The Four Forces Inherent in Nature
and the Philosophy of the Theory of Everything
January 26, 2014
We observe, use and measure gravity at large and small scales. We observe, use and measure electromagnetism as electricity and magnetism as a unified postulation of forces associated with charges and fields which split from the electroweak force during the quark epoch into electromagnetism and the weak force.
We observe, use and measure the strong force which contains the atomic nucleus as bound states of particles within the atom which hold the atom together with theoretical quantum gravity.
We observe, use and measure the weak force that governs radiative decay and is ten to the minus 5 the strength of the strong force as the combined electro weak force and may be accounted for by quantum repulsive forces associated with theoretical quantum gravity.
I make no attempt to go into morbid detail about these forces and force carriers and the interactions of the forces and particles that apparently give these forces there properties. It is important to note electromagnetism is a form of light and the photon is its force carrier. It is important to note the epochs and Planck time and distance, three generations of matter, CPT theory and T=time reversal, matter and antimatter as dark matter and energy, string and brane theory, the LHC work, Einstein and Higgs and others, dialectic synthesis, gravity, weak and strong forces, infinities and divinities, time and space, and assorted phenomenon supporting my theory supported by facts.
I think electromagnetism derives from gravity which I will discuss in some detail. If I were a mathematician, I am sure there is an elegant formula for describing the relationship between gravity and electromagnetism. Apparently the electroweak force predates electromagnetism which split into two forces as stated.
Briefly, the electromagnetic force derives from the outward explosive event as kinetic energy seeking to return to quiescence as the implosive collapse into singularity as zero point potentiality which initiated the bang event as crunch/bang in that order prior to Planck time. Kinetic energy expanded outward from the event and then returned upon itself clumping around fractured potentiality as individual singularities prior to clarity. The orbital rotation of pure energy around clumps of fractured potentiality and its active component of antimatter became vast electromagnetic generators at the macro and micro states of condensing and precipitating matter/antimatter boundary layer. Temperatures of a billion degrees are thus balanced by the cold of void space in vacuum as this reservoir of potentiality producing the dual states of space/time matter and time/space antimatter as part of the most first event as implosion into nothing or absolute vacuum.
The strong force is 100 times stronger than electromagnetism and magnitudes stronger than the weak interaction in nuclear decay and gravity by ratio of course. It is theorized there is a quantum gravity that holds the atoms nucleus together. Certainly the Higgs Bosons are candidates for where and how the strong force does the work of keeping atoms from flying apart at the subatomic level within the nuclei where the Quarks and Leptons formed three generations of matter which I will spend some time on, as well.
We study these forces and their force carriers of which gravity has no force carrier within two Standard Models, one of large structures such as the universe and the spectrum of particle waves we call light as the study of cosmological physics (astrophysics) and one of very small structures we call the study of particles in quantum mechanics or quantum physics.
These four forces came into existence in the very early universe shortly after ignition over very short time scales at exceeding high temperatures with the possible exception of gravity which was likely to have been extant prior to ignition.
We have not as yet combined all the forces and their carriers into one Standard Model which is the goal or holy grail of physics. We do know that there is an electroweak force which unifies the weak force with the electromagnetic force that may account for quantum gravity affecting particle and field states as yet not confirmed or found. No force carrier is found for gravity as yet because it likely does not exist due to the nature of gravity.
However, this may imply that electromagnetism and the weak force which are known to have been combined as the electroweak force and strong force come may have derived from gravity shortly after ignition at various time scales or epochs and extremely high temperatures that have been calculated by quantum physicists very precisely as the plasma cooled. We have found no force carrier for gravity, sometimes referred to as a graviton as gravity waves, yet undetected. There is no graviton in my opinion.
Interestingly, there is no explanation for what gravity actually is or where it is derived or comes from, except to say that when small particles combine in the observed process of electro-static attraction demonstrated on the International Space Station as the clumping of matter that occurs in experimental observation.
This process of gravitational attraction, extrapolates ultimately to generating mass from out of hydrogen clouds in star forming regions which then falls or attracts toward other atoms and then particles which clump together to form stars and planets by observation. It appears to be an electro-static process of mutual attraction. In Relativity, gravity is closely associated with the curvature of space as related to mass and motion as the space/time fabric which gravity distorts in the presence of mass at rest or in motion described in Doctor Einstein’s paper, On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies, June 30, 1905.
Thus, we describe mass as attraction of bodies or gravity which ultimately collapses mutually attracted gas molecules and then dust motes to produce objects of sufficient mass to ignite stars that mutually attract one another into galaxies as described by the Standard Model under construction and thus far is very accurate and plausible with a plethora of enigmas, conundrums and paradoxes and institutional dogmatism.
The matter that the gravity of attraction pulls together forms asteroids and comets which clump together and are made up of the original forces that formed particles from atoms produced in the cooling plasma cloud, which are made up of particle waves which by the Law of least resistence creates the constituents of nature as earth, air, fire, water from plasma or the states of matter as we observe our four dimensional space/time
fabric. The cosmos is dominated by water as life evolves in its presence and it is mostly hydrogen which is the most abundant element.
Currently we know matter may be a gas, a liquid, a solid, a plasma, a Bose-Einstein Condensate as gaseous low temperature state with properties of fluidity (see Boson photons and super conductivity) and a Fermion Condensate similar to B-EC (see fermions and super fluidity). I mention the states of matter as the existence of matter and gravity and what they are is really the scope of this paper.
Doctor Einstein gave us the Special and General Theories of Relativity which enhanced the intellectual birth of quantum physics and astrophysics as the two standard models of physics, under construction, for integration to synthesize one Standard Model combining all four forces into a coherent unified whole, all from four papers doctor wrote beginning in September of 1905. Physicists have been interpreting and measuring with refined accuracy these genius insights ever since.
Doctor Einstein realized that space and time are intimately related as a fabric of forces and force carriers made up of measurable quantum and quanta or subatomic particles and force carriers that interact with one another in specific ways in elliptical orbits in space over time with charges and spins that are observable and measurable.
This is done with sophisticated instruments described as particle detectors for the small and large structures in the two models which we cause to collide or observe with sensitive detectors as the light spectra to observe the aggregate results which we interpret to find the fundamental nature of what we experience as persistent realty.
From all these tara flops of data are born theories and suppositions we postulate as formal hypotheses which we design new experiments to test, so on and so forth, until we have enough quantification and qualification as statistical "proof" which we may call proofs supporting Laws or established fact. Buried in all this assemblage of data and
conjecture is the human brain which operates in a tertiary fashion rather than a binary fashion such as a computer does.
For those who are so inclined the dialectic process becomes evident which is how the mature human brain of sophistication thinks and develops the epiphany of profound insights such as Doctor Einstein experienced and penned in four papers in 1905. The idea that binary computers are capable of arriving at conclusions as remarkable as human thought is highly unlikely unless computing becomes a tertiary process of yes, no and maybe sometimes called fussy logic which assumes the abilities of human reason. New liquid brains made of artificial DNA may just pull Asimov’s Positronic robot brain, off.
This process is recognized as conceiving or adopting a thesis and then its antithesis and applying (integration) the notion of synthesis, whereby the correct or most accurate formulation is found. The dialectic methods roots are way ancient and enhanced in the Socratic method from Plato’s ‘Socratic Dialogues’ and perfected in the Critique of Pure Reason by Kant which contains a priori proof of the Categorical Imperative from deontological moral philosophy based on rules of ethical conduct in morality. It is said that Plato obtained the dialectic dialogue of reasoning from Zeno’s use of the paradox.
When the method of dialectic reasoning is used for induction and deduction, quantitatively and qualitatively employed, both a priori and a posteriori, we have used the Empirical Method of reasoning which leads us to find the most objective form of reasoning we have discovered and labeled as the Scientific Method built upon statistical analysis of objectifiable events over time to achieve validity of proof and reliability of the results of proof.
This is the only method I adhere to for proofs as it is beyond the reach of my subjective influences and possible dogmas that arise from our vast ability to find a priori (subjective) reasons for a posteriori (objective) facts, all may see and agree upon.
However, science is become a dogma of its own due to the lack of empirical insights that derive from such experience, such as The Origin of Species, named evolution, derived from empirical experience of the Naturalist, Darwin who waited decades to publish one of the most amazing theories ever postulated, probably employing the Socratic method for scientific validation and reliability, over time, and that is now taken as fact except by religionists who have adopted a purely subjective dogma of Creationism which is incorrect but which is clarified and Perfected by the Avatar, Meher Baba.
Science says these values do not exist as they are subjective and not measurable. So why do physicists use this dead end philosophy, seeking answers to the nature of reality when they reject or deny these human queries they actually have. Apparently, they are either spiritual or are merely complex machines that accept only objective fact without intrinsic meaning as merely natural events devoid of purpose or genesis that simply are extant in a random universe that evolves without direction but simply by random selection and to no end other than cold flickering photons trillions of years hence. Not my cup of tea, I assure you. It makes for great scientific drama while totally missing human empirical insight and observation.
Even so, to the enlightened mind, both theories abide in synthesis as two objectively compatible ideas as fact with certain modifications of statement in actuality and interpretation. Both theories are correct without contradiction, by the way. Now, folks wish to live on the two dimensional screen on their smart phones and empiricism is ill, due, in part, to endless cities and the abuse of and addiction to technology.
Natural empirical experiences are wanting in a human made environments of cities where people are removed from the effects of earth, air, fire and water in their natural state, nature. In great part this has lead to the epidemics of cancer and heart related disease due to the synthetic environment mostly made and influenced by carbon as sugar, fossil fuels products and toxins produced by artificially constructed chemicals of which many do not exist at all in nature and are feed to us from birth to death in food, water and air and mixed in the earth at our feet, mostly without our knowledge or consent, by corporations obsessed with profits for their stock holders and the privileged wealthy, devoid of ethical knowledge and displayed by antisocial behavior without conscience, all of which, is controlled by big money politics, the mother of unregulated capitalism and governance otherwise known as greed and the lust for power and control, that will destroy human civilization of its own accord by consequences and effects. No apology for the long sentences.
At large and small scales scientific instruments are built in the forms of telescopes and particle detectors that detect the spectrum of energies and particle waves we observe and measure as light (photons) which we interpret and conjecture the results of to explain the very large and small structures of the universe, ultimately to combine the science of both disciplines into one unified field model or theory of everything.
All this to determine what is actually going on and how we fit into this vast puzzle. Why, you might ask and I would say, pure curiosity over our own fate and the destiny of what we apparently live within which appears to be our nature as conscious self aware creatures. If you are not curious you might as well be dead as you waste this life.
Gravity as of yet has no formal explanation other than described by the postulates of Relativity and Newtonian physics as described in space/time and is the weakest of the four fundamental forces in our space/time continuum. We certainly know gravity is there every moment of our lives whether on Earth or in space, orbiting the Earth by its apparent absence or in a hyperbolic dive in an aircraft. Diving under the water certainly mitigates gravities relentless pull on our body’s mass toward the center of the Earth.
These notions of gravity in the main are all relatively straight forward classical physics and we take them for granted while still not knowing from whence this force derives or why it exists at all. Notions of gravity in quantum physics are much more convoluted and difficult to grasp due to scale in part. Gravity is the mystery from my perspective. If we figure gravity out we provide the information to have a combined Standard Model of a theory of everything.
Again, no one knows where gravity comes from or what it is. For that matter we don’t know what light is, either. Gravity and light are certainly intrinsically connected, but how? Sting theory describes fundamental gravity as tiny hot strings that vibrate at the quantum level of reality and give mass to matter when these strings vibrate at the correct pitch or vibration as described by the Higgs Field and Higgs Mechanism theory, now under construction after the discovery of the heavy particle wave that gives mass to massless particles such as photons and neutrinos now and again. The Higgs Boson was not directly observed but by inference it is assumed to be extant or was extant in the very young universe.
Possibly Doctor is suggesting that matter is reconditioned by this process which would be a breath of fresh air to suffocating physics dogma. Static models of matter and gravity really bother me, especially in the face of observations which are at times misinterpreted such as CPT theory. Professor Hawking now believes black holes effect matter in some way but leave it disorganized.
I describe strings as geometrical organizations of lines (strings) connected into mandalas, arranged precisely along their plains as discrete and observable mandalas which are fractal cascades within and from light and darkness (extreme cold), combined with Gravity, and producing our described persistent reality. You may visualize these fundamental bundles of strings arranged into mandalas as patterns existing as orbs. I have personally seen this phenomena with my own eyes for several hours one moon lite night in 1967 at Lake Tahoe, CA. These mandali "falleth from Heaven as a gentle rain."
The Avatar, Meher Baba, referred to these building blocks of all things as ORBS. I have actually seen orbs floating around in my house when I was a kid and assumed they were ball lighting or some other natural phenomena. I didn’t touch them then out of fear of electrocution. They were a gold pastel in color and some were as large as ten or twelve inches in diameter floating four to five feet off the dinning room floor on more than one occasion. My massage therapist tells me she sees these orbs from time to time, as well. She is a mystic and is truthful.
I would imagine these strings and associated mandali or orbs come in all sizes from stars to Bosons. Reality is arranged in geometric constructs and the strings are merely connecting lines of force. The universe is composed entirely of mathematical forms of precise detail all continually interacting with one another in a unified field of expression. Some folks say the universe is made of mathematical equations and/or fractals.
I don’t disagree, but these formuli are arranged geometrically just as Pythagoras, who wrote nothing, believed all things are numbers and geometry is the highest form of mathematical studies, and the world depends upon the interaction of opposites, and whose dialectic is later expressed in the mature ideas espoused by Plato and Aristotle. I couldn’t agree more than with these notions of reality.
The universe and all else is really alive and everything that is extant and moves are thoughts. Thought actually moves faster than the speed of light as it permeates all, even that which does not move and never has. Thought or more accurately consciousness in this state is pure bliss and has no imperative to move as it is complete in and of itself. It is that state all human beings seek to attain, even if they are unaware of the compulsion to do so. From out of billions of years of evolution comes the only creature thus capable of involution of consciousness. We are even stranger than aliens from other dimensions and planes of reality in the subtle and mental worlds whose souls must become human beings in order to ascend back to Reality. This is why they leave us alone for the most part.
Membrane or Brane theory as the unification of string theory suggests our universe is intimately connected to a membrane that gives our matter, gravity, and accounts for the apparent dilution of the gravitational force due to the greater gravity of the membrane diluting the force of attraction by gravitons in four dimensional space/time and is probably correct in great part with modification to their models or visualizations and notions of genesis. The physicist, Lisa Randall, has postulated this notion.
I do not agree there are gravitons as the force carriers of gravity or gravity waves; something more fundamental and simple is extant. Possibly the perturbations process of the universe stabilizing after the bang may be detected and confused for gravity waves in the very early universe. Also, brane theory answers many problems but it does not express where the brane or branes originated or why and describes a universe devoid of human experience or meaning, much sought by humans which contradicts the purely objective and impersonal natural reality, brane and string theory describe. You know, the story of the cold dark future of the universe that physics currently predicts.
Certainly, reality is objectifiable and reducible to understanding in these terms, alone. This describes science as method to some degree but it leaves out our experiences of objectifiable nature without regard to our empirical knowledge which we are always constrained by and due to our very subjective nature that constrains are ability to know our objective reality directly, a posteriori.
A case in point is, I grew up associating with the Lakota Sioux Indians and their views of reality and from early childhood. I never experienced the universe as separate from me, but rather as a vast living organism much more alive than I am that I was in intimate association with both a priori and a posteriori in a unified whole. I still think this is the case, albeit, I strive to base my comprehension of reality upon the posits of the combined results of the scientific method despite my a priori knowledge.
I realize my views of gravity contradict Dr. Einstein’s views and predictions derived from General Relativity he postulated in 1916 and 1918. If gravity waves do exist they will be found to be cancelled out by the effects of time/space upon space/time and are reverberations. This is strictly my own postulation of which I will elucidate in great detail.
It isn’t so much my view of reality contradicts general and special relativity and quantum mechanics but rather complete add to the completion of such postulations that already exist and that I do not disagree with if shown to be measurable and extant over many reliable and valid parameters, just as is demanded by rigorous scientific experimentation.
I doubt gravity propagates as ripples or waves in space/time geometry because gravity is contained within its essential dual structure in intimate space/time (matter) and time/space (dark matter) embrace, as the unified force all else derives from, everywhere. There are really a lot of folks and experiments looking for these waves. Even now, the initial results of the Bicep 2 instrument results from deep time may not have detected gravity waves but rather are "radio loop" emissions. The problem inherent in reporting, so called, "facts" without peer review becomes obvious.
The problem is gravity does not propagate as particle waves as light does.
Gravity does not act like a particle. It acts like a force and force carrier complete within its own attributes and requires no particle wave (graviton) to transmit it anywhere as it is already there where ever that there is relative to all else that orbits and moves and propagates. Gravity is essentially the attraction of kinetic energy to its resting state of vacuum and its force is denigrated due to the vacuum pushing back against the onslaught of kinetic energy to avoid annihilation much as what occurred with the most first inward motion and its recoil as the bang.
Matter and antimatter do not exist in supersymmetry but are merely the products of gravity finding equilibrium with antigravity, everywhere once ignition occurs due to matter seeking to return to absolute resting vacuum and potentiality, slightly time phased due to the genesis of time just prior to something extant to move within, Space.
Gravity is there and here just as the air or water is. It is the medium in which all else is dependent upon to move within, just like a fish in water. Life and change and evolution itself appears to be dependent upon the attractive medium of space/time matter as gravity where death is the objective and subjective experience of the event which frees us from gravity when we are burned up by gravity (stress) and "attracted" to anti gravity which is intimate with gravity for renewal. Death is being freed from the pull of gravity after gravity has worn us out over persistent time.
I imagine particle states and fields behave in much the same way as observed from the collapse of super novi by the activity of the weak force inherent in the decay of radiation dependent upon the electoweak force where electromagnetism predates particle wave or field states in plasma shortly after ignition at big bang. When the kinetic energies that burn a star are exhausted, the star collapses back toward the potentiality of the vacuum state of matter or what became dark matter at the most first motion as the crunch or slump. Of course, dark matter potentiality pushes back against its own annihilation and creates a mini bang as novi explosions becoming black holes at one per day somewhere in our observable universe.
Once iron is synthesized in the core of massive stars from radioactive decay or the burning up of hydrogen, helium and everything else, the bonds that account for the strong force that holds the atomic nucleus together fail from the collapse of gravity where the mass of matter is burned out and the quantum gravity strong force bonds are broken and matter seeks to unit with time/space dark matter, to renew its properties by returning to quiescence as pure potentiality.
This inevitable collapse of matter immediately reacts with dark matter, causing the antigravity effect as the repulsion of time/space fabric, thus, blowing the space/time fabric constituents back into our space due directly to the mirrored effect of the active principle of dark matter, antimatter, which in annihilation with matter is the explosion. In other words stars die in a macro event much like we die in a micro event only much faster but more slowly without the dramatic explosive event.
The star seeks renewal and we seek renewal freed from the effects of space/time gravity. This renewal process of matter at collapse into singularity will be found to release much of its energies as massless neutrinos which over time slowly interact with matter and thus regain mass just as the Higgs Mechanism predicts.
This struggle between gravity and anti gravity is apparent throughout all of nature and is, in fact, measurable and observable, anywhere and everywhere. It is obvious to me that this struggle between matter and dark matter actually accounts for evolution and the persistent reality we experience in the persistent vector of time, beginning with That most first and most, most infinitesimal movement from out of the original OM Point WHIM as an URGE.
Even Divinity was latent within this most ancient pre-personal infinite mystery. In other words, God never said let there be light simply because Light was from out of nothing. Here arises obvious evolution and evidence, mostly a priori, of Divinity operating independently because one did not predate the other.
This conundrum is what drives many scientists absolutely crazy when theologians posit A Divinity prior to nature as movement and orbits. These folks should now be much relieved to know Divinity did not predate nature, nor did nature predate Divinity. They were, in fact, latent within the Paramatma of the motionless absolute vacuum of infinite potentiality, still extant and now conscious.
I predict we will find there are two types of gravity extant everywhere which are physical gravity as experienced and observed, produced by the effects of space/time matter and time/space dark matter that are a force and force carrier unified; and spiritual gravity that acts upon everything for the production and over control of all evolution and the involution of the consciousness that evolved to do so naturally and is described as entanglement (quantum physics) and "spooky at a distance" in Dr Einstein’s Relativity.
The actual proof of the true nature of physical gravity is all things that move orbit some other thing. Objects orbit objects due to the very nature of the most first motion which was inward upon its infinite potentiality which produced the time and its vector upon the recoil fro implosion inward which is slightly time delayed prior to and before the Planck epochs. This was the event that completed this universes extant Gravity as a unified force and force carrier when space/time gravity stabilized with time/space antigravity causing the production of persistent time as orbits.
However, the theory of entanglement does not describe the force or force carrier that could account for information being shared instantaneously anywhere and everywhere. Currently it is an observed phenomenon in quantum physics between particles which are really particle waves over distances.
The issue is what constituent properties of nature are capable of instantaneously communicating between and amongst all of the vibrating and reverberating particle waves that could account for the natural intercommunication of diverse unconnected particle wave fronts across any distance, immediately.
A metaphysicist might suggest consciousness or the speed of thought or some such notion which would certainly not satisfy any physicist even though it holds some truth by observed fact between the interaction of particles. If entanglement exists at all it needs a physical and observable process and reality no matter the discipline which I will posit.
I suggest, this consciousness was also contained within the Paramatma and pervades all as spirit gravity expressed as Light and darkness which was and is the original duality motion produced. Our finite, infinitely expanding universe derives from this darkness and has produced the physical vehicle to house the human soul which returns to the Light which recognizes and sees darkness as itself, thus, spirit gravity where darkness is attracted to Light and physical gravity where kinetic pure energy seeks to return to quiescent absolute resting vacuum as potentiality as gravity attracted to and repelled by antimatter as Gravity.
