakest of the four forces is only true until you approach a singularity. Here the gravity is strong enough to capture light, any and all light. The reason gravity appears weak is due to the antithetical force of anti gravity. This is probably why Objects aren’t out hunting matter to eat, as well, because they are in equilibrium when not feeding. Feeding occurs when the ratio of matter to antimatter drops below a certain amount of mass.

If one of these Objects swung through our solar system four billion years ago, it may have given us a moon and a collision with Earth that was orbiting this possible rough Object and depending on the course it took through the solar system it gave the planets, a nearly circular orbit by attracting the large gas giants which are usually close to solar system stars, a gravitational assist to the orbits they now occupy as well as the asteroid and comet bombardment that in two or three phases gave Earth its water as there are three different isotopes in Earth water. Without, of which, our life form would not have evolved on this planet; coincidence or engineered, who knows. Avatar, Meher Baba, has stated that there is another earth under construction for us even now (14).

A similar process is at work at the subatomic quantum level of energies only much more slowly with much lower energy values within the nuclei of atoms and probable dark atoms. The Large Hadron Collider at the CERN will sort this out in a few years, it is hoped. This, then, is the mechanism that produces expansion including very fast inflation of the early universe. The amount of expansion or inflation of the universe is directly proportional to the size and number of Objects that were and are the original quasars of the early universe and are created by the collapse of massive and super-massive stars as the implosion/explosions which are the site of the production of gamma rays, neutrinos and x-rays and other very high energy or energetic particle waves such as the graviton that is sought.

It will need to be sorted out in the evolution of the star into an Object which states produce which particle waves and exactly when they are produced in the life cycle of these stars. We will eventually measure these macro shells and what is created or recycled in time. I mean, there are likely strange collapsed stars composed of quarks or bosons where the annihilation battle all the way to the production of a super massive Object, is still being played out in an evolving space/time, time/space of the infinite universe we occupy. Is it possible that there is an exchange of energies between space/time and time/space, and the actual mass of our visible universe is increasing and is greater now than it was shortly after clarity?

It appears to me that there are more galaxies and stars, now, than during the quasar stage of evolution. Were these galaxies and stars created from gas that had not yet condensed that was always there or did quasars spew vast amounts of space/time mass into the universe by the production of matter from anti matter as streams of electrons and positrons using smaller amounts of matter and/or both? Is dark matter attracting this material from deep space while galaxies feed on high energy particle waves that gradually condense into gas to become stars? May we test these and other suppositions and find out? Sure, we can.

It is likely that Objects are doorways to other dimensions and other universes as all universes are the product of the original singularity (OBJECT). Somewhere and some when the original singularity does not move and never has and never will as nothing. What came from the Whim of this original nothing is literally Everything as the Nothing (Illusion) expressed as the illusion of motion acting as space/time, time/space. This original movement may have rushed out and in faster than the speed of light as the big bang/crunch. My mind rebels against the notion of an explosion without an implosion. It just didn’t happen in one direction from this relativity as an explosion. It would be like a fart in a high wind. Our space/time is like smoke ghosting over, in, and around a dark mass that we barely detect much like Everything ghosting over, in, and around nothing which is the gravity over control of the Nothing of the illusion of motion. Everything will exist in its own infinity by literally, impulsively imagining everything in time.

Earth is a soul building academy for the perfection of human consciousness to allow our souls to participate in this real illusion consciously far into the coalescence of eternity as infinite beings much like and in the image of what created us originally near the point of transition between infinity that was unaware of itself and suddenly woke up trillions and trillions of years ago as infinite consciousness (knowledge), power (atom) and bliss (presence and/or entanglement); universal absolute, qualified absolute and unqualified absolute; in a dynamic/potential union as Whim. Even war serves this purpose of soul building.

Now that I have all you mathematicians and physicists and dialecticians running around in tight little circles (orbits), I will simply say everything that moves is really just different states of consciousness produced by the outcome of motion because the infinite consciousness wishes to experience its self and exhaust all possibilities infinitely in the finite through eternity to return to the original state of quiescence, completed. All this to find or locate something beyond itself which is only possible by literally creating this possibility in the exhaustion of motion in the infinite eternity. Like climbing a big hill and arriving. The Sufi mystics express this notion in terms of God loving Himself and expecting His creation of humans to realize who they are by loving God to the exclusion of all else.

