Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vacuum as the Precursor of Dark Energy
and Evolution of the Universe
December 20, 2013


Everything we associate with the universe and movement originated by and from absolute vacuum. Movement is nothing more than vibration. There was nothing extant prior to movement and that is what absolute vacuum is, nothing. Today this is referred to as the beyond the beyond state prior to movement as it was not what initially moved and still does not move and will not ever move. This is not a paradox as nothing is outside and prior to the emergence of motion as space/time and time/space. It is really an uncaused, causation. It has been called the WHIM and yet a whim is not necessary.

At this one dimensional most finite point that actually exists outside or beyond our notion of absolute vacuum this vacuum collapsed in upon its own one dimensional point and immediately separated from absolute vacuum. This was the most first motion. At this one dimensional point of collapse, just beyond the absolute vacuum, which actually never moved because it is nothing and exists in the beyond, beyond state, two things occurred simultaneously. The implosion occurred first because there was Nothing for anything to explode outward into as there was no outward beyond the most finite first point which is a one dimensional object. This then is the mystery of creation from nothing without design and prior to any awareness or entanglement.

The first motion was the movement inward, and was grasped by the second thing as the proximity entanglement, I prefer to call, awakening of the infinite intelligence which had not ever existed prior to this most first motion. This state of motion was the beyond state of motion and essentially was two dimensional in scope as the inward collapse from its own one dimensional movement produced two dimensions. This was the first sound produced which you may still hear in your own head which is NAD. The two colors were extant as blue and pink, immediately, from and at the point of most first motion.

This nearly simultaneous first stroke of motion immediately initiated the opposite of the collapse or implosion as the most first explosion as the rebound from the initial collapse inward of the one dimensional point and most first motion. This initial explosion produced the third dimensions and everything else from the pattern established by the first or newly awakened infinite intelligence as awareness of movement and growth in evolution as this mass was no longer motionless.

In other words, the most first movement was spontaneous and without cause as there was no intelligence or awareness prior to this movement and nothing to convey a vibration in. There was no field for entanglement to exist, so no awareness of an infinite intelligence to awaken prior to motion, for everything as potentiality trying to fill nothing had not occurred.

The initiator of the most first explosion was the anti gravity effect of the absolute vacuum of nothing which is beyond and without movement due to its natural state of no movement or null dimensional properties. Thus the vacuum drew motion in upon its nothingness only to repel the movement so as not to disturb its absolute vacuum

because of its very nature of being nothing or absolute vacuum. This is not a paradox but just the properties of what now was aware of movement simply because it was a field which had never existed as illusion.

The absolute vacuum as nothing remains undisturbed as motion, separated from quiescence. The only thing that changed was the creation of the duality of potentiality which is now creating all else by the nature of motion seeking to return to absolute vacuum as nothing. However, should the motion cease entirely, the awareness would remain even without a field to exist in.

Thus, at times the absolute vacuum acts as the initiator of the principles or forces we describe and attribute to gravity and anti gravity. It spawned the evolutionary principle of nothing seeking origin. This ordered evolution is evident throughout the universe by our measurement or study of light and appears to be infinite in scope as our universe is flat by initial Wmap measurements recently conducted and awaiting confirmation.

Physicists have called this repulsive force inherent in vacuum the Dark Energy which appears to expand the universe more rapidly through persistent time which allows us to measure what it is that we empirically think we are observing giving rise to the "spooky at a distance" phenomenon first described by Albert Einstein which states nothing occurs until you observe it and then it is changed by the act of observing giving rise to the epistemological difficulty of pure science which is the Schrodinger’s cat paradox.

This idea sounds a great deal like the awakening of the infinite intelligence which when observing the most first motion created all else but could not exist prior to motion to convey intelligence within. Doctor Einstein postulated that there was a universal intelligence acting upon the cosmos, as well.

Dr. Schrodinger conceptionalized the notion of Verschrnkung or entanglement which experimentally confirms that the cat may be dead and alive and neither one and both all at the same time. I do not think this is a paradox at all but merely the nature of motion or vibration attempting to return to perfect equilibrium as absolute vacuum. Every possibility must be fulfilled to accomplish this feat, however.