Gravity predates the big bang ignition and caused the actual ignition of the dual properties of matter formed by implosion followed by explosion as the rebound and promulgation of the annihilating dual constituents of matter. Thus, formed by such gravity events where gravity is not a brane or string but was and is a physical process which originally occurred of its own accord from the shock of most first motion inward into null space prior to the Devine recognition of its own existence and produced Light and its shadow, darkness which produces nearly endless universes such as ours.
All things sprang from the resident potentiality of Paramatma or as I prefer to comprehend this original state as absolute zero point vacuum, devoid of all vibration. I am actually immensely relieved that Divinity had little or nothing to do with this most first event from out of the OM Point now contained entirely with in the Ocean of the Infinite Intelligence.
Gravity is the artifact of duality where there was no motion and then there was and remains intimately linked in an embrace of gravity/antigravity as attraction/repulsion which began as an implosion, the most first movement that ever occurred, period, at the absolutely infinitesimal scale, most, most finite from out of absolutely nothing. I do not think this postulation disagrees with current theoretical physics for one is reduced to this conclusion by the actual way the human brain derives knowledge both a priori and a posteriori.
Evidence of a brane influence is observed and measured on the Wmap image or Planck instrument image as a region slightly cooler than the statistical average across the spectrum of the map. It is thought that this "spot" is where our universe derived from when two branes touched one another.
Still, where did the branes or more specifically the vibrations the branes are composed of come from and why and for what purpose? Granted, there is an extant universe of universes quite apart from our universe and its Alpha genesis and explains Gravity without the need for branes. That is the purpose of this paper to provide a simple solution or theory.
Doctor Lisa Randall of Harvard, an astrophysicist, is notable for her contributions especially in the area of additional dimensions and Superstring theory which is most likely correct and verifiable. She is primarily responsible for unifying sting theory in eleven dimensions as membrane theory. In my opinion, reality is based upon the number three as described by the tetrahedron in ten dimensions.
They (physicists) will find it is ten dimensions that affect the unification of space/time, time/space throughout all conjectured membranes which the young lady has expressed in five dimensions in her recent book, Knocking on Heavens Door, C 2011. It is interesting she arrived at a five dimensional reality that our four dimensional reality exists within as one of the current theories about how many Higgs Bosons that exist is five of which one is predicted not to have spin and is neutral.
Male physicists like to take credit for this unification of principles but it was Doctor Randall and Doctor Raman Sundrum and their insights into membrane theory that allowed the unification of the ten or so variations of string theory into a coherent expression and gave a coherent explanation of why the force of gravity appears to be so weak as compared to the other forces.
Actually this "fifth brane" is really antigravity pushing back on the effects of kinetic gravity falling towards potentiality. The more massive the space/time matter becomes the greater the antigravity of time/space dark matter is, until all attraction and repulsion come into contact at the heart of a massive object and explodes.
It is important to note another concept that has merit in determining genesis. That the Big Bang was a mirage from a collapsed higher-dimensional star proposed by a team including Doctor Gia Dvali in 2000 who is now at a university in Munich, Germany and may be correct in great part. This is a fundamental notion much like Dr. Randall’s.
Doctor Afshordi’s team is working on this equation at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada and attempting to perfect it. I think something similar is extant but different by way of dimensional evolution beginning from the most first motion in an absolute vacuum and certainly in the manner of calving universes from the singularity as the extant OBJECT in ten dimensions of which we experience a posteriori as three dimensions or four if time is included with six dimensions hidden, except by a priori awareness.
I believe the most promising current postulation is that when the first particles and wave fronts, much like the quark and antiquark epoch in Planck time, not only created the space/time elements and particle states but also very small atom sized black holes from anti-quarks where dark matter resides as set forth by, "(the new hypothesis, formulated by astrophysicists Vyacheslav Dokuchaev and Yury Eroshenko at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, suggests that dark matter could be made of microscopic — or quantum — "black hole atoms.")"
As the original thermonuclear cloud underwent very rapid inflation due to the space/time kinetic matter trying to return to vacuum, the whole event super heated again up to a billion degrees or so and began to separate out as kinetic and potential energies by orbiting one another which set up the design for the two states of gravity which were now unified as Gravity from the time the initial implosion rebounded, making space.
Kinetic space/time matter was made as a finite byproduct of the bang from the crunch of first motion. As soon as this primordial matter formed quarks by condensation and precipitation into quarks and antiquarks the dual nature of unified Gravity became extant which caused the original hyperinflation event seeking equilibrium between the two states of matter thus formed, potential and then kinetic.
The standard model then says there was a period or series of epochs where there was less and less antimatter because matter annihilates antimatter during the particle epoch.
Some folks call these epochs eras. Here is the problem with the standard models. Antimatter was merely a byproduct of the to states of matter establishing equilibrium after ignition where potentiality as pieces of fractured potentiality as time/space, dark matter, mirrored space/time matter and repelled space/time matter kinetic onslaught.
It is probably more accurate to describe fractured potentiality as vast strings which now appear as the structure of the galaxies and the super clusters along these lines of dark matter fracture which space/time matter is attracted due to the immense mass of these string like fractures in the Wmap. The largest structure thus found in the Universe is a super-cluster along one of these fractures in potentiality as dark matter.
This mirroring effect goes on to this day for once the initial annihilation had consumed much of the free byproducts of potentiality as antimatter or antiquarks, the remainder simply was time phased shifted slightly in the future of space/time matter in the form of that boundary layer or Higgs Field that now exists as a pliable and porose barrier between the two dual states of matter where one is dynamic and kinetic and the other remains passive in potentiality as dark matter with space/time matter very rapidly orbiting this vacuum of potentiality which is a chunk or string of dark matter. Possibly it is more accurate to say this dark matter is condensed precipitated potentiality as vacuum and which is quite cold and dark and appears as strings or fracture lines, small and large.
At very large scales this special state of vacuum is responsible for black holes and there formation. At very small scales such as subatomic particles like space/time quarks the boundary layer or Higgs Field is a mirror and the matter that is attracted to vacuum or to return to vacuum is often mimicked by this potential void, slightly time shifted in the future of matter, which interacts with matter as antimatter but not in all cases and not all the time. It is asymmetrical and there is no supersymmetry.
Also, there is far more potential condensated and precipitated dark matter potentiality than there ever was space/time matter produced. Matter did not annihilate antimatter nearly out of existence. Clumps or strings or filaments of dark matter attracted matter around the clumps of potentiality and spewed the matter out into space/time shortly before and after clarity from huge quasars due to the immense antigravity charge that built up when matter was consolidating and forming hydrogen and helium around these singularities or black holes which formed the primitive galaxies. This huge mass of dark matter is the underlying structure of our kinetic material universe and holds the stars in there orbits around the central burned out black holes at galactic centers.
This same force attracts the matter of stars until the stars actually explode because matter at very high temperatures has spanned the distance between matter and dark matter and annihilates the mirrored antimatter of dark matter like a mini big bang event.
The time shifted region of null space and null time accounts for the so called Higgs Mechanism where massless neutrino photons produced from collapsing stars slowly acquired or reacquired mass and become particles and even new mutated particles. This has gone on through the three ages of the universe which was and is the continuing precipitation process that allowed us to exist and reflect upon what is happening. It is like matter is chasing its tail, dark matter, and produces the effect of persistent time vectoring.
There is an extensive list of problems seeking solutions which likely would be solved in great part if we had a coherent explanation of the properties and nature of what gravity is and where it actually comes from. Briefly some of the outstanding issues are the origin of mass, the CP problem associated with the known but small asymmetry between matter and antimatter and the problems of dark matter and dark energy and particle entanglement. I would refer the reader to the lists available on the net such as Wikipedia and others found by search.
Albert Einstein had nearly everything figured out except he couldn’t accept the notion of chaos and chance, so he missed the underlying unification of the two states of matter at the quantum mechanical level of illusory persistent reality and in his theoretical black hole at the macro level of persistent reality. He thought the universe was real in the sense that "God does not play dice with the universe" statement and to betray this notion somehow flew in the face of the universal intelligence he speculated exists.
He had a spiritual conflict which caused his great anger he experienced at times because he accurately described what space/time gravity is and how it acts but could not provide a unified theory of gravity that fit both standard models, sometimes referred to as the unified field theory leading to a theory of everything which preoccupied him for most of his life. I have been working on this issue for sixty years since I was told the theory existed around five years old.
Still, Doctor Einstein simply didn’t go to the end his conclusions about his own theories due to listening to the new quantum mechanists like Niels Bohr which caused him to doubt his own calculations and postulations. I don’t think there has been a finer human mind that ever lived than the good doctor with the exception of the Avatar who is something more than merely human.
I think physicists have tried to explain the universe in terms that are biased towards the a posteriori form of knowledge we assign to the scientific method which has produced phantasms of theories that do not actually reflect what is really going on. Absolutely, none of these theories thus far postulated have lead to the explanation of Gravity by the underlying unification or synthesis of knowledge, either a priori or a posteriori or both which is the goal of physics and epistemology.
Albert Einstein is like the Da Vinci of meditative mathematical visualizations and who was able to see or visualize directly into the past history and future possibilities of the universe at the cosmological and quantum levels of reality. I would say he could see the akashic record or "Book of Life" that Edgar Casey was said to be able to read when in his trance states.
Doctor thought that what we see as real and three dimensional is really more like a ghost which he coined the "electron ghost" which we now know is true. He gave us the notion of a flexible fabric distorted by mass which is space/time.
To think in such terms back in 1905 was truly revolutionary when we consider that what we perceive as solid is mostly empty space and thus a ghost and is flexible and warped. The beauty of that realization is only surpassed by the formula that changed humankind, E=MC2^ which is the basis of these notions of illusory reality we experience as persistent reality moving in the vector of time.
Additionally, string theorists, notably, Doctor Guth gave us the explanation of the uniformity of inflation at the "big bang" event and the ongoing inflation of the increasingly accelerating expansion of the universe. Doctor Higgs and five other physicists associated with the CERN in Geneva, Switzerland at the Large Hadron Collider theorized the Higgs Field which gives mass to matter, causing sub-atomic matter or particles without mass to clump together or acquire mass towards the arrow of time in persistent reality due to the Higgs Mechanism within the Field or at the field boundary.
This property of matter was verified in December 2011 at the CERN Collider and awaits further experimentation and analysis as the CERN tools up for higher energies. It is thought there are five Higgs bosons of which one may not spin and is neutral and may account for the barrier at the apparent sub-straight or interface between the potentiality of infinite mass as dark matter in our space/time and the action of the Higgs Mechanism which gives mass to massless or nearly massless neutrinos which propels the formation of our space/time matter universe through that function of imparting that mass to space/time particle waves due to that infinite potentiality of the dark matter time/space portion of the universe we are aware of because of its effect on space/time gravity but which we are unable to measure or observe directly.
In other words if there had not been a process and reality in the initial explosion or big bang, space/time particle waves of matter would not have gained mass and evolved as the gross nature we perceive from out of the cooling plasma cloud of undifferentiated particles and force carriers. Precipitate and condensate of billion degree plasma does not explain dark matter. I have more to say about this process within this paper.
Stephen Hawking now believes singularities are more benign than previously thought in his recent paper suggesting that black holes may not have event horizons and thus have a different role than merely eating matter that gets to close to their proximity as normal space/time matter and holds that matter at singularity which slowly leaks away somewhere from an object that even light may not escape.
He, now. suggests that matter affected by singularities is conditioned in some manner and left in "disarray" as the result of interaction with the singularity which does not have an event horizon as was once postulated by him. It is entirely possible these so called black holes are just the nexus of the effect of the mass of dark matter theoretically thought to exist due to the theory of procession as observed in the organization and motion of galaxies.
I have always been of the opinion that black holes recycle and refurbish space/time matter by either adding very high energies to their mass and returning them to space/time as high energy particles such as very high energy gamma ray photon particle waves or cosmic rays or as nearly massless particle wave photons such as neutrinos which slowly regain mass again by way of the Higgs Mechanism, thus driving evolution in the vector of time at the macro level of the stars yet imminent everywhere in both scales of size.
There are literally teraFLOPS upon teraFLOPS or even exaFLOPS of information as observations and equations in data available to the World about this growing base of knowledge in the attempt to unify the very small with the very large, accumulating moment by moment from a vast array of scientific instruments and experiments far beyond any other human endeavor that has ever existed and we are getting some place rapidly.
This avalanche of data is very encouraging to the minds that are able to sift through huge quantities of information and see or recognize underlying patterns leading to fundamental insights into the very nature of motion. Science should never be skeptical of the information available to such minds from the akashic record which this type of mind is aware of naturally.
Doctor Einstein certainly was aware of this ability and wrote about it to be able to see deeply into the history and future processes of the universe by synthesizing or reducing large amounts of information and recognizing fundamental patterns or notions leading to postulations. He knew that space/time rested and moved on a structure which he did not or could not visualize even though all the components were known to him.
All this information and still no fundamental notion of gravity, nor explanation of persistent reality as a vector or arrow of time, or singularity or black holes as defined by Doctor Hawking and others and where it all came from originally, where it is going and why, and how we fit into this puzzle. A problem wanting or awaiting a synthesis is where the theory is today.
I really have no disagreement or many doubts about what we have discovered and confirmed about the universe as the Universe apparently is structured to be discovered or humankind would not have built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the International Space Station and a blizzard of new telescopes, satellites, high energy experiments as far as 1000 meters underground and now buried in the ice at the South Pole all accumulating data at levels the new super computers of the Chinese and ours can’t decipher into a coherent whole.
I do believe that the current theories that seek to explain reality have become so complex and burdensome that folks have lost their way with the exception of those engaged in the works of Doctor Higgs revolution who were so right they built the LHC upon their pure speculations of the structure of quantum reality.
Dogmatism is becoming as common in science as it is in theology as religion where theology is a science corrupted by improperly conceived religious notions not based upon a posterior facts and incorrectly formulated a priori religious beliefs in general, such as the Earth is 6,000 years old which utterly flies in the face of even empirical observations let alone science.
The reason I think this is the case that well formulated postulations produce the evidence of these efforts is that I have had similar musings of physical properties since childhood which have now been established by the mechanism and the actual field that apparently gives mass to matter. The Higgs Mechanism is a work in process for a long while which is the excitement of discovery.
In other words Doctor Higgs and his associates where able to synthesize their a priori postulations based on their a posteriori empirical experiences and knowledge to prove their concepts were correct by experimental proof at the Atlas detector in the LHC. This is very similar to all of the experiments that have confirmed the accuracy of the General Theory of Relativity such as the bending of light around massive objects like the sun as it arrives to us from deep space.
Although, there appear to be problems with Doctor Einstein’s equations in this instance of the extent to which light is bent. Like Newton’s assumptions about gravity and motion have been proven to be inaccurate, I am sure that similar problems will occur in certain aspects of the special and general theories of relativity.
That is the beauty of process and reality. It doesn’t mean Newton was wrong or Einstein is wrong as knowledge is not a black and white pursuit whether spiritual or scientific and neither pursuit are mutually contradictive and relegated to either a priori or a posterior disciplines.
Recently, it has been found by measurement that photons of differing initial energies arriving in detectors from deep time, billions of years ago, may have demonstrated that the expected value of the speed of light varies slightly over vast distances which is the first evidence that something is incorrect in or missing from the Special Theory of Relativity, the foundation of modern physics, that states the speed of light is always constant regardless of motion or distance traveled. What it does mean is we are getting remarkably better at designing experiments to test measurements of the predictions of our postulations.
Newton predicted what the effects of gravity would be on moving bodies in tables which he certainly could not have had time to measure. It was only recently determined from the experience of launching rockets into space that his tables vary slightly from reality. This revelation doesn’t mean he was wrong.
In another Italian experiment connected to the CERN, it has been found yet not verified that neutrinos may travel faster than the speed of light, see OPERA experiment. In physics this is a really big deal if confirmed to be correct by future measurements. It is such a big deal it will, again, completely change our scientific understanding of the universe. Epistemology in all its disciples is refinement in Process and Reality just as Alfred North Whitehead suggested in the book of the same name decades ago.
There is a fairly new approach in theoretical physics which I think addresses the problems inherent in the accumulating disparages between quantum physics and astrophysics called quantum loop cosmology and is associated with gauge/gravity duality or Maldacena duality originating from anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence. On one side are the conformal or quantum field theories describing elementary particles and on the other side are the theories explaining quantum gravity as described by string theory and brane theory seeking a synthesis.
As you can see, none of this stuff is hugely simple to understand in any conventional manner. You must be slightly obsessed to enjoy and work on these disciplines and I wish I had the mathematical brain to do so. I must be satisfied with geometry and dialectic reasoning which is the basis of differential equations and algebra and much more computers are simply not capable of integrating and then synthesizing.
Again, never in the history of humankind is there such a quest for knowledge of the highest order, all while we do everything we can to butcher and enslave the masses of humanity that are in most part entirely unaware this quest to solve this puzzle is a foot. Geniuses such as Peter Diamandis, chairman of Singularity University and Elon Musk of Space X both on the board of X Prize and Richard Branson and creator of Virgin Group are actively changing this sleeping paradigm with their creativity and billions.
I wish to be very clear with the reader of this paper, which will probably amount to a few dozen people in the next hundred years, or something like that. This would be a shame and I will tell you why.
I have seen and read portions of dozens of papers written by different people who appeared to be very intelligent and earnest about a Theory of Everything. Some have been mathematicians and physicists and astrophysicists and quantum mechanists and amateur philosophers and just well meaning folks who think a theory of everything or a unified field theory or what ever you wish to call the idea is achievable by leaving out spirituality or leaving put pure science or established philosophical truths.
A truly unified theory of everything must by its very nature include everything, for if such a postulation does not include everything, it is either impossible to conceive of such a postulation or the author’s brain is not capable of thinking and feeling with the capacity to unify such a divergent postulation. Such a paper must also be intellectually satisfying and elegant in some very real sense for it to strike a chord or two with the reader.
Absolutely nothing I have read by any author satisfies my need for inclusiveness of fundamental philosophical ideas and scientific fact. I really wish the Avatar, Meher Baba, would have given us a complete unified idea, incorporating all of science and all of spirituality, but He did not even though He certainly eluded to the possibility of accomplishing this feat for He was certainly capable of having done so.
Further, I may not be absolutely correct in my musings, but at least I have endeavored to be totally inclusive with regard to known knowledge and factual information about the most complex subject, the integration, unification and synthesis of knowledge, so that it makes sense to most anyone.
Unfortunately, our educators did not do a very good job of making the Theory of Relativity in to a household topic of discussion. Actually for the past 45 or 50 years we have allowed our educational system to become obsessed with testing with less and less emphasis on critical thinking ability and problem solving by actually teaching students how to study reality to arrive at truthful conclusions based in facts and experimentation. Case in point, I learned more in 16 months of graduate school than I did in all of my undergraduate course work because it was geared towards finding the answers to hypotheses and the proper way to postulate questions that actually lead to answers that make sense.
You may question everything to little avail, but if you study everything that you question, you actually derive results, called science fact. Half the United States or more have been so dumped down and have so little curiosity in reality that conflated arguments and disinformation are deemed to be true while science is automatically considered to faked. Case in point, I post a article on Google Plus about Antarctica melting down based firmly in scientific methodology and some White Boy jerk immediately says "faked." This fool is no exception to a rule of infinite ignorance expressing itself everywhere in society.
I am a White Guy and I must say openly and distinctly, White Guys that behave as the one described above, are leading this Nation into harms way with the very stupidity they cherish so much by their example. This White Guy, I am talking about, would be and is incapable of reading a paper such as this, and that is a tragedy of unmitigated importance and significance, and will, eventually lead to the demise of the Human race if not corrected en masse.
In the days of my youth, there were still enough educated thinking beings to challenge the challenged and silence their stupidity from infecting the minds of other low information seeking minds who want a fast, no thought, answer to everything, because anything that looks like they will not be able to understand it, is thus, fake, due to the size of their inferiority complex that is sublimated and enhanced by their HUGE GIANT HEADED ignorance of most anything requiring thought known as EGO.
These folks fear life and death in this order, so much, they fuck everything they can and shot the rest because they fear they may not look good intellectually or morally around the immortality vehicles known as women, so they bluster and intimidate and dominate everyone around them that may actually know something, so it won’t become obvious that they are totally and willingly ignorant sots, drunk on their own self effacing values while behaving and acting like their mentors, the Child Tyrants.
The real issue is these ignorant dick heads support the oligarches who convinced them that is good to hate knowledge and fear what that knowledge my do for their cover of stupidity and ignorance because they are no longer capable of making rational decisions based on facts, while they vote against their own best interests, ashamed to be utterly and completely wrong and when they loose, become even more fearful and filled with hate and stupidity. Do you think I am kidding?
I doubt this phenomenon has ever occurred on such a vast scale in the whole history of Humankind. On a much smaller scale, Hitler’s propaganda machine, pulled this off on the German people and we see were that lead.
In the Spirit of knowledge and its acquisition is the purpose of this paper. Also, it is impossible to ever finish this paper.
Brief Introduction
With immense and deep respect for the scientific community and physicists and genius progenitors, and the Spiritual Hierarchy with Obeisance to all Gurus, I will again attempt to describe my postulations of reality and from whence it derives as a unified model with regard to everything and this without rancor or egotistic intent but for the sake of humankind and my sanity, now, at the crossroad of destiny for our race.
I firmly believe when viewed properly the universe and its secrets are more simplistic than the immense amount of complexity that has evolved from the study of cosmology and quantum mechanics and spirituality. Yes, it is possible to know the details and we will, but sometimes these very complex issues are sorted out in a simplistic, all most child like manner such as E=MC2^.