I am sure there are nine dimensions driving this place and an infinite number of prototype infinite universes, for the original Object is composed of nine forces and/or dimensions in unity of the Ten States of God and the Tree of Life (14) and the ten dimensions or forces which when expressed together as I have, just curtails the milk of physicists, oh well. The space/time (male expression) universe uses three of these dimensions we normally experience to create matter. The time/space (female expression) universe uses three dimensions described as universal absolutes of potential to create anti matter as dark matter which may not be experienced as we experience space/time but which gives rise to the intricate perfection we observe in nature. These dimensions interact at the Higgs Field or mechanism by the breaking of asymmetrical symmetry to gain mass from dark matter potentiality through a usually neutral interface at the Higgs Field boundary. How this occurs is yet to be described empirically with science. There are a lot of folks working on this epistemological problem.

One state of matter may not exist without the other state. The very nature of matter as orbital motion is driven by this interaction of dimensions and/or forces from a certain unified state, both physically and consciously. We will eventually understand the process and control certain aspects of it such as the possibility of creating wormholes and faster than light travel. If this were to occur, the Avatar would needs be allow for travel between the stars which He rejects as being to far to accomplish. For those of you who reject the notion of a Devine being please do not give up on the idea of faster than light travel as it is supported by Doctor Einstein’s equations in the special case of the wormhole.

Faster than light travel is highly unlikely as it appears that even at the LHC particles may not be accelerated even to the speed of light. I suggest Objects routinely accomplish this miracle of physics due to the relative size of these stellar objects and how the particle wave states are conditioned by these objects. As a thought experiment one could visualize a light bulb emitting light at 186,000 miles per second as photons relative to us. If a person could pass through a theoretical Object intact or in a special capsule and attain light speed relative to the photons from the light bulb, could this person then turn on a light bulb in the relativity the person is now experiencing and see light radiating out as photons at the speed of light? In other words if one may attain the speed of light relativistically, is it then possible to experience light as we do in that relativistic experience? If so, how many times could this initial experience of light speed apparently doubled, be accomplished by passing through another singularity and so on and so forth, like sixty-six times, I once calculated.

Possibly, the Higgs boson is really composed of five bosons of which one does not spin, but, I postulate three dimensions of matter are interacting with three dimensions of dark matter and thus create and share in three dimensions in and as nine dimensional reality. The unity of these dimensions or the tenth dimension is the unified field or force of the original singularity that spawns the production of an infinite number of infinite prototype universes of which humans may become through persistent evolutionary time and that probably flows in opposite directions, asymmetrically. Physical time travel is not yet possible and won’t be for a very long time.

In earlier renditions of string theory, an eleventh dimension was postulated. I thought it was not correct due to what I had realized in my own studies back to1969. There is no need or call for this extra eleventh dimension. There are even theories with thirteen dimensions. The Hebrews or Jews and Sufis have known this fact that there are ten dimensions for literally thousands of years as described by the study of tetragrammaton Kabalistic and Sufic traditions (14). It would seem the deep study of the underlying nature of numbers and letters produces perfected souls such as Abraham who was a manifestation of the Avatar.

It would be great for physicists if antimatter were repelled by matter in a symmetrical manner. This could not be the case as the mass of dark matter will generally always be greater than matter, simply because there appears to be more dark matter mass than matter mass in a ratio of 35% for dark matter to less than 5 % (7 to 1) for matter thus far established by deduction and induction of and by quantitative and qualitative analytical empirical observations and measurements, whether in a collider or by the light or lack of light in the heavens as seen by a wide variety light measuring devices like Hubble or radio telescopes. Hence, dark matter behaving as antimatter is divergent from matter according to the ratio of one substance in reaction with the other everywhere all the time in both the weak force interaction and the strong force interaction, gravity/anti gravity interaction, and electromagnetism of the positive and negative charged interactions by ratio (15).

