Perfecting American Normative Republican Democracy
A Duty
February 19, 2014
Our Founding Fathers created a form of democracy and democratic rule with the intent that there was a mechanism or governmental reality and process that allowed the new democracy to change in ways that were beneficial to all. Unfortunately, at that time there was the reality of slavery and "All" was mistaken for the dominating race pervading the Thirteen Colonies prior to the Revolutionary War until this very day.
Reality then and now is what it is and it is left to the living to continue the perfecting of the most amazing form of evolving democracy there ever was and is. One might inquire as to why our democracy requires perfecting. If anyone actually does not know and would like to learn why, please read about what many very enlightened geniuses concluded long before I ever lived.
However, if you feel there is no necessity, what so ever, to continue seeking a more beneficial, equitable and just form of the government that so many others sacrificed and spilled their blood at times to create, preserved and protected the right to do so, then, you must compel yourself to read on to decrease the amount of ignorance you labor under.
Ignorance does not produce enlightenment for enlightenment always requires change and growth to evolve an enlightened awareness of process and reality. Ignorance of such matters becomes a static and inflexible and changeless philosophy of control to actually prevent growth and change within the individual mind and society as a whole, we call the Public which we are, in fact, members of that actually are the becoming Public.
Just as the Public is always changing and growing is what gave existence to normative republican democracy which the Public now enjoys, albeit, it is not perfected and requires further perfecting, always. This was the genius of the Founding Fathers that created the process to allow such perfecting of a flawed system always perfecting itself because of the Public that created the government for doing so.
The fundamental tenants for accomplishing the feat of continual perfecting of governance may be stated as a Free Press, three coequal branches of government and the Public. The public votes to install duly elected publicans to function in their representative capacities for the benefit of that Public who elected them, to continue the process of perfecting normative governance.
Thus, we have four branches of government rather than three and, herein, the Founding Fathers did not establish a mechanism for sustaining the idea and reality of the Public as an actual coequal branch of Government and separated the Public from the Federalized Government from the people as the Public and placed it into the hands of Politicians which simply exist due to the lack of unity within the very Public that spawned the very notion of political party to elect such politicians that seek to further the interests of those who elected them to office, thus dividing and fragmenting the purposes of the Public to govern beneficially, equitably and justly for all, the Public.
This is the purpose of this paper, to seek the means of resolving and correcting a fatal flaw in the process of normative governance which often is not working for equality under law, or economic safety or educational advancement and racial acceptance and sexual identity for the benefit of the people, by the people and FOR All the people who are that, now divided, Public.
The actual cancer that infects the American system of normative republican democracy is the political party or parties no matter the number. I will tell you why and what may be done to correct the problem of divisiveness that causes the cancer of division to exist and why a two party system of politics is inherently destructive to the Public that the government was created for, as the means of protecting the Public in the first place.
The genius of the framers of the Constitution of the United States above all else that was guaranteed and protected by the ratification of the original document by a majority of citizens of the Public, was protected free speech. For individuals and especially the Free Press have saved our bacon many, many times since 1776. The right to vote is actually a form of free speech and yet this fundamental right continues to be denied by those who would seek to control free speech.
The Free Press, knowing full well that no one may abridge the right to free speech as guaranteed by law is often the only protection for exposing those ignorant attempts to stop free speech in all its forms and totally contrary to the afore mentioned efforts of the founders to protect the means of perfecting their Idea of a living and thriving democracy within the Public for which it, the government, stands.
No where in this sacred Document does it state or mention in any way that there is a one or two or three parties politic to speak for segments of a thus divided Public. Parties grew of their own accord which immediately took the power of the People away from the Public they comprise, weakening the voice of the Public to where the Public is not the first coequal branch of the federal government created to protect this very Public.
There are numerous forces both in politics and government who would and do not wish to see an awakened unified Public without divisive political parties dividing that Public. This is the fallacy of normative republican democracy for one or both or more parties may seek war against the Federal Government and/or other branches and the notion of the Public for their own tyrannical purposes and ends which have little to do with equality, equity, benefit or safety of that Public we all are.
It was thought and believed by those pioneers of our democracy, notably, President Thomas Jefferson, and owning slaves, that the freedom of belief and education would advance the interests of the Public in such a manner to preclude the necessity of advancing institutions specifically for safe guarding what Public is and stands for as the very body that allows republican governance conceived by representatives of that Public who wrote the Constitution creating the Federal Government for the protection and benefit of that Public.