My answer to this seeming paradox is: Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; ad infinitum squared. For once the cat was let out of the bag, so to speak, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put the cat back in the bag again. In other words, once motion ensued and the infinite intelligence was born, literally everything that could happen will happen, and is happening, and in one sense has already happened though an infinite eternity to infinitely squared as an instantaneous stroke of awareness, alpha and omega at the speed of thought. This correlates with the first inflationary expansion of the blue white hot bubble of plasma to something the size of a fist, perhaps.

The awareness, I discuss, is the feed back mechanism of motion oriented on keeping track of the connectedness of all the fractal motions released that continue to seek vacuum. This evolution is Pandora’s Box with a purpose.

The first stroke of awareness as infinite intelligence went to the ends of time at the speed of thought, literally driving the expression of persistent time as relativistic experience in everything discreetly to exhaust motion and return to quiescence as absolute vacuum but with one very important difference as the transcendent experience of that entangled consciousness to infinity squared.

I would imagine that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared is the relativistic expression of this underlying expression of infinitely in fininity. Could it be that God actually seeks to transcend God by literally experiencing everything possible in mere relativistic terms? I certainly think this is the case. If the exhaustion of motion could be accomplished in any other manner, this relativistic discussion would never have occurred and persistent time would not be our experience.

The embedded linkage between motion and evolution gave rise to the theory of entanglement which states every field particle in some manner is "aware" of the state of every other field particle across the breadth and depth of the universe instantaneously and spontaneously and automatically in nature as evolving motion. Without this feed back mechanism, knowledge would be impossible at relativistic levels of vibration and at the level of infinity.


I do not think our infinite universe was the first universe or that it is the only universe. I think this process and reality has literally been evolving for trillions of our years. It is more than likely that there are or will be an infinite number of infinite universes which have come from the initial movement and OBJECT thus created. It is more than likely that there are or will be an infinite number of dimensions fractaling in and away from all other discreet movements endlessly and in all dimensions and universes. How the intelligence deals with this evolutionary phenomenon is the likely reason we humans are so curious much like that cat in the box.

For every possible derivation of each discreet moment must find expression to exhaust motion and transcend the imperative to move, for all motion is an elaborate illusion the East has called Maya as a function of the god Shiva, the creator and destroyer. The whole mess is sustained and preserved by God Vishnu or Parvardigar the preserver and protector of all under the influence of the god Brahman which breaths out for one cosmic cycle and breaths in for one cosmic cycle over and over again which in my mind is another way of saying it all ends in frost and to no end or goal. The god Brahma was responsible for the formation of souls and for what end if not to serve the purposes of the illusory cosmos with our curiosity and study of everything.

I am not suggesting we all adopt the ancient philosophies of India, but I suspect they were every bit as far along in their understanding of the cosmos as the physicists of today are and probably further not to disparage the obvious genius of pure science. I am just saying they probably had it figured out thousands of years ago and we have forgotten this knowledge and are reinventing it again in a more precise manner. Hopefully, we are able to advance to a stage two civilization and indefinitely retain this hard won information and knowledge. If so, it is about time.

Physicists and cosmologists are just dead wrong about the theory that our current universe will eventually decay into an ocean of dying photons in a cold dead end to motion in a dead remote future. Dr. Michio Kaku, Father of string theory, I object to your notion of the end of this universe in a cold dark eternal future of frost. You folks do not even know what sustains and refreshes particle waves or fields across the cosmos and base your mathematical conclusions on four percent of what is extant that we are able to observe directly.

You physicists and mathematicians are probably remembering the vibrations of other universes that failed to become infinite as prototypes of the OBJECT, formed from the initial collapse and inflation of the most first motion and universal infinite intelligence created as a result of such motion. If we weren’t conscious or aware of such possibilities, it really wouldn’t matter as there would be nothing to perceive these ideas.

You folks simply can not comprehend what infinity or infinite consciousness is, for trillions of years in the eternal future the infinite number of infinite universes will eventually coalesce into what I have called the infinite dream state where all things are possible relativistically at the level of infinity to the final push to infinitely squared.