I once stood in the doorway of an old garage in a tremendous electrical storm down pour and observed dark bolts coming out of the ground and ascending into the heavens. Maybe these dark bolts were step leaders going up to attract lightening and maybe it was dark lightening. It was amazing to watch feet away from me.

If we can detect and measure, extrapolate or ascertain mathematically the ratio of one form of matter to the other, we are able to determine the asymmetrical divergence and thus the angle of divergence of the field and it would not be 180 degrees. The other interesting property that "antimatter" exhibits is the direction of the orbits of theoretical dark matter particles, which must for stability, to avoid immediate annihilation, orbit in the opposite direction of the particles associated with matter in an askew angle of incidence, thus, avoiding collisions of the particle wave states .

This result is observed in the cameras (Atlas detector) at very high energies near the speed of light that record collisions and the spin of the matter/anti matter products in accelerator/colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN (16). The byproducts of these collisions spin off in opposite directions relative to our observations.

The more we study Objects, the more likely we can measure this phenomenon on the macro level. Thus, dark matter hides from matter by occupying dimensions that matter is incapable of occupying unless certain energies are applied to the mix, like a matter/antimatter bomb, whereby the two states of matter annihilate one another. Matter may not occupy these dimensions typically because of its very construction and properties and just as dark matter can not.

The forces one field cancels out and/or employs of the forces of the other field gives rise to persistent time and its vector from past to future exactly like a burning fuse, everywhere. This idea that one may travel in time other than observing the Akashic records (17) is nonsense. In order to travel in time and arrive at a future or past event would require having the universe reassemble exactly the same field and particles that were present or would be present dependent upon the direction of travel in the time stream everywhere. This requires the entire energies of the whole universe to pull off.

Returning to a past time or visiting a future time would mean each moment of either state of time exists all the time and may be accessed by some mechanism like intra dimensional travel. The problem with this is, even if at each moment an alternate moment of infinite proportions is spawned all these alternate paths are just that, alternate paths. Maybe this could occur in the remote future when the infinite number of infinite universes and infinite evolved/involved beings are coalescing in Eternity.

It is the same problem involved in accelerating a material object to the speed of light which requires an infinite amount of energies. Interestingly, this happens rather well when matter is nearly instantaneously accelerated to twice the speed of light to pure energy. This most famous equation states that the only way this is possible is to accelerate matter to the speed of light squared, as it were (E = mc^2). Sorry, I don’t have a mathematical symbol key board. Can you imagine a matter/anti matter bomb; my, my. Oh, we will do it, I suppose. They (DOE and DOD) are attempting to build vessels to hold anti matter in stasis.

This asymmetry of forces determines what the weak and strong forces are and what they influence in the quantum world, again, determined by the ratios of mass between the dual field states and the relative velocity and direction or angle of spin of both states of matter. This process evolved slowly over time due to the mass of stars and the by products produced by nova explosions/implosions. Rocks finally evolved into gold from within the cores of massive stars.

Radioactivity decays at a predictable rate into lead depending on the field strength of matter/antimatter proportions where in one circumstance matter exhibits the weak force interaction due to the lack of dark matter mass and conversely dark matter causes matter to exhibit the strong force in space/time quantum matter all due to the shell orbits of micro gravity/anti gravity when energies are applied or not applied due to the greater mass or presence of dark matter. The problem here requires a method to measure the mass of dark matter at the quantum level of interactions.

I suppose this could give rise to spontaneous low yield nuclear explosions such as what occurred in the Ural Mountains of Russia during the Cold War from the dumping of nuclear waste into abandoned mine shafts. The area around is still quite dead. It is like a form of spontaneous combustion, just like the big bang/crunch only far less energetic.

This, then, gives rise to the idea that dark matter is composed of dark atoms. I think we already are aware this is true as we are capable of creating antimatter particles in our space/time continuum and colliding them with matter particles are very high energies while seeking the Higgs boson and the Higgs Field that gives rise to mass in matter. The cameras indicate matter spirals away in one direction of spin and anti matter spirals away in the opposite direction of spin. We see with the Fermi Lab Telescope the magnetic field around the Earth ejecting streams of positrons out into space and measurements made on board the ISS in orbit.