In other words these folks thought enough was accomplished in creating the federal system that, in fact, the Public was protected and free to do as it might in church and schools and state provided by elected governance. The same idealistic folks thought, that due to their differences of opinions and beliefs such disagreement would be either integrated by the process of enlightened debate from education and knowledge and would prevail and determine the integration of competing views by election and through normative governance by the voted normative will of the majority of the Public.
This is a great idea that simply does not work well or at all and most of the time just ends up further dividing the Public into camps of belief and unelected political parties’ folks of similar views create and rarely upon the foundation of educated opinion and supporting facts but usually material gain as greedy human beings are want.
We have such a complete mess today with no direction or purpose other than the accumulation of wealth by the few in an economic system which does not support or seek equitable sharing of such wealth provided by all. The Public is become the public of differentiation as thesis and antithesis and seeking no integration of purpose or intent between such parties and the divided Public for which these fractious unelected parties exist.
Not the Library of Congress, not the Smithsonian, not NASA or Woods Hole or the university system and the Large Hadron Collider, United Nations and many more amazing human endeavors have given any credibility to the manifest ignorance described by politics and the lust for wealth and power devoid of equitable fairness in the marketplace. Something fundamental appears to be absent or missing.
Not technology, entertainment or design in all forms and expressions, including writing, poetry, music, and spiritual and scientific knowledge, one of the most truly brilliant Presidents in our history, even Branson, Musk, Gates, Buffet, Diamandis, Page, Brin, Baba, Higgs, Maddow, Hayes, Einstein, Rodgers and many, many others have made a dent in the armor of this pervasive ignorance manifest as the sleeping American Public.
This ignorance was created by the founders of republican democracy when they told the Public they were safe from tyranny as long as the Federal establishment stood in their name with their full agreement due to being empowered by politicians who are like the fox watching the chicken cope for the farmer to keep the chicks and sheep safe from the wolves who were at the door as we watch the world burn down around us since before the Great War to end all wars that "ended" in 1918.
If I am mistaken in my views, that the Public as such, does not respond to such brilliant ideas and remain quite asleep, We are in deep trouble. I would not like to find that any such belief in an awakened and coequal branch of the government as Public is possible, simply because it is very likely we will go the way of ancient Greece where democracy was born and thrived for two or three centuries and was killed by war and more ignorance born of politics and enforced by politicians as the henchmen of the powerful.
It is far to easy to blame our social and economic problems on this group or that political party or those who have and control the wealth and its distribution. The real issue is, what are we as the Public going to do to improve the human condition for all.
If nothing needs doing to have an environment that creates living wage jobs and educates our children and builds and repairs the infrastructure that carries our commerce for all, then so be it. I hardly think this is the case.
There certainly have been periods in our history where inequality of rights and equitable means of sustaining economic growth and stability across the generations were far worse than exist today. The danger is we a slipping back into the conditions that produce national strife and even civil war that must concern all of us daily.
If we lose hope in our future because a way forward no longer exists for our children the last great experiment in democracy is at an end. Living in a nation truly stagnated by the constipation of greed and control of opportunity for all is a game stopper and an insane revolutionary nightmare, just as the Civil War was for the sake of equality and opportunity then.
Free Enterprise
When I refer to Free Enterprise, I do not refer to private enterprise or capitalism as such, although, there is no discord between these terms with regard to profit motive and profitability with certain exception which I will make quite clear.
In my conceptualization of Free Enterprise, it is conceived to allow the entrepreneur too freely enterprise for them and everyone else equally; both equitably and in revenue sharing with government and regulated to support these ends in a sustainable and fair market system of demand and supply and not supply and demand as the system exists now, where the revenue sharing with the government and equitable living wages are withheld in an unscrupulous manner.
Do you have an off shore secret bank account? Do you fear paying higher wages to employees because it is the responsible thing to do, rather than forcing social programs to support your philosophy of low wages upon the backs of tax payers who actually pay their taxes unlike those who hide there wealth?
Is capitalism a license to lie and cheat and steel and corrupt the political system for your own ends? Whom among you actually has a conscience and an ethical code governing your behavior or are you merely just another antisocial sociopath without conscience, feeding off the end trails of society in the shadows of deception?
Further, my conceptualization of Free Enterprise is both economic and social in its treatment of the Public for the benefit of the Public and those entrepreneurs seeking sustainability for the purposes of advancing society and societies interests which support economic safety and education from birth to death in a university system for the permanent awakening of the Public.