The truth be known, individual human beings are capable of becoming infinite universes in this process and that really is our eternal function to serve this God that wishes to transcend all possibilities and transcend its Self or His self. God is neither sex, both sexes and all sexes without sex all the time but does express Himself in the male gender only and only appears on this planet as a male and not a female by His own accord and description as the active principle in nature. Take it up with the Avatar, Meher Baba, if this disturbs the reader.

These folks are, also, mistaken that the universe began as an explosion first, as out of necessity collapse inward into absolute vacuum was the most first motion. Granted, the rebound was an explosion. So why was there an explosion and what was the actual mechanism in nature that caused it to become a most finite point of pure energy with infinite potential that is even now in the process of collapsing and expanding infinitely over persistent finite time through eternity as an organized whole that is studied and conceptualized and comprehended? Only the faculty of consciousness is capable of grasping this infinitely of possibilities and nothing else will suffice.

The notion of time travel in our current relativistic state of illusory existence is simply inane, as well. Maybe we are able to send particles backward in time but the time these particles went back to wouldn’t be our actual historical past, and I will tell you why. It is possible in some remote epoch of coalescence of an infinite number of infinite universes to do so, but not here and not now. In order to have one particle wave to travel back in our time to one second ago, every other particle wave would by necessity be required to occupy exactly the same place in space and the same time in our space/time Matter universe and the same time and the same space of the time/space Dark Matter universe, to accomplish this feat. It is just not possible until it becomes possible and reality has not evolved to do this yet.

Possibly the past is observable through some mechanism of mind or tool and more importantly than travel into the past is the fact that there is not a super symmetrical universe traveling backwards in time giving us a window into a future that has never happened but that is certainly evolving and becoming, moment to moment. It is possible that an evolving universal infinite intelligence is aware of the infinite and eternal universe we are evolving and involving through and into, in our relativistic persistent time and this infinite intelligence effects the moment from the perspective of the infinite future.

However, we are not going to travel into this future time because it must first be experienced in our relativistic time scale prior to accomplishing time travel into the future. Again we are likely to achieve an accurate view of the future in super computer simulations just as we might the past for in reality there only exists persistent reality as the burning fuse of the relationship between absolute vacuum as evolved dark matter and our universe of evolved matter. It certainly is within our purview to travel faster than the speed of light with the use of worm holes, maybe sixty-six times, and the speed of thought.

How is it that such a finite creature such as our selves is capable of having any awareness of such vast notions and ideas? What is the outcome or the final coalescence implied by such motion? Is the actual process real or is it all an illusion? Is knowledge of these things possible? There are as many of these questions as there are the potential of humans existing which is an infinite number.

It isn’t that the two standard models of both the very large cosmos and the very small quantum realm are wrong, they are just incomplete. One of the reasons that this is the current state of affairs is the reticence of physicists and cosmologists to acknowledge the role of awareness and consciousness that is in fact what has created the human race and our brain over persistent time whether accidently or by design or both as I am suggesting.

I mean, a mindless universe did not create a mindless beast or creature such as ourselves to build the largest machine ever built by us as the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN in Geneva, Switzerland to study this very problem of who or what knew whom or what and when and why. My own empirical senses tell me cosmic consciousness is the result of the most first finite motion to make it possible for my own consciousness to exist and remember the vibrations sent forth by such activity for the human brain is a superb receiver of cosmic thoughts and vibrations even at the level of infinity and beyond.



During the initial collapse and awakening, the principles or axioms of potential force were created from nothing as a reflection of the natural light radiated by or from the reflection of the OBJECT as the infinite Universal Absolute, the infinite Unqualified Absolute and the infinite Qualified Absolute as tetrahedron.

During the initial explosion as the reflected potentialities of the absolute vacuum which by the very nature of these potentialities inherent in the three Absolute’s caused the active principle to come into illusory existence as Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Preserver and Infinite Power as tetrahedron.

The direct interaction between these six principles of potential and active force then produced the Infinite Consciousness, extant Infinite Unconsciousness and the Infinite Pre-personal Mystery.