I postulate this phenomena occurs at or near the center of a singularity (Object). As matter approaches and is accelerated into the center of an Object, depending on mass and ratio of dual field states, the subatomic particles are stripped off their nuclei as they approach and attain the speed of light, and possibly beyond, due to the total mass of the Object and the repulsive gravitational force that, in turn, returns these stripped atoms to space/time as neutrinos, cosmic rays, gamma rays and other exotic light emissions of very high energies, and deep space expansion, which then through collisions with matter/antimatter as the Higgs field acquire mass and slow down slowly or quickly producing our periodic table of elements. We have made the assumption that this very high energy particles are produced in the center of stars in the troughs of hyper nova or similar events as gamma rays and x-rays appear to come from these novi.

This, in part, is probably observable and measurable but I am suggesting that the singularity is active during the event of implosion and uses vast amounts of normal matter as a miniature quasar event where nuclei are stripped of their subatomic particles and re-emitted as gamma rays nearly instantaneously. Really, a hyper nova is a matter/antimatter bomb and a quasar is a continuously occurring phenomenon like a huge nuclear reactor with jets of much greater mass than a hyper nova event.

Gradually the initial quantity or mass of antimatter is diminished by seeking equilibrium to the point that the Object left from the quasar becomes a supper massive black hole which contain billions of solar masses and occupies the centers of space/time galaxies. Objects form and control the gravity of all the associated matter in the galaxy because matter is attracted to dark matter. Precession of the galaxy stars occurs due to the repulsive anti gravity force associated with the door to the dark matter universe at the center of the Object that matter wishes to annihilate and thus orbits.

The larger the Object in total mass and the greater the number of such objects whether from quasars or hyper novi, repels space/time and accelerates the expansion of space and is responsible for inflation. Space is filled with the remnants of these events as high energy particles and the galaxies actually mine deep space by encountering these particle waves and by collisions at or in the Higgs Field slow down and increase the total mass of extant space/time matter as evolutionary persistent time.

I mean there is more crap as light emitting materials out there now than there was shortly after clarity for sure and there after until galaxies formed. Objects by there nature would not be observable until star building occured. The universe is actually growing not to mention evolving. A possible indication of this growth due directly to anti matter as a byproduct of dark matter is the Fermi Lab Telescope which has detected a condensed stream of positrons or anti matter electrons streaming into space due to possible dark lightening. If this interaction occurs in Objects then it must happen in the quantum world as well. The CERN LHC discovered evidence that the Higgs boson exists. I hope they identify the Higgs Field and then Mechanism when it starts up again in 2015.

This inflationary process that is driven and caused by the creation of more and more Objects that I postulate is likely the dark energy that powers inflation. So called dark energy is really the conversion of dark matter into matter. I do not know, but someday the 1 to 7 ratio between matter and dark matter may be 3 to 5 or if the missing dark energy is just more dark matter then the original ratio is incorrect and the actual ratio is around 1 to 19 and that is a lot of dark matter to convert into matter as 5% matter and 95% dark matter would indicate. I think the dark energy is right under our noses as negative or dark vacuum which literally expands our space due to novi.

The original singularity or Object was the ten dimensions or forces that produced all else. This most finite hot point was assembled and exhibited infinite power (omnipotence), infinite knowledge (omniscience) and was everywhere present as omnipresence (entanglement and spooky at a distance phenomena) and manifests in this infinite universe among trillions as space/time fabric in the proportions we observe unique to our universe.

The time/space fabric is manifest through the forces inherent in the Universal Absolute, Qualified Absolute and the Unqualified Absolute as potentialities of the becoming universe. These forces are essential to allow infinite expansion and finite expression of relativistic imagination. The continuos interaction of these two fabrics is stabilized as the burning fuse of persistent time in their interaction and unification of the forces as described above, making the nine dimensions unified as a steady state where creative interaction is possible without utter annihilation as the tenth dimension or force. This unitary force represents the Higgs Field or Membrane formed by gravity/anti gravity, macro and micro.