Personally, I love physics and cosmology and read and study everything I can find on these and many more subjects. The physics of cosmology and quantum mechanics, combined as astrophysics, is probably the most important endeavor humankind may have at this time and it perfectly conforms to the study of everything which is the ongoing synthesis of knowledge by study which is what all humankind should be engaged in but as yet has not figured out or awakened to, en masse.
Also, I love dialectic transcendental Mysticism and read and study what has evolved into a coherent body of knowledge equally as earth shaking as the physical sciences have become even to the precise refinements of this very, very ancient spiritual discipline, much more associated with who and what humans are, where we come from and where we go and why we are as we are in various stages of consciousness and epistemological comprehension.
This knowledge expressed as dialectic Mysticism or Sufism is demonstrated in the following example or statement of this knowledge which I find is perfectly compatible with empirical and scientific knowledge, if comprehended in that scholarly manner that graces the mind of a superb physicist such as Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, physicist, and Father of the atomic bomb who was not adverse to the study of ancient Indian philosophies and science.
The underlying assumption as factual truth in either science or mindfulness is, the finite resides in the infinite and not the other way around.
The infinitesimal is expressed as a most finite Everything (universe) returning to the Infinite from out of the OM Point as, first, Darkness, then Imagination, followed by Ignorance, then expressed as nothing and from out of nothing, the most finite or infinitesimal (big bang event), and brought the universe into existence all from that OM Point which universe mirrors, Reality, as a shadow of the Paramatma in Vedantic philosophy all contained within the Ocean of Infinite Intelligence, due to the original WHIM as the URGE to know itself.
From the Beyond, this illusion which we experience as our universe, first came, Light and its shadow, darkness; then Intelligence and its shadow, imagination; followed by Knowledge and its shadow, ignorance; then Everything and its shadow, nothing; then the Infinite and its shadow, utmost finitude; and finally the Paramatma and its shadow, universe, all contained within the Ocean of Infinite Intelligence. Interestingly, the Paramatma views the universe as Light.
This process created or is creating an infinite number of finitely expanding infinite universes, due to this Urge to know all, of which all universes are equally illusory and existing as infinitesimal drops an ocean caused by the reverberation of the shock of first awareness. Universe is the echo of the initial shock and reverberation of the awakening of this Urge to self awareness and mirrors the infinite potentiality resident in the original state of the Paramatma, prior to the WHIM or Urge now expressed as Divinity, all contained in the Ocean of Infinite Intelligence.
I suppose, if the Divinity was extant prior to first Light and shadow, darkness, the process would have been entirely driven by that Divinity and Pandoras Box would not have been opened naturally and spontaneously and impulsively. However, the Divinity that awoke for the first time from the OM Point as Light, deemed it essential for the natural process to freely express its nature throughout the infinitude of single finite evolving universes of the multiverse we theoretically know to exist including parallel universes and dimensions described on television as theories, frequently.
This initial dual nature of Reality provided humans with our free will. It would not be entertaining at all without our meager free will with its limited powers. I think the Divinity is in agreement with my speculation or the original illusory process might have been brought to an end and would not have been allowed to run as impulsive imaginary evolution. Despite the pain of creature existence, little could be better in the light of Knowledge.
For me this amounts to the greatest gift one could be given an individual soul of and from the Soul where we are but drops in the Ocean of the Infinite Intelligence. It is the adventure and pursuit of the mystic which rewards the seeker that thrills and liberates the soul and returns it to its source with individuality and eternal purposeful meaning.
This language and its syntax and meaning is as obtuse to most physicists and mathematicians as their language is to an uneducated and illiterate Sadguru or Perfect Master. The language of these Mystics has evolved and is refined from 84 million years ago as quantified and qualified and perfected by the Avatar as God-Man through the ages here on Earth.
Had we figured out long ago that humanities function is to freely study everything, do you suppose we would still be slaughtering each other at a prodigious rate and amassing vast quantities of wealth, no one can yet but still wishes to take with them to the grave? Whereby, many very rich humans so love and lust for power out of greed, they leave it to their progeny and corporations where it is safe and grants entitlement or some such fantastical obsession they practice as that hideous strength which practice is purely delusional, ignorant and false for it violates my Law of Equity which states you may not take more from a system than you return and is very similar to the Law of the Conservation of Energy which works in a contained system and states energy may not be created or destroyed. This ignorant belief in power and wealth in any system violates the Categorical Imperative of Emmanuel Kant.
Basically, unregulated capitalism simply does not work any better than does war. Rather, Politics and its love child, Capitalism, creates war and the circumstances of war and simply is pure ignorance. Had it not been for war, the United States would have built the huge collider it started in Texas and we wouldn’t be lauding the achievements of the CERN LHC. A lot more children would have been involved in the study of science and math and participating in our government and political system with a renewed sense of challenge and adventure.
If the United States did not spend trillions of dollars on nuclear defense, imagine where NASA and applied science would have lead humanity. Certainly not another rats hole like the Iraqi war or the profound stupidity the world endures in Syria and especially Iran, the Motherland of Esoteric Truth, corrupted by equally ignorant religionist politicos as our own, across the centuries.
Do not believe for one second that these matters do not interfere with locating a theory of everything that anyone may come to understand, just as General Relativity is much understood in todays world. We could have full employment in fulfilling jobs with living wages across the world if we simply integrated education, the study of all things and our jobs together through enlightened cooperation in collaboration between individuals, institutions, corporations and government and sects, creeds and cults for a Public university for the synthesis of knowledge. Ah, but what do I think I know?
Many of the super rich are inbred, greedy and experience self induced stupidity with the spoon of entitlement in their mouths and unable to locate what they are here to do equitably in Free Enterprise and Governance which is exactly what made the United States the envy of this world for two centuries or more despite attempts to destroy democracy. There are notable exceptions to these morons of greed.
I am disgusted with infinite ignorance and small mindedness that exists in the face of the availability of information in all its forms, when, what very few are able and positioned to do with this knowledge for the betterment of all and they ignore knowledge. There is no excuse for the behaviors of greed and lust for power expressed by the misuse of power in the politics of lies and bigoted hate speech.
I have never thought I was a physicist in the classical sense, but I am dialectic transcendental empiricist and mystic and geometrist who thinks it is possible to consciously unify or synthesize all of evolving knowledge for all to see and comprehend, for if this is not possible for humankind to do, then, there is no unified field theory or unfiled theory of everything, period. So, the proof must be in the pudding and based upon our personal and collective cooperative actions and purposeful collaborative accomplishments.
Thank Nature for the CERN and the LHC and other associated works of genius. If it weren’t for NASA and the Goddard Space Flight Center there would be no CERN LHC or Very Large Array (VLA) in Chile because, we led the way and inspired others to built the largest machine ever built (LHC) and inspired Europe to build the VLA.
If we do not find it within ourselves to continue the Grand Experiment of our Democracy the world will likely return to its Dark Age of ignorance and perpetual war, enslaved by the greedy and powerful. For, we are not just creatures of nature due to our evolved consciousness.
We are capable of involution of consciousness which nearly anyone possessed of advanced mind (I. E., genius) will happily admit if pushed to do so. The stages of involution of consciousness are mapped much more completely than any evolved notions of science and investigations of science.
And, now, we are poised to launch the James Web Telescope with instrumentation which will again cause a quanta leap in knowledge both large and small. After all, the study of light in all its forms really is what science is as all things are made of light, even antimatter and dark matter which are out of phase with our space/time as time/space.
It must be said that there are several other hard sciences and spiritual sciences that are advancing their data bases and proofs at prodigious rates such as genealogy which will bring us liquid based or diamond based artificial intelligence (AI) only lacking our soul and superior to our abilities in nearly every way except ethics and morality in spirituality as the spiritual beings we are.
Stem cell science and technology will bring thousand year life spans or the eradication of cancer and the growth of new organs to replace deceased organs or maybe our whole bodies for nearly endless life none of which is as important or significant to our actual spiritual purpose. Believe me if it can be done, it will be done and that everywhere.
The application of scientific research which yields new technologies and enhances old technologies will literally explode with high order definition in process and reality eventually leading to a unified field reality which ramifications may only be expressed in and by infinities yet unrealized that evolution and involution provide. It behooves humankind to rise above ignorance, since the evolution of nature designed us by the Law of Least Resistence with this capability and evolutionary driven mandate.
Most of the following comes from my own meditations and visualizations and where they interface with science and spirituality, I will draw parallels and reference these supporting notions and postulations with verifiable and reliable evidence both a priori and a posteriori to unify the theory of knowledge to the degree available.
ONE - Before Space/Time & Time/Space
There literally was a "time" prior to time as there was no motion as dimension or vibration and what may properly be described as absolute vacuum as the pristine unperturbed, without attributes, even thought or more accurately consciousness of any Devine Being or naturally occurring physical or metaphysical phenomena and prior to duality, existing only as unmoved latent potentiality.
It simply was nothing, and not the nothing of Illusion (Nothing), now referred to by the Sufi as the Beyond, Beyond State of God and by science, as absolute vacuum in resting potential, but only in hind sight as there was no then for there to be a there until the most first motion and awakening, predating any physical phenomena which occurred there after. Only infinite potentiality resides in this totally unconscious and unmoved original state devoid of manifest attributes.
Even Divinity or God was resident in this primordial estate. I refer to this state as the infinite and eternal pre-personal Mystery. After all, Divinity may not be understood or comprehended and may only be experienced as we humans are capable of doing if we so choose.
Physicists, even now have suggested this possibility of spontaneous creation from out of nothing in their musings. I ran across some of this musing recently while studying how to proceed with this paper.
It was this nothing that can explain the uniformity of our universes first inflation in a smooth manner as the Wmap suggests that we observe at the macro level of reality in our most finite, infinitely expanding universe. The reality of our experience reminds me of a fairly smooth foam or jetsam and flotsam of the distribution of matter both large and small as our space/time and persistent three-dimensional reality floating on the potentiality of absolute vacuum we refer to now as Dark Matter and its component derived from potentiality we have labeled Dark Energy.
It is fairly apparent that there are more dimensions than we directly observe due to the missing mass problem noted and measured with relation to the orderly behavior of galaxies not explained by the observed mass of galaxies and the uniformity in the Plank and Wmap. What to identify and how to describe these extra dimensions is the current issue in the search of a theory of everything. Obviously, gravity had an origin even though it is as yet not well understood as to its genesis or what it actually is, like light is or mass is, understood.
We apparently can’t "see" gravity except by inference. We infer gravity exists because apples fall to ground due to the ratios of mass between objects in space or that mass warps space and draws the apple into the well of greater mass of that warped region of space due to the warping effect or gradient due to mass present.
It is very comforting to me when I realized that there is a null void or perfect vacuum when I was eight or ten years old from whence all things derive, including Divinity. The human mind is perfectly capable of locating this quiescence a priori and it is the exact reason we are here and the purpose of our continued existence.
Folks believe it is impossible to grasp That which does not move, which is not the case. Sadgurus, Perfect Masters or Mystics have been doing this for many, many hundreds of thousands of years quite without the necessity of physics or education.
I have postulated a far different explanation of what originally occurred. The current Standard Model simply does not explain what is really extant and moving us into an infinite and expanding space through time. It isn’t intellectually satisfying in the grand sense with the exception of the work of Dr. Einstein and colleges and Dr. Higgs and colleges. Their postulations are Earth shacking and very intellectually satisfying in their implications for an explanation of reality as persistent time.
I am in no sense demeaning the work of any of the Nobel Prize winners or those who have and are working on the problem of existence in relativity. Much of this work is based on incorrect assumptions and simply adds to the fog of propositions or their hypotheses that confuse the path to what is sought, though well intentioned.
This does not mean I disagree with most of the worked accomplished thus far, as I do not. What I do mean is the astrophysicists made the assumption matter annihilated most of the antimatter and that the big bang was just very hot and not cold or both in its inception and ignition. Physicists think that dark matter may not be detectable because dark matter does not interact with the weak force or maybe the strong force either. Well it all depends on what the nature of this missing mass or dark matter is, doesn’t it?
The consensus in the community has always assumed and worked from the notion of the creation of nearly equal amounts of matter and anti matter at ignition (big bang) where antimatter and matter nearly annihilated one another leaving just enough matter to form our space/time continuum. I have several problems with the whole notion or model.
For instance, what created the duality of matter in the first place and what are the actual attributes of this non-referenced unity or force or prior existing phenomenon from whence duality sprang in opposite but equal states which then annihilated one another?
First and most obvious is why does antimatter still exist and where is it located and why does it not continue to annihilate matter all the time, everywhere, if it does actually exist and reside in the universe? NASA has observed and measured streams of positrons being launched up and away from the planet during lightening displays only very recently.
Apparently high energy lightening bolts or particle streams of electrons as electricity strike protons from enough nuclei of enough atoms producing a fairly coherent stream of antielectron photons or positrons and creates this observed cascade as evidenced by observations made by NASA.
Is it possible matter actually makes antimatter, somehow, or visa versa or is the production of antimatter a mirroring effect of matter or something else? If this is the case, why don’t these observed streams of antimatter positrons interact with matter causing explosions in near Earth space where these cascades are observed? For that matter, if antimatter still exists in abundance, what keeps matter from annihilating antimatter everywhere just as occurred in the Planck times?
What produces these coherent streams, where are they going and what are they doing in space/time to begin with? It appears we are able to make antimatter in very small quantities to be theoretically useful in accelerator colliders. The US Department of Energy has built a large crucible to store antimatter.
Colliders create streams of antimatter particles and collide them with matter particles all the time seeking a supersymmetry of reversed polarity and mirror image particles such as antiprotons or antiquarks of which three antiquarks make one antiproton.
If antimatter still exists as its own extant particle wave field and is a parallel universe created at the same time ours was, does this mean we have a symmetrical world coexisting with us as a mirror image or some other world made up of antiparticles which have their own nature and path of evolution quite apart from us or some other equally obtuse explanation that simply doesn’t ring true? Is the antiparticle parallel world running backwards in time?
Is time travel into the future or past possible beyond the equations and constraints of relativity? Relativistic time travel is really about the effect of bodies in motion with velocities relative to the approach to the speed of light over time and then such bodies return or simply have remained during folding of space at a known point which demonstrates that velocity dilates our experience of time whereby the body at near light speed does not age as fast as the known point in space/time that the body that accelerated away from and returns.
This is not time travel in the sense that one is able to move ahead or go back within the actual time line that the time traveler occupies in relativistic space/time. Real time travel is very, very unlikely within the current configuration of this universe.
Experiments have been conducted where particles have been sent ahead in time, supposedly and returned to the present. How would you know if you were not there to observe the appearance of a photon from the past. This doesn’t appear to represent time travel either because it produces endless paradoxes.
Time travel implies that if you or I could be sent into the past we could effect our own extinction by killing our grandfather or change history by preventing a tyrant from being born or moving into the future to see our own fate and destiny, etcetera.
The inherent problem in these notions is the current universe of here and now must somehow rearrange itself as it was or as it will be down to the atom or all possible pasts and futures exist in some multiverse all the time and always have which may be true in a some infinite sense but not in relativistic fininity.
No doubt time may be stretched or compressed based on motion of bodies as Doctor Einstein has proved many times since 1905 when he wrote his famous papers. What you may not do is travel in time as if it were space, even though the two states of kinetic matter, space and time, require each other to create space/time interactions. The conservation of information theory states that information may not be destroyed but it may be altered which is completely consistent with Relativity.
Let’s look at this problem in another and totally different frame of reference. What if kinetic space/time was merely the outcome or evolution of potential time/space? What is time/space you would ask. If space is mostly emptiness or nothing, which it is, then could our space be the potentiality of the time of time/space? Could the space of time/space be what we think of as our persistent time or the potential aspect of space/time that gives our space structure where motion is the kinetic result of the nothingness or voidness of the time of time/space existing as pure potential?
It is likely that these seeming paradoxes of time are in a state of universal evolution which eventually will allow these scenarios to come to pass in a very distant transcendent future of the coalescence of all universes when the fininitude of all possible expressions, issuing from each moment to moment, of the imagination of the finite Everything (universes) are quite exhausted by actually being experienced. I believe actual time travel in relativistic space/time, time/space would be an insane nightmare of the highest order, hell. In other words there is noting that is permanently fixed, but over time, time travel may become possible in the sense of creating past or future moments anywhere and all the time as each moment creates a different state of possibilities where we just experience what is there at each moment, with the potentiality of an infinity of outcomes all the time. When everything approaches the evolutionary state of having experiencing everything in fininity, that state of space/time and time/space becomes extant to experience anything, anywhere and any time without paradox or chaos. This must occur trillions of years in the future to be real and possible. We or anything else except the Intelligence of Infinity will not make a device to move back and forth in the stream of space/time and time/space, period.
Is travel at or beyond the speed of light possible? Again, Dr. Einstein’s equations indicate it would take an infinite amount of energy to relativistically accelerate a body to the speed of light as the mass of the body or vehicle becomes infinitely massive as the speed limit is approached. So, that method is highly unlikely due to logistics. So, let us proceed to fold space which is very likely something we are able to do and much more fun than killing our ancestors or something. Traveling at the speed of light or beyond is not time travel.
If any mass was able to travel at the speed of light, then theoretically you should be able to flip a light switch relative to you moving through time/space in a space/time bubble and have light from a bulb illuminate your relative state which would appear to be light to anyone not moving relative to you moving at the speed of light, and so on and so forth to about 66 times the speed of light, even though nothing has changed within your relativistic bubble. I calculated this number once when I was younger and was pushing my 100 trillion neuron connections to the max.
The only way to achieve relativistic light speed is in a bubble of kinetic space/time existing in the potentiality time/space. Electromagnetism and its opposite electromagnetic double will prevent matter from coming in contact with dark matter or its active reflective principle we observe as antimatter. This ability will change the fundamental evolution and involution of the space/time universe and make reality far more interesting for us curious and adventuresome humans.
If we find a theory of everything as one unified field theory, possibly, we could develop wormhole technology that simply bends time where the universe actually moves around our ship and the ship does not move and places us vast distances from where we were, like a star gate, by the universe moving around our ship. If it is possible we are a long way from realizing this ability without a unified field theory.
Maybe, singularities are able to accelerate particles back to the speed of light just as the equation, E=MC2^, says. Neutrinos are not space ships and have no mass or very little mass as photons as decayed radiation as light energy. The Higgs Field and Mechanism may allow for this proposition that matter, maybe, accelerated to and beyond the speed of light is possible because photons are massless. We are close to solving this enigma.
I want to be very clear about what Doctors equation is really stating. It states that when a mass is accelerated to the speed of light squared it becomes pure energy. So what did Doctor actually mean? Did he mean that it is possible to go the speed of light squared or did he mean if we approach this speed we will release an immense amount of energy as in a thermonuclear explosion, but fail to liberate pure energy but only some lesser approximation?
I do not know and wish I did as it has driven me since I was very young, just like the idea of one polar gravity which describes what occurs in kinetic relativity very well, but does not tell us what gravity or light or nothing really is or where it comes from. What’s it all about, Alfie?
The Avatar indicated that the distances in space are so vast as to make it impossible to travel to the stars and that what we have perceived as aliens from other worlds visiting us are really coming from other dimensions. If this were the case, maybe, we should be looking for the portals and apparatus that allow this phenomena of inter-dimensional travel to occur. Could it be Mount Meru is real and may be located by us in relativistic space/time? I would say it is possible and we will do this for our advancement.
Our planet according to the Sufism, is a fully evolved gross world having a fully evolved subtle and mental worlds in seven planes, extan,t with the gross world we experience as our reality. I suggest the creatures we think are coming from other star systems are here and always have been only in dimensions and planes reality and of consciousness beyond the gross world. I do not intend to prove this postulation as it does not have much relevance, as yet, to the subject of a unified field theory of everything. However, as the reader shall see, all these notions of the underlying nature of Reality are interwoven and extant. It is the job of science and experimentation to delve out the realities of such postulations.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and ground based radio telescopes of all kinds seek to find places that are acoustically quit to listen or image deep space. We would get further locating other intelligence if we looked for them here, under our noses, I suspect.
If nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter annihilated each other at ignition (big bang) what are quasars all about at such high energies of jetting output and why aren’t they still present in this epoch of inflation and what is powering the expansion of space and what makes up the missing mass of the universe we are unable to observe except by inference by measuring differentials in mass between visible matter and unobserved matter and the gravitational lensing which occurs to light arriving here from deep time?
No relevant explanation of universal inflation is evident in the literature other than the work of Dr. Guth and colleagues who have the raw material equations and mental image at hand to explain the sudden inflation and expansion in Planck time, but little to explain the continuing inflation and the hyper inflation that began about 5 billion years ago and is measurably accelerating as observed by the Doppler shift in the spectral lines discovered by a glass maker, Joseph von Fraunhofer, who knew how to make optically clear glass.
This inflation is occurring even as vast super clusters of matter are forming along the filaments that were created by the very slight temperature differentials as described and measured in or on the background radiation images of the COBE and Wmap and Placnk instruments which seems to produce a contradiction of terms and effects at the large scale of apparently connected clusters and super clusters of galaxies that are growing into vast organized features and are not flying apart even as our space expands making more distance between everything at the macro scale.
The time of time/space potentiality is actually what is expanding which is the space of space/time while the space of time/space expands as the time of kinetic space/time giving us the illusion of the passage of persistent time when in Reality nothing has never moved anywhere in any place and it is not a paradox except to the limited mind.
I postulate that these filaments that describe the formation of galactic clusters are the actual fracture lines produced by the inward implosion and the recoil and explosion within the egg of creation thus produced by the big bang event prior to Planck time or distance. In other words time/space was shattered by bottoming out in the cold dark of potentiality and recoiling upon its self by creating immense heat as a reflexive and reflective event, we call the Big Bang.
The shock of the ignition fractured the potentiality of absolute vacuum and made droplets of the nothingness of zero point absolute vacuum potentiality. These original droplets are at the core of every atom and the core of every black hole as micro and macro singularities of cold dark matter.
