and Its Economic, Social and Political Implications
December 18, 2013
This discourse is about how the United States Government allowed the demise of the Public and Its economic well being and what must be done to preserve the Union, and no less. Let me be most clear when I say that pure capitalism in practice is exactly like the blind leading the blind; no offense to the blind.
Granted, there were numerous economic models, all based on Mercantilism and Capitalism, that nearly unhinged Our Constitution prior to the Twentieth Century, including the Civil War.
This paper is not about the recessions and depressions and wars that occurred prior to the last century. It is about those contrived and nefarious circumstances which have created the demise of the American middle class and the possible outcomes for all of us, good and not so good.
A society based on consumerism alone for shear profit functions but must ultimately fail due to a lack of a goal especially when there is no longer any upward mobility for those who are expected to consume because they have low paying crap jobs to pay for the crap that is shoved down our throats every time we turn on an electronic device. This condition is like leadership by threat and intimidation that works for awhile but poorly and then fails of its own inertia as there is no vision or purpose because fear is a the main by-product of those who foster hate to consolidate their power.
We end up with a culture of folks addicted to adrenalin due to the lies and obscuration that is constantly shoved down the throats of the mentally lazy who wish to believe in fairy tails not founded in facts and science. This condition mostly affects the so called white race who in great numbers decided learning and growth come from the rich and powerful as they suckle this teat of willful ignorance. I am white and know exactly what I am implying for if you turn your will over to hate and fear you end up with a large bag of meaningless crap, pretty much what we receive and endure from our Congress on a daily basis.
We have a new Pope who is a Franciscan priest that actually practices what Lord Christi taught. Pope Francis recently proclaimed that capitalism and trickle down economics were false and do not work. Of course, the willfully ignorant hate machine went into action and proclaimed the Pope a Marxist to which he replied by saying Marxism doesn’t work either or words to that effect. Why in the world would a bunch of ignorant so called white Christians verbally attack one of the few enlightened Popes the Catholic faith has ever produced? Couldn’t have anything to do with greed, now could it.
It is important to point out that Saint Francis of Assisi was a God Realized Perfect Master who knew the suffering of the poor and diseased and infirm and worked to alleviate such unwarranted misery every moment of his enlightened life. Yes, these individuals actually live and exist and work tirelessly for the less fortunate, exactly how the very wealthy are expected to behave if they have a clue.
I am mortified to be a member of a race that set foot on te moon that wrote the Constitution that saved the World from tyranny and allowed democracy as free enterprise to flourish and in one generation to turn from the enlightenment to utter madness and racial hatred. The so called takers in this unfortunate scenario are those that have greatly prospered at the demise of the middle class who produce he wealth sought by those who wish to enslave most of us again. If I am wrong then exactly where is the proof that I am wrong in my assessment of a failed mentality of bankrupt ethics and morality expressed in a desire to create the conditions for perpetual low to mid intensity warfare, never ending with our blood.
The scourge is the willful economic unhinging of the American middle class which is so very obvious when 80% of all the wealth invested in the stock market has little or nothing to do with the success of the middle class. The wealthy among us actually seek to create endless low paying service jobs so the Ultra Rich may have all the neo serfs they wish, to do their bidding while posing no threat to their treasure.
The mental illness that has en masse gripped the American Republican Party needs to find a new sense of compromise and governance for a balanced, equitable and rational world view for this Party is at war with its own government and nothing less. If any of you out there are responsible for this state of affairs you should hang your heads in shame and seek redemption of your soul’s from your materialistic castles you have built in your delusional minds. If this does not apply to you then have no shame.
I call for the establishment of a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge. Various forms of this idea must go forward or there will not be anything to go forward as process and reality as we will all be living in a new "Middle Ages."
Out of deference to the extremely wealthy for they knew not what they were contriving, little is lost by exposing the utter folly of the folks who own and operate the corporations of the World and especially the United States. The conservative movement in America has delivered one of the most inane ideas ever postulated and effected by our Supreme Court, who had the audacity, greed and temerity to attribute individuality to corporations. What utter and complete nonsense this unfortunate decision enshrined as the motives and aspirations of the most wealthy.
What this decision actually produced was a Coup D’etat that usurped the power of the Public to govern equitably and transparently in the three branches of Government as the Constitution envisioned. This is not the only poor outcome of the use of wealth to obtain power and influence over the Public. This decision is the actual evidence that a Coup has occurred.
The first World War was a war the United States needed to end and we did. The Public wanted none of it and wished to remain an isolationistic society in word and deed. President Woodrow Wilson objected to this philosophy when he said about the Senate,
"A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great government of the United States helpless and contemptible." The Senate voted to end filibusters at his bequest by a two thirds vote which stayed in effect until 1975 when the senate rules changed allowing cloture by a 60 member vote. The down side is this curtails debate. However, when pure obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism abounds, such a rule is required. The rule was again modified by Senator Harry Reed, recently, to do just that, end obstructionism in many instances on the floor of the senate.