I call this interlocked and very rapidly rotating OBJECT the Triple Tetrahedral Triangle, Elliptical Cubical Sphere, Double Spiral Void. The force or principle that absolutely unifies these Nine forces and principles of motion is the Infinite Universal Intelligence. Only the combination of these forces and fields of vibration bought about the structure of persistent time as we experience the universe.

All this comes from the natural light reflection of the absolute vacuum as nothing when the most first finite motion occurred naturally without design. Design certainly came later as the imprint of the original movement recorded on the face of the deep. The purpose of this paper is to describe how this operates to help solve or unify the incomplete standard models of quantum physics and the astrophysics of cosmogony as the unified field theory.


Prior to the most first explosion and as the result of the most first one dimensional collapse or slump the immediately extant awareness of the most first movement became infinitely conscious and actually caused the most first explosion and the immediate formation of space/time and time/space expanding and contracting faster than the speed of light at temperatures that where so high we are unable to achieve them in the laboratory of science or exists in any star or singularity. The original OBJECT that formed remains and is extant beyond our infinite universe which was created out of worry as a prototype of the original. Eventually we will locate and measure the direct influence of this OBJECT as the gravity over- control of everything becoming, both physically and spiritually.

The initiation of our singularity occurred at time scales so brief, we are even now struggling to measure, precisely and accurately. The early universe just produced from the collapse or slumping of nothing as absolute vacuum was devoid of particle fields or waves. And yet, there was an immense heat generated seeking to return to absolute vacuum or nothing in equilibrium as undifferentiated plasma being accelerated outward from the singularity, leaving the singularity at the center while still pervading all space and time as the absolute potential of vacuum as time/space which acts upon the matter of space/time as anti matter and dark matter as the scaffolding of space/time matter.

This occurs asymmetrically or out of phase of matter at a particular angle of rotation to avoid complete annihilation completely based on the amount of the mass of dark matter interacting with matter. The more dark matter mass present determines the size of the matter objects that are attracted to vacuum, while vacuum seeks to repel matter to slow annihilation making our persistent time just like the burning wave front of the original explosion like a fuse burning everywhere.

The Object at the center of our infinite universe is a copy of the original OBJECT. It is a singularity because the initial collapse produces an implosion, much like the collapse of a massive star into a black hole or small singularity that still may be billions of times more massive than the massive black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. It is likely that all the galaxies and stars and dark matter revolve about the Object that formed our universe and we will detect this, too. It hides behind the image of the Wmap and the black holes of this cosmos. Soon, we will see our own galaxies’ black hole while feeding on a massive gas cloud orbiting its event horizon.

This struggle to return to quiescence and a state of undisturbed equilibrium is actually the engine of the infinitely expanding universes of space/time and time/space. The initial fire ball was and is the result of the clash that exists everywhere between competing forces of which one is expansion and the first was contraction.

The initial collapse at the most first finite point ensured the symmetry of the initial explosion as temperatures very slightly across the spectrum of the baby pictures of the universe prior to clarity known as COBE or WMAP images. Apparently, combined light existed first in our cosmos and only after some cooling did light differentiate into the various particle wave phenomena we observe discreetly as the spectrum which holds the entire history of the cosmos within its spectra.

So why the high temperature and lack of spectra at first ignition. I use the word ignition as that is what caused the most first explosion/implosion. The original collapse of nothing into a one dimensional object rebounded causing the so called Big Bang and the beginning of relativistic time and persistent time which is really an expression of the evolutionary process which seeks awareness just as the most first consciousness that was formed by the most first motion of collapse into nothing. You know, it still wants to know what it is or you would not be sitting here wondering who you are and what it is. This is the prime directive of universal evolution, quite outside any attempt to design anything at all.

I am sure there were many attempts to produce a universe unrestrained by design to seek its very ends and means through out an infinite scale through eternal time. This describes our flat universe which is the attainment of such infinite curiosity in action. This is not to say the universal intelligence is totally passive, either. This paper is not directly about the Infinite Intelligence and I would ask the reader to explore this subject in perfect detail in the books readably available as God Speaks by Meher Baba and the Infinite Intelligence attributed to the same author.