Where is the asymmetry between quantum particle states and the macro expansion? It is posited that the inflation is not yet great enough to effect atoms that will eventual be torn apart by inflation driven by the mysterious "Dark Energy." Obviously, we have missed something, like gravity and what it is.
Dr. Guth and colleagues have explained, inflation is just a continuing process of the original inflationary event where expansion has overcome the mass of the space/time matter universe that tends to pull its own mass or everything extant as space/time matter back together. This is a real conundrum to sort out by validation which we will eventually solve when we discover matter has two states, one potential and the other kinetic from the time of first inward most finite motion.
Space/time matter must then not be massive enough to slow inflation, so if all or most of the antimatter was annihilated in Planck time, where is the extra energy or mass located to cause the inflation of the universe we observe and measure is occurring?
The underlying questions regarding the mass of the universe, steady state or variable state, and what actually occurred beyond the collected images of light of the total background radiation some 13.798 + or - 0.037 billion light years ago and is come to us as an echo or reverberation, are just beginning to find solution mathematically and conceptually as visualization.
Now, our visualizations and models simply forms an incoherent picture of what is happened and is happening as there is no reliable paradigm except string and membrane theory and now in anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence and the Russian physicists notion of miniature black holes that seeks to explain what is observed. We still do not have a model of what the universe actually looks like although some 400 billion galaxies are being mapped in stages across the vastness in depth of 13 billion odd relic light years. We will accomplish this feat, as well because we are curious.
We will probably never see much of our infinitely expanding universe because of the expansion of space caused by the repulsive force of resting potentiality in dark matter which creates an antigravity effect we have named Dark Energy.
I have searched high and low for a philosophically centered approach to the standard models. This is an attempt to stretch the physicists’ minds to kindle some new approaches to solving questions about gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong forces and dark matter and dark energy and light theory. I am a geometrist and not a mathematically oriented physicist, but I am not stupid, either. I am a dialectic empiricist with a genetic obsession with geometry in ten dimensions since I was five or six years old.
I have thought for years that all the universes are expanding from and orbiting the singularity at OM point or most, most first motion "detonation" not to be confused with our big bang which occurred in an epoch long after the OM Point, extant at the multiverse center and is everywhere infinitely existing, concealed behind the veil of a ten dimensional OBJECT not seen in our four dimensional universe but detectable and measurable. I did not immediately realize that there are possibly trillions of separate universes but my geometry suggests this to be true. The theorists call this the multiverse.
Our universe as a derivative or fractal image of the original extant infinite OBJECT and existing as a most infinitesimal point, now expanding infinitely, yet remaining infinitesimal within the infinite OBJECT, is explained by how the original motion occurred at the OM Point and evolved separately at the level of infinity while coexistent with our evolution from the infinitesimal, much as the most first original motion as the OM Point which predates and mirrors our universes genesis through stages of finite evolution contained within the Infinity and the dual nature of that infinity as the result of dividing the Light from the darkness as the most first natural processes, no Divinity involved.
I actually saw, a priori, this OBJECT, I then drew as a representative geometrical expression of this visualization while actively contemplating the most finite at age twelve or so. It took me awhile to draw geometrically and explain, even now. It was pretty much like someone striking me in the middle of my brain with a sharp pick axe.
I actually think it was my penial gland opening to the Infinite Intelligence without warning while contemplating the most finite or infinitesimal in deep mediation. Anyway, it has kept me busy for the past fifty five years or so.
One study indicates all the galaxies are all moving in one direction while other studies indicate all the galaxies are flying apart at increasing velocities. Everything else orbits something, why not the galaxies orbiting their origin while space expands?
Conceptualizations of the data set of the study suggest the entire universe is being pulled towards another universe or singularity in one direction and effecting all the galaxies movement towards the direction of the mass at this cold spot on the Wmap. Maybe the cold spot is the Object or singularity at the center of our ignition point which would gravitationally influence everything extant in this universe and probably does.
If all the galaxies are orbiting this universes singularity, created at and before ignition, is it possible all the universes of the multiverse are orbiting the original OBJECT, as well, while everything is expanding infinitely? From my perspective, it is more like our universe and the nearly infinite number of possible universes are really turning themselves inside out as in a Kline Sphere/Cube where the sphere is space and the cube is time and where the inside is the outside and the outside is the inside through time and space controlled by the spiritual and physical gravity of the OBJECT beyond time/space and space/time, n dimensionally and which has never moved.
There are explanations of inflation by photons moving through space and that stretch space by motion alone, and by some natural process where the expansion of the cosmos reached a tipping point due to the dilution of universal gravity allowing the whole mess to take off and continue to accelerate and other equally unsatisfying intellectual notions that do not explain what gravity is or why the universe expands as observed and measured with advancing accuracy.
At the quantum state of matter, why is there not more interactions with antimatter we may observe if it exists as we think it does? We know that the production of antimatter varies from the number of matter particles associated with production because they counted both particle sets back in 1973 and beginning in 1964 and demonstrated an asymmetry in the number of particles produced where there were fewer antimatter particles in the CPT experiments.
The Alternating Synchrotron at the Brookhaven National Lab experiment in 1964 determined there was a CP violation, representing a theoretical enigma as predicted by CPT symmetry theory and theorem (Schwinger,1951), and lead to three Nobel Prize awards a in physics. It is now known that there are violations in CPT, as well, where C= simultaneous transformations of charge conjunction, P=parity transformation and T= time reversal. The theorem is based on three assumptions involving the validity of the Lorentz invariant and the notion that antimatter is timed phased or time revered fro matter.
This evidence does not bode well for there being a parallel equivalent universe or a supersymmetry between states of matter and antimatter or simply matter. I have real problems with the very notion of the value of T= time reversal at the quantum layer as if the extant presence of antimatter is actually the reversal of time and there is an anti-universe mirroring the matter universe and is running backwards in time. Of course this notion is nonsense and far to attractive to imagine such super symmetry.
If antimatter causes T and there is an antimatter universe parallel and intimate with ours then T exists on the grand scale and the quantum scale. The evidence does not support these inferences by particle count or empirical experience as there appears to be imperfect imaging of matter and antimatter particles by count. Thus, something else is going on and it does involve time which I have much more to comment upon.
If it is proven that faster than light travel is not possible, due to the accumulating mass to energy ratio issue when approaching the speed of light, and if there is no relativistic time line CPT violations from "worm hole" folding of space and it is symmetrical by count in delayed time, and evidence appears to support moving back and forth on the persistent time line between past and present because it is symmetrical between the count of matter/antimatter particles, then time travel is possible and entirely comprehensible from my perspective and notions of consistency and reference.
However, I don’t think this is what is going on due to misinterpretations of data sets between observed matter and antimatter particles in CPT observations. I do not think physical time travel is possible, yet, even though it makes for good story telling.
Something else entirely is going on and always was and we missed it in the data sets beginning with the erroneous assumption that in the early universe, nearly equal amounts of matter and antimatter annihilated causing a moment of hyper inflation (Gutt) and leaving only our universe made up of X amount of matter as measurable mass and no more and some unknown mass of residual antimatter which physicists and nature make but which we are unable to locate where this mass resides and is not entirely annihilated. This is a big problem and issue for physicists.
I do not think it will be long when data will cause us to reevaluate this notion of the fixed mass of the matter universe which simply does not fit the facts of condensation and precipitation of matter from out of the original plasma cloud produced at ignition and cooled in epochs making the particle stew which clumped together of its own mass, electrostatically and the quantum particle stew that form the very large structures extant and measurable. Where is the remaining antimatter? And if the antimatter was annihilated in Planck time, what is the missing mass?
A new resurrection of the Standard Cosmological Model theory called the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (or LCDM) model suggests that the early universe was composed of mostly hydrogen, helium and dark matter when the cosmic background radiation was emitted when photons fly free which I call clarity. This model does not explain where the dark matter comes from or what gravity is, either. I think I have a better idea about this notion, as well.
The major problem that I see is that nothing as yet explains why our physical space/time universe represents only 5% of the apparent mass of the universe as measured by inference. Something that requires a new visualization occurred prior to clarity and even Planck time some 320,000 years before clarity, at or near the ignition event prior to ignition as an infinitesimal blue white billion degree extant point with a cold back. There is no physical theory, I am aware of, that explains where the damn point derives or if the cold of deep space had anything to do with the process, which it certainly did.
One may theorize and discuss and develop elaborate experiments to validate your equations all you like and have no idea what produced the hot dot or what gravity is.
These static notions of mass and the absence of observable mass sound like classical Newtonian physics all rigid and unyielding to the evidence of the senses and mind. Frankly, an apple does not fall toward the earth due to the mass of matter below the apple, the earth, until it is understood why that mass is extant in the first place and attracts anything, big or small. If it is just an electrostatic attraction beginning with bosons and quarks and anti-particles, we should already have a validated and reliable unified field theory just as Relativity is validated and reliable over time.
We accurately observe and measure facets of gravity while not knowing what it is, just like Newton’s equations of the orbits of the planets and/or space craft which are not completely accurate or precise when used and adhered to in space/time. The equations of Relativity are used to correct the errors allowing space craft to now dock with ISS in six hours as the Russians are demonstrating.
Have we demonstrated and proven that distribution of matter as mass is a constant like the speed of light or is matter changed or even created, sustained and destroyed by another mechanism we simply are not aware of by experimentation and by the formulation based upon incorrect assumptions? No, I would say, and most definitely. If I am correct, our entire explanation of this portion of the Standard model is changed and effects all else according to the evidence.
And finally, what are black holes and quasars, how did they originate and what is there function? Are very large structures and interactions analogist to the quantum states of matter? Where did it all come from and where is it going and to what purpose?
Physicists probably do not like my following explanations but they are consistent and actually describe what we observe as a unified paradigm and potentially answer many of the questions of science and philosophy. I will endeavor to explain my insights and musings for our benefit and so I can pass away peacefully into the most pleasant, continual continuum, having fulfilled my imperative and impetus to do so some sixty yeas ago.
This state of an absolute vacuum as nothing is the source of all relativity regardless of the number of dimensions or forms of matter or stages of consciousness. It is likely all forms and equations and movement came from this nothing and this nothing held all that we are aware of and more as potentiality prior to the most first motion just as Plato wrote about ideal forms coming out of this nothing quite naturally and precipitating into our world as images of these ideal forms described in his cave analogy and the divided line theory, an early understanding of differential equations.
At some specific instant, nothing, slumped or imploded. The Sufi Mystics refer to this state as the WHIM. Aristotle called it the Unmoved Mover. Socrates, a Sadguru, said, according to Plato, "all I know is nothing." Dr. Robert H. Goddard commented that two neurons in an ocean of unmoving neutrons touched one another.
Whatever it was, it was a change, the first change, in a state that was absent of all states and fields as absolute vacuum or nothing. There was no time before the first movement occurred and then there was time. Time is a fundamental vibration as it denotes movement. Again, the Sufi say that NAD was the first sound or vibration. Time does not exist without motion as there is no medium to measure time within.
Until the most first implosion occurred and instantaneously rebounded this sound did not propagate as there was no medium in which to propagate this most first vibration in or out. Thus, the fundamental aspect of the most first motion was dualistic as the singularity was produced first and the rebounding explosion that occurred at nearly the same most first instant of implosion was second as dimensional. Motion did not occur without a reflection of that first motion, most similar to visualize, as Newton’s third Law of motion which states, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
This most first motion was not what we refer to as our universes big bang which came much latter and was most infinitesimal, yet it is similar, albeit, infinite in potential scope. Yet, it is or became the most first extant OBJECT or the original singularity instantly exerting its influence as evolution of the Light as Lights source, as Light came forth from the most first inward movement where inward has no meaning or significance until the rebound or shock which was the most first Light and its shadow, darkness, from whence universe evolved.
This is the OM Point and it is still open and it exerts control over all else that has issued from the original evolving duality as infinity and fininity or the number three which begot all else, literally. Prior to this one, two and three count there simply was no duality and thus numbering. Numbering requires dimension or it is a zero state.
This initial state is referred to by the Jewish Mystics as the manifestation of Tetragrammaton as Light. The Sufi refers to this state as the Beyond God. The most first original state of the absolute vacuum did not move and will never move, and IS the Beyond, Beyond state of God and remains as That which does not move, referred to as the IS state or steady state, and sufficient unto its self quite beyond the notion of duality or unity as it is attribute-less.
The OBJECT immediately separated from the absolute vacuum as it moved or rather imploded or slumped and is the Beyond state. You may visualize the Beyond, Beyond as zero and the Beyond as one, for that is their number.
Until this most first movement occurred there was no Divinity or vibration, only potential in stasis. Still there was no matter or dark matter. There was no immense heat or cold as these qualities had not yet evolved or come out of the deep. There was only Light and its shadow, darkness.
This event actually occurred and is extant, still, as eternally present and acting upon all else that issues forth from the three, literally, and not symbolically. All else issues forth from the first dual phenomena and is the number three from whence all else issues.
In this instant of the most first movement and the instantaneous rebound which really was the amazement or shock of the most first conscious awareness of the Divinity that had never existed, ever. From out of the Light was Intelligence and its shadow, imagination.
The OBJECT that formed is composed of the attributes of duality as described by tetrahedron and in ten dimensions is the extant number three, issuing forth from the potentiality of the original absolute vacuum or nothing at the OM Point from the WHIM and URGE to simply know.
The Object as the attributes of dual evolution found complete expression only when the dual event had fully established this dual nature and expressed it by the evolved and mature expression of the Infinite Paramatma and the most finite and infinitesimal universe.
At this juncture of evolution the Infinite Intelligence was complete and within its self perfect and is expressed as those forces and principles that is the OBJECT and the number three from whence all else flows. What this expression of the Infinite entails is the Infinite Ocean in which it resides as complete within its own self, this Infinite Ocean was struck by the reverberations of the most first WORD, NAD.
The Infinite Ocean differentiated into an infinite number of drops which together are that Ocean just like shacking a large deciduous tree after a good rain and all the droplets fall from the leaves to ground, differentiated, and not in the ocean from where the droplets came from originally but which remain individualized droplets until they all rejoin the ocean again, even though they still are of the ocean only to return to their very nature as ocean.
Again, you may visualize this rebound from implosion or crunch/bang (one, two) and the resulting OBJECT as the number three. Time is apparently the number four. You know, the Way begot the One, the One begot the Two, the Two begot the Three and the Three Begot all else, just as Doctor Tesla said the universe told him, that it was one, two ,three and what Lao Tzu wrote down long ago. This is the idea that Plato expressed as ideal forms existing prior to time. He was right and he thought and knew he was right as numbers are ideal forms.
This mature evolved OBJECT is Reality and is both the Light and its shadow, darkness, that issues forth from the original OBJECT as the OM Point. Light and its shadow, darkness, unified together as the number three, created all else. It is the Intelligence and its shadow, imagination that issues forth in evolution from out of the Light and its shadow, darkness, next.
The Object is composed of the Ten Gods or aspects of Divinity and all things that vibrate and move come from and are sustained by this object including our flat and finitely infinitely expanding, infinite universe among an infinite number of universes issuing forth from this object at the level of infinitesimal finitely as expressed by the continuing evolution of the attributes of the OBJECT whose source and center have never moved and are expressed as the WHIM, as this self contained OBJECT and OM Point even now, extant from the Word, NAD.
It is best for the reader to fully appreciate the notion of infinity as expressed by the realization of the infinite number of infinities that are contained within infinity as numbers. I express this mental conundrum as infinity squared and all that this equation entails within the construct of infinity.
Frankly, the manner in which I speak of these infinite attributes of infinity are very difficult to express in language to convey syntax properly to be understood and comprehended by the reader. What I am describing in these terms is not imaginary numbers. These infinities and there expression are extant and not a story or a symbolic imagining treatment of such artifacts of creation.
The OBJECT really exists in ten dimensions and must be interpreted with words or equations which are, in fact, merely symbols that represent either an imagined reality or an actual reality as defined by a tri-dimensional occurrence in space and time, as facts. I am developing the facts to support my propositions and theories to the degree possible by me and not unlike the writing of other folks, writing about the same sort of infinities I am discussing.
From out of the Intelligence and its shadow, imagination, and resident in the OBJECT came Knowledge and its shadow, ignorance. From Knowledge and its shadow, ignorance, evolved Everything and its shadow, nothing, as finitude and not the primordial nothing of the expression of the WHIM and URGE but similar within the scope of the expression of fininity and resident within the OBJECT and singularity extant everywhere and in all things and referred to as gravity in two forms or states, spiritual and physical.
From out of Everything and its shadow, finite nothing, issued forth the Infinite and its shadow, utmost finitude or most finite resident, within the OBJECT as original singularity of the most first movement inward upon its own absolute vacuum, nothing for the prototype or mirror image of all singularities to follow. From out of the Infinite and its shadow, utmost finitude, is born the Paramatma (Oversoul or Absolute Atman)) and its shadow, universe, from the event which occurs from out of the most, most finite as duality from the most first and original singularity, resident within the evolved OBJECT produced by the most first WHIM as motion that had never occurred before as there was no before.
All of this is in fact contained in the OCEAN OF INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, extant and accessible and present everywhere as described by the attributes of Infinity by the Ten States of God, I express as OBJECT for the purposes of explaining relativistic science in scientific language as opposed to the spiritual language nearly all physicists hate with a passion because there is no proof of the existence for God other than a priori which is rejected by science and rightly so.
So what happens when science finds an Object as singularity at the center of our universe which is really everywhere as every little thing sprang from the original movement from nothing, the OBJECT, in ten dimensional Reality as gravity over-control in two flavors, physical and spiritual?
TABLES: Below:
I apologize as I am unable to figure out how to put my geometrical symbology on the space for it below. When I figure it out, I will do so. You may find the geometric symbol at:
Path of the Evolution of Duality (motion) from the OM Point graphically expressed:
Light IS
and its shadow
darkness is
and its shadow
and its shadow
nothing (void)
The Infinite (God)
and its shadow
most finite
PARAMATMA (Oversoul)
and its shadow
ALL Contained Within:
Ocean of Infinite Intelligence
Expressed as: Ten States of God (reality) and symbolically as OBJECT as singularity
See Infinite Intelligence and God Speaks by Meher Baba
Ten Principle States of God as depicted by Meher Baba
State I
God in Beyond-Beyond
State II
God in Beyond & Sub-States A, B, C
Power, Knowledge and Bliss,
Attributeless-Formless &
Qualified-Manifest in Form
State III
God as Emanator, Sustainer and Dissolver
State IV
God as Embodied Soul
State V
God as Soul in the State of Evolution
State VI
God as Human Soul in the State
of Reincarnation
State VII
God in The State of Spiritually
Advanced Souls
State VIII
God as The Divinely Absorbed
State IX
God as Liberated Incarnate Soul
State X
God as Man-God and God-Man
Theory: Everything is separate and/or opposite but the same; ad infinitum squared.
Full Name: Triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void.
Key: Circle = space, Square = time, Ellipses = orbits, Black = time/space, Blue = space/time, Triangle = Divinity (Beyond God State) which vibrates and creates space/time and time/space and exists beyond all time and space, and space and time and does not, nor ever has moved (Beyond-Beyond God State) - Infinite Intelligence.
Copyright 1971 Jack L. Sanders
What is actually being said in the tables above is there is really only ONE Devine Being appearing in different ways in different gauzes including you and me. This notion is a lot for some folks to incorporate into their belief systems. As an old friend told me fifty some years ago, "you must be your own guide." What this guy said to me makes more sense than everything else I have read, written, heard, seen or thought, before or since. It is absolutely intellectually and emotionally completely satisfying to me. I believe it to be true and to encapsulate everything we are or may become.
The infinitesimal universe we occupy came from the reflection of the original OBJECT and our evolved Object produced by the most first finite motion that is dual as first darkness and then light in that order. This universes Object as singularity and followed by ignition or explosion and then as hyper- inflation, I postulate is obscured behind the cosmic microwave background radiation prior to the dark age epoch and clarity during ionization of the cooling condensate and precipitate of matter through quasar and galactic formation.
I am unable of conceiving that there is no relic of the Big Bang that is physically extant, all be it in a higher dimension which I conceive of being nine fold and unified as ten. For the purposes of science Ms. Randall may have her fifth dimension but it isn’t intellectually satisfying to me. I wouldn’t have bothered to express the creation in geometric terms if it weren’t for the necessity of synthesizing spirituality with science as neither one contradicts or detracts from the other and only appear separate or unrelated because one is finite and the other is infinite. What is most amazing is the finite may come to know the infinite.
The Object is likely surrounded by dark gravity objects, as well, and it is likely a ten dimensional artifact from the reflection of the shadow, darkness of the original dual OBJECT. This infinitesimal and prototype of the mirrored original duality, imploded exhibiting massive gravity potential as time/space dark matter (contraction) / dark energy (inflation) inward to singularity (Object) and rebounded and exploded exhibiting the kinetic activity resident in potentiality we have described as dark energy. Stated in classical physics as Newton’s Third Law of motion and paraphrased: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This occurred in less than Planck Time and distance, yet started the clock of time prior to expansive space; thus, time/space in that order.
Antimatter, as the reflective and active component of dark matter, produced by mirroring or reflecting space/time matter as the kinetic expression of dark matter potentiality, was the rebound from implosion and created that billion degree blue, white hot temperature at ignition from an infinitesimal point where potential energy became kinetic in the rebound from implosion causing an immediate annihilation of potential dark matter in its reflective and active antimatter non-symmetrical image.
The space/time matter is thus created out of singularity by ignition caused by the rebound from implosion that actually brought space/time and matter into existence. This most first and minuscule movement in this universe simply mirrored the original most first motion from out of the WHIM and URGE to know as the OM point.
The recoil from implosion as ignition was simply potentiality released as kinetic energy which immediately sought to reestablish equilibrium again in potentiality. Potential time/space antimatter that simply reflects space/time matter and which the dark matter of potentiality actually repels matter which is seeking to return to potential and quiescence.