Many of the folks I mentioned above are doing amazing things to enhance the prospects of sustainable growth in the economy and education. They seek to support an enlightened and determined work force of engaged citizenry that existed until recently and now wanes.
This phenomenon in great part is due to the exponential growth of wealth in the hands of the few who have wittingly or unwittingly, who knowingly took stability and equitable growth out of the market place as demonstrated by the Great Recession of 2010.
My idea of education coupled to the market place as free enterprise university, does not support equal wages for all or taxing business to prevent great wealth or some kind of utopian communism where everyone is equal in property and wealth or some such nonsense.
Those who fear the rewards of democracy and stability for all often lie and suggest these ideas are socialistic or communistic because they still live in the embrace of ideological cold war dogmatism which in great part was ignorant rhetoric to keep the Military Industrial Complex in excellent business profitability with veteran’s blood and treasure.
President Johnson did not seek a second term because he knew we knew what the Vietnam Police Action was all about, oil and drugs and containing the largest generation to have ever existed. This is the same man who single handed passed Civil Rights legislation that will eventually secure social equality for all, including undocumented emigrants, the LBTG communities and women and enhance there economic stability from such social progress.
I seek advanced society devoid of immense greed and the lust for power as demonstrated by the so called, "White Race" that has given the World nearly endless war and environmental pollution for the past two or three centuries all around the globe from India to Australia, as the British Empire and others tough not as extensively, and the last three world wars of which we are fighting the third, now.
What an utter waste of resources and blood have been lost and squandered over the need to establish security so greedy folks may continue to withhold equitable economic and social conditions from their public’s for the purpose of making war. The Revolutionary War was fought to escape and curtail the Mercantilists of Europe whose governments sought to control and profit from all commerce and disallowed Free Enterprise that thieved in early America.
I do not suggest we become militarily weak or impotent or return to isolationism, but rather follow the example of negotiation and peace making for mutual economic gain and social progress for personal growth and scientific discovery based on study, which truly establishes lasting peace in security when the basic needs of freedom and economic security are shared through the efforts of true Free Enterprise as democracy and its benefits for all.
Is this a difficult task, I propose, to effect and affect economic and social change to truly benefit all for the sake of stability? The founding fathers believed they had created the circumstances to ensure democracy for all. Obviously, bad economic policy and ignorant politics does not provide the path to find the road to advanced civilization and knowledge which flourish.
The component that is missing has been illusive from the founding of normative republican democracy when we failed to have a vision of the potential of the awakened Public as the purpose for which nation exists with the continued blessing of that Public and no other.
When I speak of University, it is not the one you went to or wish to go to obtain credentials for the purposes of making a living or knowledge. My notion or postulation certainly contains this idea of a university for personal advancement. It does not contain any notion of idealization other than what is currently practical and extant and un-integrated for the most part.
What concerns the mind and thoughts of the individuals who comprise the sleeping Public are the same things than occupy all human beings all the time which is economic and physical safety and security free of strife and never-ending struggles in competition with the whole of their environment?
I suggest we improve our sense of education and work ethic and refine these ideas into a mutually supportive whole where we strive to begin our children’s education in preschool with entrance into university system provided by a university system integrated throughout the nation and eventually the world.
This university system then provides life long educational opportunities which are worked for by being employed by universities and private and/or governmental entities that forge a cooperative collaboration with universities regardless of geographical location.
Work or jobs are directed toward the study of all things, each to one’s individual capacities as determined by their educational prowess and abilities throughout life. Different skill sets fit different people where no ones’ abilities are less relevant than anyone else. Some folks are physicists and some folks are excellent cab drivers, and both serve a function and fill a need.
The disagreement I have with one job over another or ones worth over another is if we are an enlightened civilized people, absolutely no one should go wanting for a living wage or a safe place to live. Even the State of Utah has figured this out by providing housing and a social or a case worker to each homeless person because it is the right thing to do and it saves the tax payer money or we could decide to revert to the current state of affairs in North Korea in their gulags.
What we sow is what we will reap. If we engage in the process of providing excellent educations to everyone and insure employment for those who wish to work and improve their lot and economic and social attributes, most of the inane social and economic problems simply will greatly diminish just by providing such security to the Public as a whole and stop fragmenting the Public and our efforts to prosper by dividing ourselves from one another in divisive political institutions that have no merit other than keeping people profoundly ignorant for the purposes of greed and power mongering.