Coming out of that world war, emboldened the Military Industrial Complex to seek immense political power and destabilize the banking system in the country in such a way that the very rich would get much richer at the expense of free enterprise in the market place by driving entrepreneurs out of competition with the very powerful interests of those industries that profit greatly from supplying and creating circumstances that create war.
It wasn’t long and a truly mad tyrant and masterful organizer decided that the German military industrial complex could buy him world domination at the Worlds’ expense. Of course, this pleased the folks who own the Military Industrial Complex in America very happy as we kicked the snot out of the fascists. That felt so good and was so important to the bottom line that by falsely installing a new President that would give them the authority and means to do it again, they succeeded in duping President Lyndon Johnson into directly misleading the Congress and American Public that we had been attacked by the Vietnamese in the Bay of Tolkien and the resolution that followed from congress by the same name.
Frankly, if it had not been for the efforts of President Johnson to get civil rights for minorities, I do not know what I would think about him today as many of my friend’s died in Vietnam and are still dying of their wounds to this very day. Hallowed may the names of our veterans be, always. The folks that authorized this police action and those who sought to involve us in this war of folly are tantamount to war criminals just as the then Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara stated publicly many years after the war.
President and actor Ronald Reagan and his cronies dismantled the checks and balances put in place to limit the abuses of the banking industry and nearly bankrupted the country by spending us out of the "Cold War." Like Richard Nixon, President Reagan joined the ranks of the presidential criminals when the Iran-Contra affair was exposed. In America such things are just politics and apparently count for little because we just keep doing it again and again.
Then along comes George W. Bush who contrived a false war in Iraq while ignoring the real problem in Afghanistan, precipitating the worst recession in history do to the vast amount of money that was stolen by the banking system and military contractors making the wealthiest tyrants the world has ever seen or experienced. Pure unadulterated capitalism as profit motive is the direct result of all these efforts over the past one hundred years to undue government and the notion of equitable governance.
What happens if the ultra rich decide they do not want any competition or transparency in their affairs? Eventually there will be revolution and it won’t be pretty for the masses, while the very rich retire to their islands and mountain tops to observe the chaos, waiting for the majority of us to just die out, so they may have the correct number of neo serfs and neo slaves to do their bidding and yard work. I do not think books like "Soylent Green" or the recent movie "Elysium" are far from what could or is actually occurring.
By the way, I do not believe this conscious willful ignorant world view is a conspiracy. I do believe this condition of the destruction of the middle class and poor is derived from stupidity and willful ignorance gone array and not by actual design. This in no way dismisses these folks from their responsibilities towards the survival, thriving and flourishing of the masses. If you folks, acting as child tyrants, had not hired a lot of thugs to do your bidding, you would not have folks like me criticizing your intellect, ethical and moral values which lead directly to the demise of the human race if followed to there conclusion. No, it is just lack of education, empathy that has lead you to stupidity.
Granted there are numerous billionaires such as Sir Richard Branson who do not subscribe to the tyranny of wealth and seek to find equitable means for advancing culture and learning. Warren Buffett is another such entrepreneur who actively seeks to expand the middle class. I think Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google, may be engaged directly in the solution to jobs and safety in the middle class economy as they are actively engaged in the synthesis of knowledge whether they are aware of this or not.
There are many other very successful individuals and corporations that seek to be responsible for their actions. Mr. Rupert Merdock, owner of Fox News, is not one of these folks and yet he is welcome to his philosophy and free speech which is guaranteed in America but not in Britain. Personally, I think he is a misguided puke full of himself.
I have a very simple and elegant solution to the problem of quality jobs and wages for anyone wishing to work and succeed. Those with the billions need to find ways and means working in collaboration with other billionaires, entrepreneurs, governments and universities to create quality jobs based in education for the study of most everything. I call for the establishment of a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge.
If we were to simply tailor jobs and education in university to the study of knowledge and its acquisition we would immediately establish a meaningful purpose and future for the billions of folks needing a stable economic, social an political existence in safety with mutual respect. An immense amount of revenues would be generated from the discoveries found from such study that should make any billionaire happy, especially when they pay the folks doing the discovering a living wage.
Seeking a way forward for a thriving middle class that benefits all is the only rational world view possible for anything less wil produce more war and more poverty as we approach nine billion soul’s. President Barrack Obama has indicated that this is the challenge of the 21st Century. I entirely agree with his assessment of the situation. If we shirk this obvious duty our spirit is diminished and this civilization will collapse under the weight of its own greed. If you do not believe me then wait a generation and see.
The underlying problem of the human race is, we fail to understand how to survive and preserve a racial memory over thousands of years as the Egyptians were able to accomplish and we still are not sure how they built the pyramids. Maybe we need to study more. I dismount the soap box again.
Jack Sanders
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