This dance of potentialities due to implosion and rebound ignite at extremely high temperatures in minuscule finite time/space dark matter and the rebound that describes space/time and matter simply annihilate forming plasma and rapidly expanding due to the newly formed mass of matter seeking antimatter annihilation and thus repelled to preserve equilibrium in potentiality is really antigravity.
Thus, gravity may not exist without its dual component, derived from dark matter as antigravity. Thus, Gravity differentiated into antigravity/gravity at ignition. Gravity appears to be effected by antigravity which now separated into two forces remained fused in function and effects, one from the other at all times and across all distances regardless of motion or temperature.
The missing mass we labeled dark matter is and remains potentiality expressed as immense anti-gravitational activity. This active anti-gravitational force exists as dark energy to avoid annihilation with matter that is actually attracted to dark matter potentiality to regain equilibrium that dark matter seeks to maintain. It, is not a paradox.
Space/time expansion is driven by the Object (singularity) at center of the universe and the much smaller versions of the Object as the burned out quasar singularities in the centers of most galaxies and massive black holes from the collapse of massive stars all universally connected by and through gravitational over control at singularity of space/time matter and time/space dark matter as the balancing act between the active (kinetic) and passive (potential) states of matter.
Quasar singularities, apparently, spew massive amounts of space/time matter into the early universe prior to and after clarity to avoid continued annihilation which upsets the potential energy state of dark matter. Antimatter as a active component of dark matter seeks to mirror matter particles to repel matter particles by avoiding annihilation. The universe tricks itself into growth and evolution as the continuing battle between the two states of matter.
We know that the CPT exhibits violations throughout the formula and theorem due to asymmetry in all three conditions of the measurement of the extant number of both states of matter. This evidence really throws cold water on the notion of relativistic time travel which physicists knew about as long ago as 1964 while they still seek to find a super symmetry between matter and antimatter or even states of just matter quantum particles.
The Tetragrammaton or names of God in ten dimensions of Kabala resides deep within this Mystery as the original and only IS state as the awakened awareness of the absolute vacuum. This Infinite Reality was taken up and mirrored by the finite as the finite expression of OBJECT through the processes inherent in potentiality of absolute vacuum and expressed in relativity as the triple tetrahedral triangle that forms this universes Object in nine dimensions and unified within the tenth dimension as Infinite Intelligence that vibrates the song of the spheres and is gravitationally fused to Infinite Reality as the Infinite Intelligence which pervades all.
What this most first movement produces by way of most finite, infinitely expanding infinite universes that are all illusory and ultimately transient in an absolute sense, exhibiting the infinite manifestation of the potential infinity is resident in and from the absolute vacuum of nothing, not to be confused with the infinitesimal nothing, is that original OBJECT composed of nine forces or principles that actually are extant at infinity and within this universe as a mirrored Object of the original OBJECT formed at the OM point as Tetragrammaton when the Light went forth and its shadow darkness, thus, duality.
Thus, fininity sprang from the Infinite and not the other way around.
Sting theorists think there are eleven dimensions and the recent buzz is there are nine dimensions. There are ten dimensions that exhibit all realities. Whether or not the expression of these ten infinities will actually transcend the ten Gods is entirely dependent on the outcome of the eventual coalescence of the infinity of the most finite, infinitely expanding and, thus, infinite number of infinite universes, trillions and trillions of our years from this moment. It won’t be dead and cold as current physics suggest, I assure you. I have more to say about this reality.
The OBJECT always speaks with the sound of creation which is NAD sometimes confused with the OM that is imbedded in the NAD sound and which we hear as the hiss of the universe background radiation which you may hear within your own head and this, very loudly at times of great concentration in deep meditation in samadhi.
The Jewish Mystics or Kabbalists would explain or view this sound as the Light that rushed out of the potential Divinity to the Omega and returned to the Alpha faster than the speed of light which Doctor Guth discusses as this universes first inflationary period after the big bang event in the first moments of the expansion of this universe which was relativistically very small within a space/time and time/space just formed from out of the most finite nothing as the most infinitesimal.
This first Light was both blue and red according to Sufism, much like the blue and red shift phenomena. I like to think or visualize the red as more electric pink. This most first Light is the model for all subsequent universes that calve from the original OBJECT by whatever vibratory definition used to produce an endless number of infinite universes that differ, one from the other just like snow flakes while still retaining a fundamental fractal pattern throughout which, I sketched geometrically in some detail, I refer to as the triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void, on two dimension surface.
So what is this Object mirrored from the original and where and when is it? Well, it is ten dimensional and does not necessarily appear in an extant manner in our four-dimensional universe so that we may see it or detect it, yet, or interact directly with it even though it infuses every particle wave and field there is with its properties of which not the least is Gravity. Brought about, through the extant singularity (Object) that produces this universes "Big Bang" event and rules our physical gravity everywhere, embedded within the attributes of gravity we experience as space/time matter and infer as time/space dark antimatter as the active principle of dark matter in Object as singularity which, although matter is attracted to is repelled by the dark energy effect of potentiality repelling kinetic matter to avoid annihilation.
It, Object, isn’t matter but it makes matter. It isn’t antimatter but it makes it. It isn’t dark matter but it allows this model to exist. It isn’t dark energy but it is the modus operandi that powers the continuing inflation and hyper inflation we named, dark energy. It is the source and center of Gravity/Antigravity over-control of this universe. It also makes a copy of itself, one per day, as collapsed novi singularities all over the universe. This Object is a copy of the original OBJECT at OM point giving symmetrical expression to forming universes.
The Wmap tells us that Dark Energy accounts for some 73% of the mass or stuff the universe is made of by analysis of the waves rippling across the microwave background radiation.
It isn’t the Higgs Field but it allows this field to exist between the states of matter and dark matter at the sub atomic level of persistent reality as the barrier or boundary layer between the innate characteristics of potential and kinetic, rest and motion, and at the macro level of persistent reality as black holes that have ten billion times the mass of our Sun or star and are composed of matter and antimatter in equilibrium when they are not feeding or venting plasma. These objects are likely far more benign than once thought and now Dr. Hawking agrees is probable.
I can safely say that no explanation of reality may exist to explain the unified field theory without the notion of such an OBJECT being extant. It is improper to give two many attributes to this object as it really defies such labeling as it isn’t very small or very large or both or neither. It simply IS and it gives rise to all else whether illusory, real, or conscious or unconscious. It reproduced its attributes and/or lack of attributes as the Object that created our infinite universe in the big bang event in a calving or fractal manner and it continues to do this endlessly in multi-dimensional space like drops of an ocean.
It’s extant reality is cloaked by the shadow of the illusory universe of evolution which the Object produced in our big bang, so there is always a duality that exists everywhere between the imagination of the illusory universe we call reality and that Reality that the universe seeks to approach through evolution of the human being and then by the involution of human consciousness which ultimately transcends the illusory universe of imaginary impressions and returns to Reality from whence we came and it remains always present and extant in spite of the shadow illusion that issued from Reality. That is the current game in town and far into our futures. Reality always views the illusion as its self or Light always views darkness as Light.
Why you may ask, such a convoluted journey and the answer is, so that everything may experience everything in fininity to infinity squared to exhaust movement by experiencing everything until everything knows everything in order to transcend its own Self. Our purpose is change within change for the sake of change as ethically guided and morally driven spiritual being that we are by nature as imprinted upon us by the Divinity shortly after IT’S awakening. We are very old and the envy of the angles, literally.
Thus, there is Reality and the Illusion of creation existing simultaneously and we humans are here to locate and rejoin That from whence we came so very long ago. It is our personal responsibility to do so and it is our purpose and function or job. To deny this purpose is to prolong the suffering inherent in the evolutionary worlds of space/time and the higher subtle and mental worlds, extant and in intimate contact in and upon this earth.
The only effort required is to make endless ethical and moral decisions which eventually free us from illusion and endless imagination, so we too may become infinite universes each to their own if so qualified by the achievement of such perfection in the dropping of illusory impressions we pick up through the three worlds of evolution as described by the three epochs or generations of matter (Fermions) and the seven stages of hydrogen or star formation that made the three epochs of matter in the seven discrete plains of consciousness expressed and available in our brains and located by involution of consciousness, now full and complete as an ethical and morally driven human being.
These generations are not well understood in science but are referred to or known as the three evolutions of matter, but briefly they correspond to the Mental world (sphere), the Subtle world (sphere) and the Gross world and sphere extant through the seven stages of hydrogen as stars and corresponding seven planes of consciousness that ultimately evolved to produce the heavy elements and thus the gross World that allows our essence to inhabit the evolved body we inhabit. It took this universe billions of years to evolve our physical vehicle to house our spirits or souls as ethically evolving spirit beings or beings of Light which we have always been.
One: The OBJECT exists as what I refer to as the Triple Tetrahedral Triangle or nine intersecting and non-intersecting plains of force, whereby, the forces or principles that comprise each of the three interacting/non-interacting aspects of infinity. The expression of the kinetically active tetrahedron are infinite knowledge or omniscience, infinite power or omnipotence and infinite bliss or omnipresence.
The preserver and protector of all as Parvardigar pervades and resides within this omnipresence of all three tetrahedrons. An example of infinite power is representative of ignition at big bang. Infinite knowledge is a mirrored expression of Infinite Intelligence. Gravity, unified, is an expression of infinite bliss and omnipresence in space/time. Our space/time universe derives from this tetrahedral expression of kinetic primal forces and principles as apposed to the zero point resting energy of empty space or resting potentiality which is fused with the kinetic principle and thus moves this tetrahedron and universe.
This trinity of principles and/or forces accounts for the kinetic tetrahedron of the three tetrahedrons. This tetrahedron comprises three of the Ten Gods or dimensions and which are most closely aligned as what we experience, observe and measure as our three and four-dimensional universe of space/time and much more, of course, in three evolutionary worlds and seven planes.
If these three aspects of Divinity and/or physical reality and the other seven tetrahedral dimensions did not exist, neither would you and we would still be an absolute vacuum or the zero point energy of resting potential which we know to exist prior to motion. Our space/time fabric accounts for nearly 5 percent of the mass of our universe and is space/time matter and it comes from the initial rebound of the formation of our Object from implosion. The five percent was derived from the formation of subatomic particles synthesized at high temperatures of 1 billion degrees and evolved from the mirrored image expressed as antimatter/matter annihilation from the potential inherent in vacuum we have named dark matter/dark energy which are the dual products of resting potential.
Two: The next tetrahedron of the three is more closely aligned to that portion of our universe that we are having difficulty observing or measuring, except by inference by measuring the effects of gravity as the mass of what is observed and measured affecting the orbits of stars around the center of galaxies and the photonics light which travels to us from deep time.
This is an immense mass we are unable to directly interact with, detect or at least know about as we do earth, air, fire and water and plasma, albeit this missing mass is imminent with these empirical notions and accounts for the time/space effect of singularities or black holes which in great part power the inflation of our universe and condition our kinetic space/time matter entropically through the vector of persistent time.
Or stated another way, new matter may be created and has been created since first ignition and will continue to be created from out of the neutrinos produced from super novi and exotic massive stars which produce singularities, one per day. The idea that matter may not be created or destroyed simply does not fit what is observed by the study of the physics of light simply because there is more light now than at first clarity.
So what was converted to increase the amount of light? Hydrogen clouds spewed forth from huge quasars were converted to stars and then more light would be the explanation, I suppose. Hydrogen being created by the annihilation of antimatter by matter to synthesize the quarks that make up the hydrogen atoms. So, the dark matter didn’t go away someplace and still interacts with matter as a reflected image of matter particles which do still annihilate the mirrored antimatter particles as observed and measured, but not in supersymmetry as documented by the CPT experiments and others.
This simply does not explain where all the evolving particle waves come from or how they evolve. Certainly, gamma ray photons come from the collapse of stars, so were all gamma rays created at ignition or did they continue to propagate and from where or are physicists talking about the alchemical transmutation of matter through time, or something.
I mean, if matter was all created at one time after the annihilation process was ending, then what has matter been doing with itself, alone, and without further interaction with antimatter or dark matter which apparently exist at 23% or less of the mass of the universe. Don’t you suppose the annihilation of antimatter is still going on but at a much slower rate? Don’t you suppose this reservoir of potential energy conditions and refines matter in stars and black holes and antimatter/matter encounters, all the time? The universe is not static in its development, so what drives it?
If matter can not be created or destroyed, are we sitting on 23% or less of the mass of the universe to no effect? I think this postulate of the nature of matter is simply wrong. This notion appears to be an artifact of Steady State theory where matter is neither created or destroyed. Well, I bet it is transmuted and conditioned and replenished according to a much larger scheme than we allow ourselves to contemplate and imagine.
Physicists refer to this missing mass as Dark Matter and it accounts for some 23% or less of the universe. Actually, it may account for all the missing mass and energy which I will get to and explain as resident potentiality in vacuum, delayed in time.
This tetrahedral collection of strings or multi-dimensional membranes is akin to what I have referred to as time/space fabric in this universe where antimatter is the active component of dark matter which is zero point resting potential. Antimatter and thus so called dark matter seeks to avoid matter and annihilation and repels matter diluting the strength of the gravity of Relativity.
Physicists postulate that nearly all the antimatter and matter were nearly consumed shortly after the big bang leaving the mass of our matter from which all else is formed and that this mass is a constant or steady state. I suggest and postulate that matter and antimatter separated at ignition or shortly there after and annihilation slowed and still continues as observed in colliders and other instruments.
Matter is attracted to antimatter or more accurately, to the potentiality of dark matter to return to a quiescent state and this is Relativistic gravity, just as Doctor Einstein described it. I postulate that dark matter is what causes matter to clump and form stars made of particle waves. Electromagnetism is produced by the interaction of matter and dark matter at the boundary layer between them. Static electricity causes the clumping of particles and relativistic gravity increases as particles fall towards potentiality to form stars and solar systems.
Dark matter is repelled by matter and at the boundary layer, where the active component of dark matter, which is antimatter is or becomes the physical reflection of matter but reversed by spin and angle of incidence and dilated through time when matter seeks to consume or annihilate dark matters potentiality as its active reflective principle, antimatter, and is our perceived value of relativistic gravity in space/time. Dark matters repulsion of matter is anti-gravity and dilutes the force of gravity based upon the mass of dark matter as resting potential present at the boundary layer everywhere in space/time, macro and micro.
The boundary layer or Higgs Field is the result of the most first implosion which started time prior to space as there was no space to move within. The rebound as the opposite and equal most first movement upon its own emptiness established space as the most first dimensional event, as time as the most first motion occurred in null space or void (absolute vacuum) without dimension.
Thus, time/space predates space/time by an extraordinarily brief period as the rebound
was nearly instantaneous. In the universe, thus created from out of the infinitesimal, the time/space implosive event is separated from the space/time explosive event in time and this boundary layer exists in steady state as space continues to expand. This phase shift is due to the passage of a most short elapsed time scale which is measurable, I am sure.
The electroweak fused force became extant when electricity began to flow from electromagnetic evolved force. The fifth and sixth states of matter exist as the insulator boundaries between the potentialities produced by electromagnetic energy in space/ time and its mirrored image as its magnetic/electric counter part existing in time/space.
An example would be a 60 cycle AC - current where the alternating positive and negative charges are at alternating ends of the loop between space/time and time/space in mirrored reflection from the optic properties of the fifth and sixth states of space/time matter. I do not know as yet which state of matter is closest to the time advanced time/space potentiality.
If the same ends of a magnet, repel one another in space/time, they attract each other in time/space and they alternate when spun around each other actually making electricity. In the center of a quasar it is both exceptionally hot and exceptionally cold only separated in time by the distance the implosion moved and rebounded from, as well, as existing at the boundary layer between the atom and its counterpart as mirrored between the two states of matter as space/time and time/space.
The strong atomic force is the weak atomic force in the time/space potential state of matter, dark matter. Liquid hydrogen is slightly separated by time from the pure fusion of hydrogen gas. Its like the frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean remaining stable unless heated slightly and making methane gas. Heat and cold are as essential to persistent reality as are gravity/antigravity, however, heat and/or cold are created by gravity/antigravity.
The strong force is derived from electricity which actually powers electrons in orbits around nuclei as the attraction of matter to dark matter where the weak force of decay drives from magnetism which provides enough energy to slowly cause the strong force to allow particles to escape from the gravity well of potentiality as time/space and time phased burning radioactively as matter/antimatter annihilation in slow motion. These competing forces provide the structure or scaffolding that is persistent space/time.
The weak atomic force exhibited by radioactive elements decaying in space/time become the strong force in time/space and thus stabilizes the decay and establishes the rate of decay of the isotope in space/time, unless fission-ed or fusion-ed. If the physicists wish to contain a hydrogen fusion in a chamber they must first balance the forces that exist between time/space and space/time matter.
The gravity wells are asymmetrical in both states of matter due directly to the greater potentiality of time/space and thus dark matter gravity or our antigravity. When we are able to suspend the imbalance between the two systems and exploit its benefits we may well approach the speed of light travel and likely warp drive. I would imagine you can produce antigravity and gyroscopically stabilized antigravity craft including a warp drive powered craft running on water.
The electromagnetic force of light came into being as the interaction of the implosive event as singularity and the explosive event due to the states of potentiality between the time delayed unification of Gravity. This minute time delay between the events of implosion and explosion creates the negative and positive charged couple that is electromagnetism.
This continuity of forces provides immediate feed back throughout the entire system which is always engaged and full of light where one particle wave is always connected to all other particle waves. This occurred after the plasma cooled sufficiently to produce discreet particle waves or particles as referenced by particle physicists, as quarks/antiquarks closely associated with matter and neutrinos closely associated with the massless product of the interaction of matter with antimatter, especially in black holes.
Really the particles are the peaks and valleys of the particle wave form as postulated by a physicist at the CERN and written up in an article in Scientific America, I do not possess and don’t want to look up.
This boundary layer, due to the passage of time from the most first motion inward into void and the very short period described by the rebound, actually becomes the engine that produces space/time matter and keeps it separated from the resting infinite potential of time/space and singularity, slightly delayed in our time and separated by a very small space in zero point energy as resting potential. It simply is a measurable relativistic time dilation and accounts for the dilution of space/time gravity which is attracted to the resting potential to obtain equilibrium is repelled by the time dilated time/space continuum which seeks to remain at rest. Again, the unmovable object meeting the unstoppable force, one at resting potential and one in kinetic motion.
It isn’t so much that dark matter is something totally unlike matter. Rather dark matter is the potential counterpart of kinetic matter, everywhere and all the time. Dark matter fractured from matter at ignition which occurred after implosion into potentiality and after the rebound of kinetic energy as ignition when kinetic matter sought to recombine with resting zero point potential, thus causing the fracture between states and the actual filaments or temperature variations in the cosmic background radiation that the galaxies form along into clusters and super clusters of material kinetic space/time matter seeking to return to quiescence and resting potential now existing as time/space dark matter.
Thus, causing said state of potential to repel matter causing the strength of the attraction of matter to time/space potentiality to be diminished due to an antigravity effect that avoids annihilation to continue as it did throughout the epochs of Planck time after the Planck Era which we now describe as Dark Energy. Dark Energy seems to effect the space of space time by inflating space. As more and more galaxies form along the fracture lines of the COBE and as more and more black holes form from the collapse of stars as novi the more space of space time will expand or inflate. Our space is a relic of the most first inward implosion which was the time of time/space once space/time became extant as the explosion or reaction to implosion into potentiality or null space.
The fracture lines are the result of the very cold absolute vacuum forming the colder areas of the COBE which the kinetic hotter explosive regions clump towards. This accounts for the structure of dark matter we observe as the light that warps or bends around these regions of cold as they arrive from deep space and time to be observed by our instruments. Thus, dark matter is cold potential as darkness and matter is kinetic activity as light. This notion may be too simplistic for cosmologists and physicists but I think it is just that simple and fits what we observe and measure while explaining what Gravity is and how the other three forces derive from Gravity and what dark matter is and how dark energy derives from potentiality as observed upon the image of the COBE.
I think Dr. Higgs and associates contend massless "particles" such as neutrinos obtain mass from the Higgs Field by way of the Higgs Mechanism as yet unexplained. Where do the neutrinos come from and what made them massless photons in the first place? Of course, I would contend that black holes strip space/time matter of its mass and throws or releases newly formed neutrinos out into deep space to gradually encounter the Higgs field and by striking mirrored antimatter particles to gain mass once again is the Higgs Mechanism. Does anyone think I am onto something fundamental or just crazy?
The Higgs Field is a sticky very heavy substance called pure potentiality which is very cold and unmoving. I have described this field as a thin layer of foam embedded in the fifth and sixth states of matter or the electromagnetic flux generated between the states of potentiality as kinetic and resting energy over delayed time. Believe me, electricity is very sticky and magnetism is sticky and repulsive based on polarity especially dilated over time. The T in CPT as the reversal of time in antimatter particles was probably an insight into this dilated time effect, I think is extant and observable as the kinetic space/time universe of matter is slightly younger than the implosive time/space universe of dark matter.
The time reversal phenomenon which is measurable but not symmetrical between matter and antimatter was a misinterpretation of data sets when the physicists assumed that there was a supersymmetry. It was even theorized at the time that there was an identical antimatter universe running backwards in time from our relativistic universe and I remember the model well.
Actually, what they measured was the dark matter mass in zero point equilibrium slightly time shifted into our future which became most relevant when the rebound from the implosion or crunch occurred creating ignition and X amount of space/time matter mass which immediately turned back upon itself to fill the void and return to zero point equilibrium just as a high explosive blast behaves in real time or like fission, fusion, fission in an explosion of a thermonuclear device.