I have no problem entertaining the notion of an eleventh dimensional string or brane as the original Object which is producing a prototypical assemblage of infinite universes, some of which are viable and others that fail or end abruptly due to ratio and proportion issues. This Object is intimate with our universe but is outside and/or inside our space/time and time/space and acts as the gravity over control of the universe of universes. There is evidence that all the galaxies in our universe are being attracted towards the cold spot in the W map which would be indicative of the eleventh dimension string theory seems to demand. I agree with this assessment, but it doesn’t require eleven dimensions.

During the quasar epoch in the early universe vast quantities of space/time material was ejected from the objects that ultimately formed our galaxies, black holes. The explanation of this event is described by one or more streams of matter being ejected due to the size of the black hole and its ability to accept matter. What isn’t ingested is jetted away in many light year long jets of high speed particles deadly to any thing in the path of the jets possibly hundreds of light years away.


I prefer to visualize these Objects as black holes and/or dark gravity objects composed of different amounts of matter and dark matter. These quasars where the remains of the annihilation of matter and antimatter in the first moments of the very hot and rapidly expanding space/time that we readily observe from clarity or beyond the Planck or W Maps and the equally rapidly contracting time/space of the dark matter universe that was more predominate in the quasar epoch within these Objects (18).

Once particles and latter atoms formed, the particle stew we observe in instruments such as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN and numerous other and earlier instruments such as the one at Fermi Lab measure and observe that the particles that orbit about the nucleus of atoms appear to orbit about one another as well in different directions. It appears that the nucleus of atoms is not stationary either and they too are orbiting something.

It has been postulated recently that the Higgs boson may really be five separate particles of which one does not rotate. If so this could account for the interface of the space/time universe with the time/space universe we have great difficulty detecting and is the Higgs Field which gives mass to particles and atoms by allowing atoms to regain particles that were stripped from their nuclei in and during the formation of Objects as or by star novi.

It is possible that the early massive stars that formed to produce Objects and matter galaxies may have really been massive dark stars composed mostly of dark matter acting as antimatter which came into equilibrium with matter by the creation of matter which actually formed from the cooling of the undifferentiated subatomic particle stew where atoms could not exist but latter condensed and precipitated into space/time matter as we see it. This early process is unclear to me and requires much more data from the early universe.

A physicist in an article in Scientific American suggests that the peaks and troughs of the vibrational waves of all forms of light are or act as particles. I really like this imagery and it makes sense. We believe this haze of particle waves comprises the quantum subatomic world that Doctor Einstein and others referred to as the electron ghost which is the world we observe with our empirical senses.

In order to resolve the unification of the standard model of quantum physics as the very small and finite with the standard model of the very large as our universe filled with black/dark holes, we must demonstrate the underlying physics that occur at both scales in a consistently consistent manner. If this is not accomplished then the epistemological problem of the Unified Field Theory or a theory of everything , will continue to allude us and our knowledge of these underlying principles will continue to be incomplete.

After at least sixty years of unwavering study and concentration, I believe, I am on to something. I do not propose my ideas are completely accurate or complete, but I have found nothing in my studies that suggests my original theory of everything is incorrect. On the contrary, I feel more satisfied with my theory the more I study.

I am fairly certain that motion and orbits was the result of the extant formation of the original Object, I call, the triple tetrahedral triangle as the symbolic and mathematical representation of this Object we are all inside of, so to speak. The elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void is my symbolic representation of space/time and time/space and describes the intimate association of these separate fabrics from the invisible tetrahedron through seven stages of hydrogen producing the infinitely expanding universe.

The universe will never run out of gas due to the very nature of its formation from the original singularity from which it draws its dual essence and nature. Obviously, there is something going on behind the W Map and other scans and before our so called big bang. This process of conversion of dark matter into evolving matter and the reprocessing of matter for inflative expansion will continue indefinitely, so, I hypothesize that everything is separate and or opposite, but the same; ad infinitum squared.

It really makes very little difference if it is from a Divinity that has never moved, one that is becoming, or none at all. It is going on and we need to study all of it to the best of our limited abilities. I do actually believe knowledge of such things is possible and verifiable scientifically. My head hurts and I end this rant. July 13, 201310:07 PM














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