The initial implosion produced an Object of immense gravitational and anti gravitational properties. The initial rebound of the collapse and immediate implosion was the initial explosion, thus providing the third dimension in both cases or directions of movement. That which exploded from the rebound of the collapse of absolute vacuum immediately, was and is attracted to that which does not wish to move due to its natural property of seeking or being nothing in absolute vacuum.

Thus, bang. I do not have a name for the implosion, accept crunch, that filled all of time/space as the structure that matter falls towards, even to singularity from collapsed stars where matter is replenished and again radiated into our space/time and time/space in the form of very high speed particle waves such as gamma radiation or light or particle waves of anti matter or evolved dark matter we are seeking to observe at CERN.

I postulate that the number of singularities extant in the space/time universe is directly proportional to the increasing speed of the inflationary process which by definition is infinite to infinity squared. In other words the universe is literally turning its self inside out through persistent evolutionary time. The more newly formed black holes, the faster the acceleration becomes, even approaching the speed of light. For, isn’t matter trying to become pure energy to again return to absolute vacuum? It seems like a contradiction accept it is the nature of matter to exhaust motion in evolution or stars would not collapse into singularities.

The largest concentrations of dark matter apparently exist where we have found galactic black holes billions of times larger than our black hole surrounded by trillions of stars where our meager galaxy possibly has four hundred billion stars. Our singularity pervades the time/space that is the underlying fabric of our matter galaxy. The larger the singularity the larger the galaxy. It seems to me that matter is trying to fill the absolute vacuum and behaves accordingly without any particular design accept natures and the feed back received by nature as evolution.

This phenomenon of merely seeking equilibrium in vacuum is responsible for space/time as the initial explosion and time/space as the initial implosion all from a most hot and finite point of the collapse of nothing. Eventually this stew of plasma cooled enough to produce the first generation or proto generation of matter included in the quantum standard model prior to the collapse of matter into stars.

This makes perfect sense because it took three generations of stars in three epochs in seven generations to forge the heavy elements that allow the human body to evolve so we can be conscious of this fact. I have referred to this element building process as the seven stages of hydrogen and the three worlds that evolved from the three stages of matter thus formed by these epochs of evolution.

The first epoch was likely wispy and transparent like a veil just prior or soon after clarity. The second epoch was the age of power in the form of quasars. The third age was the epoch of the stars finally making the heavy elements such as gold that establish the gross material world we now occupy. All three ages concurrently exist and will continue to do so indefinitely.

Apparently, the universe really went to town spewing vast quantities of matter out into the cosmos from the quasar singularities that mimics the Object at the center of the universe only on a much smaller scale just as stars do when they collapse into singularities only on a much smaller scale than quasars or our universal Object does or the original OBJECT of the Universe of Universes does in a fractaling way all in ten dimensions.


Well, apparently this occurred in what I refer as to time/space as well, as anti matter. More specifically, as the most first movement separated from absolute vacuum as the point of ignition, the tetrahedron of space/time and matter came into being. At the same extremis of time, the time/space tetrahedron of the absolutes were extant and formed dark matter and anti matter particles. Until both fields were combined by the third tetrahedron of the awareness of consciousness as intimate entanglement of force states, the two dimensional nature of the triple tetrahedron did provide the actual initial explosion into the three dimensional universe we experience.

Even so, the plasma state that formed did not find clarity until some three hundred thousand years after ignition. Never the less, the non differentiated states of the force carriers of the space/time tetrahedron and the tetrahedron of the potentialities of the absolutes as force carriers, immediately began to orbit one another in elliptical orbits precipitating the plasma storm. It was the intimate interaction of these forces that produced the initial explosion and produced the evolutionary principle that is extant throughout the cosmos, even now. The cosmos is a living conscious being even apart from the first awakening at the instant of most first movement as collapse and separation from the absolute vacuum of nothingness. In other words, the three dimensional expression of evolution mirrored the original awareness in the illusion of space/time and time/space which merely reflects the outcome of motion in evolution.