The two states of matter remain in intimate embrace due to the gravity effect of matter seeking equilibrium and the anti-gravity effect of dark matter seeking to avoid annihilation, ever so slightly joined, time delayed due to the initial implosion followed by the explosion. Thus, dark matter in time/space is ever so slightly older than matter in space/time held in a fluctuating gravitational field as unified Gravity. This field generates electromagnetism in space/time and "magnelectric" in time/space where the two states of matter are separated one from the other by the Bose-Einstein condensate and/or the Fermionic condensate at the boundary layer or Higgs Field everywhere all the time from the center of stars to the nucleus of atoms and especially in black holes.
The physical Gravity that binds gravity and antigravity together and accelerates the material universe as dark energy is actually the carrier force or field that provides the over control of spiritual gravity, as well, which represents the presence of Infinite Intelligence. Now you physicists may run around in tight little circles if you like.
Time actually exists, due to the most first motion and its dilation between resting and kinetic states and explains why there are CPT violations between matter and antimatter that is merely an imperfect reflection of matter displayed upon the surface of the time delayed boundary between implosion and explosion everywhere and all the time.
This time dilation even suggests that all particles are located everywhere and anywhere all the time and suggests parallel universes and extra-dimensional realities whether now extant or to come into existence along the time line or vector of persistent time. Actually, time is more real than space in fininity even though both states are illusory in Reality which has never moved.
Our infinitesimal universe is a reflection or mirrored image of the original OBJECT or OM Point with an Object as singularity at the center of our universe much like the original OBJECT or Isle, only most finite, expanding back to infinity from whence it came from originally, out of the shadow of Light as the infinitesimal infinitely expanding infinite universe. What I just said is not nonsensical.
Quantum particles appear to be in different places at different times or at the same time across space directly due to our space/time appearing reversed reflection as time/space where our time is the space of time/space and our space is the time of time/space, due entirely to one phenomenon, implosion, beginning very shortly before the other, explosion, or "spooky at a distance," stuff.
The Higgs Field or boundary layer is a huge mirror reflecting space/time with distortions and missing antimatter pairing of particles in these fluctuations between space/time and time/space due in part to the time dilation between states of matter.
The active component of dark matter as antimatter is the actual Higgs Mechanism where kinetic matter is continually attracted to dark matter or potentiality and dark matter repels matters efforts to annihilate to return and remain at rest. The great heat of the initial blue white ignition occurred prior to these opposed forces attaining equilibrium between the dual nature of Gravity which existed prior to electromagnetism and the weak and strong forces as particle waves had not formed from out the plasma of the event.
Gravity was always there, before and at implosion and ignition taking a very short time to find equilibrium between its two states or expressions of force, potential and kinetic. It is a thermodynamic dance. In other words, there was a crunch or collapse of gravity, followed shortly by the bang at a most finite blue white point nearly instantaneously held together by gravity and time dilated anti-gravity, unified as Gravity which contained and focused the event evenly and symmetrically.
The original OBJECT always exercises Gravity Over Control over all such infinitesimal events which I am sure accounts for the relatively smooth inflation of this universe which is not the product of a fourth dimensional star that collapsed but rather something far more amazing and infinite.
One could say our Object and singularity was a collapsed ten dimensional star but that this Object has far more attributes and bells and whistles than a fourth or fifth dimensional star as it is ten dimensional just like its daddy only more discreet and absolutely finite, as it were.
I must disagree with the astrophysicists and quantum physicists about the number of dimensions and the very notion of dark energy as something separate or distinct from matter and antimatter as evolved dark matter. Currently physicists believe that some 72 percent of the universes mass is so-called Dark Energy which is somehow propelling our universes’ space to inflate at faster and faster velocities and that it is all flying apart and will eventually tear the atomic or quantum structure apart as well. This idea or notion or hypothesis may be only partially correct and I will get to a different explanation of inflation in more detail.
Two continued: The tetrahedron thus far advanced with three intersecting non-intersecting plains of force differ from the first mentioned tetrahedron as they are derived from the principles or forces of potentialities as the infinite Universal Absolute (zero point resting potentiality as Gravity in perfect equilibrium), infinite Qualified Absolute (gravity effect) and infinite Unqualified Absolute (anti-gravity effect).
These attributes or principles of the OBJECT account for the mirrored original implosion of our Object as singularity just as the first tetrahedron described is more related to the original explosion or recoil from the implosion as expressed by the big bang in this universe. The tetrahedron, I am describing here, is the one responsible for the most first motion within absolute vacuum and in fininity, expressed as universe (finite) from the implosion mirrored from the original event and Infinite.
From out of this tetrahedron comes the potential evolutionary impetuous of creator, sustainer and destroyer aspects from the interaction of this tetrahedron and aspects of Gravity with the kinetic tetrahedron of power, knowledge and omni-presence which combined we perceive and experience as the five states of space/time matter of earth, air, fire, water and plasma.
We call this interaction of these tetrahedral formulas, persistent reality which though most finite is real for Light views darkness as Light and we are creatures of the shadow of Light, universe. Anyway, stub your toe or cut your finger or strike the area below your nose and tell me it isn’t real.
In an absolute sense only, That which does not move is Real and all that is transient and undergoes change and creation that is sustained through time, eventually is destroyed, is it not. All that vibrates and moves is illusory. Parvardigar, the preserver and protector of all is found here as well as this aspect of Divinity sustains persistent time as unfoldment of the infinite in fininity.
In universe, the initial event or implosion followed by the recoil or explosion occurred so quickly as to be nearly simultaneous and uniform, due in great part to the actual size of the event ignition which was and is infinitesimally small and extraordinarily hot (one billion kelvin) as described by Doctor Guth and others. It was also very cold at the implosion.
The same pattern exists at the quantum boundary layer or Higgs field even now except the kinetic universe is much cooler, in equilibrium as a burning fuse most of the time and much more involved in the evolution of particle waves which originally did not exist except as potentiality and or plasma at ignition until the plasma cooled condensed and precipitated particle formation as quarks and anti-quarks.
The minuscule time shift between matter states allowed the color red to exist, thus the two primary colors. Blue shifted light or space/time light is relative or is moving towards our reference point. The red shifted light or time/space light is not relative to our frame of reference as it is always moving away from our frame or relative frame of reference.
In other words, the implosive force formed the singularity and time/space which is slightly red shifted and the explosive force formed quasars, stars and space/time which is slightly blue shifted relative to the two states of matter or matter and dark matter.
Three: The third and final tetrahedron that comprises the OBJECT is contained in the Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Unconsciousness and the Infinite Pre-personal Mystic which is the absolute vacuum or nothing and the source of the akashic record. This accounts for nine of the ten dimensions or Ten Gods. When these triangles of force and principles are combined and active, it is representative of the tetrahedral OBJECT.
The interaction and non-interaction of the triple tetrahedral triangle are unified in the extant Infinite Intelligence and tenth dimension which Doctor Einstein referred to as the universal intelligence in nature. The Infinite Intelligence pervades everything and is akin to the notion of quantum entanglement Doctor suggested exists in nature so that one particle knows what and where every other particle is and is doing as in the speed of thought all across the Universe of universes.
Our universe obviously transmits information via the electromagnetic force at the relativistic speed of light at the boundary layer with distortions due to the time delay between matter states. It seems to be present in some manner but it may be misinterpretations of data sets as well as is CPT symmetry.
I think the Infinite Intelligence is simply built into everything that moves, just as everything that moves is embedded in Gravity, whether material or spiritual in experience.
If you turn your attention to the drawing of the triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void, the alternating blue and black circles and blue and black squares, emanating from the center, derive from the tetrahedron at center as the vibrational interaction of the representative blue and black triangles which describe both sets of circles and squares but which are absent at center, denoting an Object beyond the space/time universe and the time/space universe over slightly time delayed epochs of evolution where the circles represent space and the squares represent time where blue denotes space/time and black denotes time/space.
The epochs of evolution appear in seven stages with the seventh stage, at center, and it is invisible and beyond space or time and describes the seven stages of hydrogen and the seven planes of consciousness where the seventh plane of consciousness and the first stage of hydrogen are both invisible to us because they formed before and behind the background radiation (B G R) plasma and then hydrogen of the new matter universe.
The first Fermion generation of matter occurred soon after ignition when matter differentiated into particle waves beginning at the Planck Epoch event around 10 to the minus 43 seconds after ignition. This first Fermion generation of matter produced the seventh, sixth and fifth evolutions or stages of ionized hydrogen and other gases, and the sixth and fifth planes of consciousness in our universe. The seventh plane of consciousness was extant immediately from out of ignition and is accessible through the seven stages of the involution of human consciousness. This generation was the evolution of ionized gases.
The first Fermion generation of matter or age probably lasted through to clarity at some 380 thousand years after ignition and after. Epic changes in the states of matter must produce the three generations of the expanding event.
The sixth and fifth planes of consciousness comprise the Mental World of wispy gases and the Mental Sphere in the involution of human consciousness in the first generation of matter. Gross matter as we experience such things had not formed from the decay of radiation into the heavy elements through fusion in stars of that Fermion generation of matter. I doubt lead had formed and gold simply had not formed as matter remained ionized as gases.
I think we will find with refined observations that quasars began to form before clarity and shortly there after and predated stars and thus galaxies that began some 400 million years after clarity and 380 thousand years after ignition prior to clarity.
I suggest that they may not have been so very bright as they appear now. Quasars may actually be dark gravity Objects or Stars that began to slowly release matter back into space/time as it was conditioned by antimatter into new particle waves forms. Quasars we are able to see are more like theorized White Holes or Blazers. The anti-gravity effect was repelling matter and it was being returned and/or created back into space/time through these massive portals where the apposing forces of Gravity were seeking equilibrium and not annihilation.
I believe we will find that singularities in general may have various states of activity depending upon the dark matter mass that is locally present and near these Objects, much like the Object at universe center behind the BGR. After all, they seem to be anomalies in the fabric of space/time and this due to the fluctuations between matter and dark matter through dilated time at concentrated points. Our space/time dimple is a time/space pimple, so to speak.
The second Fermion generation started with the evolution of cooling gases at 380 thousand years, near clarity up to some 400 million years after ignition and possibly some one billion years when stars became more organized into evolved galaxies. This was an age of raw power, producing the massive stars and massive black holes conditioning and evolving matter.
The second Fermion generation evolved the fourth plane of consciousness and the third plane of consciousness and the second plane of consciousness and higher levels of the first plane of consciousness, all contained in the Subtle World and Subtle Sphere during the involution of human consciousness.
The planes of consciousness and the three worlds evolved in reverse order and they are experienced in the involution of human consciousness in advancing order as we count.
The third Fermion generation of matter began some one billion years after big bang and extended up to the formation of our solar system which finally contained the constituent elements of matter to evolve our body at about 9 billion years after ignition. "Dark Energy" began to accelerate the universe with at about 5 to 9 billion years after ignition.
I postulate that the number of extant black holes and/or dark gravity objects is directly proportional to the expansion of space/time. Apparently, a super novi makes one of these portals per day.
This last generation of matter is the Gross World with a small and discrete doorway to the first plane of consciousness and the Subtle sphere for those humble enough to enter through and begin the process of unwinding sanskaras or impressions gathered from the decent into our mortal selves in a gross matter world of heavy gravity.
These impressions accumulate just as thermodynamic entropy becomes ever more complex over time as it seeks equilibrium in closed systems where chaos is often observed like a novi. Interestingly matter seems more organized now than in the early universe.
The Gross World contains all three of the Fermion generations of matter simply because we evolved from out of it all, as evolved star dust. This appears to represent thermodynamic order.
Hydrogen was fused from out of the transmutation of explosive kinetic force of gravity seeking resting potential and encountering its opposite, anti-gravity, which is much like fission-fusion-fission devices are as atomic bombs. only with the reflected image of the antimatter kicker and immense cold of vacuum, time dilated.
At any rate, Gravity produced ignition and temperatures that synthesized a particle stew of matter as the first Fermion generation of matter when ever it sufficiently cooled from the Unified Gravity state prior to differentiation into space/time gravity and time/space anti-gravity slightly time dilated into our future and slightly dilated into the past from the perspective of time/space reference, even though the implosive force occurred very slightly before the explosion.
Yes, it is a conundrum but with order and consistency and in the physical sense without paradox. I do not believe paradox exists when all facets of any system are properly integrated and perceived.
Obviously, it was still cooling down in the space/time universe at clarity as expressed by the quasars which were returning vast amounts of matter back to space/time when vast amounts of matter were unsuccessful in returning to resting potential due to the rejection and ejection caused by the anti-gravity effect of the time delayed implosion rejecting any further annihilation.
Quasars are slightly time shifted portals between the dual nature of matter in two states, one seeking and the other maintaining equilibrium. The physical universe actually tricks itself into existing for it could dissolve very rapidly and this certainly has occurred within other minuscule infinitely expanding, infinite universes with slightly unsustainable equations driving expansion due to ratios between matter states.
A good deal of the original plasma became matter when it cooled, precipitated and condensed (Bose-Einstein Condensate) allowing particles to form between the time delayed interaction and quantum fluctuations between matter and dark matter by the auspices of the active component of the reflected states of matter as antimatter which is actually time reversed by observations since 1964 or so and partially described in CPT theory and the Lorenz CPT theorem which was a question seeking a solution based upon misinterpretation of data sets and is not correct by experimental evidence over time as there are violations in C, P and T.
It is possible that the Fermionic Condensate, a sixth state of matter, is the superfluid that allows space/time to float above, without touching the boundary layer defined as time dilation as zero point vacuum which is most cold and stars are very hot especially at the core when new elements are transmuted from out of the interaction between matter and its mirrored image, antimatter as the active part of dark matter.
If the phenomenon exists at very high temperatures it might be difficult to observe at room temperature in the quantum states of particle waves. Certainly, it must become observable at the very high energies in the LHC which is actually engaged in understanding the Higgs Mechanism in the Higgs field or ocean which I call the boundary layer that sizzles like a fuse burns, only everywhere.
The extremely high temperatures attained at ignition were directly countered by the time delayed extremely low temperatures of zero point vacuum at singularity and dispersed as the dual wave front of the explosion from ignition outward from our space/time perspective and inward from the perspective of the time/space implosion perspective, relativistically.
The universe is actually turning itself inside out to experience all of infinity in fininity to experience and exhaust all possible change or motion and return to Light as the shadow of Light, universe. It will become extraordinarily interesting what and when an infinite number of finite, infinitely expanding, infinite universes become when they all coalesce many trillions of years from now, "worlds without end." I refer to this coalescence as the Infinite Dream State.
If entanglement is real, it occurs at the boundary layer and comes by way of the electromagnetic photon force carrier, if it exists at all. I simply do not see a need for entanglement or that it exists somehow in reality, simply because there is something which travels faster than the speed of light which is the speed of thought and infinite intelligence is everywhere extant, a priori.
Doctor thought of this entanglement in more of an impersonal and purely physical sense and yet it gives rise to his Universal Intelligence sometimes known as the expression of the Law of Least Resistence which drives all of the evolutionary thermodynamic processes. One expression of the Law states that water finds the path of least resistence and since most everything behaves like water flows, it is a Law. Thus, nature appears to be imbued with an intelligence, albeit, natural.
This idea is his notion of "spooky at a distance." It appears if two associated particles are divided and sent their separate ways, each particle seems to know or have information about the other particle no matter the distance of separation but only when observed. That is a little spooky even if we know how this occurs.
It is a phenomenon that is observable and verifiable, quantitatively and qualitatively. Particle physics deductions and inductions appear to be perfect. The explanation is incomplete but simply because there is no verifiable model of gravity or unified theory of gravity to be verified to determine what is actually happening.
I mean, does a tree make a sound when it falls in the forest and there is no human ear present to hear it? And more nonsense, like how many angels dance on the head of a pin? These are not real postulations for they do not describe a path to knowledge that would answer these lame questions appropriately in a rigorous scientific manner, separate from our empirical experience and notions thus derived.
This law of least resistence, works so well it has created or evolved the Supreme Being, soon to evolve into the Supreme God as humankind pass into the forth age of human civilization from the time of our inception some 84 million years ago according to the Sufi Master. Well, there are human foot prints beside dinosaur foot prints in an ancient stream bed in Missouri, the show me state. Is it a hoax, I don’t know, but the Avatar indicated the number given above. Still, I require proof for such speculations and artifacts. These mysteries are why we need to study everything much more.
This evolution of naturally evolved Cosmic Beings is just a reflection what originally occurred and evolved into infinitesimal universes from shadow seen as Light by the Light. Another way of viewing this notion of an evolving Supreme Being becoming a supreme god and then an ultimate god and finally, an absolute god in coalescence, is the evolution of consciousness in humanity, extended into quantum computing and liquid or diamond based intelligence which spreads throughout the cosmos as expressed by the mural of Nick Mayer, "The Six Epochs of Evolution," inspired by Ray Kurzwell’s, The Singularity is Near. In the Last Epoch of Six the Universe Wakes Up.
I would imagine that if Divinity wished to intervene in this natural process and reality, it will and has. This may in part explain metaphysical phenomena and experiences as the expression of the infinite Pre-personal Mystic of the third tetrahedron as well as the akashic record.
These plains of force or examples of principles or expressions of Divinity account for the ten dimensions of which all operate and are extant in our infinite universe. The tenth dimension is the extant Infinite Intelligence, perfectly assessable to humans.
Recapitulation: Visualize three separate two dimensional M. C. Escher’s wood cuts of Three Intersecting Planes which form an object at center of each, referred to as a tetrahedron and assign each plane a force and/or principle (force carrier) for one triangle where the planes represent infinite power (ignition), infinite knowledge (data, raw information, photons, etc.) and infinite presence (available everywhere throughout system as unified Gravity).
Then, on the second two dimensional drawing, assign infinite void (zero point potentiality, absolute vacuum, dimensionless undifferentiated nothing), infinite potential qualification (active or kinetic potential as space/time matter gravity) and infinite potential unqualified (reactive potential as time/space antimatter anti-gravity).
Assign, to the third two dimensional drawing, infinite mystery (prior to all including motion and Divinity and awareness, beginning or end, and devoid of distinctions or characteristics even a God as the original pristine undisturbed eternal), infinite consciousness (the awakened nothingness) and infinite unconsciousness (Pandoras Box of motion and impulsive imagination becoming).
Place all three two dimensional intersecting and non-intersecting planes together in any manner where the points of the triangles are random or arranged and rapidly vibrate the legs of the triangles back and forth where the outer legs describe the dimensions of a square when connected with the legs of another triangle and the inner legs describe a circle in all three triangles thus arranged.
Now, rapidly rotate all three Intersecting non-intersecting planes in all manner of three dimensional rotation where the outer legs describe rectangular dimensionality representing time and where the inner legs describe circular dimensionality representing space and you have produced a nine dimensional tetrahedron which when these two dimensional rapidly rotating triangles reinforce and support each other without friction (condensates) acting in unison describe the unification of the nine primal dimensions unified as one ten dimensional tetrahedron (Infinite Intelligence) both symbolically and extant everywhere as one, two, three and all else.
This is a very complex, yet simple geometrical formuli and proposition, describing reality and Reality as the Triple Tetrahedral Triangle, Elliptical Cubical Sphere, Double Spiral Void expressed as, everything is separate and/or opposite, but the same; ad infinitum squared.
THREE - The Big Bang, Inflation and Infinite Universe
It is interesting that when the four forces are described the force of electromagnetism is dual in nature as electrical and magnetic both having different yet combined characteristics. When the weak force that allows radiation to leak away from radioactive elements is described, it is related to the electroweak force verified by experimentation.
When the strong force is explained that holds the nucleus together as a Gluon, it is often referred to in terms of quantum gravity which isn’t as yet located. No force carrier for gravity is found as yet and maybe there is no force carrier as gravity may be explained as the intimate interaction of space/time matter with the time/space antimatter, everywhere all the time based entirely upon the proportion of matter to antimatter or really, dark matter and time phase shifted.
Where, antimatter is the active principle that allows the burning fuse of persistent reality to produce the arrow of time while particles continue to evolve and mutate at times, such as the three generations of Fermions and the interactions of Quarks and Leptons which lead to this generational evolution and mutation, most likely in the presence of extreme heat and cold.
There is no dual nature ascribed to gravity in the literature. Even matter is expressed in a dual manner as antimatter. Anti-gravity is certainly discussed and theorized about but mostly in terms of technology for traveling in vehicles or flying or warping time. Folks scratch their heads wondering why the force of gravity is so diluted and weak as compared to the other three forces in nature. The dogma is so deep they are looking for another hidden force carrier which they have already identified and misinterpreted, anti-gravity.
Well, I am a die hard dialectician and if you have a thesis you better have an antithesis seeking integration and synthesis over time, observed and measured enough to establish statistical validity and reliability of the observations. That is the manner in which knowledge is hard won, period. The problem is we have stopped thinking dialectically about deep subjects and allowing ourselves to visualize are imaginings and notions to design experiments to test these notions of creative thinking in deep cogitation. You know, what should I Tweet to day?
Gauge-Gravity Duality or Ads/CFT suggests a connection to black holes and quantum mechanics or gauge-string duality that discusses storing three dimensional information on a two dimensional surface in terms of space/time and not as a dual force contained within a unified nature which I have suggested would exist in two states as space/time and time/space. Doctor Hawking or Susskind or one of them recently suggested that three dimensional information is not lost when space/time is sucked into black holes but is preserved as a two dimensional image stacked up in layers. We are able to store information this way holographically on the inside of crystal cubes in discrete layers for quantum computing data storage and retrieval.
Gravity is not described as a dual force and this is the error of the Standard Models. Gravity is a dual, yet, completely unified force based on proportions of mass between the dual components of this force. To me this omission of science is obvious and it is apparently there to be observed and measured, macro and micro for it is the actual "glue" that holds everything together in a persistent manner over the arrow of time. When I was very young and was imaging the very small as the atom and much smaller, I came to this conclusion, a priori as I had not learned how to read.
Gravity doesn’t work without anti-gravity or everything would simply return to vacuum without this dual nature of this unified force which Gravity needs be. Apples would fall to ground at speeds approaching the speed of light and nothing would have any permanence or order out of the chaos and would remain a plasma or another strange form of matter not extant.