I have no idea why the very wealthy among us would feel set upon or criticized for their wealth of they are equitable business persons such as the folks that own and operate Costco Wholesale Corporation that is publically owned and traded. This is a perfect example of free enterprise in my definition. WalMart on the other hand puts up signs at Christmas time asking its employees to give to other employees who are financially hurting. What is wrong with this picture?
Bill Gates actually said that raising the minimum wage was a bad idea because it would just perpetuate the problem of low wages. What utter nonsense coming from a philanthropist, who created the software to allow me to write in the manner I do. This view point is likely the reason he is one of the wealthiest people on the planet.
Maybe Mr. Gates and others should get together with the Koch Brothers and solve the worlds’ problems by simply buying us all and then enslaving us all to do their bidding or other equally stupid chores. Just ask the person who works, two or three jobs, how they feel about an equitable living wage in the work place that provides the extraordinary wealth the few enjoy and covet and protect at the cost of the worker.
In some convoluted economic way, increasing the minimum wage may just kick the can down the road. Doesn’t it behoove us to find ways and means of changing economic policies and practices that allow living wages for anyone that works a forty-hour week?
I do, and I am describing a way to attain this goal of economic security and keep and enhance it in an environment devoid of hate and fear the politicians foster, push and create for the Koch Brothers and other child tyrants of this world.
The greatest threat to democracy is not some foreign enemy or terrorist organization. Our greatest threat to safety and security and social progresses are the child tyrants with mattresses full of their fathers’ money.
A Public University for the Synthesis of Knowledge is exactly what I seek to describe and seek to create through cooperation and collaboration amongst all interested individuals, simply to assure we develop a lasting advanced civilization for human kind. If it requires a genuine change of heart and belief for groups and individuals to form, then let it be so.
If a new humanity must develop then let it be so. If we humans must become more aware of our selves and others then let it come to pass. For, I do not seek power, but only peace and sustained security for all in renewed strength of purpose by the powers of reason.
I say to those who lust for money and power and to the disadvantage of others, awaken now and rejoin humankind, for you have strayed and are not able to take your treasures with you in death, where upon, I suggest you do not seek to return to life, just to do it all over again as this defines the wasted life.
We are ethically driven, morally acting very ancient beings who exist to serve others equitably and rationally with kindness and compassion and little else other than study and learning. Choosing war is always problematic and our choices must conform to the Great Seal of the nation and the Commander in Chief as observed and indicated.
As a veteran, I assure you that war must always be the last choice unless undeniably attacked, for to attack America from within or without is not prudent or rational. Our free press is the great vanguard to deceptions of ill intent.
Our history required some 239 odd years to achieve true differentiation into an actual state of thesis and antithesis where one political party seeks to improve the human condition of the many, by the many and for the many and the other political party seeks to improve the condition of the very few, by the very few and for the very few.
In order to heal the tremendous rift that these opposed points of view create, the Great Differentiation represented by this thesis and antithesis must accomplish a reintegration of intent and achieve synthesis in a purpose for the very existential survival of the awakening Public, the people.
Tough, there are no truly defined groups of either point of view, the essential differentiation has occurred as evidenced by the history of the past three decades and our preoccupation with war that protects no one. If the object is to keep the Public safe, we have failed on multiple levels within our own society and internationally.
Those entities that seek to destroy democracy seem to be as prevalent within our borders as those that are beyond our borders and for completely different motives and reasons, but still amounting to the same thing, tyranny, feed by hate and fear in conscious ignorance. This nation was conceived to lift its peoples above ignorance with science and education and not to burden its citizens with unsupported "facts."
Those who seek to destroy democracy for whatever purpose must stand in awe of the power that may be unleashed upon them, whether militarily or social or both.
The American people and their undaunted spirit to be free from tyranny and servitude must never be challenged as it was in the past and it is today, for the child tyrants will perish from this earth at the hands of reason and force of law if need be.
The collective soul of humankind cries out for the same things our Public has hard won and is now on the verge of diminishment. Those powers that are, who seek to dilute the quest for equality under the law of nations and diminish the sweet privileges of freedom, are reminded of our history which defends against such intrusions, even upon our hallowed ground.
If and when the Public awakens, depends greatly upon the motives and activities of entrepreneurs and people aware enough to know how I right I am. My ideas of advanced Union in synthesis will take many forms and courses to fruition but it is a journey that is required.
However, it does not preclude the fact that the people need to peacefully take back, their Public, that the Constitution was designed to protect and grow with reason in complete transparency and supported by our objective free press no other nation enjoys as a protected right, speech.
Jack Sanders
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