None of it was designed in the sense there was an extant awareness prior to the most first movement that engineered a "creation", nor does it preclude an extant awareness permeating everything as a direct result of motion. Science will soon make this determination due to the concept of entanglement in experimental observations of the interactions of particle waves from the combined light of the original plasma state of the universe. Even though the universe is a living self aware organism does not mean motion is not an illusory state, for it is an illusion. Only That which does not move is real.

We actually evolved to appreciate this distinction. If human beings do not awaken soon to our potentialities will have lost the opportunity to truly excel and the universe will replace us with a creature less hell bent on self destruction and more conducive to the support and maintenance of life in the cosmos we fleetingly inhabit. In more common vernacular, human beings tend to exhibit utter stupidity in the face of facts and science and awareness of self.


It is entirely possible that there is no super symmetry between the matter and anti matter universes because the time/space universe of dark matter only produces antiparticles when matter actually encounters dark matter and a mirror image of matter is produced including opposite spin and charge since dark matter is really just pure potential seeking release into a matter state due to the interaction of gravity and anti gravity which are the first force produced from matter trying to return to equilibrium in absolute vacuum.

We may actually be able to split atoms into an infinity of subatomic particles in this manner by colliding particles into dark matter particles that only exist when we succeed in achieving collisions with dark matter which appears as anti matter particles to balance matter and expel dark energy into the space/time universe of matter as kinetic energy rather than pure potentiality in the time/space continuum.

We know with certainty by observation that lightening entering the upper atmosphere of Earth releases a spray of anti matter positrons as observed by NASA recently. What we need to find out is how to release these particles in a controlled manner and harness the immense energy available as potentiality as dark matter. Obviously, this process happens naturally at singularity in black holes.

The method for doing this in a controlled manner revolves around the second force or electromagnetic force in combination with the first force of gravity/anti gravity. Gravity appears to be weak, so weak we may jump off the ground under our feet. Yet, a electromagnetic device can be so powerful that magnets may not be separated except with extreme force far greater than mere gravity. That remains true until a singularity orbiting a companion star pulls all of the matter of the star into the black hole and spews it back into space/time as neutrinos which then must interact with the Higgs Field reconditioned to regain mass again as a matter particle wave even to gross matter through the three generations of particle states.

So why does gravity appear weak in one instance and in another state it forms a singularity that only light may escape from as the speed of light squared which occurs

at singularity as matter seeks to return to vacuum and equilibrium and is accelerated to twice the speed of light becoming pure energy as a neutrino field or wave front. This must be occurring at singularity for the matter universe appears to be much larger than it was near first clarity and the age of quasars.

Something is growing the universe or it would not be expanding faster and faster to accommodate this force. Dark Energy is the force carrier of dark matter as potential and space/time matter is the result of the production of singularities which drive the entire process of the recirculation of matter and the release of potential as new matter at singularity. If we haven’t detected this process, we soon will, as the entire universe must be awash with this particle wave or field.

This process occurs at the quantum level when the anti gravity effect of absolute vacuum repels electrons orbiting nuclei. The electron particle field is held in a certain orbit due to the repulsive or anti gravity force that the atom is attracted to beneath the nucleus of the atom all based on the vibration of the attracted particle to the vibration of that dark matter that is repelled and repels the efforts of matter to annihilate itself to return to absolute vacuum. This accounts for the strong and weak forces based on the arrangement of the subatomic particles as strings or different frequencies of vibrations of elements and the arrangement of their electron shells and the amount or mass of dark matter present to attract the electron particle wave which in turn is repelled by dark matter to prevent annihilations from occurring.

The four forces are all based on one factor which is the apparent orbits of the particles that are attracted to dark matter or singularity, macro and micro. The more gravity that matter encounters or is attracted to, the faster the orbit around this gravity well is even approaching the speed of light at the event horizon and attaining the speed of light at or near singularity due to the anti gravity force of dark matter as the remnant of absolute vacuum or the repulsive force of Dark Energy.

The force pf electromagnetism is really a function or attribute of the nature of gravity. As matter is attracted to dark matter or vacuum it is actually repelled by the mass of dark matter present from the macro scale of singularities to the micro scale of quantum particle fields.