God then, really does not "play dice" with the universe, but rather gives or allows natural evolution to occur most everywhere and without much direct Divine influence. Hence, our free will which determines our own fate and our destiny to some extent is governed by our own awareness or lack there of. Human beings may actually chose to either be absorbed back into the Paramatma or to keep their infinite individuality without hubris or guile.
Anyway, God had nothing to do with how all came to be from a purely impulsive and spontaneous most first movement inward upon its source which then spontaneously rebounded, thus creating duality and Gravity in two states inherent within its properties. Divinity only came to be as a result of this implosion from out of the nothing or absolute vacuum.
This fuse burning through time as an arrow is the direct interaction of space/time and time/space at the boundary line of the Higgs Field which may account for the mathematical inferences in string theory that there are eleven dimensions of which the brane is the eleventh dimension. If one does away with the notion of branes which bump into one another causing big bangs, it may be seen that gravity, itself, provides the necessary impetus for a big bang event to occur in ten dimensions where the tenth dimension contains all others as the Infinite Intelligence which I will explain.
If you describe branes floating around in a medium unspecified, where did the ding dong branes come from originally and what are they floating in. This type of reasoning is like Zeno’s Paradox, Achilles and The Tortoise of diminishing distance that is always divisible by half, thus, never reaching an end to a vector that terminates at a known point as it is impossible to reach the point or wall or what ever along the vector.
I do not believe the universe is an enigma, a paradox, conundrum or unknowable construct of some kind, at all. Our lack of knowledge is the only barrier to comprehension or enlightenment there is, period. The quest for knowledge is the mystery which allows for our never ending curiosity.
This boundary line formed from the gravity/anti gravity effect inherent in gravity is formed from the proportional mass present in matter and dark matter and the extent to which matter is attracted to dark matter as the active principle of Dark Matter, antimatter. The induced repulsion of this gravitational attraction of space/time matter to antimatter, is described as anti gravity repealing matter avoiding annihilation with no specific force carrier as it is a unified force and carrier in one.
Rather, it is just the nature of Gravity expressed in duality, asymmetrically as the unified force where all other forces derive from. What may appear as gravity waves is likely reverberations between the competing forces contained in the unified field of gravity, its self.
In other words more is going on than what we think we are observing, everywhere, small and large. I will describe this relationship as visualizations as I am no physicist but I am a geometrist and transcendental dialectician.
This property of Gravity must be evident as no other force could have existed at the big bang event as it was far too hot in plasma to allow any differentiation of forces through precipitation and condensation which occurred as the plasma cooled. The second force was electromagnetism due to the vast dynamo represented by the singularity that must exist behind the Wmap which all the galaxies orbit even as they fly into deep space. The force of electromagnetism actually organized the universe into bundles of plasma that became the quasars which are probably dark matter stars.
From my theoretical framework and my perspective alone, I visualize our extant persistent relativistic reality as the wave front experience from the implosion and resulting explosion at ignition or big bang as a time shifted event. The wave front is actually composed of the implosion seeking singularity which occurred prior to the rebound from the implosion which gave dimension to time. Time began at implosion and had no dimension to run within as implosion as movement was within the point of movement and occupied no space as dimensionality was absent.
The time started from the inward slump into nothingness recoiled upon its own dimensionless existence of fine inward movement and recoiled producing a space for which a dimensionless point could exist within. The clock of the bing bang implosion had stared running prior to the explosive event giving rise to time/space in two dimensions which rapidly began to expand thus forming three and more dimensions.
The implosion didn’t stop as it now had a space to move within toward singularity. The explosive event which gave dimensionality to movement did two things. It continued to expand or recoil away from the implosive event now given space to move within and it sought to fill the vacuous state thus created by the continued movement inward towards null space. Matter as space/time seeks to fill a vacuum. If one observes a high energy explosion this blowing out and returning in still occurs in space/time.
Since time/space was running in time and then time/space at and from most first movement at the implosive event point, most miniscule, our space/time began running in and from the same time referenced point, slightly later than the implosive event at the original dimensionless point when space was formed by the recoil from the most first dimensionless movement.
This condition of time is very important to what we perceive as persistent reality and its vector through running time. As the explosive event sought to return to equilibrium in zero point resting potentiality, space/time continues to seek reunification and equilibrium with this state as space/time that is kinetic by nature as an expansive event.
As time/space continues to recede from space/time in time, space/time seeks to expand and to return and reunify with the original quiescent state of motionlessness. This nearly immediate response of the explosive force to return to zero point potentiality, follows the continued and receding implosive event creating the electro/nuclear unified force.
This force which originated from the movement inward (time) at the miniscule point and recoil (dimension) from the inward movement, initiated the big bang/big crunch event where time/space and space/time were fused and separated by a very short time phased distance in or over time, as unified Gravitation where primeval matter (kinetic force) and antimatter (potential force) were transmutating these forces of Gravity to one billion degrees kelvin and synthesizing primeval matter and antimatter plasma, just prior to Planck epoch of time.
The electro/nuclear force is the result of the interplay of the dual nature of Gravity over time and extant between the dual forces inherent in Gravity as anti-gravity/gravity, unified and now imploding to singularity and exploding to plurality, simultaneously, while ever so slightly, time delayed.
The inner play of these dual forces of Gravity over time is or was the electro/nuclear plasma of the big bang/big crunch event. When Planck time began the dual forces inherent in Gravity, unified, and were the Grand unification epoch while still physically separated by time and remain unified at the most finite point in time and there after, and causing very rapid inflation to occur and providing additional space over time at the beginning of the inflationary epoch just after the Grand unification epoch.
This expansion or inflation of space provided greater dimensionality and divided anti-gravity from gravity as the expanding wave front of cooling plasma from the ignition of the dual forces of Gravity as primeval space/time kinetic dimensional motion and time/space dimensionless implosive motion and reheated the plasma due to the evolution of primeval space/time matter and time/space antimatter (active principle of dark matter singularity) which actually produced the very rapid inflation epoch after the Planck epoch at which time Gravity separated from the electro/nuclear force after the Grand unification epoch.
This separation of gravity from the electro/nuclear force, due to time between gravity states, produced reheating from the production of matter quarks and dark matter anti-quarks which remain separated in time from the implosive/explosive dimensional most first motion event that separated Gravity into anti-gravity and gravity, now separated in real time and igniting into a super heated plasma cloud of undifferentiated antimatter/matter that rapidly inflated as Gravity separated from the plasma cloud (undifferentiated) as the electro/nuclear force, allowing the production the two states of the, before mentioned quarks, also, separated by time, reheating the cloud.
The tension between the dual states of Gravity formed a region between the two forces of Gravity in time, where the interaction between the forces of time/space, space/time that caused the big bang/big crunch and formed the first super heated matter/antimatter plasma fused in the Grand Unification and undifferentiated age of Gravity which then super heated the plasma into the first particle waves after the inflationary epoch.
The gradations in temperatures between vacuum and kinetic expansion in the Planck Epoch formed patterns of density between the matter states where matter of space/time clumped towards dark matter potentiality of time/space and held this state in relative equilibrium while cooling of the plasma transitioned to clarity when space/time began to dominate evolution. The transition was the result of a multitude of singularities that were produced from the original fracturing of zero point vacuum into what we have described as quasars.
The antigravity within these huge singularities emanating from vacuum potential began spewing vast quantities of space/time matter into the newly created kinetic and expanding space fabric we observe as space/time, the time being dimensionality as motion. Time may not exist independent of motion as motion is time even prior to dimension as the bang or explosive event.
The electroweak epoch began with the rapid or exponential inflation epoch while the differentiated plasma cloud reheated the cloud of annihilating expanding dual particle wave fronts, slightly separated in time which occurred slightly before Planck time as the first motion inward to singularity. This was the primary portion of Planck time that annihilated matter and antimatter across the less than Planck distance that has since evolved and stabilized at the boundary layer or Higgs Field between the two states of matter.
The electro weak force evolved and then stabilized matter/antimatter as the strong force between photon orbits and nuclei separated by the foam or fuze interface between states at the boundary layer as the fifth, Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC), and sixth, Fermionic Condensate states of matter. Vacuum is very cold and so is the null space and null time between matter and antimatter at the Higgs Boundary for lack of anything else to call such a small distance and short time, extant prior to the Planck Epoch.
When the electroweak force separated into the weak and electromagnetic forces the time delay between matter and dark matter which were now extant as dual particle fields began the production of all other particles. It is likely there are particle field states that exist prior to quarks like Higgs other bosons yet undetected. The point is, I think there is a dual wave front propagating into space/time and into time/space and actually separated in actual time where matter is slightly behind antimatter or active dark matter in real time and actually creates the vector of persistent time to exhaustion.
Zeno appears to be correct about the hare never being able to overtake the turtle as the distance between them is always halved while always getting slightly closer for the turtle is actually older than the hare and exists in a slightly future time while the hare is always existing in a slightly past time that simply may not catch up to the turtles time. Reality is not a paradox due to time phase shift.
The electromagnetic force is the wall between the time phased or shifted states of matter and which probably accounts for evidence that the future prepares the present as it comes into existence in the future. It may explain the "spooky at a distance," due to dark matter potentiality wave front, existing slightly ahead of the kinetic matter wave front causing particles to pass backward and forward in time phased and shifted wave fronts.
The Electromagnetic force separated from the Electroweak force at the beginning of the Quark epoch and after the hydrogen nuclei was forged in the Hadron epoch and Neutrinos ceased to interact with other particles at the beginning of the Lepton epoch and ended with the beginning of the photon epoch and nucleosynthesis occurs, the wall separating the dual nature of matter evolved due to the fluctuations between the two time phased and shifted states.
It is likely the electromagnetic force in the photon epoch becomes this wall between phase shifted time as states of matter when matter appears to have dominated antimatter around one hour from the ignition point.
The Higgs Field and Mechanism may reside here, lubricated by the Bose-Einstein Condensate and Fermion Condensate to preserve the equilibrium established by the phase shifted time between dark matter reflected as antimatter and matter as fluctuations between the fields that actually are producing the electromagnetic force and photon force carrier.
The Dark Ages after clarity when Microwave background radiation streams freely, quasars as dark gravity stars begin to steam matter into space/time from out of the Zero point potentiality of time/space to achieve equilibrium by conditioning and evolving matter without causing continued cosmic annihilation events like the one that originally occurred and prior to the big bang ignition event in less than Planck time measurements and a distance smaller than one angstrom and Planck length or size of quantum foam.
These time scales may have become expanded over time, simply due to inflation tending toward entropic order rather than increasing disorder or chaos as observed and demonstrated in nature where it is possible in nature to evolve the human being and have main sequence stars that burn nicely for many billions of years much like our star which is much larger than most stars and much smaller than some stars, even billions of times smaller.
It may explain equations that predict time travel because it actually exists over a very slight time range and space. It may explain how faster than light travel may occur by tapping into the phase shifted dark matter future and folding it around the phase shifted matter past to form a "worm hole" effect to fold time/space fabric around space/time fabric and move the universe around our space/time, moving us vast distances without moving relativistically through actual space/time fabric. I do not know for sure because I do not know the math necessary to make such formulations and calculations, etcetera.
Other mathematicians and physicists have calculated a warp bubble is possible. If it truly is possible this appears to contradict the notion that the distances between the stars is far to vast to allow meaningful relativistic travel between stars or galaxies for that matter. The Avatar has suggested such travel is not possible or He may have just tried to put a lid on such possibilities for the sake of some Devine Plan or another. For if there really are some 18,000 humanoid planets out there which ship their souls towards earth for spiritual reasons, our traveling between such remote destinations and civilizations could easily complicate any Devine Plan for humanity, don’t you think!
I mean there is nothing in the Universe we know of more destructive and irrational than a human being consumed with greed and lust, coveting the wealth and property of 18,000 worlds some of which are much more intelligent than we Humans..
At some point, calculable by physicists, the plasma cooled sufficiently to allow particle waves and fields to exist, including the Higgs Field as a mechanism which may have advanced particle wave evolution into the first clarity in nature and is observed as the quasars and early elliptical galaxies likely orbiting these early quasars. As the plasma streams of dual particle waves were distributed fairly smoothly, these streams became the interconnected segments of the vast structure of the universe which ensures continuity of form to exist.
The particle fields or waves that condensed and precipitated from the first plasma cloud obeyed the same natural processes of the macro properties that existed prior to free particles as quarks and anti-quarks. The first particle wave began the first Fermion generation of matter and the first generation of stars did not produce heavy elements.
I would imagine we can determine an age or epoch of the seven stages of hydrogen of stars which became hugely massive for the production of the heavy elements from the corresponding hyper novi when they collapse and explode, accounting for the second generation of matter. These huge stars were required to allow for the necessary production of the heavy elements which provides the infrastructure for nature to evolve our physical bodies through the Law of Least Resistence into our gross world of solid matter.
When the third Fermion generation of matter occurred all seven planes of consciousness and the three Worlds as the Fermion generations of matter were extant and available to the human mind to traverse back to the original source and center which is the OBJECT and is directly mimicked or reflected in our own Object or singularity which needs be is the portal or doorway to the original OBJECT which is the Gravity over-control of all universes which orbit this singularity. It all is far larger and far older than our current models suggest.
My drawing of this concept as the triple tetrahedral triangle, elliptical cubical sphere, double spiral void is my template for notions I suggest and theorize including the four outer space levels and the Object driving it all to quiescence where all motion is exhausted where everything is experienced in fininity and motion on the finite level is transcended by the Divinity which seeks something beyond itself and is expressed in the miniature as the human being. Proving all this scientifically will take some time.
However, humans are spiritual creatures made of different states consciousness and the potential for higher consciousness which are able to determine what they are without any reliance on science as we have done for hundreds of thousands of years and if the Avatar is to be believed, 84 million years.
Science discusses gravity in terms that do not discuss a dual function embedded in gravities characteristics such as electromagnetism is, where science views electromagnetism as a combined dual force. This is an error, for to understand gravity one must grasp anti-gravity as well which is directly related to the properties of matter and anti matter at the macro and micro levels of reality we experience moment to moment.
I suggest that all four forces come or are born from the interaction of gravity/anti gravity or as described by the process reality of the interaction of the space/time fabric and continuum and the time/space fabric and continuum as suggested by the Higgs Mechanism at the boundary layer of the Higgs particle field between matter and antimatter or more precisely evolved antimatter or dark matter the parent of antimatter.
When our universe calved from the higher dimensional OBJECT like so many others, the initial implosion and resulting explosion were the result of the attraction of matter to antimatter and the resulting anti-gravity effect of antimatter repelling attracted matter in plasma to avoid the annihilation of antimatter. Hence, the dual nature of gravity expressed as a singularity or object at the center and beyond the Wmap of the universe as the big bang event and the dilution of gravity due to the opposition of antimatter as anti-gravity.
This is the precise reason black holes are not preditory but act as stabilizers for the galaxies that have come from and are produced by singularities as quasars expelling vast quantities of matter/anti matter into space/time, time/space in the early universe to form stars and then galaxies surrounded by stars from the matter/antimatter expelled from quasars.
Quasars may actually be dark matter stars and small big bangs/crunches in there own right. Are the singularities at the centers of galaxies burned out or sleeping dark matter stars?
Quasars are very massive objects and apparently where the first indications of the formation of galaxies. It is entirely possible these objects formed within the opaque universe just prior to clarity and were mostly composed of huge masses of dark matter which were rejecting or shooting our universes matter into empty space as a different example of inflation.
This would be consistent with the idea that the implosion occurs first and the recoil or eruption that follows as the explosion of the big bang is composed of the matter that was created in fusion in the original plasma state and fell back into quasar singularities by attraction prior to clarity.
Then, at clarity, these numerous quasars ejected this matter back into outer space/time by the dark matter that singularities are mostly composed of to avoid annihilation due directly to the anti gravity effect where the mass of dark matter is great enough to ex-spell this new matter as vast jets. These jets, in turn, then formed the structures we see that clusters and super clusters of galaxies form along and where space/time, time/space is disrupted.
This excitation of empty space causes matter to condense from ejecta of the quasars which also were ejecting dark matter that was already involved in the intimate dance with matter from before clarity shortly after particle wave formation which states has been calculated.
Our universe works because of the attraction of space/time matter to time/space anti matter and the repulsive force of time/space anti matter as the active component of Dark Matter as anti gravity. In other words the dual nature of the universe tricks nature into evolution as preservation. This intimate battle of fundamental dual gravitational forces powers the cosmos.
At the initial implosive event when space/time rushed into time/space just prior to the explosion as the first local implosion, it tore the fabric of space/time far out in the potential and empty universe causing at least four outer space levels of space/time producing rents in the fabric of time/space. These rents in the fabrics of space/time, time/space are vast and are producing stars and galaxies formed from singularities far beyond the central object which resides behind the Wmap image.
In great part these four outer space levels, actually attract the inner universe and in part is causing the rate of inflation to increase for our observable central universe made of at least 400 billion galaxies and probably far more. This, in part, is the phenomenon driving Dark Energy that seems to exist and may not, as an expression of mass or volume of the 73 percent of the missing universe.
The light from these expanding concentric "spheres" has not reached Earth. Eventually, the whole sky will be ablaze with light. We will find the entire infinite universe we inhabit is really turning itself inside out and outside in much like the award trophy appears, that Google presents for various achievements of note and excellence to various geniuses that deserve such awards. Te universe is actually like a Kline Bottle with no inside or outside, expanding to infinity and Beyond.
Again, the daily production of novi and the resulting singularity as black hole contributes to the expansion of our space which is the time of the dark matter mass potentiality. This number is directly proportional to the increasing expansion of space/time drawing upon the zero point resting potential of time/space due to the active element of dark matter which is antimatter that interacts at the boundary layer between matter and antimatter we now call the Higgs Field by and through the Higgs Mechanism that recycles and conditions matter and continues to produce new particle states from the evolution of this fundamental interaction.
I do not mean to infer that space is curved as it is flat, but it is a spherical representation of the Mobius Loop. When I first saw a Mobius loop, I made many of these loops and began to tape them together which I saw would make an amazing structure which I thought described the universe by being inside and outside of its self at the same time and it is, I do conjecture.
The actual number of black holes increases by one per day in the inner expanding universe and these new singularities propel the inner galaxies apart by expanding our space outward. Black holes are the doorways to the dark matter universe which is time/space and acts to repel matter. Our space is the dark matters’ time and our time is the dark matters’ space and vice versa.
The advancing number of black holes may account for the rest of the missing Dark Energy. The number of black holes is directly proportional to the expansion of the universe at least what we currently observe in the observable space/time continuum. This expansive force coupled or combined with the gravitational pull of the forming outer space levels is the Dark Energy phenomenon.
This is the engine of inflation from the first moments of the smooth expansion or inflation of the big bang event which initially expands faster than light travels simply because there is nothing present for light to travel through. This does not violate Doctor’s prediction for the speed limit in the universe.
However, I will not concede that light does not move faster than 186,000 miles per second at singularity when matter is revolving around anti matter in opposite but screwed angles where matter is stripped of its particles and returned to deep space as nearly massless neutrinos by being flung out of the singularity faster than light speed where matter is converted back into energy at the speed of light squared. Tell me this is incorrect (E=MC2^). The mechanism may need refinement but not the formula.
This is very much like what initially occurred at the most first point of motion and is the OBJECT that is the gravity over control of the Universe of Universes that is extant in the central and Devine universe. We will eventually detect and confirm this Gravitational OBJECT as well as the singularity behind the Wmap in our universe.
All the forces of nature are derived directly from gravity/anti-gravity including electromagnetism as produced first at singularity by matter orbiting antimatter and acting as huge electromagnetic generators and particle accelerators and colliders where the electromagnetic force keeps the oppositely rotating streams of matter/antimatter separated just as occurs in the LHC to keep similar streams of particles separated.
The same principle of repulsion occurs at the quantum layers of the intimate dance between matter and antimatter where electrons are held in their orbits by the attraction of space/time matter to antimatter and the repulsion of time/space antimatter which acts to repel the electron from the positron at the layer of reality that would look smokey or foamy as the halo around atoms appears, based entirely upon how much dark matter or matter is present by mass ratio between matter and dark matter at the substrate or boundary layer that is slightly time phased and displaced between the two forms of matter unified in Gravity. All of these notions may be tested and measured, I am sure.
Based on these masses the shells of the orbits of electrons and positrons are assigned and are influenced by the addition of dimensional energies applied to these particle fields externally and internally. Currently we are unaware of the mass of antimatter or more specifically the mass of Dark Matter that is present at the sub-straight beyond the Higgs field. Until we are able to detect and measure the relative mass of the intimate dark matter and its active component of antimatter my theory will simply bark at the moon. Possibly, the LHC will locate this mass function by inference or actual observed events.
I think it will be demonstrated that we exist less than Planck time and Planck distance from the cold of absolute vacuum all the time. It may even be closer in the heart of massive stars on there way to singularity and especially at singularity or black hole as the remnants of novi and super novi.
I, simply, postulate there is a zero state vacuum of stored potential underneath and apart from all kinetic matter by time delayed and separated mirrored fields composed of gravitational field fluctuations. There must be an elegant formuli for such statements, I am sure. Electromagnetism derives from these field fluctuations of the opposed forces of gravity and anti-gravity which is Gravity in orbits composed of the dual nature of that Gravity.
It is likely there is no Supersymmetry model between the two states of matter and antimatter. There appears to be no Supersymmetry between bosons and fermions either. Moreover, Dark Matter may reflect like a mirror the particles of space/time matter, thus, revealing antimatter characteristics at the Higgs field interface observed as the anti-particle of the matter particle that strikes antimatter and is immediately reflected as the counter part of that matter particle. Dark Matter may exist more as stored potential than as a parallel universe occupied by beings and stars and sun’s and planets that orbit like we experience only as in a mirror image. I doubt this view is extant.