Quantum gravity is expressed or functions as the weak and strong forces. The same singularity that creates huge electromagnetic fields is the same singularity that operates at the quantum level. All the forces were derived from gravity/anti gravity prior to clarity in the plasma state of super heated matter/antimatter annihilation which goes on to this moment, everywhere macro and micro. If it were not for the anti gravity attribute of dark matter there would be evolution or persistent reality to study anything. As the plasma cooled and matter and anti matter found equilibrium, the other three forces differentiated from gravity/anti gravity which continues to dominate the space/time and time/space fabrics or fields in the function of orbits. Orbits are all elliptical, period, because the relationship between space/time and time/space are asymmetrical due to differences in mass.

The magnetron star, a special form of neutron star, is probably the best visual example of the immense electromagnetic force a space/time object may exhibit without becoming a singularity. The magnetism of this star would pull our entire solar system apart and this object is the size of Manhattan. It is balanced by the other half of the electromagnetic force by the electric charge that prevents this star from tearing its self apart by continuing to collapse towards absolute vacuum which the repulsive force of dark matter prevents as Dark Energy which acts to repeal matter from annihilating antimatter.

Dark Energy is the force carrier of Dark Matter as anti gravity in time/space, where gravity in space/time attracts matter to Dark Matter for matter seeks to fill the vacuum and dark matter seeks to remain in vacuum. Hence, the greater the number of singularities, the greater the repulsive force becomes. Singularities are the outcome of this natural process from alpha to omega and drives the process of evolution in persistent reality in a unified field of vibrational tones that combine in peaks and valleys that is persistent reality due directly to the nature of gravity. If there were no gravity, nothing as absolute vacuum results. The universe tricks itself into sustaining and preserving motion by producing the condition of attraction and repulsion out of nothing or zero or void where one is the illusion.

Occasionally the balance fails to prevent annihilation at the macro/micro level and vast amounts of newly produced and liberated matter and recycled matter are sent into space/time as gamma radiation and other high energy fields as discrete tones. I assume it is possible for a magnetron star to implode into a singularity while liberating vast amounts of high energy radiation as neutrinos. Neutrinos collide with heavier particles which grows space/time by adding to the total mass of matter, slowly, over time.

Quasars are the perfect example of runaway annihilation. Quasars built the galaxies from the inside out and provided the matter that the galaxies feed upon while moving through relativistic vacuum in an ocean of neutrinos. Possibly we will detect the source of neutrinos from the new detector array at the South Pole using this array as a telescope.

Now, obviously, I have no direct proof regarding my notions of space/time and time/space. I am free to speculate and push the notions of the physics community to imagine a more fundamental view of the cosmos which combines awareness with science in such a way that attempts to unify the two standard models into a unified whole. Personally, I think I am on to something very fundamental about the nature of reality and what it is here to do and what our role is. That is the prerogative of the dialectic mind of the empirical philosopher and I make no apologies for my curiosity and insights into the nature of motion.

At least my ideas are consistently consistent and do not seek to explain reality beyond the notions of fact and science. Every single day, I see more evidence of what I suggest is really going on. I haven’t seen, heard or read anything that directly contradicts my view of unification, but rather what I study merely contributes to my central hypothesis:

Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; ad infinitum squared.

Existing as the illusion:

Triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void.

My theory or hypothesis does not appear to question or over turn any particular notion of reality other than those notions that limit infinity such as our plunge into a cold dark universe trillions of years from now. This is a limiting view of things and I believe there is evidence all around that does not support endings other than what naturally occurs in the course of natural evolution. I do not believe evolution exists and evolves to end evolution. To me that is utter nonsense based upon inadequate facts and incorrect postulations based on the lack of adequate knowledge which is extant to the open mind without resorting to fantasy, magic or complete stupidity and wishful thinking including any reference to a God.

My theory does not depend upon there being a God or Supreme Being. If there is such a thing that is a bonus, maybe. However, I do not doubt there is a universal intelligence that is immediately aware of its movement, growth and evolution across the infinite universe of space/time as described by the theory of entanglement as proposed by Dr. Einstein and other mathematicians and physicists of that period as there is no inherent conflict between the idea that both evolution and universal intelligence are in harmony with one another. Off my soap box again.

Jack Sanders

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