If quasars are Dark Matter stars they are more akin to singularities than they are stars as it is difficult to envision singularities streaming matter into existence from pure potentialities, although, I wouldn’t rule this notion out. This may be the case. Dark Matter stars in our space/time continuum may actually be found to be, quasars. Super massive black holes with billions of solar masses and surrounded by trillions of stars may actually be Dark Matter stars in equilibrium with matter stars surrounding this mass.
This Dark Star would be slightly time delayed, thus avoiding annihilation with matter stars. Possibly, these Objects are made of anti-quarks or other bazar forms of matter. There may be matter quark stars as well reflecting time/space phenomena.
The weak force of the evaporation of radioactive elements is equally driven by the same anti-gravity effect present in these elements as the mass of antimatter is much greater than is present in normal matter or radioactive elements which decay into lead when matter chases dark matter as antimatter down the rabbit hole and is exhibited or expressed as quantum gravity. The boiling away effect of radioactive elements is accounted for by there being much more antigravity present than gravity due to relative masses of matter and dark matter.
Radioactive decay occurs when there is much less matter present than the mass of dark matter that is present and isotopes boil away more easily, unlike normal matter which is more in equilibrium with dark matter. This is why radioactive elements are more unstable and used for nuclear devices as the strong forces in other elements are less easily broken. If we continue to fool around with nuclear devices we are likely going to locate antimatter in the underlying nature of reality and hopefully we will not test or weaponize this knowledge with our infinite ignorance.
This is where I disagree with conventual science which is unaware of these interactions of gravity, somehow. No doubt my approach is to be disproved or, worse, ignored and not by suggesting it is ridiculous or a pipe dream of some unsound mind. Personally, I think my speculations are fairly accurate and will be born out. I think there is evidence that there is a time delay and time reversal = T, suggests this postulation has merit.
I do not think the universe is fundamentally too complex for comprehension and we will soon determine that everything is separate and/or opposite but the same, to infinity squared. We will see, as the human mind does not like to truly let go of preconceived beliefs to achieve synthesis as it is not easy to do this mentally with regard to notions of grasping true and extant infinities.
Four - Analogous Visualization of Reality
We, you and I, and all else we experience and all else we are totally unaware of as persistent reality is the front of the pressure wave of the Bing Bang event in our relativistic space/time. The initiator was the initial contraction or implosion which immediately rebounded as expansion or inflation very quickly sending this impulse far into deep time and then the explosive event returned upon itself to fill the void or emptiness from whence it originated. Explosions still behave in a similar manner but are not like the Big Bang event in most other ways.
The pressure wave that returned upon itself, tore deep space in deep time in four concentric, yet flat, and expanding spheres exhibiting exactly the characteristics of the Big Bang event at a most finite blue white point of incidence. This most first shock wave propagated faster than the speed of light simply because there was nothing extant at first ignition and our Big Bang was and is a much smaller event than the most first motion and OM point that occurred trillions of our years prior to our infinite universe and That was infinite and finite. This event is ten dimensional and preserves and protects all of the infinite number of universes this ten dimensional OBJECT calves or creates.
We have a similar Object, extant at the center of the expanding wave front beyond the Wmap prior to clarity at about 320,000 thousand light years after ignition. We will eventually detect the singularity which exercises gravity over control of our infinite universe. How then does our experience of reality composed of space/time exist through the arrow of persistent time?
The event produced a duality where the implosive event is separate from the explosive event and remains so. The implosion produced time/space fabric and is the reservoir of potentiality. The explosion produced our space/time fabric and is the kinetic expression of the source and center of potentiality.
Visualize our reality of matter as if it is a huge space ship and the space ships fuel tank is the potentiality of dark matter and this vast space ship can go anywhere we want at very high velocities. Our ship is riding upon a wave of forces that burn the fuel in our fuel tank all the time but in a much more pleasant manner than the initial acceleration appears to have been. Are we the masters of our own ship?
So what is this persistent wave we ride upon and surf heather and yon should we will it? Imagine a very thin boundary layer that exists just beneath our ship that is riding the wave. Doctor Higgs has the privilege of having this boundary layer named after him as the Higgs’s Field or as I visualize, Ocean.
This more than electron microscopically thin boundary layer simply sizzles with the interaction of our matter and the vast potentiality inherent in vacuum potential as our fuel that we have named dark matter. This sizzling foam supports the hull of our vast ship and keeps it afloat on the ocean. This burning interaction between our ships kinetic actions and potentiality contained in the deep ocean, creates a reaction of potential we have named dark energy or as I like to think, the Higgs’s Mechanism.
It is as if we dance upon the repulsion of magnetism as we communicate across time in the electrical circuit the repulsive poles creates as that sizzling display of foam we ride upon in really "High Voltage."
The dark energy is akin to the actual burning of the fuel in our star drive combustion chamber where our matter attempts to fill empty potential and is annihilated by its own reflection we have named anti matter which is the actual fuel that keeps us on course that is now on auto pilot.
As we travel in space/time we must at times fill up our fuel tank with a new singularity usually about once a day and this new fuel actually increases the speed and maneuverability of our ship causing us to go faster and faster. This interesting phenomenon of space/time, time/space started again about 5 million light years ago when we finally had built the necessary number of fuel stations to over come our drag coefficient made up of the total mass of our light ship.
So, where do we want to go for time is a wasting?
FIVE - Synthesis of Knowledge for the Realization of a Unified Field Theory or Theory of Everything
I have learned many things over the years but what amazes me the most is the amount of absolute garbage that we humans must endure from so-called prophets or gurus of esoteric and obscure imagination, masquerading as factual information and knowledge.
Folks like David Icke and many more that seem to be attracted to utter nonsense that purports facts of a bazar nature that cannot be verified except with more non-verifiable
"Facts" have lead a large number of well-meaning folks down that rabbit hole of lunacy that sounds or comes across fairly organized and cogent but really plays with true madness.
A case in point is the amazing racial hatred embodied by a large slice of the so-called white race that preaches nothing but hatred and fear with regard to President Obama. It is truly amazing how many closeted bigots and racists came out of the wood work when a man of mixed races was elected to our highest office, twice.
The major tool of propaganda that these deceivers of humankind use is fear brought about by eloquent hate speech that resonates with low information seeking minds, mostly due to mental laziness who wish to be lead. Nazi Germany is the classic example of this type of disinformation tyranny which, by the way, nearly succeeded in enslaving the World with pure ignorance, devoid of enlightenment or rational thought.
Let us burn our books and shut the government down and put these functions in the hands of the rich and powerful who will be benevolent to the masses of neo serfs. If you believe this crap, I have some swamp land or desert for sale.
This form of dysfunction is espoused by those who with full awareness willfully practice ignorance as a business for making large sums of money to further their agendas whatever they may be and for the pure pleasure of confounding the masses where they experience this power as that hideous strength C. S. Lewis portrayed so accurately in the Space Trilogy.
One might ask what the heck this diatribe has to do with the synthesis of knowledge and a proven Unified Theory of Everything or a Unified Field Theory of physics. Well, it is important to point out what knowledge is and is not to understand or comprehend either one. One that has always experienced the light of day may not imagine what the night is until the absence of light.
Just because we may not be able to observe certain things does not preclude the scientific or even the empirical method from determining over time by experimentation and observation the truth of a hypothesis or theory or postulate. This approach is used with good results in the statistical analysis of vast quantities of data and information leading to certain conclusions that are verified statistically such as humankind’s effect on climate change by our increased production of free carbon and the release of methane and other green house gases. Well, it is a verified fact that we are partially responsible for climate change simply due to our consumptive behaviors such as burning fossil fuels at a predigest rate from aircraft, automobiles and power plants.
It is suggested that our activities, unchecked will provide four feet of water in Miami, Florida by the 22nd Century. Isn’t that a charming predication based on verifiable data sets over time? It now appears that Greenland is undergoing a runaway melt where the volume melt water is greater than the replenishment of snow in the interior of Greenland. This circumstance may give us 15 feet of new melt water in the Ocean. I guess we must adapt and become creatures of the water in vast numbers. Should Antarctica decide to melt entirely we could see another 100 feet of melt water in the Ocean and possibly much more.
Two more degrees added to the mean temperature of the planet, which this single pipeline will not cause, will add as much as fifteen feet of water to the Ocean. This pipeline, to move tar sand oil to port, does not benefit America as none of the oil or profit from it comes to us. We do not know how to clean up tar sand oil if the line were to break. Didn’t the oil well disaster in the Gulf teach us, again, what we knew in the past?
I live nearly in the path of this stinking pipeline and if The President and Secretary Kerry were to approve it, I will camp out in the path of its advance and I told the President I would do so. We don’t need it and we don’t want it. It has nothing to do with America’s energy independence, thus, if approved it is a political decision and I wonder who will receive a suitcase full of money from those who believe they may buy our government or destroy it, which ever comes first.
I have suggested since 1969 that humankind needs to establish a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge where our jobs would be related to the study of all things known and unknown. I believe our Forefathers had this in mind as they understood the potential of an awakened Public which is why they installed a normative republican democracy to shepherd the Public until it would or could awaken to its own potential in an equitable Free Enterprise System of checks and balances to achieve a worldwide synthesis of purpose and advancement and the creation of an advanced civilization that could sustain and preserve the best of our combined and individual efforts.
If you believe this is impossible on such a scale, all you need do is observe NASA and what it does, to know, such a concept is not only possible on a vast scale but essential for our survival as a race.
This idea or notion is not idealism as it operates ever single day as government but without the efforts and effects of an awakened Public. Folks certainly have the heart and cerebral abilities to accomplish a synthesis but for their need to follow folly and ignorance as preferable to personal responsibility and study. No one suggests life is easy or fair, but it is a challenge for us to pull ourselves up and become the ethical and moral beings we actually are without rancor and hatred and fear and with kindness.
There are many folks among you all that really do not want an active aware public organizing to achieve equality and equity through voting and the transparent conduct of government, unlike what Mr. Christy seems to be about. Where are you at on this subject? I personally require transparent government with oversight which we did not get when Congress passed the 50 Billion dollar Sandy bill.
Why, when accountability is all our Republican representatives seem to need from Democrats for every little subjective infraction of their hubris laden belief system that appears irrational, like, "I will snap you in two like a boy," statements from New York Congressman Grimm uttered to a correspondent after The President’s State of the Union address. What a maroon. I will say there is no longer such a gentle nature to folks were I live as there was when President Coolidge had his summer office in the High School I attended.
The Congressman is welcome to come back to my area and say that to a Wyoming cowboy or rancher if he really wants to know what the real world is willing to tolerate from ignorant fools. I tell you honestly, I wouldn’t say something like that to any one, especially a hard working cowboy like the ones I grew up around with great respect.
Some times folks from the East and West forget where they actually are with relation to folks who live in the plains states without pretense in the natural environment where one respects most things and people. Wild Bill Hickok, a dude from Troy Grove, Illinois, once said, "it is no sin to kill a bad man." He is buried up on the hill above Deadwood for living with philosophy of violence and the gun. I get what he meant by his quip.
So what does Hollywood do but make ridiculous movies and televison programs of zombies, vampires, werewolves and other assorted crap to keep our fight or flight response right at the surface to exploit our fears for their gain regardless of the ethical or moral consequences. What a waste of genius talent if not used for purposeful visualization which does exist. Check your compass, boys and girls.
The gun manufactures and proponents of the right to bear arms, use the same tactics on the public and Hollywood goes right along with this fear mongering by producing absolutely ridiculous movies portraying the fun of killing your enemies without receiving a single scratch. Even the super hero movies have polluted the notion of ethically driven moral behavior to the fringes of stupidity for sales.
It is important to point out that the reason America is so successful, far beyond any civilization we know of, is due to entrepreneurs who were visionaries of commerce and industry that at times, grudgingly, accepted the notion of equity and fairness in the market place and what folks needed to earn in that market place to make it viable and dynamic. It is no sin to make money and profit from it if there is no hubris of greed and/or lust for power direct expense of the Public.
These attributes of disturbed minds leads to the belief that only the master of an others’ fate keeps them safe in their control. My ancestor, left Britain and came to America, the third ship after the Mayflower, to get away from such madness and false authority. This, in part, is the same reason we fought the Revolutionary War and the Declaration of Independence was penned. I still can not stand or tolerate tyrants, anywhere for they seek to destroy Hope.
Again, we have proved by historical reality that mercantilism and its evolution, known as capitalism, does not work for all because there are no checks and balances governing profits for the very wealthy are able to buy government off at the expense of those who actually do the work and who make the products that bring these profits. The Great Recession of 2010 is the most recent factual evidence of the utter failure of unregulated capitalism’s effect on society.
Now, we are fighting another class war and to what purpose if not to throw off the tyrants who seek to rule without the consent of the Public. Same old game, just a different day with a different face and a Public that is only marginally more aware and that due to technology based primarily on the work of Albert Einstein who my Father told me was not able to add up his pocket change, really.
When these small groups of capitalists are unable to buy the tasset support of government at the public’s expense they use hate speech to frighten the very folks that are most impacted by low wages and miserable working and living conditions to support the notion of unlimited greed and the quest for tyrannical power by growing racism and bigotry, all by the non-transparent efforts of this very small number of irresponsible and, frankly, dangerous child tyrants, who, due to their greed for power and immense wealth, threaten the foundations of democracy.
Chris Hayes, a brilliant political news commentator on MSNBC, said on his January 30, 2014 news cast, he had or could write a book on this dangerous mind set subject about some of our wealthy child tyrants who may be dangerous, and I wish he would, given his profound insight into such matters of the mentally ill political tyrant. I say, go for it Chris, and I will buy your book, simply because I love sunshine and what it does to real vampires that lurk in the darkness of their self induced ignorance.
This philosophy of greed and power will not stand due to its own social and economic inertia which is expressed as pure conscious ignorance, incarnate. Why, you may ask, and the answer is simple. We, the People and the Public rebel. This is why we will resist the Keystone pipeline project to ship tar sand oil and any other equally inane projects that don’t advance the Public’s interests, here on out, as the Public slowly awakens to their purpose, which is democracy and influencing those who represent democracy as representation and that in transparency.
I would ask forty-seven senators why they wish to pass a bill increasing sanctions on Iran prior to determining if diplomacy works to avoid another military industrial complex effort to march our best off to another war for the purpose of establishing a low to mid-intensity conflict that never ends. I tell these Senator’s straight out that we veterans will require a very good reason to permit our representatives from voting to start another war after being lied to about the Bay of Tonkin fiasco and the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction fiasco.
I listened to both of these stories intently, over time, and saw absolutely no reason to fight a war or perform a police action as the news media found in both instances that facts were manufactured prior to the congressional votes being taken. The real threat to the Republican Democracy of the United States of America comes from the intentions of the military industrial complex to make vast quantities of cash at the tax payers expense.
The question is if I had factual information to the contrary, why did Congress vote to march our young men and women off to potentially die all in the name of lies?
If nuclear deterrence is such a big deal, why do we have dozens of launch officers cheating on their proficiency tests and fewer smoking mother nature, or what ever? Someone somewhere has their collective heads in their fourth point of contact.
Again, I would ask why we are poised to spend a trillion dollars refurbishing our nuclear weapons program in the next decade and far more in the following decades when the Cold War is over? I thank Rachel Maddow another brilliant MSNBC political commentator for this information.
I was well trained in the tactical use or employment of weapons of mass destruction as a Chemical Officer in the United States Army. I assure the reader we have weapons systems that are every bit as effective as tactical nuclear weapons without the residual effects of such nuclear devices known as collateral damage such as blast, heat and radiation as fallout.
Our technology has moved well beyond requiring the use of most tactical nuclear weapons with much greater accuracy, far less collateral damage and that are actually more effective than contaminating an area we might need to deploy troops. One such device is used or may be used with nearly pin point accuracy in the form of an inert kinetic penetrator which you may study on Wikipedia if you desire.
The point is a conventional weapon that strikes its target at ten times the speed of sound with military GPS accuracy is one of the very reasons that the Syrian Regime is in Geneva talking about a transitionary government and why they gave up their chemical weapons we have been trying to demilitarize for the last five decades, and who says diplomacy doesn’t work.
How would you feel knowing what I know, sitting in a concrete reenforced bunker, two or three hundred feet or more underground, knowing that one of these devices is probably targeting my location? I would negotiate to survive such a possible fate. I have absolutely no doubt that our Commander in Chief would use such force if our national security was in jeopardy.
Weapons such as this might have a great deal to do with Iran wishing to have their own non-weapons grade nuclear power program with constant verification. We will see if this is the case. So the question remains why are we poised to spend a trillion dollars on mostly obsolete nuclear weapons if it isn’t to fleece you and I.
We no longer know what a government of the people, by the people and for the people means. Folks that inhabit the Tea Party rally around the old symbol of "do not tread on me" without even knowing that they are the very government they wish to dismantle as they have bought off on the tactics of fear and hate to accomplish what their low information seeking brains can’t confirm for themselves due to serving greed.
Should we not succeed in locating the Unified Field Theory and fail in establishing a society for the synthesis of knowledge, we will not develop an advanced society of enlightened individuals that Doctor Michio Kaku has envisioned in his last book, The Future of the Mind. It would seem the science of the Mind is on the rise and has been since the sixties except, please, do not "drop out" but do "tune In."
We must bring everyone along that suffers economically, socially and educationally with the rest of us that have faired better. President Obama realizes this need by the establishment of seven economic zones to combat economic inequality and spur growth using the assets of government and the private sector in collaboration to advance educational and job opportunities. I don’t know, but he doesn’t seem like a king to me, but what would I know.
This model of cooperation between government and private entities and universities could be expanded throughout the country to rebuild our infrastructure and educational systems. Why, some might ask and I would respond to this reasonable question by saying there are no more frontiers that are readily accessible any longer and we need to continue the spirit of America to advance and grow with opportunities for all, just as we have for the past two hundred and fifty years.
If we lose our spirit to climb that next mountain and cross that next plain, we will forget our way and purpose to thrive and discover and we will accept a life lived in a state of hopelessness for us and our children. Nothing is more clear as our duty to preserve and re-infuse our national spirit with can do and will do. Granted, we have the Ocean and Space of which both are not readily accessible at present until we make it so.
There is one other infinity that allows the world to go around, and that is each human has the propensity to embrace, infinite ignorance, and with open arms. This aspect of human nature accounts for the epistemological difficulty Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr worried over in their correspondence regarding quantum mechanics in physics. Over coming this burden of mostly self induced ignorance will free us in so many ways and this quest for reason has never been as important as it is today.
We still have not solved this riddle of knowledge and it is the key to locating one verifiable and reliable unified theory of everything all may see and accept as fact much like relativity is today which is verifiable and reliable and is creating the circumstances for our renaissance.
The Avatar even failed to resolve this dilemma in the terms of math and physics, though He did so in the science of consciousness in God Speaks and Infinite Intelligence for anyone so preoccupied to study this accurate and verifiable and reliable information for themselves.
We are the force carriers who may empower ourselves to actively use our free will and abilities to seek out others of like mindedness to cooperate to collaborate and identify and solve long standing problems that hamper the renaissance of knowledge, learning, study and work we are experiencing to firmly establish an advanced society that elevates the significance of each and every individual to succeed and prosper to the best of their abilities without fear of the loss of hope, for, hopeless nations are in the grip of in tyranny and civil war.
We have folks in congress that would unwittingly at the behest of there masters produce such a circumstance of hopelessness right here by saying no. Now the new deceptive line of misdirection is their alternative ideas while still evading the necessity of compromise in a normative system of governance.
It is nearly impossible to compromise with those who claim they have alternative solutions to problems, but when examined by the critical mind find only the effort to move the center of government back to the states which they are striving to control by having majorities in legislatures and the governorship to emasculate the Public consensus that exists across the nation.
They continue to believe we, the Public, are unable to detect their treachery and methods of deceit, so their masters may luxuriate on their neo plantations while subjugating their neo slaves, you and I, with renewed campaigns of conflation, misdirection and disinformation driven by contrived hate speech and the fear that results. I wish it were a conspiracy but, frankly, it comes from habitual stupidity where one does the same thing over and over, lying, and expecting a difference result. Thus, self induced stupidity rules. These folks actually believe all is fair in politics, especially lying, which is exactly why it is the lowest form of science known to humankind.
We must advance ourselves together as our Public and leave our Child Tyrants far behind as ridiculous and dangerous relics of the past while they continue to draft along with the public’s rational views based on facts with their pseudo reasoning based on lies, while feeding on our fears of hopelessness and degrading our best efforts to compromise in the face of that hideous strength they exude.
It is pretty much like the evolution of species where an obsolete branch is extincted by their own evolutionary dead end behaviors, just as occurred with the Troglodytes in Europe prior to the arrival of Cro Magnons. Unfortunately, we are in transition with such a dead end evolutionary creature with notable exceptions such as Steve Schmidt a brilliant MSNBC conservative contributor.
I was raised in government and political rhetoric and learned early to stay out of politics because it seems to bring the worst out in humans. I still think this is the case. The only things I am interested in are facts and proofs and I will continue to rail against false information and intentions derived from such willing deceit anywhere and everywhere I find it with no apology for loving the truth derived from verifiable facts based in the scientific and empirical methods.
With regard to the human condition, I postulate that it was and is erroneous and wrong to have developed a national or federal government, quite apart from the Public to do the Public business. The error was dividing that Public by causing the Public to differentiate into two political parties, thus, emasculating the Public concept and reality in Union. Integration has not occurred, nor is it on the horizon.
If and until the divided public awakens to Public, democracy and government of the people, by the people and for the people is no more and perfectly suits the child tyrants wet fantasies of greed and hubris in that orgy of hideous strength of power for the sake of power where the public is ruled by the neo plantation owners who own the neo slaves, the sleeping public.
Thus, a Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge continues to perfect that great experiment of democracy upon equitable terms, is postulated.
Jai Meher Baba
Jack Sanders
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